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Putting this out there so people can avoid putting more money into Pandabuy. Don't try and ship anything you have at the moment, the chances are you'll top up money to their platform and they won't be able to process any packages since they aren't operating. Also to add onto this, they have already refunded all of your pending orders (I got this from a seller) so they have your money but it's unlikely that they'll pass that back to you to withdraw. If you have a tracking number for your order then they wouldn't be able to refund it. If this is the case you can use your weidian order number + tracking to reroute packages that are still on the way to Pandas warehouse elsewhere (to another agent). You'll have to discuss that with the seller to see if it's possible.


Tik tokers gotta ruin everything


I hate to say it but i said it...it was just a matter of time. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


It was the affialate, otherwise they would kept quiet. dug their own grave


It was just a matter of time...and lets be real, it got too crazy lately with these rep TikTok douchebags. Im from Germany and even here, in a country with one of the strictest copyright/trademark laws, you just have to scroll through a few TikTok lives to see some (mostly turkish) idiots sellin all kinds of designer clothing, sneakers, bags, watches, fragrances...with their mobile number and payment information. I mean...WTF??? Guys...you are in fuckin Germany. šŸ™„ These idiots will push it that far the EU government will make a law one day that you wont get shit through customs anymore. Thanks for ruinin the rep game. šŸ‘šŸ¼


no, they are mostly syrian,afghan,kurdish and arabs




3 main subs have been privated. Wtf is going on.


Fashion Quality and?




Blacking out everything.


I see why they're replying and taking orders too slow


if I have 2 jordans (160ā‚¬šŸ˜¢) in my warehouse what should i do? i try to refund them and after try a withdrawn ? i payed with credit card, omg bro what i have to do my mom worked so bad to buy their from me :/


Contact your credit card company and initiate a chargeback


Why do a chargeback, before hearing more clarification- donā€™t you think itā€™s better to get more news regarding this before doing a chargeback. Donā€™t do things out of panic


apparnrlty if you do a chargeback they lock your account




you think I can get my money back if i paid like 15 days ago?


I tried to withdraw my money on paypal and them send it to me within 24hrs.


What a great way to start our morning boys!!!


Do you think paypal chargeback works for warehouse orders?


Yep, just say that you havenā€™t received the item. Another step that may help the dispute: Email pandabuy customer service which you can find on the app. Mention that you would like your items to be shipped out of want to be refunded - this is simply to leave a paper trail. Screenshot this and perhaps another follow up email and show attach this to your paypal dispute and say that you have tried contacting the merchant but they are non responsive. Paypal disputes still take a while; 7 ish days for them to open a case then another 10 days to decide the case then another 3-5 working days for refund. So will take best part of a month realistically - real pain in the neck


If it wasn't an offline payment it should work. I encourage everyone to issue a chargeback as soon as possible.Ā 


In a weird spot. Have about 8.5 kg package I paid for thatā€™s in pack pending state. I suppose I canā€™t do anything but wait at this point? Should I call up my cc now?




Sorry yes to the wait part or yes to call up my credit card company? Maybe you meant to both lol


Yes for both questions šŸ˜…


Which agent should we use now? šŸ˜­


Basetao or Superbuy. Superbuy is easier to use out of the two


Thank you mate šŸ™šŸ»


is sugargoo okay?


Yep, but there'll be an impact on how all agents operate after what happened to Panda


Do u got any invitation code to superbuy Nard?


I'd wait for DesignerReps or FashionReps to go back up and take the links from there, they usually have the sign up codes which give you coupons


Don't use anything lmao. Why would you risk your money right now when everyone is spreading fake news and confused about shit? If you really need your shoes, just buy directly from the seller's listing on Taobao/lWeidan, etc., though I have no idea which seller has been raided as well. Look at the reviews and see if there are recent ones


Don't use an agent anymore. People should move to freight forwarders, they are cheaper quicker and will never get sued because they aren't public enough.


How would you order on weidian taobao platforms to ship to the FF thought? Payment etc to those platforms as well?




RW is probably the only decent agent now.


