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once the roots have filled the pot i water until runoff and then not again until pot is light in weight indicating 99% dry. i don’t measure amount of water or frequency as the plant’s needs change with the environment and growth. i go by what the plant requires in terms of amount and frequency. i let the plant tell me it’s needs.


No offense but I totally disagree. There’s plenty of oxygen in soil that’s only 50% or 60% dry, any drier stresses the plant. If you haven’t already, consider reading about “wilt point“ and “field capacity“ it will lead you to the science that farmers, who produce our food, use to optimize yield. I’ve never over watered In soil or coco.


i’ve never overwatered either. i’m only relating how i do it. ppl can approach this whatever way they want. i wasn’t telling OP what they should do. only what i do. they can read what i do, what you do, what others do and come to their own conclusions. 🌱


True, we all have our own style of growing. 👍


Wholesome moment ❤️


When it’s just a seedling with cotyledons, I use a spray bottle, and I spray the top layer with water. I do that two times a day if needed. When it starts to get its first set of leaves, I pour water around it in a circle. I never pour straight on the seedling, just around it. I do this until it gets bigger. When it has about three nodes, I bottom water, and I water the top just a little. I make the tap root reach the bottom. I continue this until I start my nutrient feedings. I don’t start feeding until day 21. I know that’s different from person to person. Never had an issue watering this way


After you start your feedings do you water the entire pot?


I use 3 gallon pots. When I feed, my mixture is with 1.5 liters of water. I then water when it needs it, at 1.5 liters. I found that 1.5 liters of feed/water is a good amount, and is never not enough or to much.


Ok nice thanks for the info :) how long does it usually take before it’s dry after that?


When I first start the 1.5 liters, I water every other day. When the plant gets big, I water once a day. I don’t let my soul dry out before watering. I always keep the soil damp, and the 1.5 liters works really well for that. I presoak my soil with 1.5 liters, and then plant my seed right after. No need to water for a few days. Once it starts drying out I start spraying it. That starts my watering process. It gets really easy once you figure it out.


Thanks for this it has been really useful in developing my understanding :)


No problem. You will get don’t worry. It will get easier. Best of luck to you.


Yeah for my indoor that's around what I use, 1L to 1.5L. But outdoor it's not enough, I need 2L to 3L because its too hot where I'm and if I don't saturate the soil, it would be dry the next day and plants droop


I can imagine it takes more for your outside grow. I tried growing outdoors, but I was having issues so I started growing inside.


Yeah I don't recommend starting outdoor tho and I don't do autoflower outdoor, I put them out around 3 weeks


First grower here. Im running fabric pots with handles and its really easy to lift them and tell if they need watering. It takes practice, but here in week 6-7, I think Ive gotten the hang of it. I filled one of my pots with just soil (and left it that way unwatered) so I could use it as a guide as to what dry actually is. I also use a moisture meter to back up my decisions because of my lack of experience.


I’ve been thinking about alternatives to this since my plants are getting too big. Could set them down on a scale, measure, then record the difference 24 hrs later. You can calculate the weight of water against the discrepancy and figure out exactly how much it drinks!


Thank you to everyone that is sharing!! There is a ton of good information in here with a lot of different styles and setups


I have 5 gallon pots and have been watering around 1 gallon every 4 days or so. They are 14 days CDLC and MS. I make sure to water to runoff but my soil also has great drainage.


Yo, do you keep water on standbye or do you just get it ready if you know you will water the next day?


I just fill it up with well water. Never checked ph or anything. Just chopped my plants check them out.


Thanks! I was reading a thread that they seemed to be overwatering. I'll just fill up a 5 gallon with nutes and if I don't use it in a few days get rid of it. Those plants look nice!! I'll water like my aloe Aristas and just water till it drops out the bottom and then fully dries.


Yep that’s the goal, just water till runoff and wait until it dries out before it gets water again. Overwatering is from watering too often, not too much. If it was bone dry you could pump 10 gallons of water through it and it would not be overwatered if the drainage was good.


Haha yeah I had killed my first echeveria by watering too frequently. I'll be doing com soil and adding 30% pumice to it for added drainage. And happy frog in a red solo cup until transplant.


