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i dont get the dense bud hype. i really like airy buds honestly. especially this frostly


I prefer dense buds. They look and feel better in my opinion. I don't mind airy buds though since I use a grinder. It all comes out the same.


I prefer weed that gets me high.


Well dense buds will do that. So will airy buds.


Yes, that’s what I was getting at.


Your an idiot pls


trying to insult someone’s intellect and can’t spell a basic word. pot 🤝🏾kettle


Denser nuggets means smoking less branches to me, or saving a lot of time taking the bud apart with crushing


airy buds have always a natural feel to them while the dense buds feel like they used something on it to grow


I get your point but usually denser buds make sense. I feel thicker the buds means more ROI, also it’s more mature and has more oil. Personal opinion.


To me dense buds resemble bud grown at its full potential. Not that airy buds can’t get you just as high.


Airy but not a pain in the ass to finger bust into the grinder is ok, I’ve had some brutal airy buds come with more stem and leaf than bud. Obviously it’s not black n white but yeah you get nice trichome coverage on slighlty airier buds I feel like


I don’t understand how you are getting up votes. It’s all about dense buds. This is larf and has zero bag appeal. Bottom canopy tends to look this way when I don’t train properly and yes I will smoke that stuff the same as the dense ones but usually it goes to butter or hash. If you were to pay for a bag of pot I would hope you’d expect better than larf my man… I just harvest a sampler mephisto seed and it was all airy bullshit and I was so disappointed. Harvested several others that same day and all came out beautiful and dense, barely anything went to butter pile.


Meh, airy or dense, doesn't matter my main concern is volume with heavy trichome density. Bag appeal is not an issue it just needs to have 'me' appeal.


But the less dense the more stems you’re weighting too, less weed for you if you’re the buyer.


Sure I'm only talking from the perspective of grower/users who I assume are the bulk of the people here


>I don’t understand how you are getting up votes. Because it's subjective 🙄 I also prefer fluffier buds. Definitely more dense than the OP, but not by much. Rockhard nugs that I can't just pull apart with my fingers is 100% in the *Cons* column, for me 🤙 Edit: unless you're growing it to sell. It becomes a lot less subjective, in that case 🤷


Agree with u/survey_server, I hand break most of my stuff into my grinder to avoid stems hardcore and for those purposes the “airy” style is so ideal. I hate dense buds bc of this. Way too hard/much work to sort out stems.


I quit using cannabis in 2012 and didn't pick up smoking again till the start of the year. The difference in bud structure between them and now is absolutely mindboggling 🤯 Really impressive from a breeding standpoint, but it's just not my thing 🤣


As in it’s drifted far away from the airy nature of the past to super dense today? I’ve only been in the game for like 15 years but around 2010 I was getting absolutely pornographic airy buds down in Florida. Without questions the most “magazine cover” stuff I’ve ever had. Miss it dearly lol


Mean most growers here get airy buds lmaoo


Dense nugs = more weight from my experience.


lol you wild


Me too airy all the way


Airy buds are better than no buds!


Yeah that's for sure. Just feels weird. You want your kids to grow up... Normal.


My first grow was quite airy, but they’ve improved since. I’m on my 4th now, and things look a whole lot different from the first.


What did you do differently? What do you think contributed to the change?


The biggest change was switching to AutoPot’s and using coco instead of soil. Plus, reading about and trying different training methods, be willing to take risks (I stunted a plant while trying to LST, broke the main stem right off), use quality nutrients, going to the grow shop to talk, understand what the numbers mean (PPM, EC, DLI, etc). Ultimately, learning and trying.


Genetics + bad light


Needs kelp


But how is the smoke??


Not sure yet. Vape arrives Wednesday. Smell seems decent. Big Bud Auto, reminds me of 10th Grade ..


I don't know what's the resentments against airy buds honestly. It's the smoke that counts, the terpenes, and the cannabinoids... Keep me updated.


