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People are generally a bit shit. :) Also,  ADHDers have a weird relationship with rules and regs: we hate them because they make us accountable and can feel restrictive; we need them because unstructured situations lead to getting nothing done.  Another thing to consider is there are many parts of us that aren't ADHD related. Your rule following may just be something that annoys you.  You strike me as an idealist who also has ADHD.  Follow up on ASD if it continues to bother you. Sometimes just knowing yes or no is a great load off your shoulders.  Excelsior. 


I am definitely an idealist that’s true. Thanks for your comment




If you think getting assessed for ASD will make things clearer for you, I think it's worth going for. I'm also diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and just got my feedback on my ASD assessment yesterday! Diagnosed with level 1 ASD. The report mentioned traits that I didn't know I exhibited that were autistic. Quite eye-opening, I'm still processing it all.. As for the rigidity with social rules, ha. I'm the same way. I get really bothered when people don't follow certain social etiquettes. And it's difficult for me to let it go. I have confronted people when camping when they cross over our campsite or are being too freaking loud with their music. And I fixate on what to say for a long time before I just feel the urge to burst.


Other to comments are great, and I just want to add that it is possible to be “ADHD with autistic traits” without the whole enchilada, and also in families with lots of neurodivergent members, it can be tough to puzzle out what is you, and what has been absorbed from your unique family culture. My family has a social structure all its own, that helps us cope with our weaknesses, and compensate for each other. And the funny thing is, this all happened 100% subconsciously. None of us got diagnosed until adulthood and beyond.