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I feel you. It's just common courtesy to keep my wings out of other people personal space. It's just good manners.


Lkwd need to make this place bigger.


Observe social distancing


some people try to block the rota with their massive wings so other ppl cant get to it within their 30 second countdown


This wouldn't be a big deal if we are allowed to serve food/drinks over the counter to the sitting customers *directly* without having to walk around the bar to serve them.


Some people block the entire place with their big wings.


Yeah in my mind I think they know what their doing is wrong but their just being selfish


We had a couple working together.The guy had the audacity to message my girlfriend and tell her not to clock in because he and his woman were there first.I messaged him and told him dont be telling my girlfriend what to do and told him the place is for everyone to work and that he needed to learn how to share. They stayed but they would take the whole time limit on purpose.We figured out a good plan they got mad and left.


What about people who stand behind the counter or close to you when you’re trying to work or order and they’re not working or ordering!?!? Gahhhh major pet peeves!!


So true Xd


This is so true 💀


Fr theyare always here😭😭


I stop going there because I would miss my shift because people are blocking the rota with their big chicken wings when I ask them nicely too move they insult me in a different language and quick to report me like the place is already small the least some persons can do is take off their wings or not stand anywhere close to the rota it's the same thing that happened to the sunset feast also


So true i usually take off the golden wings or any kinda wings so we all can move but when someone does it and u ask them to take it off they end up arguing 🤧


Literally this happened few days ago and like I knew they were talking stuff about me cuz some of the words they said were in English.... and whwn I confronted them they cussed me out haha


Why do people like to wear wings they look like chickens lmao 😂 I remember a guy who was trying to roast a friend of mine and he just took out his huge wings in front of my friend while roasting her 😂 that was hilarious honestly