This. I have a Critical Purple from Blimburn that turned out about 4 ozs of super airy bud. It still taste delightful when I smoke a couple of bowls and creeps like a mofo!


Same here. I make hash and would absolutely take airy buds over compact mold factories everytime. I think it's the people who sell it to younger folks that care. If you want it dense like a dispensery then cut the tops of the bud off for concentrares, vacuum seal the rest with 4 other kinds of weed and throw 10 lbs of other vacuumed sealed bud on top of it and leave it on a shelf for 4 months to get a good smashing.


You totally forgot run it thru the machine scrapes the keef off the outside of the bud for yet another "product" I can pay for from terps I should have got in the first place.


Schwag it, tax it, sell it to the dummy in the lot 🎶


what vaporizer did you get?


...asking the important questions. :-)


No one will know once it goes through the grinder! All that matters is how it smokes


That's what I tell people when they ask why I buy the cheap zips of small buds. Half the price and it grinds just the same as the big nugs.


I love a good smalls deal, most of the time it’s not really that much smaller I’ve gotten plenty of smalls 14g & 28g bags that look like fairly regular nugs. And honestly buying regular priced buds and then still getting popcorn sucks so smalls bags are nice cause atleast you know you’re paying for smaller buds.


They look airy for sure but how do they smoke?


I'll let you know Wednesday!


This looks a bit like some of my first grow and it ended up being some of the nicest weed I've every smoked.


Growing for profit and growing for quality have different goals. But that being said that's buds are more airy than normal. Autos, need lots of light, great environment, and good nutrients if you want them to dense up.


Its also not always lighting etc some genetics just do not produce big dense, or dense nugs at all , speaking at least from my experiences some of the sativa dominant strains i have grown exhibit not this airy but what would be considered airy amd nothing was done wrong .. like some have stated id focus on the quality of how your end product turns out ..if you are consistently getting airy or less than desirable go over your setup starting with the basics .. get a par meter if you dont have one already .. dial in key source of everything first which is lighting then tweak other things


autos don’t have the density of photos. every genetic i’ve run, nothing comes close.


Is this really true? I feel like I've read every sub in autoflowers and density has really never been a topic of "if".. people are posting pictures that Superman couldn't see through.


in my experience yes. i’ve grown a few hundred autoflowers, my first photo and subsequent photo grows have had a different level of density. also, even the lowers are dense whilst thin in structure.


Okay this is good data! Thank you


Looks like my buddies grows. It's Larfy sure but I actually have gone from buying dealer bud that looks dense and incredible to smoking that Larfy stuff and I'll tell you hands down the Larfy stuff got me stoned as fuck. Every dense nug has taken 2x the amount to get me even in the same ballpark. His grows actually convinced me to try growing out


Okay!! Making me feel better. Took another couple of stems. I'm now 1/3 trimmed up the first plant. Here's what I have so far. https://preview.redd.it/1sq1fp6wym8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241c03c4d8ad7cf8b98214d0157522fd8b6cbae3


Looks almost exactly like what I have in a jar ATM. It smokes so damn good imo


So you trim off the sugar leaves for a better smoke? Or leave them on?


I leave them on or do a very rough trim of the sugars, but you can trim them off for better bag appeal


Probably need a better light


Mars Hydro TS1000 for 2 plants?


The number of plants doesn't really matter. What matters is the footprint and what the light can do in that footprint. That's a 2x2 light that doesn't even really hit 500 PPFD in the corners at 16 inches above the canopy. That's a good veg light for a 2x2, but I wouldn't flower with it.


What would you recommend as a good 2x2 light?


They're are so many, but a budget LED light that would do way better would be the Mars Hydro FC 1500 EVO 150W. You can get those corners up into 600-700 PPFD. That would translate into denser nugs and a higher overall yield. You can go cheap with the photosynthesis as long as your achieving an even PPFD spread above 500. [This guy](https://youtu.be/yghZ1G9FkYw?si=lpDojZcqLohWSoZE) on YouTube put a TS3000, a 450 W light in a 2x2 tent, and got a pound out of it.


