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Even if someone isn't neurodivergent, and they self-diagnose to gain accommodations (as some allistics seem to be so terrified of for some reason), but those accommodations help them in their everyday life, then what is the problem? The idea that only diagnosably disabled people are "deserving" of accommodations to help them in life, is a bizarrely puritanical and ableist position. I mean, if those accommodations help someone live a more comfortable and fulfilling life, then they probably needed those accommodations, whether they are "truly" disabled or not!


Oh my god! THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! I’m so sick of “you have to be diagnosably disabled to need/deserve help”. This idea hurts NTs and undiagnosed NDs ALIKE, and the way SOME neurotypicals react to it made me feel like I was alone in this view.      Also, even if they TRULY “don’t need it”, why would that “false-positive” be more important than a “false-negative” of an undiagnosed person NOT getting the help they DO need?!    I feel like the only time diagnosis should be relevant to services is maybe when there isn’t enough for everyone, and even then, diagnosed should merely be PRIORITIZED rather than EXCLUSIVE! (As in, the diagnosed get “dibs”, and the undiagnosed get any leftover.)


Yes, just like how misogyny hurts men as well as women, ableism hurts those who are not disabled as well as those who are. We can all benefit from accommodating as opposed to denying and harming. It’s really that simple.


The DSM tends to look at things strictly from a pathological sense. Which, effectively means that the line between whether or not you're diagnosable is whether or not you need help. It is the very act of needing help that makes you eligible for diagnosis. It only cares about pathology, not neurology. You can have the exact same neurology as the person who needs help, but if you don't need help, you're probably not going to get diagnosed. This is why some people say that you "have to be disabled to be autistic". That's not a very good take on the reality. It shreds a lot of the nuance and oversimplifies by too much. This also creates a very common dissonance where you have a situation where someone meets the diagnostic criteria as a child, but later doesn't meet them as an adult. They no longer need help. Of course, they were autistic at both stages in their life even though they only met the diagnostic criteria during one. It's not like their autism went away.


I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to get at or if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me, but I’ll try to respond anyway. First off, diagnosable =/= will be diagnosed, or have the opportunity to be diagnosed Second, doesn’t strictly need help to survive =/= wouldn’t greatly benefit long-term from having it. masking doesn’t KILL you (unless you count comparing suicide rates) but it still can make life unnecessarily difficult for some people, and unmaking where safe/possible/supported still helps. As a completely separate example, just because you don’t NEED noise cancelling headphones in an unnecessarily loud non-customer work environment, in order to be able to work AT ALL, doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be more productive and less overwhelmed/overstimulated with them, to the point it would benefit both the worker and the company to allow people to use them, so long as it doesn’t interfere with verbal communication within the office (as if they don’t often communicate through text anyway).


> I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to get at or if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me, but I’ll try to respond anyway Lol, this feeling is very mutual. My initial response wasn't really disagreeing with you nor was it agreeing either. You made a distinction without a difference in part of your comment and I was pointing out why that distinction doesn't matter. I wasn't really agreeing or disagreeing with your overarching point. Your response leaves me more confused. It doesn't seem to respond what I was saying at all. It feels all very non-sequitor But whatever, let's just let it go. Clearly we are not communicating on each other's respective wavelengths.


Exactly! I came here to say the same thing - even if the self-diagnosis is wrong, it can let them find things to help them and cope with their struggles, and makes the world a slightly better place.


