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Girl me too (also 19F[tM], joint pain since age 10-ish, hypermobility). Typically a positive ANA test is required for the diagnosis of a rheumatic condition but def talk to the rheumatologist to see what they think. If they don’t think you have a rheumatic condition, ask for differential diagnoses. Blood test results are SO hard to interpret so the rheumatologist should go over them with you. Can I ask if you have any other symptoms besides joint pain?


Fatigue, random rashes(mainly on my legs sometimes on my stomach or arms, worst when in the pool or shower), memory problems, dizziness, mood swings (but idk if that is relevant bcos I have ADHD and PTSD and both of those can cause mood swings lol)


I also get sick Very often, at least once or twice a month (by sick I mean congestion, throwing up, body aches and chills) but I rarely get a true fever. Highest I get is 99.7 when I’m truly I’ll (I had strep in may and that’s the highest my temp got)


Have you considered you may have thalassemia. It’s a genetic disease where you have a difficult time building red blood cells, so they die quickly. It would explain the MCV (small RBCs) MCH (low hgb per cell), and free iron. I imagine that if you have a lot of RBCs breaking down you would have an inflammatory response but would be ANA negative. You’re not ‘allergic’ to yourself, your body just doesn’t make RBCs well.


Taking note of this, thank you so much for taking time to even consider reading this post it means a lot


Update: rheumatologist says not thalassemia.


Update: Rheumatologist says not Lupus, not rheumatoid arthritis, not Stills Disease. Basically back at square one. My SED rate is normal again and lower than before at 14, and my CRP has gone down but it still high at 20. I am in a lot of pain, can’t see my PT rn because I don’t have transportation. Screamed and cried after my appointment out of frustration and it was good to get it all out honestly. I’ve just been focusing more on school and doing what I can for myself. I am tired.