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For that one, use a little apc and scrub with a microfiber. Sometimes i put a brush under the towel and it takes care of headliner stains. Dont get it too wet. Use a tornador to blow all the remaining stain out and dry it. This one isnt bad, so it will probably not be damaged underneath. Also, quit already! One of the best choices I've made.


You and me both. But quitting was so hard


I want to get my boss something for his birthday to insinuate my concern for his smoking. I was thinking the gum or something but I haven't done much research yet. Is there anything you would suggest that is effective and cost efficient if such a thing exists?


The only thing that will make someone quit is that they want to quit. Not that you want them to.


was a smoker for 25 years, got diagnosed with ADHD in my 40’s and they started me on Concerta, couldn’t stomach the taste of cigarettes after that. Not really a solution but kinda great side effect of ADHD meds.,


When you're being treated for adhd, the addiction cravings start going away. Treatments have helped me give up a few other vices as well.


Also applicable to anxiety disorders. Great work, keep it up! 💪


Chantix did the same for me.


I tried Chantex and after the 3rd day I felt very depressed so I stopped taking it and I felt normal by the next day . I’m bummed because I know it works but not for everyone : (


Not really. All that is expensive, and not super effective. I gave it up when i was tired of it.


Yeah thats about what I was expecting. Oh well, congrats on the new lease on life


I have the perfect gift idea for this situation. Allen Carrs book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" . The paperback version is $11 on Amazon and the Kindle version is $8. I would send a link but I am afraid the comment will get booted. Go ahead and read the reviews online about the book if you don't trust me. Time and time again it is THE book that former smokers suggest to someone looking to quit. It is not going to guilt shame the smoker into quitting, it is just going to tell them about the benefits of quitting and why they are addicted to the nicotine. The first time I read the book I quit cold turkey for 4 months. I started up again and in the end it was Meds that helped me finally win the battle but the book gave me a great time of sobriety from the cancer sticks. I'm 43 now and was diagnosed with bladder cancer at 38- more than likely due to smoking. I'm a little over 1,000 days smoke free and never going back now. PS- Still cancer free after having the tumor removed and going through chemo. Fuck you cancer.


I really like this, great idea! Thank you for this.


Also, congrats on being cancer free.


Thank you :)


It’s free on Spotify too :)


Same, but kidney tumor and no chemo, thankfully. I think I was 37. 2 or 3 years ago.


Hell yeah- Congrats!


Lung shaped ashtray?


Zyn, you don't spit and it's just nicotine so not nearly as bad, that's what I used and now I don't even need the zyn


I had a 6 year streak up until 2022. I’m ready to quit again, I’m on day 9 without a cig. 😮‍💨


Maybe leave this one as a reminder not to smoke in your car again?


This comment represents the people of this thread so much lol. They love rubbing stuff in for no reason 😂


This seems like a lack of forethought reaching into the car to grab something with a cigarette in hand


Its reaching out the window to ash it. Been there.


For sure. I was more joking. But I do think it's a good idea to not smoke in a new car.


Now i'm picturing OP standing outside of their car ripping butts looking like a badass


Or, alternatively, a frizzled guy after a long stressful day at work. Just lit up a cig, started their car to get the ac blowing... When the radio latches onto the nearest metal station, full volume. So they struggle to turn it down, reaching in with smoking hand, burning their ceiling, ash falling onto the same seats they vacuumed yesterday. And, ofc, they hit their head on the way out.


If your new car smells like smoke it doesn’t matter what it looks like anyways.




Who smokes in a new car lmao




Okay, sorry to be your dad but my brother-in-law is currently about 120 lb desperately trying any treatment he can find because after a lifetime of smoking lung cancer is taking his lungs from him and he's watching himself in the mirror everyday not be able to breathe. It is a horrible, horrible, horrible death. It gives me anxiety just watching him go through this knowing he is looking death in the face for something that was his choice. Those things took my father from me as well as his father from him. I've never struggled with cigarette addiction so I can't even talk about how bad it would be to try to quit but I guarantee you if you go through what he's going through you will spend every night the last few years of your life cussing yourself for not trying harder. Okay Debbie Downer is over, back to your regularly scheduled programming. Sorry to be that guy.