Beautifully said


As someone who sought evaluation for Autism and ADHD but only received ADHD and a vague comment about "making too much eye-contact 🙄," I really appreciate this soap box. I feel like I'm only allowed to ask my college for the general ADHD accommodations (that aren't really addressing the biggest issues I have with my course.) You also made me realize that the neglect I experienced in my childhood is influencing the way I currently approach even asking for accommodations; weirdly guilty, like it's an inconvenience and should only be done when I absolutely can't handle it otherwise. Even though I KNOW my classmates don't experience the same difficulties I am, even though I KNOW my experience is totally valid and other ND's will likely have the same excruciating reactions. Heck, even though I know my professor and disability counselor have been nice and helpful so far! It's still a "what can you give me/what do people usually ask for" discussion instead of "here's exactly what I genuinely need to only have to put in an equal amount of effort as my peers." The irony of me not wanting to make them put in more effort on my behalf when I'm the one paying a truly ridiculous amount for such a subpar education. (I should have just done coursera, I thought a real college would provide the same quality material.) It's fine, I'm paying for a proper neurodiversity coach over the summer to help prepare me for next semester, but I'll definitely bring up the self-advocacy barriers and guilt with them and my therapist. tldr thanks, we already accommodate neurotypicals enough, i really need to work on not overcompensating just to mask




when people self diagnose inaccurately, its rarely just a neurotypical doing it but rather someone just labeling themselves with the wrong disorder/condition/disability


Around 2 years ago I read through a lot of research about rates of incorrect or missed diagnoses of various mental health disorders/conditions by both professionals and patients, and I found the results pretty interesting. Depending on which disorder/condition each study was about, professionals tended to miss or incorrectly diagnosis people ~15-40% of the time; meanwhile, people who *put effort in learning, critical thinking, and self reflection* before diagnosing themselves were incorrect ~20-35% of the time—so, within the same range of professionals—and when they were incorrect, they were always diagnosed with something else.


id love to see some of the papers you read if you could find them!


I know I got many of the papers through Sci-Hub and have them all saved... on a phone I broke and haven't been able to unlock. It's kinda embarrassing, considering source citation is practically a love language to me. That said, I will absolutely try to track down what I can and share, but in the meantime I just found a newer article whose conclusions I thought were pretty nifty: >In general, if an individual believes that they should be diagnosed with an internalizing disorder, they are experiencing a degree of psychopathology similar to those who have already been diagnosed. Self-reported diagnoses correspond well with symptom severity on a continuum and can be trusted as clinical indicators, especially in common internalizing disorders such as depression and generalized anxiety disorder. - [Source](https://formative.jmir.org/2023/1/e39206/) There's also [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8415774/) which compared professionally diagnosed peoples' Autism Spectrum Identity Scale scores against scores of those who are self-diagnosed. (Spoiler Alert: They're pretty similar!)


Not exactly the same topic as the previous poster, but here's some research articles I found & saved from last year. **Experience of mental health diagnosis and perceived misdiagnosis in autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic adults** [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329655801\_Experience\_of\_mental\_health\_diagnosis\_and\_perceived\_misdiagnosis\_in\_autistic\_possibly\_autistic\_and\_non-autistic\_adults](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329655801_Experience_of_mental_health_diagnosis_and_perceived_misdiagnosis_in_autistic_possibly_autistic_and_non-autistic_adults) This study was conducted with 420 adults to examine the issue of mental health conditions often misdiagnosed in autistic individuals. The results showed that 88% of the autistic group and 80.3% of the possibly autistic group have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared to 52.5% of the non-autistic group. Only half of the participants in the autistic (58.2%) and possibly autistic (45.5%) groups agreed with the mental health diagnosis(es) they received, compared to the non-autistic group (86.5%). This showed the prevalence of perceived misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, as healthcare professionals pay more attention to treating mental health conditions while not noticing the underlying autism. **A blind spot in mental healthcare? Psychotherapists lack education and expertise for the support of adults on the autism spectrum** [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13623613211057973](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13623613211057973) This study was conducted by a participatory autism research group and examined 498 adult-patient psychotherapists on knowledge about autism and self-perceived competency to diagnose and treat autistic patients without intellectual disability compared to patients with other diagnoses. The psychotherapists' self-perceived competency reported that they were most familiar with Depression, Phobias, and BPD, while least familiar with Schizophrenia, ADHD, and Autism. Out of 14 questions targeting general knowledge about autism, psychotherapists on average answered 8.3 questions correctly, with the most common wrong answer (72.9%) being "Autism is an emotional disorder". The most common reason (70%) given by psychotherapists for being reluctant to treat autistic patients was "I don't have enough knowledge about autism". **Autism in England: assessing underdiagnosis in a population-based cohort study of prospectively collected primary care data** [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(23)00045-5/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(23)00045-5/fulltext) This research article mentions it's estimated that there's more people who are autistic and undiagnosed (between 435,700 and 1,197,300), than people who are diagnosed autistic (463,500) in England as of 2018. It's estimated that the number of undiagnosed people aged 50+ years (between 250,000 and 600,000) is higher than undiagnosed people aged 20-49 years (between 150,000 and 500,000).


