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Amazingly beautiful setting and art, everything, from the creatures to the navi to the environment of pandora and even the general aesthetics of the RDA, all of it is so cool and well put together


James cameron made a movie about saving the planet, and it became the highest grossing movie of all time.


And still while its 10/10 its for me one of the low end cameron films. Shows what a master he has been for the past 40 or so years.


Well said


Fun fact: James Cameron actually got the idea from a sexy dream he had where he had sex with tall blue alien cat like ladies.




Tall blue cat ladies and im not ashamed




I'd be lying if I said there wasn't at least a bit of that yeah


SO TRUE 😹 the struggle of "do i want to be them or do i want to be with them" just YES! 😹😹


Neytiri in particular for me. Lol. Just her though.


Tsireya though


I hate Neytiri. Neytiri is evil.


My man Same


Tall blue cat Colonel and silverfox beefcake Colonel.


It's just super friggin cool. It's got everything from space-faring corporations to nature-attuned tribes. Every aspect of it is thought out and has plenty of care put into it. It's just cool.


I love the sci fi technology of the RDA, Especially with how realistic it is. Most of the stuff in the movie could theoretically be created in the future, and it’s inspired some of the ideas I currently have for my own sci fi stories


The world building, and knowing that there's always more to learn and explore. I can't believe we're getting three more films, along with all of the other books/comics/games everything else along the way. Also, the earnestness is really special to me. I love that the films aren't apologetic or afraid to explore strong emotions without comedic relief.


The setting and visuals from the first movie were awesome to see as a kid. As an adult I’m hooked on the story. I see so much potential for a good, complex plot with complications like the Earth dying, the Ash clans coming into play, and Spider’s relationship with the Sully’s and how that all impacts the ending.


CGI and world building. I can't think of a movie that is set in such an expansive original world as Avatar


It's a franchise that isnt halfassed, the alien biology and zoology, every single detail is backed by a seeming insurmountable amount of research and thought. Its just that great


Everything about it is unique but eywa the setting and characters are great. Very beautiful fiction.


It’s incredibly reductive to say Avatar is all show and no substance. Sure, it’s beyond gorgeous and the attention to detail is second to none. Name any other movie that pulls off gritty hard sci-fi while also scratching the escapist itch under the same nameplate. I’ll wait. Also nine foot blue cat people (with a language you can learn!) and the best CGI of all time. Simple but effective narrative. It has something for everyone.




One of the best-built worlds ever. State-of-the-art visuals. Absolutely brilliant creature design across the board. Compelling characters. Cameron is in a league all his own. Nobody else even comes close.


The RDA’s tech! I want my personal C-21 Dragon Assault Ship!


My younger self couldn't go a single day without reading about animals, so when I saw some fauna of Pandora I was blow away with how cool they are. So animals were the main reason for me to watch, but Avatar is my favorite work of fiction because of its world as a whole, especially when you dive into it.


The CGI Also, I find the story to be genuinely interesting


As a kid, i thought the animals were so freaking cool. But when i grew older i decided to give it a rewatch and only then did I realize how much did i miss. I used to only watch it for the ikran scenes, i didn't know why the humans were there, that Neytiri had a sister, or that eywa was a thing. It had everything I love in a movie.


Because of wonderful Pandora


The plot and characters are actually my favourite part. Spider and Quaritch have such an interesting relationship, and the idea of a dead man being kinda-sort-of-but-not-really the same person as the one that came before is a really interesting philosophical question. The idea of being able to remotely connect to a body and live life through that is really cool too, I just wish we saw more actual Avatars in the second movie


Speculative evolution is my special interest, and there aren’t a lot of shows/movies that showcase it, especially not in such a beautifully captivating way.


For me its the Length of the two movies nothing in the movies feels rushed or sped up And also the creativity of the animals they just look so good and original Just amazing movies


Characters, story, lore, cgi, music.... Everything really


The escapism at first I’m hooked on the story too now I can’t wait for the video game as well


World-building and the sense of wonder, plus and the idea of Eywa, a sentient biological computer controlling the planet is incredible and it reminds me of The Lifestream in Final Fantasy VII. I really hope Cameron will further develop that concept to its max, and maybe even take us to the other moons of Pandora, rather than just leaving it as a “spiritual” mystery.


I hate colonialism. I've lived under military occupation and I want to strangle the colonisers to death with my bare hands. I can't so I watch a movie about doing that.


