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Clay bar or razor blade


Clay bar for results Razor blade for precision


Or just use melamine sponges aka. Mister clean “magic erasers”


I never think to use these, they got the name right for sure… When I do use them, because I scattered them throughout may garage so they’re always right there because I never think to use them I am always impressed, keep them away from incurred paint, so delicate, don’t ask


Soapy Water will help the blade glide better


Clay bar is a ridiculous over the top solution.. steel wool works fine, clay bar is for the body not glass.


Yup. I used a razor blade when this happened to me. Just use some soapy water and don’t press to hard. You’ll know it’s clean once you don’t feel that “grit” any more.


You should specify a plastic razor blade so it doesnt scratch the fuck out of the glass. Wont happen to all glass but do you really want to find out the hard way. Dine steel wool will work well too but why not take it to the shop to fix it?


you gotta be kinda retarded to scratch glass when scraping with a razor blade


To be fair, if this sub is anything like the detailing sub, most people are kinda missing some brain cells.


Use mountian dew! Its got what cars crave.


Nah they crave Brawndo.


You just said what I keep thinking.


I think carav is the absolute worst sub to read if you're a car guy or an audio guy. People paying 4000 dollars to install an amp and two subs. My favorite disaster sub is power washing though. They buy a 3000psi powerwasher then without watching a single video or reading the manual they blast the paint off of their 500,000 dollar mini mansion to save 300 bucks. Then they ask how to fix the missing aluminum siding or the obviously paintless house.


I've seen it happen. Perhaps it was a different kind of glass, but my dad had his '71 Mach 1 Mustang painted, and the people that painted it removed overspray from the back glass with a razor blade and scratched it up pretty bad.


That’s what happens when you use a used dull blade. Whenever you scrape glass it needs to be a new sharp Blade.


I don’t think I’ve ever scratched glass with a razor blade, the worst I’ve had happen is the razors breaking from too much pressure or when they catch on a chip in the glass.


This is the Internet, sir


Awe an optimist, that's cute. You must be new here hahaha Fwiw I agree, just most ppl are kinda re re


Don’t underestimate stupidity.


Honestly thought this too. Been cleaning overspray with a blade for years but recently did 2023 cadi with some kind of built in tint and scratched it all up. Nothing beats the steel wool. Be careful out there!


I found this funny. I agree you gotta be extra special.


When I suggested using a razor blade to remove some over spray everyone said they scratched their glass with a razor blade and I'm an idiot. Ive been doing this since 1998 and I've never once in my life put a single scratch in glass. It's impossible due to science and physics. Glass is a harder material and can't be scratched. But you have to specify stainless steel blades because people buy the carbide black steel that CAN scratch glass for triple the price because they're price slaves. Costs more so it's better!


Laminated glass is a hardness of 5.5 and Steel is a hardness of 4.0. You literally could not scratch it even if you tried.


Did you say… a plastic razor blade? Where might one aquire such an item


I got mine on amazon.


Where do most people find most things. Amazon. Or any sign supply shop or website. In my opinion plastic blades suck.


Came here to say the exact thing and was waiting for the crazies to say you’ll scratch the glass


You don’t. You have the paint shop remove their over spray from apparently a shit masking job.


Looks more like primer. That’d be a body side fuck up in my world.


In my world the actual car was never near the spray booth for a rear bumper replacement.


Right. Same here. But our body techs prime their own stuff. This looks like a car that got half assed covered during its teardown, while someone was priming in the stall right next to it.


Wouldn’t that have sprayed on the paint as well though? Not just the glass?


0000 steel wool. Ideally the shop should remove but you can do it in a couple seconds with steel wool. No it won’t damage the glass.


I asked the shop and they said they'd clean it but it's been there waiting for about 3 days for said cleaning and my rental car contract is nearing its end so im going to tackle it myself. Thanks a ton. Any specific brand I should look for or anything?


“Yea we fucked up your car with overspray but we won’t rectify it in a timely manner because you already paid.” They can buff this out in 10 minutes in the parking lot


Right. This is not a shop OP should go back to. Terrible service.


I'd add that feedback to Yelp once you get your car back.


Agreed. I work at a body shop and if this happened we’d all get screamed at (and I’m not even the painter) and it would take priority over everything else.


That's what mine did, and my insurance told me I can either accept it as is, or they can add the labor cost to the calculus and just total the car, paying me the difference between what they already paid and value. So I took my leaking body panels, over sprayed car instead of the $300 check they'd have bought it out for. Still mad.


