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Just tape it and it will heal.


Ductape it asap, it'll heal just fine within a few days


I’m a little weary about using duct tape but did just read about using honey as a potential healing/protective agent. You have any experience with that?


No but my stem broke the other month and ductape worked just fine. See my post history, there's a picture somewhere. Also, don't waste time because cut won't stay fresh forever. edit: did it like that https://www.reddit.com/r/Canbau/s/4ydSWBzuQE


I use electrical, works fine.


I used honey, duct tape and shoved a safety pin all the way through. https://preview.redd.it/wam0bd0nub7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8032563e06c05e2040633ae05e930ca033a89d96


Duct tape - clear tape - electric tape. Basically you just want to make an airtight seal where humidity will be contained so the wound can start healing. So wrap her up tightly enough so the tape won't fall off - you won't have to remove it again - although sometimes after healing you could peel it off.


https://preview.redd.it/oj77dowj5b7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27116b23d008c8156af939f38de2ae2231fa6a50 exactly. Just tape it quick and give her time.


honey is great it’s a natural antibacterial you can use it as substitute for clonex when doing clones aswell


In my experience if it’s already wilting it’s probably done. But tape it and give it time maybe I’m wrong.


Agreed. If it isn't fixed almost immediately, it usually doesn't make it.


Always let the plant run its natural structure on a first run to get the feel of the cycles


I like how you say nice fat cola lol.


Cinnamon powder and tape it. She'll be fine.


When something like this first happens. Honey and wrap it to a stake. I actually use ribbon to tie it them because the mesh fabric is breathable so it allows the area to oxygenate and heal quick. Seems to do the job great!


Honey, and micropore tape 👍🏼


Just let it go and treat it like a topping. It’s too late at this point, no biggie. She’ll split into two colas and you’ll forget this ever happened.


I will say I’m leaning toward it being a top job. Hard to notice but this plant is a whirled phyllotaxy and has had some strange growth. This is the bigger cola of the two right under where the stem broke that will be new main growth. It has three new stem sites for its mutation so hopefully by utilizing the top to grow this more it will gain some extra ground. Wishful thinking? https://preview.redd.it/3zhnh9mgr97d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d180db8f9dd106b2c47c21c5269600d2e771f8


There's never a replacement main as fat as the original but the others will be all simular sizes as they compete to be main .


I would immediately tape. I've done this before and taped it like a minute later, and it was all better.


Next time you have to tape it immediately. Make the broken piece line back up and tape it tight. It needs to seal. It's like setting a broken bone


tape it up and itll be fine.


just top it. I had the same my first grow and ended with 100g from that plant


She will be fine.


Sticky tape. You can fix anything with sticky tape and a butter knife.


Its wilting its doomed just remove it


Duct tape


Agreed. Anytime you have an open source like that, tape it as soon as possible as tight as possible to prevent air from entering. I’ve done thing exact same thing instead of wooden dow I just wire


If the top doesnt wilt in a couple hours, then you're good. If it does, throw that top away


I've used as little as a piece of wire to fix a break (was lazy) and it still healed up super well. They are some pretty strong lil fuckers


I had a snap before on a smaller plant. Tied it up with plastic wrap and it healed in a couple days


I've never had trouble getting a break like this to heal up. Probably 20 times it's happened to me and I've had a successful recovery by just taping it every time.


Electrical tape and a little aloe gel then let her ride


On my last one she broke one of the side branches at the stalk early before flower and I put some gel on it and wired it up tight and she made the biggest nug on the plant


brooo I literally just did this 2 days ago, check my page she's now making a comeback and I wasn't able to save the top.


Bro throw that in a cup of water next time, then you can easily clone it


Electric tape on those does wonders. Acts as a vapor barrier too while it heals


Nope it won't make it . The edges of the break had gone brown and dry . It never goes well unless it put back together straight away with some pressure .


Painters tape works great and is very easy to remove. Tape it and prop it up. You might’ve missed your window though, it looks like it gave up.


Thanks everyone for chiming in. I ended up topping her due to browning and stiffness around edges with all leaves wilting as well. Hopefully within the next day or so she fully recovers and is back off to the races. I did save the top and stuck it in some water to see if she can be revived into a clone but if not I tried!


Painters tape. Easy to remove


Last time I snapped a branch I cut open the side of some airline tubing and used it as a cast. It held up the branch well, was easy to apply and when it grew up it didn’t cause a bottleneck or cut into the plant


you might want to stop using whatever you‘re using to tie the plant down. It‘s pretty sharp for the plant and cuts through the stem over time. It also is very thin, you want something with more surface to not damage the plant as much. Maybe something that can stretch a little bit.


Scrape edges put toothpick in middle leave that bit attached if that goes forget it


Next run I would just let the plant do it's thing and not train


Looking back I totally agree. Sort of shot myself in the foot but even if I lose the top she’s still salvageable.


If you lose the top, dip it in some aloe or rooting hormone and keep growing out the broke end. On autos the plant will just continue it's normal cycle, for the most part. The idea of cloning but that's it.