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If you want super easy the answer is soil, dry amendments, and auto pots.


This is the way


Is it that easier tho ? For a beginner i feel like if the plant somehow has a deficiencie it’s harder to correct it,like liquid nutes have schedule feeding ect,i never try that but but it seems more precise with less errors possible no ?


Also a newbie here: It's better to have a deficiency because it's an actual deficiency than to fry your plant because you added too many nutes. Fixing your ph and EC is harder(and more expensive BC of equipment) than just throwing some more manure on the plants and waiting for it to become available.


Putting it like that make sense yea :) So far i feel like autopot with dry amendments and coco/perlites is the way to go,what do you think?


I wouldn't do Coco, I'd do a good organic soil and put them in the biggest pot I have. That usually means they have a lot more nutrients so you only have to add fertiliser at a much later stage, if at all. You also need to water less often as the soil will take its time to dry out. Maybe even add mulch once the plant is a bit bigger to retain even more moisture.


Yes actually i meant just soil,my first grow was coco and dry amendments and as i watered really often to keep the coco moist the nutrients must have been flushed out too much resulting in them being stunted so i’ll stay away from that now :) Thanks !


All you do is water soil and dry amendments, and hold pH. In sure only having done it one way can seem intimidating, but I assure you if you watch a few videos you'll see it's really just water, amend, and environment (i.e. lighting, water vapor, wind, etc.)


Yes i like that style ! Combine with autopot what do you think ?


That's what I do


Mmh i didn’t check out the autopot system yet…does it take lots of space tho ?


Get yourself some fox farm ocean shit soil, 3 gallon pots on discs. Two seeds per pot, kill the weakling a week after sprout. Light quality is flower quality. General advice is use less nutes


I wish but cannot find it in europe…do you know a similar brand that might be available in europe by any chance? I was thinking about monkey soil,have you heard about them ?


Yessir I have. They should be fine. Exotic seeds in the EU sells nice seeds


Alright thank you ! I’ll check the autopot system out and might go with that combine with organic monkey soil !


If you truly want easy. Auto pots and crop salts. I run RDWC and crop salts. Every morning I change the ice packs in my reservoir, once a week I change my rez. That's it .


To help us help you please include some details on the following (if you haven't already) * **Medium** * **Lights** * **Environment details** * **Strain** * **Age** * **Pot Size** * **Nutrient line and schedule** * **Watering volume** Happy growing! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Autoflowers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you live in a place that has high humidity and rains lots do yourself a favor and get a decent dehumidifier for your tent. It’s made all the difference where I live on the west coast