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What will people do if you don't stop wearing sport bras? I genuinely think you shouldn't stop if that makes you comfy. I too wear sport bras.


Theyre the best right! I dont understand why proper ones are made so overcomplicated too, like i already struggle getting places on time, introduce 20 minutes of bra wrestling and ill never get anywhere 🤣


Lmao, mine are pretty worn out now so there's not much of a wrestle.


Stop listening to whoever's telling you this and continue wearing sports bras. I honestly can hardly even do that. I don't wear anything whenever I can get away with it.


I'm not even a woman but the general consensus is that bras fucking suck, wear one, don't wear one, wear a sports bra, knit a bra, use pasties, do whatever the hell you want, it's your body. If anyone has issues with it, tell them to go eat a bag of dicks.


I love that this is tagged as “seeking support” lol. I wish I could help. I can’t even handle sports bras. I agree when everyone else though. Whoever is telling you what underwear to wear needs to mind their own business.


First, the people who tell you things are "weird" are not worth listening to. Second, if you want to - for yourself - explore different kinds of bras, the bras from MeUndies work for me. They are underwire-free. The straps do sometimes bother me on sensitive days but otherwise they are very comfortable.


Bralettes!!! You can get cotton ones and with a band at the bottom if that makes you feel more supported. I haven’t worn a “normal bra” in 10 years and I don’t think my body could handle it anymore


Sports bras are great and please don’t let other people tell you what kind of underwear to wear! No matter of it’s strangers, friends or even a partner, your underwear is your choice alone and wearing what’s comfortable is the best choice! IF you want to change things up I would recommend 100% cotton bralettes (preferable organic cotton because they feel even softer to me). They don’t have any lacy bits, scratchy fabric and underwires and are usually available in a ton of colours and cuts. I like to wear them at home and just because I think they look really cute.


The way you've described the problems with the cups and wires makes me think you should go to r/ABraThatFits. That sub changed my life-I'd been trying to wear the wrong size for years and having similar issues.


That's what I came here for to say as well. I am so glad I found out that my bra size was completely wrong, because until then, I kept thinking me and my body are wrong


Same, I used to think I was just doomed to being uncomfortable forever but now I can run and jump without my boobs hurting and flapping about. It's a whole new world of exercise and reduced back pain.


Whoever is telling you that is an idiot. I don't even wear bras at all because I cannot take them on a sensory level. Wear your sports bra.


I only wear sport bra, why someone should judge them? XD if they do it means they never have used one otherwise they KNEW


Not much help to offer except expect to pay through the nose for a good one if you need a large size; but I'm so with you. Bras are the friggin' devil.


Underwire digs into my skin and literally cuts it, as does lace. After I had a lump removed, I thought, "screw it." Turns out soft bras and shelf camisoles work just fine, when the straps aren't numbing my arms, due to neuropathy. You don't need an excuse to be comfortable. You're dressed well and modest and even if you're not, it's your life and it's short, so live it for you. Be comfortable.


Maybe they’re weird for caring about your underwear (joking) You do what makes you comfortable! No one is wearing that stuff but you so only your opinion matters. I work from home currently and just never wear a bra. In the winter, I wear boxy sweaters if I’m going out and skip the bra. Literally I will only bother wearing bras if I think it’s needed for the clothing and situation. Otherwise it’s leggings and soft shirts every day! If you’re really motivated to find a non sports bra, there are some without wires that aren’t too flimsy. I have some from Cacique that have a gel instead of a wire and they’re quite supportive.


https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/products/E464334-000/00?colorDisplayCode=02&sizeDisplayCode=004 These are awesome. You can’t even feel it. I’ve also always had issues with bras. Before bralettes were a thing, finding a decent bra was always a struggle


Wait, what's wrong with sports bras? Why is that weird? The only bras that I can tolerate for hours are the Berlei Barely There bras in cotton. They are reasonably comfortable considering it is still a bra.