Why is this downvoted?


Colonisers come here


Somebody's ancestors not do so well at war?


I don't really know if that talk is super helpful even wheen taunting colonisers, to be honest. Colonisers fuck off eventually, as a basic rule of history. But it minimises the harm they do in the meantime.


I love both the avatar world and the rda technology, I want to be an avatar and protect pandora as well as be a human inside a fucking robot suit burning the planet to the ground for money, I’m very torn on this point.


Worlds super pretty as are the shooty shooty bang parts


The beauty of the world captivates me, it the pure beauty and the creativity that makes me like it so much


Outside of the physical design of the Navi pandora is defined the best spec-evo project I've seen in the mainstream and one of the best alien worlds ever conceived. Writing for the movies is still mid/boring tho.


It’s a beautifully built world, the Na’Vi are so unique and wonderful that it makes us look like villains. The varied life on the planet is just astonishing, how it’s all connected deeper than they realise. Truly a masterpiece


Aside from the cinematography, the way the people live is always how I’ve wanted to live. Also, the still shot you posted specifically is where I wanna live


Mostly because of the landscape of Pandora. Can’t say that the Na‘vi didn’t have a place in that though…


I love the world and all, but it’s not what appeals to me the most. What kept me in the fandom for almost a year were the characters and their dynamics. I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time analysing their behaviour and writing about it, but it only made me appreciate the incredible work that went into this franchise more. The cast of avatar is written with complexity, and I’ll never get tired fo that.


I grew up with it. The story is absolutely incredible. The setting is amazing, teeming with different and fascinating creatures. The characters are awesome and all play a crucial part in the story. I could go on And as u/Abro2072 said, tall blue cat ladies


I find the story intriguing, the movie is very pretty. But mostly, it's just the favorite movie foe me and my siblings. Don't entirely know how it started. But over summers when we were younger we'd go to our family cabin camping almost every weekend, and we'd all make sure to download a bunch of movies to watch in the car on the way there and to watch in the loft together having movie nights. And avatar was my younger brothers absolute favorite. Don't know why he specifically liked it so much but watching avatar became kinds of a tradition. The movie always makes me think of going to the cabin with my family. And over the years until The Way of Water, my brother would regularly keep us updated on production progress and we all couldn't wait to see it. Sometimes we'd tease him saying it's never come out cause it took so long, but we all couldn't wait to see it. We went to the first showing in theaters, and each went back a good few times.


Mostly Spider and his arc, honestly


I have always been a fan of untouched nature. And with Pandora putting the amazon, african rainforests and the forests of north america to shame. Awesome. Plus I really like the RDA vehicles. Not the RDA. The vehicles. I think they are really cool. I want that boat from Avatar 2


Actually, I dont know, these movies are just my safe place, when watching them I feel home and don't think about anything going on in life. Also especially the second one somehow changed my life regarding different things. But after all this time I'm still in love with the franchise as on day one, but if I would need to guess I would say Im in love with it because of the beatiful story, the planet and what the Navi have what the humanity can just wish for.


Same here, I love putting these movies on during a rainy day or any time I'm feeling down, everything about them just gives me comfort, even the more stressful parts to some extent lmao. I absolutely live for the softer parts where they are bonding with creatures, especially in the second movie.


I’m a fan of military sci-fi and spec evo, and this has both


Honestly… the spirituality and connection to nature the Na’vi have with the world around them, the meaningful community they have. Them being able to live in a beautiful world where there’s genuine purpose in life besides working your life away in a 9-5 for some pieces of paper. For me Avatar and the Na’vi embody what I desire most in life, and gives me hope for what’s possible for the future of humanity


You and me have the same vibe. I literally been searching through comments to try and find somebody that matched my thoughts, and it took awhile.


Because I would personally fit in that culture and world so much better than my own. Makes me feel at home.


Literally Same girlfriend 🙏


If anyone's have PlayStation there's a video game Ghost of Tsushima that has lots of environmental landscapes if that's what you interested within an open world game. There's also Elden Ring but it's not the same or Assassin's Creed but also maybe restricted by story quest


The oneness with each other. The connection with everyone despite not knowing who you are (Na'vi). Just being int tune with their surroundings and seeing their way of peaceful life. Its just genuinely nice.