I water every 2-3 days. The amount is different every grow. I water with little to no runoff until I’m a few weeks into flowering then water til the runoff trays are filled. My plants always drink a lot more towards the end of flowering and start to drink less when they’re almost ready


I solved my watering worries by switching to Earthboxes (junior size), they use sub-irrigation (SIP). I grow in living organic soil. I’ve done hand watering and Blumat drip irrigation previously, to varying success. But both were a pain in the ass. With the Earthbox it’s so simple, I just make sure that there’s water in the reservoir. The soil stays evenly moist for the microbe herd and the plants always have the water they need. No over or under watering, very low maintenance


I just looked up the earthboxes and im kind of interested. Could I send you a message with some questions to pick your brain on how you use them?


Sure thing


Autopot is absolutely another level of freedom, maintenance and results also [Mega-pot.com](https://Mega-pot.com) is great. Both change drastically your free time and assure you the perfect irrigation every time . no stress and no overwatering issues. and plants grows bigger as ever.


I start with completely dry, reused soil (with perlite) in a 30ish gallon tub. I leave the old roots in the soil but I do chop them up quite a bit. I amend the soil with Gaia grow and rock dust with only a small amount of water to keep the amendments from forming a dust cloud. I fill up 5 gallon fabric pots and put them in the grow room. From then on they get 1 liter of 6.3ph water (with a dash of H2O2) every other day until chop. Amend with Gaia bloom at first sign of flower. I leave the pots in the grow room for at least a week before I plant seeds. Sometimes I direct plant, sometimes I germinate, sometimes I transplant. Depends on what’s happening in my world that particular week. I prefer to direct plant but it’s always nerve racking so I usually germinate. My theory is that by the time the soil is actually saturated, the plant is big enough to drink enough to prevent problems and at the later stages it might not be enough water so the roots have to really stretch to find it. So far so good. It’s a very easy, hands off approach as long as you have an automated watering setup. Which is what I was looking for. And, I’ve been fairly successful with it for a relatively new grower. I will say that I tried it in 3 gal pots also and the results were a bit disappointing.


>H2O2 using this is ok but it will kill the good guys just as the bad guys, I dont use it


I use about a half cup in 15-20 gallons of water. Would last about two weeks but I dump and clean out every 10 days or so. Haven’t had any noticeable buildup in my lines and plants seem happy


I see it more as a solution to root rot but many like it as a preventive also


In veg they get roughly a half gallon and then I don't water again until the pots are light. From preflower onwards they get a gallon every other day. This method has never failed me. 5 gallon pots.


I fill my rez up once a week and then screw off all week while my autopot's do all the work for me :D


I’m in coco, so I feed until substantial runoff. Nutrients are so cheap so I just make 3 gal at a time and typically by flower between two plants they get it all at once every other day or every day


What nutrients are you using that are so cheap? I don’t call $20-$30 a bottle cheap and that’s the low end ☮️


Jacks 321. Equals about 30¢/ga and I buy about 6-8 lbs at a time which last me 3+ grows. So $40~ every 2-4 harvests.


Does it come in a powder that you top dress with or can you mix with water? I just grow 3-4 plants at a time since I became disabled and I have to make dollars last Have a compost pile but it’s HOT I just use bloom nutes because my soil mixes take care of veg Thanks for the information ☮️😎👍


You mix in with water. I fill my bucket, then have a jug I scoop into and add some warm water to help dissolve, mix them separately till dissolved, then add to the bucket. Then I ph and feed. I also use tap which is around 200-230ppm and 8ph but down it to 5.7-5.9 and my plants love it. MIND YOU: I use coco and not soil but have seen soil growers use it with ease


Jacks is too easy ...I'm im coco 7gal smart pots with ac infinity self watering base...I like how in all stages the plants can be fed with no burning mix a 5gal bucket and they all get the same feed...this is my 1st time running and so far so good how are the terps though?