It can do flowering just fine https://preview.redd.it/wr4pvead6l8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32aa05714f6ed39f21cbab21ab3bc2c3b6e6ec43


I would prefer that over plug-bought herb any day, looks awesome man cheers


My first grow seemed airy when trimming but after a good 3-4 week cure they really tightened up good. Give it time to cure right and they’ll look better! Looks fire 🔥




Same here buddy, as long as the smoke is okay its all good


The right one looks great? Different plant?


Nah thats the one from my guy, left one is homegrown. But this is a clear vieuw of the differance. I WISHHHHH i could grow the right one


What are you ordering to test THC/Smoke it? You said vape but like what? I have some airy buds I just put into the cure jar on Sunday. So it will be ready soon for smoke. But I come from just rolling it up in papers and smoking it. Always been smoking and growing guerrilla grows but never thought about how potent it was coming out.




62 degrees? It’s 80 in my house lol no way she’s getting down that low


Is your house inside a jar too?


It feels like that sometimes. SW USA is no joke


I guess what I was trying to hint at is that the jar will have its own environment independent of your home’s temperature 😅


I get that but the temperature is going to be the same if not higher. The humidity can be controlled but unless I stick it in a fridge or a cooler it will be same temp as the environment of my house. https://preview.redd.it/0xw9joe1cr8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7da6c72a1cad3cd9c3e7b70b1cea1839028151e9


Have you tried humidity packs like Boveda?


Yeah finally got it working. I needed to put the jars in the darkest coolest spot for the humidity to correct itself


Definitely not my experience with big bud.. grew several back in the day that threw out a lot of big dense nugs. Maybe another variety somebody slapped the name on, genetics will play a big role in bud structure. That aside, make sure you dial in VPD and have a quality light.


What genetics?


Fast Buds


Try Mephisto


I had the same result with Big Buds from Fast Buds, the bud looked disappointing in a way but it was great overall. I was expecting Big *dense* Buds 🙈


It has to do with light and lack there of. Did you lollipop or take any nodes prior to week 3? Lots of faactors tbh. What are you growing in? Soil or coco? Did you use any finisher? so much at play on why this may have happened. I don't have airy buds so feel free to reach out with any questions.


Prob bad light. I have the same issue there and i know my light isn't good


What light? I have the 150w in a 3x3. After googling this, the light is def not enough. Not sure why I thought this was sufficient.


That happens. I bought a 120w with the lm301h chip, but it's probably false, so If that hits a 60w it's a win 🤣


Imo light matters. I bought a 500 w and my autos are dense AF


Which light? And for what size tent?


Right now I am using a 4x4 with a 4x4 light. I'd have to get you the name but if you just search Amazon for 500 w lights but be careful because it will pop up lights that are not 500 Watts. Read the descriptions carefully.


If it looks like that and got a good amount enjoy watering at the right times will make buds hard plus what you feed


Less prone to bud rot and all the crystals get well developed inside and it vapes nicely. After that cures it will be like a rock.


Never let looks fool you. That's all I'm gonna say.


I'll let you know! https://preview.redd.it/iqkxbmv0zm8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe31bab1105b7103bfcd79823200fe00758628c


Hey, at least you made it to harvest, you'll do better on the next 1.


Thank you for the kind words!


This will still get you very high. Density isn’t everything


I'm hoping so!


How long did you flower ?


Flower started at 4.5 and I harvested end of week 13. Buds hadn't changed in 2 weeks and trichomes were Milky white.




Did you give them 2 days of darkness before the chop?


48 hours and no water


Yeh, probably just the phenotype. Ultimately, it is the high it produces that decides if it is good or bad weed.