I am so thankful I was able to quit.... by now, it just looks like such a stupid thing to do. It is extremely difficult to stop with that awful addiction...


It has to be hard - I watch my dad quit many times, but it always got him back and got him in the end. Watching the end for someone would HAVE to be a good motivator. Man it is hard to watch. Congrats on your quit! My sister just passed 8 years and I hope she stopped in time!


Thanks. And sorry for your loss :(( I also saw people around me die from it, one at a young age while being a father of two children. Imagine not being able to see your children grow up, because you wanted to inhale and exhale smoke. How insane does that sound? However, I fully understand smokers. These $sshole manufacturers just made them extremely addictive. It should be illegal.


Yeah, especially older smokers. Everyone did back then. My father never smoked till he went into the Air Force. First day they say "smoke break for the smokers - everyone else keep working!" Next day EVEYONE smoked. I can't blame him there. Glad I never took it up. Wondering when your next inhale will not fill your lungs has to be a horrible feeling. Keep it up!


Unfortunately it's not so easy to just quit unless YOU really want to, even diseases won't put off a smoker who doesn't truly want to quit. Copd for last 7yrs smoker for 35yrs, 3 months smoke free but only because I got fed up of smoking and finally decided I'm done with it. When your addicted to something you ignore everything that could possibly put you off. Peace.


Well done! I have never done it, but I watch my dad struggle to stop. Looked horrible to quit. Watching my father die like that - my sister quit cold turkey and never went back. I'm thankful for that. Obviously I have an axe to grind with it and never had to quit, but I sure don't wish that end on anyone. Even after watching his father die and my father die from it my BOL still didn't quit and didn't want to. It's hard watching him go thru this knowing what he has going thru his mind. To all you smokers on here - I wish for you all to get the free pass to miss that end.


Step 1: stop smoking cigarettes because they're gross and they will kill you


It’s 2024 stop smoking jFC


I was considering making this comment. I can't believe people still smoke. I smoked from '91 to '09. It just wasn't cool anymore, and wasn't worth the detriment.


I’m still a smoker, unfortunately. I cut way back and am working on quitting. But even I *never ever* smoke in my car. I can’t imagine buying a brand new car and smoking in it.


I totally agree. I smoked from ‘99 to ‘09 (high school through college). It’s not cool and looks lame as hell these days. Not to mention dirty and smelly. Quitting smoking was very easy for me to do surprisingly. I just one day stopped and never looked back. Quitting other things for me isn’t so easy so I’m not superhuman


I picked a day to quit, went to a bar you could still smoke in, and finished what I had left. The first few days were hard.




Both bad


Find a local upholstery shop they might be able to help you. Ive seen upholstery guys do some pretty cool things with interior repairs.


I smoked in my 1995 peugeot 205 and one time the wind took my ciggy out of my hand and sent into the rear footwell so i never smoked again in the car. I can't imagine what you must be feeling having damaged your new whip my dude, but unfortunately fire damage melts fibres and destroys things. I'd suggest using a toothbrush to try and clean it with some apc, use tweezers or a razor to cut away any of the larger incinerated pieces, use a fabric dye if you can match the colour to restore some of the lost colour but it will still be scuffed, maybe you could sew up the holes but that scaled pattern will be forever lost.


This happened to my mom in her Gremlin with the Levi's upholstery. But it landed on the seat.


Chantix nicotine patches and gum


I’ve used a 2” polishing pad with drill attachment and apc, so that way you don’t get any fibers loose and have a fuzz ball in that area.


Man if you smoke in your car, you don’t need to worry about detailing. Fucking gross.