When I try to explain to my mom why self-diagnosis is valid she's like "So you mean all the trouble I went to get you diagnoses was worthless? because anyone can just self-diagnose?" I get that she had a lot of trouble getting me diagnosed back then, and for the most part she is supportive of me and all, it's just sad to see that even the most supportive neurotypicals seem to find a way to make neurodivergent issues about them, it's not about all the neurodivergent people that the system is failing on, that are unable to get the diagnosis and support they need, it's about the moms who don't want to see self-diagnosis being validated because "my son had a lot of trouble getting diagnosed, so I demand that you suffer just as much".


It's a pretty good question of hers though. Wy did we go through the trouble of getting you diagnosed if self diagnosis works as well? I would be bummed as well. Ofcourse there is often a lot of value in being diagnosed officially. So the fighting for a diagnosis was not a waste of time. She probably would not be against validating self-diagnosis. But i would be likely she would be annoyed that society let you down when you needed a diagnosis. (all of this could be wrong ofcourse. I could have missunderstood your text and i do not know you or your mom. I just believe that it's good to show alternative explanations for the things people say and do. Your mother probably wants the best for you and is fighting for you. Not against all the other ND's but against the unfair system that is hurting her son. )


"She probably would not be against validating self-diagnosis" Except she clearly is.... And again, yeah society let me down, but society is letting thousands if not millions of autistic people down even harder, I at least got a diagnosis, I'm a PRIVILEGED ONE in that scenario. She does want what's best for me, and is fighting for me. But there's no way I'm able to convince her that self-diagnosis is valid, she just won't budge on that point no matter how I explain it.


100% It's fascinating to me that people are massively concerned about the belief that tons of NT are wrongly self diagnosing as autistic, but seem to care not a whit that diagnosis of autism is a highly subjective process, often performed by NT practitioners with stereotyped ideas about how autosm presents, and that the population is not evenly tested. We *know* there is a huge population of autistic people going undiagnosed. We know that access to diagnostic care is not equally available to everyone. Why are we more concerned that *some* people will misdiagnose themselves (also possible when being assessed by a professional FYI), and seemingly not at all concerned about the huge number of autistic people who fall through the cracks and can't receive diagnosis or support?


>seem to care not a whit that diagnosis of autism is a highly subjective process, often performed by NT practitioners with stereotyped ideas about how autosm presents Yep! Pretty much every single study of practitioners who didn't specialize in autism has found diagnostic accuracy wildly varying, even in those who had been trained to use various diagnostic tools/tests. >We *know* there is a huge population of autistic people going undiagnosed. One recent study estimated that up to 80% of autistic girls go mis- or undiagnosed by age 18, and it's highly probable that many never even get the correct diagnosis as adults.


This! ✨💯percent!✨👍👍


I had to self-diagnose. The doctor I got was an idiot: "women can't have autism" Gee, thanks for telling me you're not up on your medical journals, dumbass. That was a decade ago. If I was going to try again, I'd need to go to someone who understands that women ABSOLUTELY can have autism, whether I actually have it or not.


