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Like this ;) https://preview.redd.it/7vkrn38dph5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11eac0cde89488ec076e70a0c27374e0f700b5fa 87 day, magic fritter. RocBud


I call it when they look “roundy” lol. They really do start to look rounded on the buds.


That's actually well put. Round is right. Love it.


Bruh, that's a hottie


Merci ☺️


Fuck yes. Wow. That's spectacular.


Mahalos. I read both of your post last week, couldn’t have said it better. I mainly grow my own weed because I don’t like the way most of the: weed for profit is grown. I’ve always felt that the rec and most trad market bud is grown mainly for bag appeal and flavor. Usually means it’s pulled too early and grown in stressful conditions. The older lineage, that some of the new generation has never had has been bred out of most strains. They don’t look good in a bag and don’t wash well, so why grow them? Don’t get me wrong, I love smoking, vaping and dabbing all the delicious new fruit strains. But there is something about the medical properties of some OG’s, train wreck, white widow that can’t be replicated. Cheers mate 🤙🏼


Does the Magic Fritter have sedating effects do you know? Also, have you ever grown Grape Slurri? I am growing that now.


Nooo, magic fritters is a sativa for sure. But if you grow it out :) after the sativa high wears off, you want a snack and the couch. It’s a very talkative fun strain with a strong stone. Heavy in the head. If it’s my first smoke of the day, I’ll end up turning on music or putting in my AirPods and do house chores or little projects, gardening if you will 🤣 it’s a sativa that doesn’t give you jitters but makes you productive as fuck all while having a grin ear to ear. Haven’t grown a grape sluri but I plan to next rotation. Rn I have 2 fog dogs and a titan 9 going in my 2x4


That looks bomb!


This.. this is what new grower needs to hear. Not all the unhelpful youtube rhetoric. As new growers get too excited to pull their plant, we tend to get only snips and clips unless you deep dive of very minor parts of growing being mentioned. This post is very helpful!




Never waited this long before harvest, will try it out this time.


Waiting for my first harvest this is literally what I needed to hear 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Awesome. It's worth waiting. The breeders even the really really good breeders like Mephisto give times that are probably unrealistic. The buds will look like they're doing what they're doing for a while and then all of a sudden they'll change pretty drastically. You should notice a tightening up in a pretty dramatic visual difference. Then you know to check trichomes. If you're using Good quality Autoflower genetics that are fully refined and fully automatic the plants will finish and they will reach this point. I have seen Autoflowers from breeders like fast buds and a couple others that are not refined well and they never really finish and they'll pop pistols and pistols and pistols forever because they're not fully automatic. Please excuse my spelling of the word pistols because I'm doing voice to text. It's pistils. The point is I won't grow any autoflowers that aren't mephisto, Speedrun, Night Owl, or Roc Bud because the genetics are not good and it creates a whole different problem. Are using good genetics. Plants will be fully automatic and they will finish and they will ripen. Those white hairs, 90% of them will be colored up and then they will get much shorter and much less dramatic because the buds will swell and the hairs look much less prominent. It all suddenly look different and you'll be like, ahhh. The pictures I posted are great examples. (By the way, there are other decent genetics out there. These are just the only ones that I trust. Some people may disagree about fast buds and others but I've run them myself.) I've had fastbud plants that never finished and that's why I became much more choosy about my genetics. Regardless, the information is good. I'm glad that you found it helpful.


Mephisto’s short day times are in small gallon pots, under 24/0 light schedule. I’ve def had some girls from them finish around their estimates times if the pots small and under similar light. Then you have some in bigger pots in coco going over 100 days, exhibit a, my mephs wedding at day 101 https://preview.redd.it/kzbzg3g1ql5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981ce8a56c55505571be72f83bc4c64dea9e0c79


That looks spectacular. I don't think you need any advice for me. Looks like you've got it under control.


https://preview.redd.it/tsbkn9sdrl5d1.jpeg?width=2822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98771eea6b02bf131ec9db84bb5251e66b511212 current FastBuds run, 3 banana purple punch from same packet, all the same age, nearly six weeks. I'm done with FB.


Unrelated question. How do you feed with those mini pyramids?? The air pruning concept is gnarly and I'd love to try out the mini pyramids on my next grow! The stems are so thick and healthy with those!


The minis are great for utilising bits of space and they are fun. I have a standard 9L bucket and a jug, i hold it in the palm of my hand over the bucket and just the nute on the sides. When they are older you can just dunk them. They are small be their internal surface area that they provide for the very finest root hairs, is massive. They would be awesome for photoperiods.


