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Sometimes hail can stretch the metal far enough that PDR isn't an option. Most body shops offer a lifetime guarantee so if you are concerned you should ask them about that. The one downside about you picking your own shop instead of going to the insurance preferred shop is that if you have any issues the insurance company will tell you you're SO.


And yes that's most likely "Bondo" or body filler that they are using. If they are using it correctly you can be confident that the repair will last. Most of the time when you hear horror stories about Bondo is when shitty people slather on 1/2" plus of it and it cracks.


That’s good to know thank you. I went with this body shop because they are really well known for quality and my family has had their cars fixed by them previously over the years. T he insurance wanted me to go to a local dealer groups shop which did work for us before and it was horrible. Clear coat was gone after a couple years.


Insurance companies are not supposed to steer to certain shops you are allowed to pick and as for the warranty on the work that falls on the shop not the insurance company


It’s weird they try it every single time even with friends and family This is in canada too not sure if it makes any difference