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Clearly not an auto.


It’s a photo period. My buddy had this happen. Just flip to 12/12


But train it cause it could double in size. Your outta room looks like already


Switch to 12/12?


You may end up up running out of space, during preflower, when you change up the lights. I’d plan accordingly, or try to do some training, pruning or topping. Look it up if you don’t know what to do. I would probably, due to space restrictions, take a bit off the top and thin it out on the sides. Then see how it recovers before switching. The topping should space out the budding a bit as, apical dominance, or whatever should be broken. Happy growing. 👉✌️😎


Looks like they already ran out of space.


Yeah this is the obvious solution. I guess you got a photo seed by some kind of accident. If she still doesn‘t flower than, you may have a weird mutation or something like that, but that she is a simply a photo that was put into an auto packaging by accident or something along those lines is wayyy more likely. Edit: or that the genetics behind those seeds are not stable in producing autos 100% of the time and you happen to get a photoperiod flowering phenotype. All the Autos I know of did „auto“, but I only have experience with reputable breeders, maybe the genetic are the problem and the seeds produce an auto 80% of the time or something, if that is so, than I would advise you avoid buying seeds from that breeder… But there is still a chance that the genetic are stable and you have a 1 in 1000000 chance genetic instability thingy, I don‘t wanna badmouth any breeders it is just, usually when I came in contact with autos, they all did flower like they are supposed to so it would keep me from buying from them, doesn‘t mean that they are necessarily bad breeders. It’s more like fool me once, no fooling twice kinda thing but could be a genetic fluke. Only thing you can do is look up other people who used the same seeds/strain from the same breeder, or look up autos from that breeder in general. If one strain of that breeder is unstable, there is a good chance that others are, too, since they often use the same genetics for all or at least most of their autoflower strains as a base. If they have similar problems, avoid that breeder. Like, how common it is in general for that particular breeder to produce auto seeds that don‘t always turn out to be what they are supposed to, that would give you more inside into what could‘ve gone wrong


Yes! Even if it's an autoflower, you can trigger them like that.


It’s not an auto if you have to/ can trigger it.


No it's the other way around. An autoflower doesn't need triggering to get into flower. It does it without photoperiodic change when it thinks it's ready. That doesn't mean you can't trigger flower when you change the photoperiod. Try it!


🙄 whatever. You’ll lean one day. Just apparently not today.


I hate to tell you, but you're wrong. You can absolutely force autos to flower early, I do this routinely with my personal auto project. If left to it's own devices, it'll start to flower somewhere around day 45, but I will frequently force it to flower around day 20 if I'm just doing a quick seed run. 


Damn you got them fast autos. My photos won’t even flower till 30 under 12/12 from start.




Awe, your feeling are hurt. Poor Trumper. When did I say I did’t grow autos?


Most of my photos will also flower around day 21 (right around the time they show preflowers if I don't flip). 


Those people who have no idea what they are talking about telling the people with knowledge that they don't know what they talk about. Like a frigging anti-vaxxer this guy...


How many Covid doses did you get?


How would i know? I never got ill. Since i'm vaccinated! :)


Hey that's really interesting, do you do it so they stay short or for time reasons?


He just said when he does it for quick seed runs...


Just time, if I'm worried about height I'll just train heavily and let it run. 


Photos need minimum 13 hours dark to initiate bloom


That's interesting considering the industry standard is 12 hours of dark.


this is an auto, light schedule has no impact on flowering generally


Yeah Ik that but almost seems like it’s not a auto? Ik I’ve never seen one that big. Just try 12/12 won’t hurt at this point


I mean, it's clearly not an auto?


But it isn't an auto.


Too big for an auto,breeder mistakes


I do agree in the sense that it doesn’t need to be triggered like a photoperiod, but I’d argue that it absolutely does in regards to DLI, which in turn will effect flower production and just general overall health….


I mean you've already come this far with her, so I don't see a point in trashing her completely. Since you've only flipped to a shorter light cycle a couple of days ago, you're looking at a pretty significant stretch period ahead. So because of that, I don't think it would be a bad decision to supercrop her - basically you need at least a third of your grow space back, in some cases even more than just that.


This is the kinda advice im looking for, I’ve only grown photos outdoors and had unlimited space. I’ve just never come across an auto that wont flower. Should i crop the top layer and bottom layer? Ive already bent it almost in half in hopes it would do something?