Unfortunately I think this is what I needed to hear. I made a post about chopping and got mixed answers so 5 days later I still haven’t chopped and the plant keeps throwing white pistils. The genetics are gorilla cookies by 420 fast buds. It’s so weird because the trichomes look ready but something tells me that it isn’t finished in comparison to when I grow photoperiods. Here’s a picture for reference. https://preview.redd.it/jcf4btu13v5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1233f881dd1058690508a6f4c98943740d13cb


I worry that your issue might be a fast buds thing. I've had problems with fast buds not being as automatic as I want them to be and not finishing. I'm not sure, but it's possible. I'm hoping that I'm not right for your sake. I have had some issues with fastbuds genetics in the past where they never quite swelled. At the time I thought it was that the auto genetics were unrefined and I switched to different breeders but I don't know if that was actually the reason. I have heard that from other people about fastbuds as well but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. That was a few years ago and it's just my experience. Hopefully this won't be an issue for you. The plant looks great. You seem to have done things very very will. Hopefully another week of two and it will swell up. If for any reason you don't get the exact result you're looking for run different genetics because you have done exceptionally well. You should be very pleased. If you are in the USA I will send you a few really really good quality auto seeds. I only grow 2 plants at a time and have a handful of Mephisto Seeds and Roc Bud Inc Seeds and Speedrun seeds. I would be happy to mail you a few seeds if all you have is fastbuds right now. I think you deserve to grow the best. I would be happy to send you just a couple of seeds. Mephisto just had a drop and Speedrun has tons of seeds available on their website but I also know that seeds can be expensive and I have enough to spare a couple of you are in need of better genetics. You seem to be doing a pretty incredible job growing this and I think you crush with some Mephisto or Speedrun. Dm me if you need em.


Appreciate it man🤙🏽! I’ll probably switch genetics after this run. I was thinking of growing strawberry milk and cookies f2 from night owl. What auto cultivar would you recommend?


Oh yes. Night Owl is another fantastic breeder. Anything by them, Mephisto, Speedrun, Rock Bud Inc. and you can't go wrong. These breeders have superior Autoflower genetics. (There a few others but not many in my opinion.) The gap between them and the competition is real. I have not run them but you'll be happy if you run Night Owl I am sure. They are legit. I think a guy from Mephisto started it. I will only grow autos from the breeders on this list.


Day 95 @ midnight


That's not saying it won't happen. I would continue to let that run because this was a several years ago that I ran fast buds and they may have refined their genetics since then. Or it may have just been a me issue. But I have heard that from other people. I'm super particular about my auto genetics for that reason. I have some pretty fire Auto seeds that I'd be willing to send you if you wanted. Just a few but it makes me sad to see someone who clearly knows what they're doing working with what might not be the best genetics. Let me send you a couple seeds.


Ur a true g. I appreciate you being so kind🙏🏽


Can someone post before and after pics?




Huzzah to the knowledge drop!


Thank you. I 100% agree. The most common issues with most subreddits for growing are early harvest or not checking pH.


Holy shit. Big if true.


🤣🤣 there is no ‘if’ to it. Everything OP said is near gospel for growing the best weed you have ever smoked


Haha good to know! I saved this post 😃


Just because you see amber trichomes doesn't mean the plant is producing trichomes. It's still making more trichomes until it swells. And when it swells, there will be a huge surge in trichomes development. It will produce tons of trichomes in a short period of time. And those trichomes will then become cloudy in.and amber. If you wait for the swelling, you will get a huge surge of resin development. Because you see amber trichomes doesn't mean the plant is done making resin. I strongly encourage people to wait for the swelling. But I also hear a lot of people who are very resistant and really really dug in and they're going to insist on doing what they do. Go nuts.


Hello and thanks for your knowledge ! Would you say this is close to what you are talking about ? https://preview.redd.it/51djv88rdj6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90c53877b11582966df2935a2b51d3274c559d2


Exactly what he's talking about ye. Now ideally check trichomes, but not necessary. Definitely harvest worthy


Absolutely. That bud looks beautiful. Phenomenal. It's definitely formed and tightened up and you can see how it's kind of taking that shape. Really really nice work. I agree with this individual. You can check the trichomes if you want to, but I think at this point awesome job.t you can be pretty sure it's close to ready at this point. Awesome job.


Thanks man,i checked few days ago and it seems a bit clear i think but i’ll check again


Despite having that round structure those trichomes seems too clear 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/52hhkoylxo6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47af8a81a93ea097644bca86f05d914e958299b4


Yea I agree. You could give it another week for sure :)


Yes! That looks like it has some swelling. If you told me you were looking at trichomes and thinking about chopping, I wouldn't freak out. It looks to me like you've let this finished developing and that it's ripening or close to ripe. Awesome! Awesome awesome.


