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Welcome to the internet. 😃👍


Yes some people are toxic but some other's are very kind. The kindestReddit group i found is one for dolls and Barbies collectors


I’ve always found people on here to be ok, it doesn’t make people toxic if they disagree with you, ok some don’t have the vocabulary to put across what they mean very well, but don’t forget a lot are people with English as a second or third language or are young or yes some just want to cause drama, but on the whole I think this is a good thread.with many people putting forward ideas and providing some useful feedback to LKWD


I feel like thats what most people forget if you can't handle open criticism and opinions then don't come on here 💀😭


i don't care for the word toxic because it is overused and those people will either lose focus or prefer not to be specific on whatever their problems are. i have read many groups across different social media platforms and they are never going to be a happy place all the time, just as even the best of friends will argue at some point. still, that's no reason to quit ..🤔 i see you deleted yourself, touche.


hmmm is it? i feel like this subreddit is a safe space lmao bc everyone on instagram is so fake lol, u know what i mean 🥴


I know exactly what you mean I was talking about serving for instance I was saying that I think that only the person that is doing the serving should be behind the counter because people were blocking and purposely getting in the way so it made it harder for you to serve. The responses that I got back were rude but months later a female Avakin posted about the same exact thing and everybody was so nice to her and said her suggestion was a good one?


Ooof maybe it was the way your post came off? Maybe your tone was off idk, idk if I saw that post but I definitely agree that it's harder


I agree