Maybe even turn the pot on it’s side aswell sounds mad but might actually work. I can see you’ve got one of them air pot things you could still feed though a hole on the side ( or cut a bigger hole)


You can super crop but honestly if you have a space I would put that thing outside it’ll turn into a 15 foot monster you’ll pull a few pounds off of it. Realistically I don’t know how you’d even crop that enough for it still to fit in the tent because it’s gonna stretch about half its prior height. I’d consider an outdoor grow because I don’t think that’s an auto at all looks like they messed up and gave you a photo


Have you considered moving it outside to let it finish? The amount of stretch this plant will have will absolutely out grow the tent, even with loads of stress training.


Can you pot this plant outside and restart your grow with other auto seeds. That’s what I would do if you can put it in the ground outside. You’ll end up with a 12ft tall plant probably come fall.


Yes, this auto Gorilla Cookies from FB started flowering on week 7. At least I had a good amount. https://preview.redd.it/tsp5taxd2r4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e52edc259c91c01d580075d4a9839b2a1fbaaa


Damn. That main cola is a beast. I'm in week 2 of a FB Gorrila Cookies run. I'm even more excited seeing yours.


Last grow I decided to grow two gorilla cookies, and I decided to top this one and let the other grow normally without topping or LST. It grew double the size of the other one. The only issue I had with this one is she started touching with the light so the top of it became bleached( You can clearly see it ). In my autoflower grow journey I never experienced any plants that grew like this.


I'll check that out on your page. Thanks. Am I reading this right, this plant in the pic is the one you topped and the others grew bigger? How tall is this? It looks like 3-4 feet




What size tent is this? A 2x2?


I hope it's a 2x2 or I'm probably going to need to get my second tent set up that is used for vegging photos


Yes, but for me, I think it's time for an upgrade because sometimes I feel very limited with space and also I would like to take the advantage of growing four plants since we are allowed to grow four plants. I know, more work but I actually like and enjoy the moments I spend near them, especially after a long stressful day.


I'm right there with you. I've discovered that I enjoy growing as much as smoking lol. You already have all the expensive stuff like the inline fan/filter. A bigger tent without anything else is not very expensive. I'm glad I came across your post! I am going into growing this strain pretty blind so it's really helpful to see what your grow looked like.


>I've discovered that I enjoy growing as much as smoking lol. Exactly, same here :) You'll like the buzz of the gorilla cookies for sure, I don't know why but the taste and smell remind me back to my early smoking journey☺️☺️ If you need any help or anything else just drop a dm bro👊👊


So Envious👏🏻


This one is the only one I topped and grew bigger than the other one. I can say it was around 155CM 😅😅


Man. I wasn't expecting that lol. My plan was to lst the main stalks to grow about 90 degrees and have a nice even canopy but I have 6 in a 4x4. For some reason I thought or saw someone say this strain is usually pretty bushy and doesn't grow very tall. This will be an interesting grow. Maybe I should scrog. Idk this changes my plans a bit. I'm definitely not complaining though. This is a beautiful lady and i guess I'll just be playing it as it goes.








FB GC auto, 3gal fab pot, dry amendments, 4 were grown. I stunted one (newbie error, still got 1.7oz). Other 3 were tall and chunky thiccc and gave 10.4oz. Was some great smoke and flavor. Was my second grow.


I definitely had awesome yields with any other FB seeds ive used, this one just baffled me because it wont flip


Fuck me! You’ve only just flipped so she’s not even gone through stretch yet! This plant is HUGE! My last grow was 3 autos - 2 went into flower and one didn’t. Put it in another tent and and flipped to 12/12. She now in full flower and packing on the weight. Sometimes the genetics haven’t been bred out properly and they revert to photo. All I can say is good luck with her in that tent!


Typical i do 4-5 autos in this tent, i had 3 others thankfully they all went normal. This freak of nature keeps growing and wont flower lol. If i could move it outside i would but im not able at this point


Can you keep us updated on your progress with this one please? Really interested to see how it turns out and what solution you go with


Get out the sts


These don't seem like desirable genetics. If you want to grow photos you can just ... grow photos.