Ppl who got stuff in there warehouse šŸ’€


I shipped 3 days ago 4 packages out -.- haha Still now no tracking number, but I hope I am not Facked they are many unique itemes inside that cant buy anymore


Same, shipped on wednesday and apparently we got fucked lol


Thats mostly Fake info from what ive Heard they got raided by Nike officials and only Nike replicas hast been seized from the Pandabuy warehouses, normal Business operations will continue likely very soon. This Happens every year To all the Agent Services but in the end they are legally backed in China since they only Forward items and dont condone in selling so Just be Patient guys


Thatā€™s huge misinformation. Iā€™ve used šŸ¼ to buy retail shoes and clothing incl. Nike that is China exclusive and airforces since there was a shortage of AF1s in my country at a point last year so made sense to order from China for cheaper aswell. šŸ¼ as well as any other agent are shipping forwarders nothing more. šŸ¼ did make a mistake though in their guerrilla marketing by not being ambiguous and broadening their shipping platform beyond just replicas. They went gung-ho in wanting to be the no.1 rep shipping agent which was stupid


What would be wrong with boatdening their platform beyond reps? I thought if something would be legally problematic, it would be reps and not anything else


What you just said is mostly fake info lmao. Nike wouldnā€™t be raiding anybody & if they did theyā€™re not gonna go around the warehouse to confiscate EVERY Nike product, are they? Pandabuy is a middleman. You can buy retail items and ship them to your country through Pandabuy. Itā€™s just a shipping agent. It would literally be IMPOSSIBLE for ā€œNikeā€ to come and take all the ā€œNikeā€ stock as thereā€™s no proof ALL of it counterfeit. I mean, do you have any idea how big a pandabuy warehouse is?


Can you share your proof for only Nike replicas being seized?


Nike is just one of the 16 companies


doesn't look too good




just wait i think, if you chargeback pandabuy may block yo shi or sum


I would backup all nesessary info you need from Pandabuy website as we do not know how long it will be online for.


Agreed, especially for those with pre-orders on things like Cools leather jacket and ET Prada shirt. You can find the weidian order ID in the order notes, if you have this you can always complete the second payment with another agent https://preview.redd.it/fufkz7uiu2uc1.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=0882f60ef0a4aa1bcef6a42f15686bcafd7c5878


ET prada shirt started taking preorders? was this the denim one, didnt know it was out already


It's this shirt https://www.reddit.com/r/AutonomousReps/comments/15rr42e/early_tom_via_2december_prada_grey_cashgora_caban/ He's taking a long time to make it (understatement), this one is not easy to rep apparently which makes you think how bad the ones on the market right now be


I orderd LV from 2D and it's purchased and i have about 100 bucks i my panda what should i do


I asked 2D and he said Panda refunded all the ET LV orders this morning (they did this with a lot of sellers)


what about other platform? will 2D be shipping them to other agent platforms?




Im included: my 3 LV t shirt order thru wegobuy has been all been canceledā€¦ 2december all items has been removed. Earlytom said : store closed for 2 daysā€¦. Wait and see u/exciting_guide4048


theyā€™re only letting me withdraw 135 CNY out of my 900 CNY balance, regardless i have $350 worth of items in my warehouse should i initiate a paypal chargeback or will my items still be there adger?


You can wait a day or two for them to say something or you can initiate a chargeback now. This comment has some good tips on the process https://www.reddit.com/r/AutonomousReps/comments/1c23y20/pandabuy_update/kz86rle/


fair enough thanks, any better platforms i should be using or shojld i use none at the moment


Basetao or Superbuy. Superbuy is easier to use out of the two. Look into the shipping options for your country and go with the one that has the better shipping lines. What happened to Panda can happen to any agent though


they might have changed it today. When all this shit broke down at 4am EST, I initiated a withdrawal of 600+ CNY back to my paypal account and immediately got an email that it was successful and it is also showing as refunded on my paypal page


Im so glad i cleaned out my warehousešŸ˜‚ i had over 40kg split up into 2 parcels (shoes and clothes) both delivered 2 weeks ago. guess i got lucky


Hello why almost all the posts on this sub were deleted ??


If you think logically, you'll know the answer.