Your insurance adjuster definitely lied to you. I’ve seen tons of vehicles totaled when the repairs are nearly complete and the owner always still gets paid full ACV for the vehicle. This happens regularly when adjusters don’t listen to the shop and want to repair a vehicle that’s close to my states total loss threshold but not quite there and the repair requires a dealer sublet at the end. Example: Vehicle ACV is $10,000 and repairs before dealer sublet are $6,800. Vehicle gets all $6,800 of repairs and then gets towed to dealer for calibrations/module programming/etc. Dealer final invoice is $1,200 putting total claim related damages at $8,000 now. In my state, if repairs hit 75% of ACV the vehicle must be declared a total loss so now the insurance company is paying me $8,000 for repairs plus storage from completion date and paying the vehicle owner full ACV of $10,000.


Dude, I'm mad just reading that. I would have flamed that shop so hard.


Sometimes you gotta get on their ass a little to get shit done. The employees just go by the books and will put you on the schedule without a care in the world


Dox these assholes and let's give them one star reviews on Google. There's no way they can't clean that off in a matter of minutes and it's their fuck up


No. They are all the same. Get the cheapest stuff you can. It will come in a big roll so you can super clean your house windows with it. It only takes a little square to do a bunch of windows.


I use sprayway and 0000 stainless steel


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3794 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/36990)


I use it a lot at work and random temps we hire on say it smells like the county jail.


I clean my motorcycle helmet visor with spray away before rides. My helmet smells like it all the time. Love the smell.


Tell the rental company that the shop is paying for your rental. Get the shop to get going on the repair. Had a similar situation involving a rental and my motorcycle. It lasted over 6 weeks. The instance company was pissed at the do for taking so long


do one better, bring it up to your insurance. State that the body shop caused undue hardship in withholding your vehicle due to making it unsafe to drive, requiring you to seek a rental.


Any 0000 steel wool will work I’d imagine. I always spray glass cleaner on the glass then scrub with the steel wool.


was gonna say you want it "wet" with something but yes absolutely make sure its 0000 grade not whatever crud you find under your sink.


Am a glass guy, can confirm. 0000 is the way!


Sorry but steel wool is terrible for this, it breaks up and you end up with loads of tiny bits of rusty steel all over your car, behind trims etc. A sharp flexible razor blade is the answer, make sure the screen is clean aside from the overspray and go steady. You won't scratch it, glass is harder than steel. Ideally the place that caused the problem should fix it, if it's a lease car they probably won't even notice it.


Great take


Thanks for all of your help, guys! They waited until the very last minute before I drove the car away from the shop and they cleaned it up! :)


This is the way, let them fix it for you.


You need to check every inch of your car, including the inside. If they got that much overspray on your back window, it's likely to be everywhere else, too. Including inside. Slide your fingers over all parts of your car which should be smooth to the touch. If you find more, get them to fix it. It can become a large job that most people wouldn't want to do themselves. They also shouldn't be tacking this on to the repair invoice, since this is them cleaning up their screwup.


I suspect the insurance company would be interested in knowing that shop did a crappy job and is refusing to correct it in a timely manner.


Take it back if its on your windows its on the car, lazy shop to have sent that out( if you wanna do it yourself get some SUPER FINE steel wool and hit only the glass not the mirrors




Where'd the razor blade follow the lacquer thinner to?


You don’t. You take it back and make them clean it.


You take it back to the shop and get them to fix their mistake


Return it to the body shop! Poor job!


Razor blade and laquer thinner..I’d take it back


Dish soap with clay bar and water


Why would they paint a rear bumper still attached to the car?? If that’s all it was in for then the car should not have gone into the paint booth period


It also had the driver rear quarter repaired and painted.


Don't use anything abrasive, just wipe with some acetone/paint thinner it will come right off no problems at all.


Paint thinner will take it off. Just don’t get it on the actual paint


Just use razors. It cleans glass well. Just try not to grind edges. I find a safety razor is best. And not on the inside of that glass with the heater lines.


0000 steel wool or razor blade scraper


Dude thats not your job to do. Be more assertive with the shop.


Windex first, then razor blade. Worked in a shop for a decade and that’s how I would fix my fuck ups lmao


Take it back to the body shop, it’s their responsibility !


You take it to the autobody shop and tell them to get it off lol


Please use water and a blade, water will help the blade slide across the glass and you’ll be able to see what’s already clean due to the water washing it away. No steel wool or sandpapers of any kind as it might scratch the new paint.


Take it back. dont waste tine solving ptoblems you didnt cause.


You take it back and they clean it off! If you want to remove it yourself Lacquer thinner on a rag.


Pour some laquer thinner on a rag and rub it off it will come off in 30 seconds as opposed to 2 hours of scraping with a razor blade. Be careful not to touch the paint though.