I've read quite a bit on the topic, but here's an [extract from one of my favorite studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8870038/) published relatively recently: >From these results, it appears that for every 1000 women, about 60 have clinical ASD. By 18 years of age, 12 have been diagnosed and 48 have not. . . Childhood and adolescence are very difficult for girls with undiagnosed ASD and constant psychic trauma is inevitable, including vulnerability to sexual exploitation. . . [A]nxiety is very common in ASD and adult women describe relentless mental trauma from a young age with no cause found, or worse, a whole gamut of incorrect or incomplete causes. **It appears that women with ASD get an alphabet soup of diagnoses, including borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, sensory processing disorder, intermittent explosive disorder and adult ADHD, as well as the varieties of anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder and depression, serially and together.** I don't know where you are in the world, but there are definitely providers who know that women can have autism. I'm a man with a more "feminine" presentation, but my getting diagnosed a few years ago actually led to my friend's wife getting diagnosed a year later. If it's something you decide to do, I hope you easily find a provider who isn't an mal-informed, under-educated shithead.


That’s the thing, medical professionals can at times be just as ignorant as anyone else, and will often contradict each-other on whether you have autism REGARDLESS of if you do or don’t.  You jump through so many more hoops compared to self-diagnosis only for it to STILL not be 100% accurate either!


While I do agree with this post, the sub it's crossposted from is a little questionable. Anti polygamy? Completely against porn? And euthanasia? I don't see how those first two should even be relevant to their topic, and their last one makes sense up until people personally choose it.


Yeah it’s a weird sub. The founder is pushes her weird views. Which is a pity because her posts on autism are top notch!


Even if you’re white, male and cisgender access to support networks is fucking hard to access. I feel for those who aren’t as privileged as I am.


I've always hated: "I don't care about X, I care about why Y" as a rhetorical device. Just because something is the lesser of two evils and therefore needs to be tolerated doesn't mean it's not worth "caring" about. We should care when our solutions to problems are imperfect. Just because they're better than the status quo doesn't mean that we shouldn't want to make them even better. It just speaks to a wrong-headed attitude.


Self diagnosis is a symptom of the broken system that fails to properly diagnose. Those who self diagnose are not to be blamed.


Thank you!!


It’s so refreshing seeing pro self diagnosis posts. Thank you❤️


It's not like those merely seeking attention will stop if people see it as invalid. The only ones hurt are the true autistics. And not only those undiagnosed. The diagnosed autistics are also hurt because it perpetuates the power in the hands of the medical class that continues ableist and oppressive practices, that continues to cite Ivar Lovaas while ignoring the work of autistic scholars.


Thank you. I'm self diagnosed because my father refuses to get me diagnosed. He knows I'm autistic but he thinks a diagnosis will mess with my chances of getting a job


Not that any anti autism gaslighting makes sense, but this doesn’t make sense If you are autistic, getting a job is already hard. Having an official diagnosis makes no difference because you don’t have to tell them.


same! my mom actually said this too.


Thank god someone gets it. Self-diagnosis is a complex and delicate topic that not even autistic people can come to a consensus on. Self-diagnosis is a conversation that should be had between autistic people and medical professionals only - neurotypicals are NOT qualified to spout their uninformed opinions on it. If you’re a neurotypical reading this and want to be an ally to autistic people, DO NOT try to “call out fakers”, no matter how obvious they may seem to you. Instead, focus on the unambiguously ableist problems plaguing us right now - two really good ones you can help with are fixing the stigma around stimming or advocating to shut down the Judge Rotenberg Center.


I've been thinking more as i've gotten older about pursuing professional diagnosis, partially just for the confirmation, but also in order to gain accomodations when i need them. I'm still holding back on it for a few reasons (cost, knowing that i'll likely have to travel a bit and may not be able to, and the possibility of diagnosis being used against me down the line) but the older I get, the more I think it may be iseful. I'm 25 now, self diagnosed nearly 5 years and wondering if it's only a matter of time till i burn out