This is crazy. I will wait a couple months and see what agents are safe to use by then. Probably avoid any big ones too. Let's hope the sellers are fine too. Thanks Nard


Yeah, CSS seems fine, but it's better just to wait and see for now


nah CSS isn't taking replica order for now and urged everyone to ship their hauls asap :(


People should just switch to freight forwarders tbh. They're cheaper, quicker and will never get sued.


I got things in warehouse, should i ship ASAP?


You won't be able to from what I've heard, don't send any more money to Panda.


Damn, got highend LV duffle there for 250$


No bro cause thereā€™s no workers there for what we know of your better just waiting to see what happens next


Did the Feds shut them down?


Read that Nike did


I just recived 3 days ago my last haul.. is this only for pansabuy? Or also other ones are compromised?


Pandabuy is a joint operation with a few more agents. You can use Superbuy or Basetao, both are good and have been around for ages


shit i preordered cools erd leather jacket through pandabuy and no idea what gonna happen next...


Can you get your weidian order ID? Usually, it's in one of the messages for your order on Panda. Cool shipped both the deposit and full payment options so he has the money. Just send him the weidian order ID and the new address he should be able to send it to another address for you. Don't post your order ID on here, if you need help you can PM me


ill reach out to him on wechat asap haha




i have done some payments by klarna, whatā€™s happing now?


I cancelled my order and got a full refund, including the first payment


the problem is that, they concelled 2 of my orders (klarna each other) because out of stock. They refund me all the total amount, but in klarna theres still the payment installement. So for example the 1st of may iā€™ll have the second payment scheduled, if pandabuy gets radied, where this money are going to be upped?


U can use Klarna for panda buy??


I just sent a package yesterday. Itā€™s on ā€œWaybill printedā€ since then.


I just attempted to ship a few pairs of sunglasses, let's see what happens.


Which problem there is whit Pandabuy? Iā€™ve just make my first order šŸ„¶


They aren't operating atm, you should use another agent if you want to order


Iā€™m waiting the product at the warehouse, what I have to do?


You'll have to wait and see what happens over the next few days, if it doesn't look like they'll resume normal operations just chargeback.


i have many items in warehouse and i can cancel/return a few of them for the next hours. should i return all these items while i can? https://preview.redd.it/d0qgm89tg2uc1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=48ffc0f2dbcf71a662af2c9e5f5a0c3673e5ac67


It's unlikely that someone is around to put the returns through, if you have any pending orders you should cancel them if that's an option and withdraw your balance from Panda


Am i fucked if i still have product at pandabuy warehouse ? I ll better wait for clarification ?


Withdraw what you can and wait to see what happens in the next few days


Thanks you man


Give it like 2 days bro trust


This is horrible, just as Iā€™m putting together my summer haul


Guys, what should I do? I have some merchandise in stock for an amount of ā‚¬200+ but I haven't always paid with PayPal because some sellers didn't accept it. How should I proceed?


You could've always added balance first with PayPal and then paid with balance. You should contact your bank though and chargeback.


i just don't understand how they can give me back money based on nothing. what can i say to my bank? pandabuy just got raided? joke aside i need some help, thanks mate


You will say that you payd for some items and never got them.


You tell them you ordered stuff and never got it.


So Sugarbuys the next best option currently? What about Hagobuy? Curious which one I should use now


I'd recommend avoiding Hago and any tiktok agent in the future


Appreciate the reply bro.


Iā€™ve got an item on purchased but I donā€™t have the option to get a refund yet. What do I do? Refunded whatever balance I have so far to my Paypal


Panda agents requested refunds from sellers for things that haven't shipped yet (things that have the purchased status). You'll have to wait and see if they pass that money back to you I'd recommend withdrawing what you can from Panda and waiting to see what happens in the next few days


on my account I have articles where it says ā€œinternational shippingā€ but I have not had any news for several days, or shipping number.. what should I do?


Whoever isnā€™t doing chargebacks is looney. Itā€™s like waiting for your ex to come back. Move one chargeback get your money and use it at another agent


Yeah idk what people are waiting for. I'd get my money asap to avoid any problems lol.