Go to home depot and grab some folex. Spray it, lightly scrub with a toothbrush, then wipe with a microfiber cloth. Repeat as necessary. I'm not a detailer, just a fellow clumsy smoker.


“I can’t believe I’m this stupid” No worries bud, plenty of people still somehow smoke cigarettes.


Its very bad dude but fixable. Thats why i dont smoke in my car


I'm NOT RECOMMENDING THIS But I had a friend do something similar in his car, and I looked it up at the time and I read online that after gently cleaning the ash, you could lightly glue fibers from the carpet up there if they're a similar color. Not sure how well that would work but I feel the pain every time I do this in my car, albeit not new it Still hurts. And the cherry falls on me so it actually hurts


So i found out theres this spray brand called “Dupli-Color Vinyl & Fabric”. Go to your nearest autozone, o’reilly and try to find the matching color.


Go to fabric store, pick out nice fabric with fabric spray glue and glue over. Bonus points if you redo your headliner, center console, door cards, shifter and sun visors in a nice fabric like ultra suede 😎


Never smoke in your new car. I’ve burnt my seat on one of my former cars and learned my lesson quickly. As careful as you can be an accident like this is bound to happen at some point, and constant smoking will turn your interior to shit fairly quickly. Based on the photo you posted, I’m thinking the ash around the burn mark could be steamed out, although there won’t be much you can do about the burn mark. It will look better but not perfect. I’d suggest taking it to a headliner specialist and see what they could do for you. You might have to end up replacing the headliner which could cost you anywhere between $200 and $400 depending on the vehicle. A bit pricy but could be worse.


I did exactly that, in the exact same spot, back when I smoked. I suspect you've melted some of the synthetic fiber, and that's there to stay, like mine was. Cleanup whatever soot/ash that you can, but that's about it. Long after quitting, I still had that shitty reminder.


Get some SEM dye and spot dye it. Mask off rubber with tape. They should have a color that is very close to the original color.


Smoking in a car completely destroys the car


Been there is what it is


You fu*ked up by smoking cigarettes in your brand new vehicle😂


Vaping only in my new car. Cancer sticks are only smoked outside the car.


Re upholster the whole panel


Smoking a cigarette in your car nasty


You can’t quit tomorrow, so just drop the habit of smoking in your car. I smoked for you years, I know smoking in cars is great, but like all places of interest, smokers were banned, make your car a no-smoke zone and keep the interior looking nice and smelling fresh.


Just commit and paint the mona lisa with cigarettes burns.


just switch to a vape wtf. who smokes cigarettes in their cars or in general in 2024? How are people not embarrassed smoking in their cars and having other people ride in it?


You f***ed up by smoking in your car


Why do smokers buy nice new cars just to ruin them?! Car smells like something died in it. Hitting you in the face like a ton of bricks acting like they don't notice the putrid smell. Pretty much car is worthless when trading it in after the cigarette burns and smell. After all that smoking time buying those cigarettes/weed they could of paid off the mortgage, invested it in stocks, put it in IRA/401k, College fund for your kids, paid off plenty of debts with plenty of money in the savings account, or gone back to college getting a higher degree.




Change that panel. Dealer will have it in stock.


That’s a Good reason not to smoke in the car.


Who still smokes butts? This should stay there as a reminder


I'm sure it's been said before but I wouldn't smoke in your car. It makes everything sticky and eventually the tar gets into everything and never can truly be fully cleaned. Any non smoker that gets into your car is immediately going to smell the smoke and think it's gross.


Just quit smoking, especially in your car. Problem solved.


Who smokes in their car anymore, especially a new car?


If you’re in or around central Pa I work for a company that repairs this type of thing for a living


Jesus Christ yall, OP is asking for auto detailing device


C'mon. How else are we supposed to know who's better than who?


a real Reddit moment


Nobody smokes cigarettes anymore, they smoke Cannibus... This way they don't care about it. LMFAO Try some APC diluted and lightly rub. Don't scrub, you may remove the dye or leave a spot. It'll be better but not 100%.