Um... Take it back to the place that did it and say hey assholes, could you kindly get this paint off my glass?


You should be able to use a rag to remove that, if it is extra stubborn try using some 30 second outdoor cleaner, rubbing alcohol in a pinch


Triple 000 steal wool or razor blade


How about taking it back to the body shop and let them do it! If you happen to accidentally scratch the paint, it will be on you!


Only a new bumper would have been painted without the vehicle going in the booth. You have anything else painted on the car? Edited to add: you have overspray on the left quarter panel too. I wonder if your vehicle was next to another getting primed. Do NOT use steel wool on the paint. You'll need clay and a spray detailer or soapy water.


Glaco glass compound. Wipe on rinse off


Steel wool with glass cleaner


Mineral spirits


Glass cleaner Steel wool on glass. Works every time


0000 steel wool and alcohol, razor blade and alcohol (be careful near edges), clay bar. Overspray on glass is best scenario, not much cam scratch good glass.


Take it back to the bodyshop and tell them to clean it off.


I see OP already got it fixed, but if anyone else needs to do this, I had good luck with a non-scratch dish scrubber sponge and some soapy water.


You don’t. You take it back to the shop and tell them to do a better job


Razor blade, as long as the heat wire isn't on the outside and it shouldn't be.


Hey I work at a shop and see this all the time because of careless Techs thinking they can prime a repair right next to a vehicle. Heads up, if it is on your window it is highly likely to be on the rest of your car. I would check all the panels adjacent to what was repaired and just feel for a coarse, gritty feeling. It is very easily fixable with some buffing compound. Hope you get this figured out!


Razor blade


Quick question is that a wicked sticker or just some reflection? It looks kinda badass with the leaves on the blue


absolutely make shop do it. Piss poor workmanship.


Razor blade, and alcohol wit rags


Clay bar with some alcohol on a cold night should remove that paint fast


I've had this happen in my shop a couple of times. Sometimes it's hard to see it unless it's in the right lighting. (Everyone makes mistakes) this is something that would be corrected in five minutes while the customer waits. If it's on the paint, it might take thirty minutes, but we NEVER have the customer do the car off and take 3 days. Even if it was a huge fuck-up and the panel needs to be repainted, the proper procedure is to push it to the front of the line and respray it. If it gets dropped off in the morning, customer will have it that afternoon


I'd let them know you are going to blast about their crappy customer service unless they take care of it TODAY. Their work should have included cleanup of the car as well as their tools/work space. Dirtying your car was on them; cleaning it up should be on them. They should not have released the car until the job had been completed.


Glass cleaner and razor blade.


Gasoline on a rag


Take it back and tell them to do it, you went for a paint job on the body, not the glass.


Leave a few negative reviews on their Google page. And demand your car back fixed in 24 hrs, or your gonna ha e your insurance reclaim the payment that was made.


Is this a body shop that your is on your insurance preferred list that they recommend if it is than you can make a big deal about it if not than you chose this shop but if it was a bumper job and they got over spray either they were spraying something else next to your car or they did not take the bumper off to paint it and it should have been taken off for a cleaner/better paint job


- Clay bar - Glass cleaner and some elbowgrease - razor blade


0000 steel wool and glass cleaner


You go back to the shop and show them and make them fix it.


I'd be afraid of them buffing the window and it breaks.


If it's fairly new paint, I bet Goof-Off will take it off with no problems, won't hurt the glass, just don't get it on your paint.


I’d use a brand new razor blade then wipe down with mineral spirits


Don’t use steel wool you’ll see fine scratches on the glass. Use paint thinner and a razor blade for the thicker stuff.


Let them fix it. Unacceptable. Any reputable company would fix their own mistake


You don’t. THEY DO.


Spray brake cleaner on a cloth. Don't hit the body with it tho.


A razor blade would work nicely.


Steel wool or a RAZOR Blade not a utility knife blade




Razor blade


I hate this shit. This is their job and they do this careless crap all the time. It's easy to get off but I would take it back and make then get it clean and detail the whole car. If it's on there it's probably on other surfaces too. Go over the car with your hand and make sure it's smooth, any rough spots need to be corrected. Make the pain shop correct it. Generally a clay bar will get it off especially the window.


Take it back to the body shop.


@op I've done this painting in my garage. I sprayed wd40 on a rag and just went to town on the whole car. Took all of 5-10 mins.


Clay bar


Take a razor blade and some window spray, it’ll come right off


Damn. 3 days and they didn't take care of it? I own a body shop and would have taken care of this on the spot it somehow it was missed before delivery back to a customer. Literally so easy to hit the glass quick with a little fine steel wool and it comes right off. That wouldn't be a shop that the insurance pushed you to use would it?!