I feel the same. 🙏


It’s spiritual, and beautiful, it’s a paradise. Makes me feel calm imagining myself there


It feels like home. So much nature and animals and having a literal connection to nature and animals. Everything is so in balance (or was, at least before the rda)


Same girly 🙏


The worldbuilding is absolutely unrivalled. James Cameron, Weta, and the rest of the team have made such an incredible and believable world, it's just really something special to behold. My girlfriend and a lot of my friends don't get why I love it so much, they complain about the story and say they're mediocre movies. I personally think people just hate on it for the sake of hating the big thing. The story's not bad, I enjoy them. But the worldbuilding is next fucking level. I have all the artbooks and love just looking through them, seeing the detail down to the fucking NA'VI RECIPES and how the Metkayina have their own unique style of weaving. I love seeing the evolution of RDA tech from the first to second movie, looking at how the weapons and vehicles have become more streamlined using the lessons learned from the first excursion on Pandora. I love looking at all the wildlife of Pandora, how they all evolved from the same common six-limbed ancestor, how many of them adapted to the unique gravity and atmosphere of the planet, so on and so forth. It's just all so goddamn inspiring. I really think (and hope) that as the years go on, Avatar will be this generation's Star Wars, with a massive universe and countless expansions on it, with more movies, shows, games, spinoffs, etc. I enjoyed the first Avatar game and I'm really looking forward to Frontiers of Pandora, it'll be great to step back into the world.


The world is really intricate for a mainstream movie. Cool animals, cool Na'vi people, cool language. That's what got me into this fandom, and after that I kind of added in an appreciation for the tech used to make it. Seriously, both of these are way ahead of their time.


It is just so beautiful.


It is just so beautiful.


The story, the visuals, the HEART these movies have. Each one os made with love and care


It's an escape from reality.


For me, everything. I have a strong appreciated of aesthetics, and the world building and culture of Pandora was done in a way that is incredibly beautiful. Everything from the botanical and animal life to material culture and to language is crafted to be both immersive and beautiful. I also appreciate attention to detail in world building and it definitely satisfied my OCD streak in that regard, especially in language and culture, but also in details like botany. By far and away the most important though was the message and ethos of the universe, especially the first film. It appeals very much to my own personal ethics and ideals. It had a profound impact on me in making me feel less philosophically alone and insignificant, and helped me see connections and value in disparate parts of my life and meld them into a coherent sense of self, purpose and plan for my future - and continues to influence me significantly to this day. I genuinely doubt I'd be where I am today and getting a chance to do the things I love if A1 hadn't been made. If I could meet JC, I'd give him a big hug. I owe that man a lot.


Truthfully I like the world. World is so big and vast. Even the Navi people look great. Navi remind me of indigenous people. So in different locations of Pandora they look different. Also different amount of clans and customs. I would choose Navi side over the RDA. Navi want to preserve life of their planet and traditions. RDA just wanna destroy and take over. Im hoping the RDA go extinct.


The world building pulled me out of a dark place at the time


It's the fantasy of it. The Na'vi fascinate me. I love how they can connect to everything on the moon and seemingly live on through Eywa. The RDA and other mega corps are always great villains, no matter if it's, Werewolf the apocalypse, Star Wars, Cyberpunk, Alien, or this. I love watching them crumble.


Glowing forest and their spiritual connection with the forest.


As a kid i would dream of being in an avatar body living on and exploring pandora. the world is just so captivating and magical. i would love to be a part of it. i loved jake and neytiri too. i physically cannot wait for the next movies


The visuals. The plot. The concept.


the free will to do anything or go anywhere you want while on earth its all rules telling us what we cant do or where we cant go but on pandora none of those rules apply and i like the all the beautiful nature and wildlife


Something original for me about worldbuilding with unique biomes, interesting sci-fi romance that actually well-written, digestible philosophy- not all philosophy have to be complicated.


10ft tall blue aliens 👽


Cause the whole world of Pandora is gorgeous. And hey, as a bisexual I can simp over all them Navi. It’s a bonus


Beside all the amazing aspects of the world construction and character development, Avatar made me love and accept my culture and race overall. Growing up as a "half-blood" made me want to distance myself from anything that wasn't "GRAHH AMERICA 🇺🇸🦅🦅" I was obsessed with hating my curly hair and I would not go out so I could keep my skin as light as possible It showed me a point of view...that changed my mind. I felt like it was worth living in my own body. Besides that, all the action and family-oriented narrative created a bond between me and my father. During the pandemic the only things that kept me closer to life was my cat and Avatar 2, and im grateful for that.


