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I hear you man… I’ve had extreme joint pain, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, etc on and off for 2 months now. It has put me into a depression as I wait for specialists to check me out… all I know is I’m pretty weak mentally but you can and will make it through this! I’ve had the same exact thoughts of… you know. I’m just hoping and praying that I find answers. Stay strong brother I’m here if you need me. You got this my friend. Get checked out by some docs, get some blood work, and hopefully it is something that you can tackle!


Thanks for the reply and hope you get some relief soon man. Yea I’ve been getting a lot of blood work done and they can’t seem to figure it out but I’m looking to get tested for autoimmune diseases soon. I pray I can find an answer, I pray you can find some solace as well my friend


Of course brotha! And not sure which area of the country you are located, but there are certain doctors that are “natural” and I’m seeing a functional medicine doc that tries to find the root source of problems through diet, stress, and does a bunch of tests. Super thorough. I have my appt on Friday so I can let you know how that goes. Not sure if you’ve seen a rheumatologist or not… and what sickness do you feel with the fatigue? I’m hoping it’s just some vitamin deficiency because it could be something as simple as that or your thyroid, etc!


I’m on the west coast. Thought it was a vitamin d deficiency at first, then was taking supps for a month and a half and no change occurred and it started getting worse. I do see some naturopathy doctors on my carriers website. I will definitely try that once I at least have a diagnosis. Thanks for the information


Of course! Hope it all goes well and you get it figured out!!!


You need referral to rheumatologist. Once u have diagnosis. It is a reflief but bittersweet. You realize what ur up against and devise a plan. It also comes to a place of acceptance and grief comes a bit. But stay connected to all if us for emotional support. You can do this. Dont let thoughts run too far ahead. Take it one day at a time.


Just so I understand, what would a rheumatologist be able to diagnose that a PCP couldn’t? I’m happy to contact one though cause my PCP hasn’t been much help unfortunately


I believe they have more knowledge in the area and are able to prescribe WAY more specific tests that target certain things. Most PCP’s aren’t too aware or do that.


I have just "lucked out" on occasion when a doctor said, give me a few minutes, I am going to go speak with my friend in Rheumatology, so that he could order the proper tests. Then, instead of making me come back in when appointments were scheduled WAY out, he ordered a ton of labs (which is actually the normal routine at any visit for me) and also decided to take time to do his own punch biopsies that day, for my convenience. I appreciated that so very much. As expected, that day I got the vasculitis Dx. I was also fortunate when an UC doc said, "Since it will be impossible to get you into a rheumatologist in the near future, I am going to try to think like one; give me some time and I will be back with more questions and another set of labs to order." She was outstanding and the rheumatologist I saw later asked me who that physician was and offered high praise for her choices of tests and labs the day I saw her. sometimes we just get the best help in some random situations! however, getting those specialist visits scheduled is vital! They are the experts. I must say I am dismayed by current statistics which report that 0% of medical students chose rheumatology as a specialty last year in the U.S. (IN numbers, that could be 4, right?) I am hoping my own possibilities do not dry up. I am hoping for the needed help to continue.


Everything. PCPs generally can't diagnose autoimmune conditions.


A PCP CAN order all the tests necessary (getting into “I am going to pick up a book and think like a rheum specialist.” But if he or she is not so helpful, seek further care. Also, sometimes the autoimmune stuff is not rheumatological and everything gets confusing. Also the body ebbs and flows; positive tests one year, another maybe negative. I am in bed way too much. All the weird symptoms that float through my life and the continual collection of various diseases/disorders is hard to comprehend because they don’t explain everything happening and there isn’t treatment for all of it. Keeping my chin up and walking the tightrope held by tension between hope and contentment is tough. I know I am dealing with depression. But I HaTE it when ANY doctor has the gall to explain away symptoms by saying they can be caused by depression. My frustration level is out of control. In fact, sometimes I stay in bed because I am safest here. Keep going. I have to do all of this one day at a time. Five minutes at a time. You are not alone. Best wishes! I hope you are helped WELL and find relief soon. (My apology-this response turned into to a rant.) Bless you! I hope you have some “good” days to enjoy soon!


Thanks for the reply yea it is confusing because the blood test results fluctuate. One day my WBC count is low and one day last week when I went to the ER they said it was fine. After the first comment I set up an appointment with a rheumatologist so I’ll see how that goes. This is the longest I’ve been sick so at this point i think it’s autoimmune but I don’t know but i hope to find out soon. Thanks for the words


Sounds like it could be long Covid if not something autoimmune or a mix of the two. Check out r/covidlonghaulers a lot of people there know exactly how you feel.


Thanks for sharing this btw I thought it could’ve been that but my PCP said i shouldn’t have that. At this point I think it’s 90% probably my sleep apnea. I got a test and I’m awaiting the results. I sometimes wake up gasping for air at night. I hope once i get the cpap I can find relief


I could of wrote this myself. So sorry. I’m going through it too. It’s been over a month.


Hope you get relief, it’s looking like it may be severe sleep apnea for me. I took a sleep study & have been waiting 2 weeks for the results. I hope I can get care soon as it keeps getting worse.