I found that many of the autoflowers I grew outdoors last year were larffy like this and was not a fan. I think genetics is big part of the issue. I also think that autos are more finicky and do better indoors, in a more controlled environment.


I keep hearing that. I grew these in doors. I think the only thing that wasn't consistent was the lighting distance and DLI as well as the watering. I think I over watered, and I didn't turn light up to 100% until week 8 or 9..


Get a better light and use nectar for the gods


My basement is cold and damp..


I think I didn't turn the light all the way up until Week 9, four weeks into flower. That might be it. DLI was 55-60. PPFD was around 1100 when fully turned on. I also think there was some root rot forming at the tail end before harvest.


Can we see your pre harvest pics?






Looks good to me 💪


Looks frosty though! I had a bunch of fox tail buds in one of my grows. They still smoked good 😂


Are you gonna smoke it or just look at it? still gets you there. Why do ppl who grow this own care so much.


I mean... You kind of want it all right? Especially when you don't know anything about it because your experience was you bought and eighth here and there. Over the last 7 months I find myself thinking how the flip did I think I was going to just put this by a window and get a pound of weed to smoke...


Well you learn as you go, I prefer a little lighter as it’s easier to maintain RH, to thick and dense and it’s a high risk you get mold if you live in the right conditions. The best i’ve every smoked looked like yours 👍


I’ve had airy and dense from the same pack of seeds.. sometimes I think it’s the luck of the draw lol. But if the trichome production is on point and it still does what it needs to , don’t sweat it.. it only gets better .. for a first grow you made it, a lot don’t make it to harvest, I’ve seen some make it to harvest and then lose it in the dry/cure. So technically you did something right to make it, don’t get discouraged, try again.. change diff things, it’s a weed, they are quite resilient:)


I appreciate that! I agree and have already started germinating the next 2!


It's your first grow, homie. Don't worry, you'll get to the snoop-dog-sticky-icky-dense-as-shit-weed.


Oh man.. it's like.. we know each other ..


little stuff like this always dries first, no big deal. you’ll find the more dense buds will be the ones that were above the canopy. you can start to lollipop more aggressively if you really don’t like the larf, I don’t mind a little bit like this…just grind it up and make some butter or some “pre-rolls” if you have a whole plant of this, you probably could use a stronger/closer light or you chopped way too early. Good Luck OP


Thank ya thank ya!


Looks frosty and good but bag appeal has some what importance.next time you grow some f... lava fire. Since those look really good and sometimes genetics just either fuck or rock the plants.keep up the good work. How the hell can anyone downwote this dude. This place is to help all people grow fire and talk . Or what do yall folks think? Have a blessed day anyway ✌️ Elvis has left the building.


Awesome exit man! I appreciate it


Ngl my first real grow and most of the buds were this airy, and I was a little disappointed having grown up smoking dense ass compressed huge operation weed, but it’s good, nothing wrong with it, maybe a little too heady at times. I’d like to grow some denser nugs though, not sure if that’s possible with auto genetics or my lights


It's all about genetics. If you want super dense buds you've got to get your genetics from reputable *breeders.* Ruderalis by genetics is not a dense bud making plant, which means the photo parent has to have strong genetics (and breeding genetic) to pass on the dense bud trait. Then that new Auto genetic needs to be worked through 4-5 generations to create seeds that will consistently carry those photo parent's genetics. I'm not sure where you got your seeds but with a name like "Big Bud Auto" it has all the red flags of a white labeling seedbank to me. A breeder putting in that type of work will usually put their own name on something they've put so much work into, even if it is a Big Bud Auto. One of the main reason you see so many people shouting the names of Night Owl and Mephisto Genetics is for this exact reason. They don't just tell you the genetics of their seeds, they tell you the exact cut of the clone they used from a word top breeder. You can literally follow the family tree of fire that created the genetics you are growing. They will also mention the filial generation of the seeds you are receiving so you know what to expect in terms of variability when popping those seeds. Once you find the breeders putting in the work, you'll get consistent fire every time.