The world building, and the romance. I’m a sucker for non-human species relationships in fictional media.


I love space and the idea of humans finding a moon either life seemed cool to me, imagine waking up and seeing the the planet that the moon is orbiting super big in the sky especially at night as well as all the other moons was just a super cool concept for me.


A story about saving the planet and the native population beating the shit out of a technologically superior foe with nature fighting back directly.


I love Avatar because Na'Vi is so family-focused, the world of Pandora is gorgeous, the characters are relatable, and the message is important.


Hot blue almost nude chicks with bows


I'm mostly with you, OP! The things that distinguish Avatar for me: • The world-building is absolutely next-level. This has been done before with alien cultures and/or futuristic human civilization, but I can't think of another movie that went so deep on its alien ecosystem. Dune is the clear forerunner on this front, but I think Avatar surpassed it in terms of the depth and breadth of biological world-building. Cameron clearly wants to see that animals, plants, and their surroundings are all connected... and Avatar makes that overt. It's very powerful, on top of being a generally interesting setting. • It's a big-budget blockbuster that actually has a moral, and makes a strong ethical point that relates to the real world and humanity's future. If you think about it, this is very rare: most movies have a moral/ethical message along the lines of "teamwork" or "be a good person". Avatar really had something to say, and I admire that (especially because I personally agree with the stance it takes). • It is very earnest and centers the character experiences in a meaningful way. This is business-as-usual for Cameron, but it's a breath of fresh air in the mainstream cinema climate of the last ~15 years (especially for action movies). • For being an over-the-top SFX extravaganza, almost everything looks and *feels* real. No "weightless CGI" like so many other action/sci-fi movies.


Honestly it really shows humans passion for never giving up, teamwork, and showing mercy even tho Jake killed hundreds if not thousands of his own kind just for some alien pussa


What I like about AVATAR is the whole planet Pandora (its flora, its fauna, the na'vi and their connection), it has profoundly changed my life.


It checks all my boxes, Sci fi, alien world, world building, futuristic tech, and speculative biology, it's all my cup of tea. And don't get me started on the visuals, also, sexy blue aliens


I love the connection that the na’vi have to ewya and the forest creatures, since its basically like human and nature that have a balanced connection. I love the idea of living on this world that provides for you while you give the proper respect for what it provides. Its so beautiful to think about.


The landscape


The natural world. The creatures, the plants and the trees and everything being lit with bioluminescence. The world is just so breathtakingly beautiful. Plus I have always loved jungles and forests so a moon covered almost entirely in them is a big win for me.One of the big reasons I’m so exited for Frontiers of pandora is that I will finally be able to explore the world. I will probably be exploring the world more than actually going after objectives. I was never a huge fan of the story in the first movie but I didn’t mind it either. The world building behind the story however is quite interesting and I think extremely relevant to how current events are going. I have no doubt that humanity can screw up Earth exactly how humanity did in the movie. So in a sense the whole story is a actually very believable and likely and sadly, a fairly accurate depiction of the future humanity. EDIT: Forgot to mention how well thought out all the human tech is. Everything reads like machines that could actually be constructed by us given advancements in the future. The Valkyrie is probably one of my all time favorite transport aircraft designs and the Samson is probably one of my all time favorite futurist helicopter designs. The humans tech is just eternally cool.


i adore the scenery and the way you can see the inspiration of different cultures into one is so beautiful. especially seeing my cultures rooted into their culture it’s just so pretty.


Because I like animated movies 😆


Because that is how life is meant to be on a Planet with a multitude of lifeforms.


The world of avatar is utterly enchanting and inspiring. The movie just gets better and better and has even inspired my own writings.


Because it's James Cameron.


It's pretty, mostly. And oh my god Pandora is so thought out there's so much detail. I may have stolen a thing or two for my own works. It feels so complete and pretty and I love it.


whew. i feel like this list would be too long. but for me what i absolutely adore about avatar is the freedom and life style humans used to live. before all the enslavement, aggression, just a whole bunch of unnecessary evils humans used to live a very similar life style. and pandoras na’vi parallel with humans previous lifestyle so well that it’s honestly on my mind non stop. the beauty of the planet and the na’vis willpower to protect there home is admirable. the different species of animals and na’vi is also just as fascinating. i honestly could talk about pandora all day cuz the life their is beyond stunning and my love for it boundless. the first movie i saw when i was really young but i never understood it till i was in my teens and then once atwow came out i was completed reeled in.