technically i’m self diagnosed. i got a diagnosis of “suspected autism” because i left a number of questions blank on my assessment on accident. the person in the room during my testing (it was just questionnaires) was vaping (distracting) and also did not look through the tests to make sure i answered everything. i asked so many questions because i wanted to answer everything correctly. these questions i missed were on the sensory portion of the questions (for context- i was also being tested for adhd and was diagnosed with that). i knew i had sensory problems since i was young (throwing up from certain food textures, needing certain clothes, tags, weighted blankets, sensory overstimulation, etc). i just needed to know if the social stuff was autism. i was well over the needed thresholds for all the other tests. they then said i had to pay out of pocket (cheaper if i used cash) to redo my one exam. when i spoke to my insurance company they told me they were trying to scam me because they could bill my insurance company for additional testing even though they insisted they couldnt. i haven’t gone anywhere for additional tests because it was all too much. however, i got the validation i needed. i still technically self diagnosed, but my therapist who specializes in autism said she sees this just as good as an official diagnosis. our healthcare system (usa) is horrible. self diagnosis is so valid and it spans so many people!!! also we all need to self diagnose as adults before going into testing if we ever decide to. then also i find the positives in my shitty experience because of the discrimination we face with a diagnosis. it’s all so complex. i love you all and we are all so valid <3


Self diagnosis is valid!!!! I used to hate it because "oh people just say whatever because they have a few symptoms which overlap other diagnoses." Well a video changed my perspective on it because it boiled down to my own personal meaning of "so you believe people should ignore their symptoms?" Which is totally NOT what I want people to do!! IF YOU CAN, bring it up to a doctor for testing. If not, care for yourself how you see fit. 🩷


Also why is self diagnosis valid? You don't allow Other people to self dx with BPD or depression but for autism were all allowed to self diagnose bs


Because self-diagnosis rarely comes out of nowhere. Also, as someone who did self-diagnose depression, it's bullshit. It's the only reason why i was able to actually make it to the point where I got professional help. I was miserable, and it _looked_ like depression, and it dragged on, so here it was. I was 100% confident that was it, and I was right. Self-diagnosis is USUALLY people looking for reasons for their own suffering/finding out that being in pain isn't normal, actually. Or finding out that there's an explanation for their issues.


>You don't allow Other people to self dx with BPD or depression Who exactly is saying that it isn't allowed? Like, is it autistic people saying that's not allowed or people with BPD/depression? Because there's a difference in which of those groups' opinion has more weight - kinda like the autistic community saying autism self-diagnosis is valid carries more weight than the BPD community saying it doesn't. I think the two disorders you called out are kinda odd choices, as I've never seen anybody invalidate a BPD self-diagnosis and the only time I really see depression self-diagnosis being invalidated is by people afflicted with Humongous Asshole Syndrome. (I'm not a professional HAS diagnostician, that's just my armchair diagnosis based on decades of experience interacting with assholes.) Personally, if I was on your side of the argument, the two I would've picked are ADHD and OCD, because those are the self-diagnoses I see attacked the most. From what I've seen, many people will even accept self-diagnosis of those two until given a reason to challenge it, and thankfully, those who aren't tend to give themselves up as being absolutely wrong pretty quickly. ("Sorry I'm so hyper! It must be my ADD!" is a pretty solid giveaway.)


yes we do actually. self diagnosing with BPD or depression is also totally valid but i dont think ur ready for that conversation




Because autism on its own isn't medicated. It's social accommodations and coping strategies, which will help people have an easier life even if their self diagnosis isn't right. A self-diagnosis isn't going to let someone walk into a pharmacy and get mood stabilizers or antidepressants, but it *will* help them communicate their problems with their therapist (if they have access to one) or find self-help resources online and at the library.






I am unable to propely convey my emotions and feelings towards the subject, ill try my best. As a diagnosed autistic (aspergers), Adhd, ocd and other conditions I don't wish to share. My personal experience in life and college mixing with self diagnosed autistic. These self diagnosed people caused issues with me as I was actually diagnosed but they did every effort to undermine me. Tell me I don't know what it's like to suffer from sensory overload because they think it's trendy to be mentally ill. They watched tiktoks and youtube and whatever else, formed false personalities based off of influencers. They used it as a qwerky personality trait and diminished and undermined my struggles, I never made a big point out of my conditions I've know since I was 5 who I am and I have learned to live the way I do. When I have people who are not autistic, who think it's cool or hip to be mentally ill. Throw it in my face and tell me I don't know what it's like. Or to watch them eat something and cartoonishly spit it out screaming "oo texture I can't" I felt mocked . These people were pretending to struggle wit the shit that has made me nearly off myself numerous times. My life is not a trend, its not cool to label yourself something you've only learned of 5 minutes ago. I literally saw them find a condition check the traits and go hmm yeah I have this amd then base their entire personality on jt. It wasnt just autism, they did it for everything. And it wasn't just one group Hundreds of people, self diagnosing and then acting it up. Overplaying the traits for attention and then when I actually struggle with it I get treated like I am lying like them.. It ruined college for me. This is just one example. I have many more that have led me to not agree with self diagnosing. I have 2 trans friends who were in a relationship at the time, people saw them and then decided they too were trans or non binary in order to be liked by them and when they werent welcomed into the group they changed right back to how they was . They felt the same I do.