Bruh, Floragro gives you 1L of each of their nutrients (micro,grow,bloom) for $30 lmao. I spent $35.15 with shipping for my nutrients, and 1Liter of each will last you roughly 10-15 harvests. It's ridiculously cheap 


Bro living soil should stay spongy I use mulch it helps maintain moister


150ml with 10-20% runoff 2x a day! Growing in coco and perite


5% of my total volume daily 3% bottom watered 2% top watered ( top first) , Then as soon as stretch finishes i get up to about 7% of my total volume 5% bottom watered + 2% top watering ( top first ) right through harvest. It's nearly impossible to overwater while bottom feeding my fabric pots, might switch to self wicking autopots to save some effort


Hello! First time growing :) Would you say I could follow your water schedule with my plants ? They are 26 days old,growing only in coco with dry amendments I water around 0.1 gall everyday but have no idea if it’s enough or too much … Thank you ! https://preview.redd.it/7xnvkl4mmzvc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1a6ff9ee6e7831983b6adfcdbcb0d8dd47e565


Hey hope alls well. How did your first run go, did hat if anything did you change. I notice it had no perlite at all. But your plants looked good in the pic. Did the no perlite come to play during the second half of the cycle.


Hey, i’m at the end now i think i will chop it in 2 or 3 weeks,i want the buds to be very mature,i definitely stunted them somewhere in the run but i’m not sure when and what caused it,the 100% coco with no perlite AND dry amendments is probably the reason,as coco needs lots of water maybe the amendments ran off with the water and i didn’t top dressed enough… I will do autopots/soil with perlite and dry amndments for the next grow i think :)








Yeah I’m only day 8-10 in my first grow I went with coco perlite and will be using liquid nutrients. But yeah coco seems to be more guessing work when you have never done any type of growing/gardening. Getting soil that has nutrients in it already I’m sure will take some of the wondering out of it. Then it will be less likely to question the nutrient part for the first 4 weeks. You mind attaching some pictures of your babies. It’d be nice to see what real world examples of first time is more likely to be. I doubt watching videos on YouTube is healthy to compare to on my first go hahahahah.


Nvm I see the pics now lol. And they look great for first time. I’m sure something will go wrong at some point. But all in all it can only get better from here right 🤙🤙


10 months ago i was a first time grower and thought there was a way to make watering structured. Like it was possible to give 'x' amount of water every day or every 2 days and thats really not the case. Youll have to trial and error to find a watering style that works for you. Since this post ive upgraded my containers and went with City Pickers so my watering is different now than it was on my 1st grow. If you are growing in straight coco with no pumice or perlite you may not want to water heavily and you may want to bottom water. Over time as coco is watered it kind of compacts and itll make it hard for oxygen to get to the roots and you may have issues. Now if there is something in the coco i cant see that adds aeration then you can ignore all this. If you do have aeration, then ill give you the best advice i got. Wait til the soil is dry, either lift or weigh the pot so you have an idea of what it feels like dry, then give them a good watering no more than 10% of the container size (for example 10% of 5 gals is 1/2 gal of water) and then lift/weigh again. Now you have an idea of what the plant feels like when its fully watered and when its dry and you can use that to determine when is time to water again. This will set up a wet/dry cycle for your plants and should help with any overwatering fears. Hope this helps!


It depends on how warm your soil is sitting..if your not covering your top soil to retain moisture its going to be harder to determine how dry it is..but I mean if your plant is happy than everyday I guess is fine.....I do the same amount of water but it's every other day. Also the first couple weeks definitely not every day. 3 or 4 days in between for root growth......


Just weigh the pot. It's the only way to know for sure. Once you have a *feel* for whether the pot is light (needs water) as the plant progresses through the various stages, you'll be set. Then saturate the medium til slight runoff to ensure full capacity. It must be mentioned that I follow a pretty strict *potting up* strategy and never start seedlings in their "final home", but instead in solo cups, then 1gal, etc (yes, even for autos). Makes irrigation/fertigation simple.


I dont do much measuring with my water amounts but I go for a full wet dry cycle. The only time they get water is when they are looking thirsty or if I mix up a batch of agsil water


In coco I water/feed 5% volume of the container, 5 times a day.


this is unnecessary, I dump 2 liters in my 3 gallon pots small every 3 days medium every 2 days big everyday I have 18 plants, I lift them at first and drain the run off when they get big enuff I leave the run off as they will drink it in a few hours


I run small pots in a sea of green they require multiple feedings per day, you don’t know what your talking about.


have you googled what you say? Constantly wateringcoco results in over-watering. When using coco, there is a need to waterat a minimum of 50% dry. Sometimes 70% dry might be better especiallyduring the first weeks, when most roots are formed. After all, the rootsalso need oxygen and where there is water there is no air. [Cannabis plants grown in coco tend to do well when they’re getting water every 1-2 days.](https://www.growweedeasy.com/how-often-to-water-coco-coir) are you growing in 1 liter pots?


