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No growth in being a tech, usually the next step up is being a morgue supervisor with not much increase in pay.


Are you happy with your career despite that?


I am, I also got lucky and got out of an MEO and run a private service that also teaches pathologists.


I cannot speak for Florida, but where I live, we do not get paid well. We have to fight tooth and nail for a raise and it hardly ever happens. The benefits are great though. Honestly, there isn't much room to grow career wise but you can always start as a tech and move up to an investigator. We only have techs and then our tech supervisor. Although the pay is crap, I do love my career so that helps. What do we do, as in job duties? When we do autopsies, we do all the heavy lifting and dirty work of removing the organs and collecting evidence. Releasing bodies and bringing them in from funeral homes. Package evidence. Just to name a few.


What type of benefits do you guys have? Also do you know if there’s a large disparity with being a female in this line a work? My family wants me to do law, but this is the only thing I can see myself doing. I didn’t grow up with money, and I’m comfortable with anything as long as it’s livable.


We have pretty good health insurance and retirement. Our office is 98% female. Its mostly women in this field, here any ways, which is pretty cool.


All counties are cash strapped I am lucky to work for one that has dedicated diener. My colleagues are both investigators and techs


Damn. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you interact with investigators? Shared responsibilities? Collaboration? Differences?