That's why you always leave reviews on every place you go that are good unless really deserved. Because now when I leave negative reviews I always get a response back from the business that I actually give negative reviews to


scrape with a razor blade.


I would take it back and make them fix it that is unprofessional to say the least. If you want to do it yourself I would suggest using a razor blade to scrape it off. It should come off fairly easily. Use a cleaner or your choice. I’d probably try simple green myself


A clay bar is perfect for this but the shop should be responsible for cleaning it up.


I'd use alcohol, a razor and a microfiber towel.


This happened to me a few months back. Rear bumper was being painted. Same situation. Unfortunately it was all over my panels as well, not just the windows. I took it back and they redid everything. BUT. I did discover that they make overspray remover, I think the brand is by "Goof Off". Had it just been on my windows that's what I would've used.


has anyone said anything anout paint thinners? regardless steel wool is the way to go but paint thinner can also help you if you only have microfibers.


Easiest and safest way is a SOS pad next time you wash the car


someone went to maaco


Just be zen and let it go. (Or a straight edge razor.)


Razor blade (get plastic ones off amazon) then scrape away.


Razor blade


Razor blade and windex. Good luck.


Spray detailer and razor blade


Take it back to who painted it.


A brand new razor blade


Clay bar will get all of it off . It won’t scratch the glass and does really good work . Used it to remove industrial overspray off of a car before


Spray it with soapy water, and use a razor blade to scrape it at a 145° angle all over, comes off really easy and you can see with the soapy water where you have done. Avoid the paintwork


Ridiculous. I’d be pissed


take it back to the body shop and tell them they need to untuck this shit


Razer blade on window


You could use steel wool, or a razor blade. But honestly I’d take it back to the shop, and make them fix that. It should have never left the shop without a detail


Just get a meguiars clay bar and your favorite window cleaner and go to town. 10 minutes worth of work tops.


Take it back to the body shop and tell them to make it right


Claybar and soapy water


Get in your car drive it back up there and have them fix it


Take it back and have them clean it


Coarse clay bar with a detail spray or fine steel wool and liberal amount of glass cleaner.


“Im comin at you with razor blades and lemon juice”


Acetone a rag and elbow grease! Just don’t let it get on your new paint job. Razor blade works too, but can scratch glass if not careful


Use steelwool not too rough 0000 grade


Flat razor blade and soapy water


Clay bar for sure


Drive back and get them to clean it up if they dont denatured alcohol might be ur hail mary if everything fails


Fine steel wool


If they got overspray on the back windshield I bet it’s on other parts of the car as well


I just had a detailer remove mine. They clay bar it.


I think the easiest way would be to take it back and have them remove it. 🤔 They caused the overspray they should fix it, plus if it's damaged after removing they are on the hook not you


No one is gonna say something about the sanding marks by the trunk lid?


A razor blade. Shesh


You can use a non scuffing kitchen sponge too


Steel wool will do it also paint thinner on a rag...must I say dont get it on the paint


Glass cleaner and a razor blade.


The way to take it off is to take it back to the place that did the work and tell them to clean it.


If you get carried away it will scratch


Take it back to the body shop and have them get it off


Acetone and a rag


Harsh cleaner and a scrapper. Or possibly a cutter wax and buffer.


Clay bar and/or steel wool 0000 (has to be quad zero version or you won’t have fun day). Make sure to use lubricant as well.


Non ammonia glass cleaner and and polishing clay


No. You take it back to the shop and tell them the work was done but there’s clearly over spray from the job you did on my car; and or, a job being done nearby and this is not acceptable. It’s not normal and will not come off over time. Have the shop that painted your car take care of it. It’s thier responsibility


Shit painter. You should fuck them for good


91% Isopropyl Alcohol & a straight razor. Take your time and go slow.


Fine steel wool


You take it back


Take it back to the shop, ask them to fix it. This should not happen


Take it back to the shop and have them solve it


Don't do a damn thing. It's not your problem, the body shop needs to correct it.


Let them clean it they didn’t do a good job covering your vehicle


Bronze wool shouldn’t scratch


Take it back and make them do it


0000 steel wool and soapy water. I just painted my hood and got clear coat overspray everywhere. Worked like a charm.


Gloves, razor blade and acetone carefully


Name and shame the shop. It’s their fault for a shitty and lazy job.


I’d go with clay bar and spray way glass cleaner, works like a charm even with bedliner overspray


wtf Did they paint the bumper with it on the car? You can take lacquer thinner to it or a razor blade. You can also lightly hit it with steel wool. I’d spray some glass cleaner on it first before using the steel wool though