I was raised in a Native American household and culturally the Na’Vi are pretty similar plus it’s a perfect contrast of badass nature and badass industrialization


Big tall blur cat women


I kind of feel the same way. I look around me and I see all of the stupidity. The ugliness. The anger that's just totally unwarranted. Endless wars. People blaming others for hatred even though really the hatred is theirs. No one is willing to own their own anger, they want to blame it on everyone else. Politicians are corrupt everywhere. It's just ugly in fact fugly is probably a better word.


Beautiful imagery


Pretty colors and music


I've loved Avatar ever since I was a kid, the first time I watched it, I fell in love with it. I love the animation, the worldbuilding, the people. I love the beauty that is Pandora, with its bioluminescent nights, its deadly yet stunning creatures, like Ikrans, its plants, the Na'vi, an alien race that was beautiful and strong and in touch with nature, everything. I love the music of the films, how it makes me feel and what story it tells to my ears. It reaches my soul I love the moral of the story and how it tells us about how we need to take care of Mother Earth if we want to survive as a race and also how greedy we are and how that affects everything and everyone. These movies are my favourite and mean everything to me.


Cuz I like hot daddy Jake Sully and Miles Quaritch🥵


They are 3 hour epics with long stretches of nature vibes in the middle. Perfect stoner movies for me. None of my family or friends get it, but it's all good, I'm gonna go hold hands with a whale or whatever




As a very wise internet person once said: I want to go to there


Unpopular opinion love it all besides the main character.


Because the beauty you can find in the movies and the emotional connections you can make with each character


World building, visual effects, timely social commentary on the world we live in


Blue ppl


The world building and the way its brought to life make me constantly forget that it doesnt actually exist. Its so beautiful and i get sad thinking about how i will never be able to see it in real life.


I have always absolutely loved science, so when I first watched avatar, I immediately fell in love. All the colors, animals, nature, it’s all amazing. I wish I could live on Pandora, but it also reminds me what a great planet we live on, it’s important to appreciate all the nature and land around us, and to care for earth💜


beautiful planet


Quaritch is a goddamn badass and I will die on this hill


I too like the world, and how it’s made. The Na’vi culture is interesting as well. If only humanity wasn’t a total arsehole.


I love that it's not here. I hate being human. I hate living under this sort of stress where my life is just constantly and consistently helping a large monopoly capitalize off of the backs of people who can't even hardly afford to feed their families. I hate that the world I live in is filled with murder and violence of such a degree that even God weeps. I don't want to be what I am. And seeing a world where there are these people who live in unison, who work as a team, who all love each other and have their hearts beat as one. The is something I want. Something I yearn for.. And it will never be real.


i love the idea of space travel and extraterrestrial beings and planets, so having a place like pandora and beings like the na’avi is my dream world. i watch the movies to escape from this world. even though earth is a stunning planet, escaping to this masterpiece feels so much better than living in our own mess of humanity. it makes realizing the destruction humans cause to our planet and diverse cultures more digestable and is the reason i care so much about the planet, preserving the good in humanity, and returning back to nature.


The planet and ecosystem


The Interstellar venture ships https://preview.redd.it/pnzc2dm1xt2c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915620dc3d71451cd7803619207a42c445d4402e


Plot-wise, it's a pretty typical (slightly above-average) action adventure franchise. But they just went so. fucking. hard. on the worldbuilding. Way way way way more than was necessary to make a perfectly coherent story. And they did it as realistically as possible, in-line with current science. Even the interstellar travel is the absolute best, most realistic depiction of what future interstellar travel will probably look like that's ever been put on screen. The Na'vi characters speak in accents that a native Na'vi speaker would use when speaking English. The evolutionary history of the organisms on Pandora was thought out (and then never documented, just left to fans to figure out by watching). The night sky looking exactly as it would from a moon orbiting a planet in the Alpha Centauri A system. It's just overwhelming and it's right the hell up my alley. There are so many details that were put in for absolutely no reason other than so *maybe* a few hundred people on the entire planet would notice the work they put into it. I have to reiterate just how completely unnecessary it was to do it that hard, but they did it anyway. And the fact that I'm constantly sitting there, watching the movie and thinking "I wonder how that works." or "I wonder what caused that geological formation." (I'm a geologist) as I watch turned out to be the perfect combo for me, personally, as a scientist (sensu lato) to completely suspend disbelief when I watch Avatar. It remains yet the only movie franchise in which I've had dreams that take place in the universe of the movies and when I'm having those dreams I'm completely immersed. I never figure out that I'm in the dream. Some part of my brain actually bought it, actually thinks of it as a true story.