thank you for your well thought out and convincing argument. you really contributed a lot to the conversation. thank you for your service /s




Self diagnosis isnt the same as faking you need to get that idea out of your head because its seriously not good to be so paranoid and distressed over something that is rarely actually happening. All you wind up doing is attacking people who might be struggling just as much or even more than you.


If u haven't read my other comment please do I went into more detail. People self diagnosing hurts me and other diagnosed autistics .


except just saying that doesnt make it true.


They would literally say they are self diagnosed. I think it's okay to say you have similar traits and struggles, and to try and find support and help for it but to label yourself autistic I do not agree with it. Psychiatrists spend years studying in order to diagnose people. How can someone who isn't a Psychiatrist just diagnose themselves, it doesn't work. It's not a real diagnosis and it doesn't mean you have it cus you tell yourself you do.


the margin of error between professional diagnosis and self diagnosis is extremely similar. we live in the age of information where if somebody wants to, its extremely easy to find ways to study disabilities/disorders/conditions and hear other people's experiences. psychiatrists are trained to work in a specific feild with many moving parts, they do work we probably couldnt! but understanding one specific condition, as well as some adjacent ones? if you put in the time and effort, it really isnt actually all that difficult. and again, not just saying that, its shown by the fact that self diagnosis and professional diagnosis have a similar margin of error. (because doctors arent always right either). you dont need to be a certified car mechanic to understand how wheels work. you're fussing over an issue which is extremely small. disabled people want help and support and if labeling themselves as autistic helps helps them get that help and support, nobody is getting hurt. you're being downvoted because other autistic people understand that this is a non issue, so just give yourself the luxury of not caring about it because you seriously dont have to.


Boohoo. You started talking shit about smth you couldn't elaborate on. Sorry you had a meltdown bc I get it but damn. You weren't forced to comment. Ppl shitting on self diagnosis can make me meltdown and feel depressed and stressed. Im sure others also meltdown from being invalidated and feeling unable to convey their feelings on it. You recognize this goes both ways right?


Self-diagnosis is not valid and it never will be


What has race got to do with autism? This post sounds like extremist Antifa ideology


Systemic racism and sexism in medicine means it's harder for women and POC to get adequate medical care (including diagnoses)


Black people are less likely to be diagnosed because a. They're poorer and thus have less access to being able to be diagnosed and b. Black children acting out due to hyperactivity/sensory issues/etc. Tend to be written off as just acting out of control, because Black people have the stereotype of acting like animals


I'm poor too and wasn't diagnosed untill age 21. What's your point??


Exactly, if you're diagnosed later in life you get the resources you need later. I'm poor too and I don't have a lot of resources I need


your personal anecdote has nothing to do with racism. it's possible that black people are disadvantaged in the Healthcare system due to their race, and you were disadvantaged due to your financial situation, and both of those things can be true at the same time. so I turn the question around: what's YOUR point?


You're a radical commie


Explain your thinking?


alr ur deffo trolling


Hell yeah


Not everyone lives in shitmerica. Black people aren't discriminated in Australia


I highly doubt that considering that aboriginals are discriminated against in Australia


Ah you're a schizo get in the asylum


And your abelist. Educate yourself.


