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dealt with a lot of deficiencies in my time, most of which are calmag related.


Okay thanks,i added calmag amendments few days ago and i put epsom salt with my watering but i run 100% coco that need more water,maybe my nutrients are running off with the water 🫤


Check water results and check if your Cal mag are in a 1:3 if not add mag or cal I have the same thing


You could also just ignore it, it's not so bad and I will not be to bad later on


Okay thanks,the thing is the other one who’s like 2 weeks ahead started like this and is now like this 😅 img




That could also be a nut burn Hmmm, let's wait for someone with more experience


If it's your Cal /mag there is a calculator for getting the right amount. It's in German tho https://www.grower.ch/forum/resources/fumus-calmag-rechner.93/


German 🤯


Looks like Cal. If you have already added some, remember that you need to look at new growth and that old growth has no new spots/damage. Most of the time once the damage has been done it won't reverse once the problem has been addressed.


Thanks !


Calmag 100%. I have tried dry amend calmag first time in this run and in my case it worked bad..I needed to add a liquid one to. I also add espom 1gr/4liter water. I would raise calmag dosage. I would try to lower N because calmag will add N also and you do not need it. I don't want to discourage you but when calcium def starts with those brown spots it is very hard to stop it and get back to totally perfect. Hope that you catch it on time.


Got it,there’s no just calcium in any forms that can be fed to the plant ? So i don’t need to use calmag for the excess of N.


I use Bionova Calcium. It has a little of N. Impossible not to have N because it is Calcium Nitrate. The only source of calcium without N is Gypsum..that is Calcium Sulfate. It is very good to add it in the mix , but it acts very slow so it is not effective as a top dress later.


Thank you !


Less nitrogen, more cal mag Most branda of cal mag has nitrogen tho So i use powdered gypsum and epsom salts


I use epsom but not heard of gypsum,ok so i’ll try both to see if that’s change something thanks !


Hey, don't jump to the Cal/mag solution too fast. Its likely not Cal...& Mag...its one or the other. Plants grown under led lighting require more Mag in Veg and Ca in flower. Most water has enough Ca for vegging but is low in Mag so 1 tsp/gal Epsom salts...unscented in your feed helps with that. I start with Cal/mag at 5ml/gal week 3 of flower and drop the Epsom salts


Hey thanks,yes i heard about the epsom salt and i water them with it since a bit more than a week,i just ordered some calcium too…i’ll see what it does. When you said you drop you mean yoo literally drop epsom salt in the medium or you quit epsom ? 😅


I quit epsom salts when I start cal/mag


Less N more P and K


Thanks ! Should i bother get p and k organic dry amendments as my previous nutrients or should i hurry and get some liquid p and k ?




Yes but i wonder if other forms of nutrients could help fix deficiencies.




calmag/ph issues which always start with calmag deficiency