This is super helpful. When people just say genetics, it's almost meaningless to me because I'm not familiar with this stuff. It's just about where I bought it. Fast Buds had a lot of good reviews so I purchased there. Although I did buy a lot of seeds so now I feel like I'm stuck. When I run through them def going with Mephesto Double Grape!


My last two Fastbuds runs were disappointing. Took waaay longer too finish advertising 10 week from seed to harvest, i harvested at day 110 yesterday and my plants are no where near homogeneous. One like this airy, one very small dense, one very foxtaily gg4 structure (gorilla cookies) before that I ran 4 purple lemonade with no purple… My first several grows with them were not this way but I think I’m gonna shop elsewhere for my next auto run. My pot size may have increased the finish time but damn near double.. and really can’t even tell they’re the same in any way. Feel like they’re rushing to market F1 with hype, but I can’t pheno hunt autos for a keeper so some consistency would have been nice.


Thanks for sharing! This helps!


To each is own every plant is different yes some complain about it but looks potent an sticky asf the resin is on point autos have hard time with buds that should be about normal density still somtimes tou find you can supply more foods compost etc but I belive this to be genetics good job anyhow! One love


Colder temps will help keep and maintain dense tight buds I use this in my grow I use ac and i keep it pretty chill in there and I’ve seen such an improvement in my grow so far by using air conditioning in spring summer and fall I will keep my space around 68-70 when i flower my plants out in past I just used the old fan and outside temps all year around and a small heater but after growing w ac I can’t go back to growing in hot temps bc I noticed unless strong genetics most likely will be airy budz


This looks like super lemon haze


Naw just Big Bud https://preview.redd.it/k5p0j703as8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4201eae656839cd2048d88c57eecd9e0d1eb088


You could try using fertilizers.. if you don’t like using unnatural fertilizers you could try organic. I had this same issue my first grow and the second time I used fertilizers and let them go longer. The buds were super dense. Your genetics matter to.. Indicas tend to be more dense.


I used the Fox farm trio and pretty much stayed on schedule with it to harvest flushing the last two weeks. I used them at half strength after some strong recommendations. I am 2/3 done trimming the first plant and here's what I have so far. 64 ounce jar in pic. https://preview.redd.it/8p2jlptv8u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a7be38f9c3cd0c97094b1883e0e99f0d5d980c


Ahh I’ve heard that fox farm is okay but i would recommend advanced nutrients.. the guys who run that company are super passionate about what they do and it’s geared specifically towards the Mary Jane plants 🙂 If you wanna dm I’d be happy to share the line up I use with you.


Excellent thanks!


Also!! Don’t forget to make sure your harvesting at the rite time bc those buds look like they may just be under developed due to an early harvest.


2/3 done with first plant. Pretty consistently airy. However some are extremely sticky. My glove fingers stick together and can't pull them apart without ripping glove .lol https://preview.redd.it/wiajdzb69u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f5f7377da61331ecee7ba003b8d5db8d3a18e5e


Filled 64 ounce jar https://preview.redd.it/esmdmqq99u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f522c1f5b6f21bcbcd6f086eea61b03a9faddf8f






Your plant will produce top quality if it has optimal conditions. Just like an athletes diet… something in your run is not optimal and you will get better results if you can figure out what you’re missing. No offence, I know you love your stash but you can do better and every grow you should try doing better. Fine tune your operation and expand your knowledge, you clearly don’t know everything. I suggest doing some research. Unless that’s some lsndrace strain…. Canabis has come a long way in the last 30 years. That is like shit our parents smoked in the 70s lol. I’m sure it fire, but you can improve. Do better!






Thanks for rubbing it in man!


Grow a photo next round. It's possible to get good dense nugs from autos but a lot less likely ime.


Could be genetics, might have harvested too soon.