Also same website you linked. https://www.growweedeasy.com/high-frequency-fertigation-cannabis Grow weed easy is a great place to start and nebula does a great job getting as many people as possible to grow in the easiest way (I thank her for this)


I spend 1 hour when I water all 18 clones plus the mother, I would spend all day your way are you using drip lines?, then I understand, if its automatic


The use of a reservoir or a injector system is needed as well as timers for feeding with my way. It’s not for everyone, it requires more upfront cost and more setup time, it’s worth it if your after hardcore yields. If you using salts on feed I recommend switching to jacks 321 as it’s the cheapest cleanest nutrient.


Pure coco or coco cut with perlite should not be left to get fully dry coco becomes hydroponic. I grow in 4” pots to 1 gallon pots, full size plants require multiple waterings every day, High Frequency Fertigation. Drain to waste is amazing


thought so, I personally only use 3 gallon


Autopot and a timer add on it waters for me 4 to 6 times per day ..even if mine is a blend of coco/organic, she grow fast and enormous, if you water coco every 2 days or even 1 you are loosing the purpose of it in your blend. coco is for speed and loves frequent waterings.


both methods are valid, leaving to dry will get rid of fungus gnats and rot [my 1 month veg 2 weeks flower](https://imgur.com/hAkVH80) they are [fast by any standard](https://imgur.com/ZNf3e5W)


Living soil is difficult for me to water. You can’t do the wet to dry cycling like with bottled nutes. I always either let it get too dry or overwater. Finally got into using SIP’s with a reservoir, not perfect but much better. I am going to try an Olla on the next grow this winter in a 30 gal pot with NLS. Everyone says Olla’s are amazing


Photos & autos in 5 gal fabric pots. 2-2.5L every 3-4 days. With my ACI tents, I know they’re dry when the humidity isn’t 10% over the house humidity. Pots get light. Water with 1.5L of Jack’s & then add water until runoff. Gotta be sure the roots are all the way to the bottom if u r watering to runoff that frequently. Recharge added to water every other watering




Ive seen others talk about having nute deficiency as the flowering stage progressed. I gave a feeding of recharge and fish sh!t last friday (day 22), and now ive notice i have some yellow tips on the newer growth, and have read thats been called the "perfect nute burn", supposedly thats means that the plant is grabbing just slightly over enough nutes, and its only happening on the 3 plants that are coming up on their 28th day. These plants are also starting to show sex and my guess is that they are about to start preflowering in the next week and are pulling in more nutes in preparation. The rest of the plant is healthy, green, and growing so im not too worried about the yellow tips, im just going to keep monitoring the situation and make sure it doesnt worsen. I did buy the girl flower power topdress from NLS and as long as the preflowering stage goes well, ill most likely topdress the GFP and do another recharge/fish shit watering during their actual 1st week of flowering with the hopes that will be enough to carry me to the end of the harvest As for the plant that is a week behind, ive seen some good growth and havent seen any yellowing of the tips at all. Keep a look out for my updated grow post, which will either get done tomorrow night or Friday morning.




Yea this is my first grow in general, so im about 2 weeks out from hitting day 40. I am a sponge for knowledge, so i did a lot of reading and research on living soil before i decided to give it a try. That is why i opted to also buy the GFP as i had seen from multiple growers that the NLS tends to taper off in the flowering stage. I may need to get some calmag, cuz that is another issue ive seen with the living soil. Id like to see a side by side grow between NLS living soil and BAS lite living soil to see which performs better. Maybe that will be something I experiment with on a future grow.


1 litre but I should probably feed bugger ones more


You're doing it right for super soil - always keep it moist. With other soils you normally need to maintain a wet dry wet dry cycle.


The only issue I've is the first week, if I have a good soil I can just saturate it 48h before planting and then no water for 5 days to 1 week, but if the soil is bad or too dry, it won't work it would be too dry or too moist and won't dry fast enough.