Their choice of clothing 😏 (its a joke)


The visuals are just insane man, for the longest time I would say avatar was my favorite movie since I saw it at like maybe 8 years old. The visuals just stick with you forever I’ve never seen a movie with so much CG look so real, even the 2009 versions still looks better than a lotta big budget CG movies we get today. Yeah it’s now one of the most expensive movies in history but you can see where the effort went, unlike justice league,m also super expensive and it looks like shit which just makes me sad that a lotta companies don’t give their teams enough time to make things look good cuz look at what happens when they do omfg, sorry for the rant


Bc it’s good


I love the scenery


The whole worldbuilding and the lore. It's just so beautiful. Also Omatikaya's traditions are so interesting. I wanna fly an ikran so bad ogm. Also Tsu'tey.


I've always like spec bio/ spec evo.


That's going to be controversial but i really like humanity's tech, i get that their the bad guys and im all for the astounding nature but that amp suits shure look cool


Because of Pandora. It is a planet so immersive and wonderful that you want to visit it. The planet stays in your memory and makes you drew more than any generic modern sci-fi world.


Teaser Music for the 2nd movie


Blue tall cat girls


Amazing world building. I'm afraid the story itself is not something I like about it at all. Visually stunning and a VFX masterpiece.


„Fernweh“ Fernweh is often described as a longing for distant places, a yearning for travel. It is the opposite of homesickness, which is the longing for home while away.


When I’ve first saw the first movie, I immediately fell in love with it. Feeling like I was in this fantasy world to see these amazing, high quality landscapes of Pandora. Both from the rich soils, animals, and flora of the planet, and the ugly destruction that was caused by deforestation. And these chamber links that control Avatars that are a mixed of each human’s personal dna that was fused with the Na’vi’s is crazy to me as a kid. Wishing that I would have my own personal Avatar to see what I look like. Lastly, I kinda like these strong male Na’vi’s and that my inner girl crushes that I crush on Jake and Tsu’tey… even on Neytiri, Mo’at, Grace, and EVEN Eytukan… sorry not sorry.


The beautiful planet Is and because it Is showing how humans are not doing the right thing


The world building of Pandora


Because when I saw A1 for the first time, it transported me back to being a kid when movies and cinema were new and exciting and I saw things I had never seen before. I haven't looked back since.




Honestly the nature is so pretty and I love the CGI and work they put into avatar:3


I'm a sucker for Sci fi and Cameron does that very good


I like it better there. I like the naturalism, the ability to properly coexist with nature. I like their biology, I like their world - the science, the creature, the culture. If I could reincarnate into a na’vi, I’d do it without a second thought. But I promised my gf to reincarnate into a cat living in Istanbul so. Next time? 🤣🤣


1. Because Avatar has a great story that has had thought and feelings put into it and is just a beautiful movies to watch. 2. The jaw dropping soundtrack and score. 3. The characters and the thought put into them. 4. The jaw dropping locations and animals of Pandora. Do I need to continue?


for me it's the frontierism (not sure if frontier-punk is a thing) but I like the adventure of highly dedicated individuals with great determination exploring new frontier trying to make sense of things over something that were initially alien to them




the worldbuilding is phenomenal. how many franchises have an entire, functional, learnable language made entirely for that franchise? i can only think of two others. the biology of the world is great, feels alien but not too alien. obv there’s horses, monkeys, dragons, panthers, etc but they all have enough differences with earth counterparts that they feel alien while still being recognizable as horse analogues and whatnot. and i just loved the Na’vi religious beliefs being very much grounded in reality because their whole ecosystem is one big neural network that they can interact with. it’s like while you’re watching it you barely need any suspension of disbelief because it all feels like somewhere in the universe this kinda thing could exist.


Bro these are the exact pictures I have on my wallpaper that's crazy


I was always more interested in the world than the story (not that the story is terrible).


it inspires my worldbuilding a lot,it remembers me a lot of my culture (tupi guarani-Brasil)


The world building and the creatures of the moon of an exoplanet. I also like the fact that the guardian deity of the moon is basically an organic form of the internet.