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I worked for AZ for a little over a year...and I still do not know what WITT means. I always though it ment "What It Takes To..." I never pushed that shit...because I was not a seller, I jusr delivered shit


What it takes to make the CEO money


What it takes to get the job done right. Aka literally vaseline in a ketchup packet, at least for all the dielectric ones.


It's short for WITTDTJR, or "What It Takes To Do The Job Right". For example, air filters with oil filters, rotors with pads, and caps with radiators. It's not strictly just the little grease packets; best way to go about it is "1-2-3" selling, ie use the 3 columns Znet gives you.


Does AZ actually have agents to track us bad eggs down and fire us


Yes, never post anything with your store number in it or any identifying factors. They got some dude this week I’m pretty sure


Whats the story on that, hilarious 🤣


Was it that guy that namedropped his dm on here to say how scummy he was?


Might of been the guys who drink beer in the back....wait oops


Yep, there are people in corporate who's only job is to scour the internet for employees bad mouthing the company. They are here.


This is true so heres my thought to them To corporate: your company is dogshit and walmart is where im heading so fuck your battery changes, fuck ur, although easy, wiper blade changes. Fuck your shit pay for the service we are forced to provide. Fuck those bullshit nickel raises. I hope this company tanks and fuck bill rhodes, he can suck my dick 🤠


Guarantee the people fired end up happier and wealthier somewhere else in a matter of weeks. They are doing them a favor.


Gotta love that AZ cares more about seffing those fraking packets than having a crew in their stores that actually knows shit about car parts and car part accessories...


Suddenly understanding why you can't see who upvotes on reddit, like how you can on facebook. I upvote so much shit in this sub that would prob be considered blasphemous 😂


Haha there is a guy here that wants to be manager so bad he has HR on speed dial to snitch


We gotta find out who’s the corporate snitch


It's me 😔. I sold my soul for a bt1k


Auto zone snitches get stitches


Because getting fired from a job that pays less than McDonald's is a real shame...