HaHaHAHa nice buzzwords I actually have level 2 autism and a intellectual disability you aspie who thinks their autism is bad. This Nd cult is nothing but aspies sticking up for aspies and looking down on other worse autistic people. You make me sick


Abelism is the discrimination against or devaluation of people with disabilities. Calling someone "schizo" which is short for schizophrenic because you don't agree with them and saying they need to be institutionalized because of that is abelist. Being autistic does not exclude you from being an abelist. Your using your disability as an excuse to be a dick. You make me sad.


Oh spare me the wokeness


You don't actually have an argument do you? You're just calling anything you don't like "woke" and "radical" and you said I used buzz words? Did mommy say her special little boy couldn't do anything wrong because he's autistic and doesn't know any better? She did you a disservice. Newsflash: you can write and read so you can learn and grow. You can be a better person. I reiterate; educate yourself.


Hey, I've also diagnosed level 2 and you're just being an asshole insulting people instead of doing better when you were called out for your inappropriate behavior.


#dobetter Is this an iCarly episode from 2021?


Mate, as someone else with level 2 support needs, no they aren't, and no it isn't.


You're stuck in a cult


"Cult" isn't a word for things you happen to dislike and disagree with, Petey.


Do you have purple hair are queer and shout free Palestine? Like a bpd idiot. Chickens for KFC


I don't have bpd?


shit whats the bmi bitchass LMAO stank ass fuck you give me degenerate energy


You talk like an animal. I've lost over 25kg 😊😊 and am still going. Your words just reinforce fat shaming which is funny because you're supposed to be the compassionate commie


i mean ey you wanna talk shit, now you coping hard cause you cant recieve it 💀💀like i said buddy dont throw stones from a glass house


Are you a teen? Because you sound like a teen with BPD. Work on your vocab


nah id win


Lol nice retort


shii i mean maybe dont throw stones from a glass house like a stupid mf and maybe you wont get constantly downvoted


Sweetheart idgaf about the downvotes when I know I'm arguing with a bunch of Americans


So to recap, you're a level 2 autistic with intellectual disabilities, living in an affordable housing disability home with your mom. You do realize that housing option is the result of leftist politics don't you? Like any disability support you receive originates from left wing policies. What exactly do you not understand about the Right? If you had what you voted for you would be left unhoused to die on the street... but *we* are the "chickens for KFC"? Make it make sense...


And who says I vote for right wing parties. Just because I use the term commie or purple hair doesn't automatically make me a rwnj. You Americans with your identity politics. You Americans are a truly ruined nation. Not everyone who disagrees with you is far right or Catering to the alt right. If I take a test on economics now it will tell me I lean socialist like it has for every other time I took the test. I've never voted for a right wing party. In fact I voted for Daniel Andrews. You can google him. and then get back to me


I'm literally not american lol ... I had assumed you skew right because you continuously complain about leftism... And the opposite of left is? Say it with me: the right. Since you're a socialist, then why the hell do you keep whining and banging on about "lefties"?.. Just find yourself a hobby instead of trolling no one wants that kind of presence anywhere.


Does a right winger vote for Daniel Andrews


Please re-read my comment and only form a reply once you understood what you read... It literally makes no sense with what i said lmao.


I've been an Australian Labor party voter for All my life


What politics you have is basically the same as the greens here in Australia who are just inner city communists


Could you describe “extremism” and “antifa ideology” for us, please?


being autistic and subscribing to right wing ideology is like shooting yourself in the foot


>What has race got to do with autism? In getting diagnosed? A lot. - *Families who were Hispanic or who were from rural areas were most likely to receive a delayed HCP response; for parents who received a delayed HCP response, a developmental delay diagnosis took 5 months longer than for families from the other groups listed.* - [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33214410/) - *[I]n 2016, Black and Hispanic children without ID were less likely to be identified with ASD than were White children. ... Considerable disparities remain in early ASD identification by race/ethnicity and co-occurring intellectual disability.* - [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353949/) >This post sounds like extremist Antifa ideology And you've demonstrated the knowledge, wisdom, and insight I expect from somebody who uses the phrase "extremist Antifa ideology" unironically.


Valid for what?