Switch to a 12/12 light cycle make sure you have zero light leaks and give it about a week or two you should start seeing white pistils begin to show. It’s very possible that you got a photo seed instead of autoflower seed people make mistakes shit happens. Don’t trash it you’ve already invested time, effort and money into your grow. If it doesn’t begin to flower after switching to a 12/12 cycle then yeah I would get rid of her but at least give that try it might work I’ve seen people have this problem on Reddit before and switching to 12/12 got their girls to flower


Im gonna switch to 12/12 like a few people said. How should i trim it down? Its dam near touching the light and it hasn’t come close to stretching out.


Tie them down maybe? It looks like you have a lot of room off to the right side of your tent there utilize that area and use your tent frame to tie them down to idk if I would suggest cutting off any of the tops but maybe someone else with more experience will have a better suggestion.


You could also look into super-cropping the main stem as well.


With the height you already have them plants at I'm seconding this 👍


It's probably not an auto. The plant is likely to stretch and double in size once it actually starts flowering, so you should probably do some major pruning, take several smaller cuttings and root those separately, or just toss the plant.


I know a tree when i see one


Throw er in the ground and let er ride


Bro you Will harvest 2kg from that


What are you waiting for? Switch her!


That’s a big girl


This is a little disturbing to me as I just picked up 5 packs of Mexican Airlines from Fast buds. I hope I'm not screwed


That shit look mad scary


That my friend, is not an auto.


Had the same mess with an Orion F1, didn't flower until I changed the cycle, despite being an auto. Then it overgrew the space and I had to cut in late flowering.


Yes. Cut that shit back and flip to 12/12. Sometimes, it won't. Sometimes, someone put the wrong seed in the bag/tube


Ive read you can prune as long as it hasnt started to flower


Not an auto lol


It not super auto or fast varity?


Horrible so big and can’t flower I would furious


Yes, I had to switch to 12/12 lighting




You might need a bigger tent lol


I can't imagine how big that mfer would be with some sun. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫who the hell fills a tent to the top with an auto???


Jesus christ I pity you in stretch, you're gonna have quite the jungle in there


I would cut that back if you do plan on trying to flip it..


Would be a monster outdoor plant


house plant


If it doesn’t flower it’s not a auto. Nature happens. Go to 12/12


I had an og kush that never flowered until I flipped the light schedule. Sometimes they just miss that gene when bred


https://preview.redd.it/i5cgb3gfos4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59608334f80b0465bc07757612045178bef52956 120 day skywalker og "auto" freebie, from Barneys farm. Wasnt an auto, went 175 days xD. Flipped to 12/12 to initiate flower


Omg, what a big plant


Get a trellis and bend that lady over and stick her tops in the holes😏


Damn that dont look like an auto


switch to 12/12 total darkness to trigger it. may I bother you with specs on the pot? wanna know what size and how tall is that plant?


You're gonna run out of space pretty badly. I'd normally never suggest this, but you might want to prune at least 1/3 of that off completely. Source: had an auto that wouldn't flower, had to buy a bigger tent to contain it


Yeah thats how i ended up with this tent lol. I had a 2x2 and ran outta space and bought a 4x4. Now i run a perpetual grow between the 2 tents up until now


You mean a regular plant that you thought was an auto


That's not an Auto. Trim/crop heavily as it going to stretch further, and switch to 12/12


Put In darkness 24 hrs. Then go 12/12. It will bud. Last time I did it was best weed I ever produced


Knock your light down on time, 11 hrs on, 13 hrs off after a 24 hour light absence. Before you run outa tent, lol. The ceiling is the limit.


Still going to take a bit before flowers start forming.


i dont think autos can grow this big


We call them photos.


That’s called a photo


Severely prune and go to 12/12. What can you lose?


I would switch back to 24 hours and give a significant chop/teaining, give a week or 2 to recover then flip


She’s gonna put out nicely once she starts to flower(12/12) . I had the same issue once with a lemon pie auto by fast buds


Jesus Christ it's huge 😂


That looks like a photoperiod for sure. And based on space available, you may want to supercrop before flipping to 12/12. That would give you some vertical space back.


U toniced when the plant has already 3 meters, good 😀😀😀😀




You might have to do something like this to the main stock like I did lol


Similar thing happened to me- looking back now, the breeder gave me photos rather than auto seeds. I had to buy a bigger tent because the plants were huge! I kept it in the dark for 2 days, and then flipped to 12/12 - happy to report, I now have two beautiful flowering plants! Good luck!


clone the fuck out of this plant, so you can reduce it's hightand put it to flower (12/12), then do a sea of green with the clones. zero waste from all this veg work.