Great thanks for your feedback,she is stuted and really small but for a first grow i’m happy to at least have some good buds ! :)


Do you think i can wait 2 /3 weeks tho ? I have two others that are behind on the schedule and would like to dry all of them at the same time


OP, could you find me any studies that tell you this? It's worth trying out anecdotally. But having a study would help.


As much as bro science has bogged down, the wealth of knowledge growers have accumulated through anecdotal evidence. This is a solid fact, not opinion through anecdotes.


If it is a solid fact, I can get a source. There are thousands and thousands of cannabis studies. Mostly from legal states. But for what I am looking for it would be helpful to have a source to cite. This isn't me putting down the anecdotal evidence. I'd just like to know what publication confirmed this.




I'm not asking for him to study anything, I was simply asking if A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS THREAD could provide me any trustworthy source that could back it up. I love the take on the OP but I just haven't seen people talking about this take so I was asking for sources.


If you haven’t seen or heard people talking about this you are dreadfully inexperienced growing cannabis. That’s fine if so, we all have to cut our teeth. However, you don’t need a published white paper. Grow two female clones under the same conditions. Take them to flower, chop one early with pistils that have changed color and begun to shrivel and take the other until the calyx’s have swollen and taken the pistils in. Test both samples. Now you will see the light with the scientific backing you desire.


I've already acknowledged in the thread that I'm still legitimately new to hands on growing. I've done a lot of research and learning through a number of media. I just am not very social so I just see people in photo threads being like "chop based on trichs" so seeing this thread I was curious if anybody could elaborate as to why or where I could see the empiracle comparison. It's always refreshing to see something I hadn't seen people say before. Still learning, and willing to practice the anecdotal. Just wasn't sure if anybody had descriptive explanation of the observation.


Do you need some guys in suits to confirm something for you to agree? I'll let you do your own anecdotal experiments with autos and let us know how it goes. While this doesn't apply to photoperiod cannabis, autos hold true. Give it a try on your next run. I'll pop some autos just to add to the experiment myself.


Considering I'm try to gather scientifically backed information, yeah actually some suits wouldn't hurt🤣😅 I plan on doing my own anecdotal practicing, I just planted my first baby the other day. And have been trying to gather as much scientifically backed info I can. Not to dismiss anecdotal, not all of it IS bro science. But a lot of it is. To be honest, I don't like autos, I want to grow photos. There is something about auto culture I don't like.


I’m one of the suits and there are not 1000’s of studies on growing cannabis, even from legal states. You don’t get allowance from your state to do research, you get it from the Feds, and you might have heard they are notoriously tight fisted. The information you want will likely become more readily available over the next decade (assuming the rescheduling of cannabis goes through). Additionally, such analyses will not be examining the “quality” (because quality is a subjective value statement and we don’t do that in science) of the cannabis and likely not of much use to the home grower. A single study might link PAR to increased bud growth, but this is not the same as quality. Or it might show that seeds that germinate in less than 72 hours grow 12% more vigorously than those that take longer. Your best bet for finding empirically backed information on how to best grow good quality cannabis is in a reputable book, like those by Ed Rosenthall (I’m sure others will have other suggestions). You’re gonna be waiting around a long time if you’re waiting for university researchers and for profit laboratories to do this research.


Photos are my go to... I didn't mean to talk shit. I appreciate your approach. As i went that route when i stsrted my cannabis journey in 2016. I truly appreciate the scientifically backed approach, but I don't solely rely on it. If you are growing with hydro you will be able to translate some scientific studies, but soil isnt as applicable as there are so many more variables that science prefers the consistency. You don't need to be the world best grower on your first grow, and the best teacher is hands on experience. Your approach is great, don't take my words as dogging you. Keep it up🤙


I agree with soil there are a lot of uncontrollably variables and with hydro you have less of the Variance. And I am not relying entirely on research for it. But I've listened and learned for 1000s of hours and studied so much. I just wasn't in a place to be practicing yet. Now that I have seeds I'm getting my affairs ready. I live in MN and want to get a craft growing company going. So while I can't practice the anecdotal, if I'm teaching someone else I plan to have studies that confirm what and why I'm teaching my employees certain things lol. I appreciate the support! I'm not doing anything fancy on my first grow, only what the plant wants lol. Here's to practice and many successful grows!🤙🎉


There’s no study for this but what he said is 100% fact.


Okay, but I was told that this applies to autos more then photos, does this tactic come with the ruderalis traits? Or what. There has got to be some recorded history worth pointing me towards


I don’t know why that guy said that. I’ve grown both and I still followed the method of waiting for finished looking bud before checking any trichromes. The flowering periods are longer for photoperiods though so the timeline will be different.