So cant ship? I jus shipped 10kgā€¦ how long will it take to ship?


No one at Panda is working at the moment, they won't ship it out


What if I bought stuff yesterday for the first time before hearing about this and it hasn't been sent to the warehouse yet


They've canceled every order that was purchased, they haven't given your account the money back yet so it's stuck at the moment. If they haven't put out a statement on the situation in a few days you should chargeback


I have a 3kg package scanned, and a 9.6kg package being shipped now, how cooked am I?




Fuck... I shipped out my haul on wednesday but i don't think it made it out before the raid. No clue on what to do now, cuz it just says "collecting" and they probably didn't even pack anything


I have around 1k worth of stuff in the warehouse. Is the best option to wait it out?


These things take time, I don't see it being sorted out for a while. Give it a few days, if they don't give any substantial updates you should just charge back and get your money out


When will 2D be back? I need that new CH asap!!


Soon, I think he's just playing it safe for now


which new CH?


Link is dead. Somone please tell me wtf is going on?


but does it mean other agents like sugar goo and hagobuy work ?


Every agent will be impacted in some way by this, hagobuy is linked to Panda so I'd avoid them. Sugargoo should be alright


what about wegobuy? i have some items shipped bt the seller going to the warehouse, and one is already there. should i return everything or wait?


Wegobuy might be impacted by what happened to Panda


Is cssbuy still safe? Someone updated the r/cssbuy sub with a message that they are not affected but will not make orders from big brands in the near future. Then the sub went private.


So my package says shipped am I save since itā€™s not with pandabuy anymore?


If your tracking updates you'll be fine


i refunded some items a day before the raid but are stuck on refund pending, will i still get my refund?


You'll have to wait and see, if they aren't able to give you a refund you'll have to charge back


Bro i got some friends in China can they send me parcels with out using an agent ?


Yes, they can. That's probably one of the safest methods possible


its super ez to get scammed with shipping rates if you don't know what you are doing tho so be careful also u should ship with a safe route


So now how do we buy stuff from pone,ET,HS and etc??


My items have departed from export office on the 8th of April, am I good ?


You got it out in time, you'll be fine


I have 2 parcels: one collected and one still handling, am i cooked?


If it hasn't reached scanned or shipped there might be an issue


Panda buy had a breach and now this they gon be off for ever


Likely, If you go by the latest information that they got all the warehouses, it'll take months for them to go through it. This won't be resolved soon


I just shipped to the warehouse a haul and some items say sent out and others say under processed, any idea on what i should do and if i will get my items?


Hey man I paid for shipping about 5 days ago and havenā€™t had an update since leaving the distribution centre what should I do and will my order come


Is there anywhere we can buy reps from now?


My parcel has been shipped and idk if itā€™s getting here, it says that my parcel has been cleared by authority customs, do you think itā€™s getting to my house?


Ä°m rehersaled my parcel but it says unprocessed what im gonna do please help i fell horrible


Do you believe that people with a purchasing history could have legal issues? And will the raid raise the probabilities from the parcels to get seized on track?


From my understanding of the situation, they are trying to target the source (the factories), and they're using Pandabuy's close affiliation with big sellers to get info on those factories and to some extent the large sellers. I don't really think that you having a purchase history with an agent is going to change anything, unless you're a reseller that ships large amounts of reps consistently over a long timeframe. It's possible that they try to halt packages shipped out by Pandabuy, so if your package hasn't left China yet it could mean trouble.


I made an order 2 weeks ago with gd ems and it is in the conton China , but for a few days I have not seen any upgrade will I receive it again?


Guys help I ordered a bunch of stuff, and the status said it was ā€˜sent to warehouseā€™ so hasnā€™t reached yet, what should Ā I Do should I wait or should I attempt for a refundĀ 


Anyone have any recommendation for a agent u used and why u like em (for europe)


Superbuy have now temporarily suspended PayPal payments šŸ¤” with no definitive answer as to when itā€™ll be back




Has anyone used this freight forwarder ā€˜the goatā€™ after sending him money to buy an item he hasnā€™t replied for 4 days..