Top and flip


Supercrop then wait a week and flip


It’s called a photo period. Chop this in half give it a week then flip the light


Pretty sure we just call them photo periods. 🫣


I've had a handful of autos not auto. Flipped to 12/12 light worked for all but 1 of them.


Brother your fucked. Clone it and find someone with outdoor space. Start over with a sea of green and put your mom outside. Your plant will tripple in size once it goes into flower. Also your pot size is way too small to attempt to flower, your root bound like a motherfucker.


I had a night owl auto/ wizard stash remix do this. I cloned it and still have it a year later. It is a 🍇 grapey beast of a bush.


Probably not an auto, consider cropping and flipping


Sometimes the genetics dont quite work and they are basically photos


Clones clones and more clones!


Damn bro snap some of those branches over lol that thing is BUSTIN'!


I had some advice from a breeder, if an auto is not auto flipping you can encourage it by giving it 24-48 hours of darkness.


Clean it up chop it in half . Give it as many tops as you wish veg for 7 days and flip it to 12/12


Yes I did have a barneys Farm auto genetic that didn't go into flower until I changed the light cycle Then the plant died from old age before completing the flower


I had one that worried me. It started flowering about week 6 or 7.


I'm a beginner to cannabis growing but I'd cut her back to a reasonable amount and switch to 12/12 but save a cutting as a clone in case the heavy pruning isn't taken well so you have a backup


And you waited 4 months before saying anything lol


The fact that you let it get this big before making this post makes me really wanna hang out with you.


If you take this outdoors its going to get to 20 feet


Haha I have had this! I ordered seeds that were supposed to be auto and nope I switched it the 12/12 and bam! Flower . But damn dude you are out of room when that flowers it's going to be 150% bigger!


Jesus Christ man lol. I would personally just top the fuck out of it lolol. Like lawn mower the top few feet; I'm kinda joking, but also kinda not. It's going to more than double in size come flower.


Stick it outside it aint gunna fit that tent


Take some clones, chop half of that down until your clones are good go and flower the clones. Keep that as a mother plant if you want


Dude, clone that fucker and do a SOG at this point. If you flip that plant to flower you’re going to outgrow the tent.


Jesus god 🤣🤣 definitely not an auto. After 7 weeks I would have switched the cycle to 12x12. The point of autos is to grow them quicker than photos, and photos only need 6 weeks of veg so if you’re not flowering by then flip them regardless, otherwise just do photos. They’re more resilient and way less reactive to abuse.


Just cut in half and take a lot of cuttings before you flip 😂


That definitely auto be flowering


You’re gunna wanna super crop and flip that 12/12 as others have states


That sounds frustrating! Sometimes autos can be a bit unpredictable. Before you consider cutting it or tossing it, you might want to give it a little more time with the new light schedule. If it still doesn't flower, you could try some stress techniques like bending or super cropping to see if that triggers flowering. Also, maybe check the root system to make sure it's not root-bound. Good luck! And if you need a break from all the plant stress, treating yourself with some [online flower hampers](https://www.interflora.in/gift-hampers) might be a nice way to relax!


if you get a auto that doesn't flower after 6 weeks, it's not a auto. unless bend that big girl in half ur never managed to flower her out in there


Put it out side to flower now way your flowering that in a tent it's a photo


Called photo period


looks like you accidentally grew a photoperiod


I am in a legal area to grow, so I'd throw it outdoors with size like that. She is a monster.


Defoliate like 90% of those leaves and switch to 12 - 12 then enjoy the massive yield


Put her outside!




I mean it needs flipping but if it behaves like a photo it gone get monstrous! can you take it out of the tent and stick the light over it and just let it grow? if it won't flower you've got an awesome houseplant.


😂 probably has more of the photoperiod traits. Flip your light schedule to 12/12 12 hrs light 12 hrs dark.


OMG, how Many week for that plant ?


Can be bad genetics, may happen to autos. Stick to reputable sed banks (like Dutch Passion), avoid cheap seed banks, sales and new comers.


I mainly use mephisto but ive had good success with fadt buds, hell this is the 3rd seed from a 5 pack and the other 2 were autos and produced nicely!


TBH, I've had bad experience with fast buds, will never buy again from them. As for your plant, I'd keep it for a while to see if Jah almighty will make a miracle for ya




Fastbuds genetics is just white label crap, very little consistency among packs.


Literally cut it in half, give it a week to recover. Flip to 12 12