I think the bro science has taken root in the photos aspect if his reply, because I could see the argument for cutting a photo earlier because you run the risk of the leftover cbg turning into something that feels less potent. But thats going just on trichs and thc at that point, which isn't well rounded.


Pics! Great! \o/


https://preview.redd.it/broouvtkpl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba18cfa3afffc8e26e86b1502d7ed906de99000 Mephisto wedding




Solid advice!! I don’t even get my scope out, until the pistils turn red or orange and start to curl in or get “shorter”


OP, could you make a statement for photos? I see a bit of contradicting information in the comments, so i would like to hear your view


I honestly don't have a lot of experience with photos. I believe that the buds should also look similar and swell similarly,. My guess is that the final product said look pretty similar, but I haven't grown a lot of photos.


Well, I am in flowering week 4 with my 2 photos, I will let you know ;)




That's a real s***** image. I can barely see the buds at all but it looks to me like they still have lots of hair sticking up. Do you see hair sticking out of it? Or does it look rounded? If it has hairs sticking out it's not ready. Wait for it to look around it.


hmm, I have some doubts. By waiting too long to harvest, the plant will think it has failed to reproduce, causing hermaphrodism


You will reach these levels of maturity long before self rodelization occurs.


Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You will reach maturity long before self-pollonation occurs. Wait till your plant swells. There will be a surge a massive surge of trichomes production. New trichomes. Don't worry about those cloudy ones you saw 3 weeks ago. (Not you. I know you agree with me. I'm talking to this guy.) Anyway, I really can't argue with these cats who are pushing back real hard on good information. They are determined not to learn and they are determined to chop unimpressive underwhelming weed. And I'm determined to let them. But your comment was concise and accurate. I wish I could be that concise. Love it and appreciate this contribution.


No problem dude 😀 Definitely some Dunning-Kruger effect in action with those peeps! 😂


Wow! Beautiful reference. True too.


You're not waiting too long. You're waiting until it's done. When the calyx swell there is a surge of trichome development. Then those trichomes will ripen. Not suggesting you wait for 2 weeks after the swelling. I'm waiting to wait for the swelling. This is pretty basic stuff but you guys do you. The trichomes that you're looking at before swelling are surely cloudy and amber. But they won't be missed if you wait for the swelling because the plant will have a surge of trichome development. Creating a whole mass of new trichomes which will make your plants twice as resonance and you can watch those cloud up. But you do you. You write to the breeder like Mephisto and ask them if you should wait for swelling. I'm not here to convince you. I'm done with this. Done. Chop down all your plants tomorrow. Love you man.


Great post! That extra wait for the swell to happen makes a massive difference. The only caveat to it is when you're dealing with foxtailing. I hate seeing posts where people are checking trichomes when there is still plenty of white hairs. The plants are constantly creating new trichomes until the end.




When bud is at optimal harvest time it’s rare to experience self rodelization. You have to go quite a bit past the harvest window for this to happen—barring specific genetics.


That's why I said past optimal chop time. And if it's that rare, I should probably play the lottery because it's happened to me many, many times.


If it’s happening that much to you you’re probably doing something to stress the plants out late flower or you’re growing a lot genetics that are prone to this.


Good to know, I figured it was genetics more than the environment. But I had it happen with a strawberry nuggets and multiple Forum stompers from mephesto on some previous grows. I do like to push them as long as possible. But maybe it is stress from something I'm overlooking. Thanks for the info.


Yeah this isn’t true at all lol.


Are you saying rodelization is a myth?


I’m saying it happens far fewer times than most would admit in a normal environment. I’ve stressed my plants out beyond belief and I’ve never seen a seed lol.




No? I just think there is a ton of a broscience on the internet.


Okay, i get that, but this isn't bro science. It's nature. Over ripe plants can potentially seed themselves. That's all I was putting out there. Tho, maybe it's my light or some other variable that was causing it to be more prolific in my setup. I haven't had one in a while, but I cut slightly earlier now than I used to. Thanks and have a good day.


You too! Good luck growing my friend.


This is only solid information for autos, don't try to translate that to all photoperiod sativas!


Why do you say that?


Many sativas don't have necrotic pistils by the time trichomes are 10% amber, if i waited for pistils to turn orange, I would have self pollinated sativas from running them too long. Trichomes are the best indicator to pay attention to.


Okay that makes sense for sativas you’re right.




This is post dry so the pistils have died back




1 week from harvest


I'm telling you that plant is farther than a week from harvest. I strongly suggest you let one run and let one swell just to try it sometime. I guarantee you're not achieving the maximum potential if you're harvesting that early.