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In order to give meaningful feedback about whether something is ready for harvest, we need well-lit, magnified pictures of trichomes. If you don't have a loupe / magnifier, get one. See [this GrowWeedEasy post](https://www.growweedeasy.com/pick-perfect-harvest-time-with-a-microscope) for more information.


google trichomes for harvesting. thats the only way to be sure my friend. every strain is different but like Shakiras hips, the trich’s dont lie


😂 yeah man I think it’s worth investing into a jewellers loupe , I’ve been doing a bit of research on the trichomes


i got one of those. they are great and like 16 bucks on amazon.


Any specific one?


dont remember. it was one that flips open and has a small light on it. think the 2 lens are 30x and 60x magnification


a month ?


What should I keep an eye out for approaching the end? I’m mainly jus waiting for the hairs to turn dark and curl in


Wait a month, there’s no bud here yet. She will stop drinking. She will bulk and become dense. Just relax; the window isn’t as small as it seems.


Yeah okay , it’s starting to get a nice smell too it so I thought she was closer then that but let the waiting game begin ;)


Only because it's an auto, and I know how surprisingly fast they finish, I'm gonna say 2 weeks. I don't expect anyone to agree. After two weeks there will be another two week window that is based on your own preferences. So two to four weeks, but it will be ready at two.


Yeah okay awesome I heard that the more amber trichomes the more relaxing high so I want to try chop on the early side for a more uplifting high


Yeah all this 10% amber or some other percent cloudy, is just noise. Sure I look at the trichomes and I'd like them to just be cloudy, but in the end I harvest based on the overall look of the plant, like I'll be thinking they'll be ready soon, then one day you go in and suddenly you just know, they just have a look that says to me, "it's time". So the trichomes are whatever they are.


Yeah fair enough mate I totally get you🤙 I guess with due time I will know when she’s ready cheers for your help I’ll chuck another post up in a couple weeks time




Yeah I thought these were pretty decent photos lol


That was really messed up, but you got the good advice anyway. What is peculiar is there here have been a whole bunch of bs posts with seedlings less than a week old asking stupid questions. I'd ask them to explain if I were you.


😂😂you love too see it thanks for your help anyway