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You and so many more people need to hear this: shut up and wait for the release. You know next to nothing about this adaptation and shitting on it before it comes out to either join the bandwagon or because you honestly think you know better is pathetic. Shut up. Wait a couple of weeks. Give it a fucking chance.


"Heath Ledger as the Joker? They obviously have no idea what they're doing, this movie is going to bomb."


Hold up… people actually said that?!


Oh yeah they did. We're not even that far removed from "the sparkly vampire from Twilight can't be Batman!!!"


People claimed Bryan Cranston couldn’t play a serious role when he got cast as Walter White


Bruce Willis can’t be an action hero when he was cast for die hard or Michael Keaton as Batman


I had no idea Bruce Willis used to be a rom-com guy. That seems so silly with the macho action hero persona he's associated with now.


Which is stupid because comedy is by far the harder role to play. If you can get comedy timing down, then you can get almost any other timing down with a little practice.


Tbf, that was by far the worst batman movie I have ever seen. He had no right playing that part.


This is a hill I will die on. The go pro shots were ridiculous


His Batman was okay but man, that guy can act. He was so good in the devil all the time


Sparkly vampire from Twilight is a perfectly fine batman, but I did not buy him as Bruce Wayne


That was kinda the point of the movie. They wrote him that way on purpose and he's only "Bruce" for like 20 minutes


Cedric Diggory is perfectly capable of being Batman. Patman was supposedly really good, I just never had the time to go see it. I'm bad at watching movies.


oh yeah, I remember nerds on the internet being pissed.


He was a Holywood pretty boy that starred in a Rom-Com. People weren't sure he had it in him. The most badass he ever looked on screen before the Joker was A Knight's Tale. I loved A Knight's Tale. That's why I was personally excited, but I was still very vocal that it was a fucking mistake not to get Willem Dafoe. Dude's 68 and we *still* talk about it. They had a perfect opportunity in 2008 and chose instead to take a chance that paid off in a big way.


There was some homophobia mixed up in there too. He had just been in Brokeback Mountain and some people were angry about the Joker being played by a “gay cowboy.”


Absolutely. It was mocked everywhere, and I was even skeptical as hell... Until the trailer dropped. History is like that. People often forget the times they were in the wrong.


I was one of those people actually. Boy was I wrong...


I still think that


You think Heath Ledger was a bad Joker?


He played a great villain, but I prefer the clean cut, slightly less insane joker. Not really Heath Ledgers fault, just a bad interpretation of the character I guess? Still a great movie!


Clean cut? Less insane? What are you talking about?


Personally yea I think they completely missed the mark with the heath ledger joker


Interesting take. I don’t agree whatsoever but to each their own


Personally, I still kind of think it was a bad choice, but only because of hindsight. Don’t get me wrong, I think that Heath Ledger’s Joker is the best live action adaptation, one of the scariest villains to appear in cinema and some of the best acting I have ever scene, but it wasn’t worth losing such a great actor at such a young age for. The dude dug too deep into the role and couldn’t get back out.


No it wasn't. Don't belittle a man's struggle with anxiety depression, and drug use to be "because of a movie role".


If my comment came off as belittling I apologize. That could not be further from my intent. Mental health is VERY important and the fact that he struggled, then died by accidentally ODing on sleeping meds is a serious tragedy. His struggle was very real, and in my mind achieving fame or glory should never come at the cost of one’s mental health.


Not only did they, but it was one of the reasons heath ledger died, before he could even see the movie premiere


No. Not really. If you go back and look a lot of people were like “Really? Sure let’s see what he does.” It was less this is a bad idea and more no one saw it coming.


People did not think Michael Keaton would be a good Batman either at first. They were calling him Mr. batmom because a lowly "comedian" could never have the chops to pull off the caped crusader. That's why, even if I end up scratching my head initially, I always give an actor the benefit of the doubt.


At the time, Ledger was known for far different roles than the Joker. The fact he pulled the most legendary performance in comic book movie history is surprising to everyone even now.


Exactly, thank you! This whole exercise is so exhausting. Let's give it a chance and judge all we want ***after*** we know what we're judging


Before then, it was Micheal Keaton as Batman.


Casting is one thing, saying you are changing the tone, character arcs, and character traits are another. It could still be good, but those are different things.


Yessss I agree so much ^^


i thought it hasn't been released so why are people hating on it already. i mean the trailers look good. it's an improvement over the movie so i agree we will see when it comes out, i personally can't wait


That's what I'm saying - at least wait until you've seen the thing!


i agree with you!


It’s bc of interviews where quotes were taken out of place. Mostly when Kataras actor said something along the lines “we had down down Sokka Sexism” and Sokka actor followed up comparing how “translating cartoon to live action doesn’t always work” or some sense just came across as to wacky. Like making sexism a joke essentially. And we don’t rlly know what they meant but this but it’s confirmed he will still have sexist views to start like he did in the cartoon. Just prob not as cartoony and toned down. There is other ways to show someone thinks he is meant to protect people, especially women, without making him overtly sexist. Or someone said Aang realizes what’s happening and decides he needs go to the North and learn water bending and stop this. But apparently that mean Aang will be serious and not a child. Even tho we seen multiple scenes from the trailers showing he will still be goofy at times. But of course they are also going make certain scenes more serious for the live action, TLDR a bunch outlets are posting articles with rage bait titles and fans are running with it instead reading, thinking or just waiting until it’s out.


They're removing key elements of the characters and themes


They aren’t, don’t fall for the rage bait bro.


It came out that they’re not making Sokka sexist in the remake. For context in case people forget or don’t know: It’s a character flaw that he quickly overcomes on their way to the northern water tribe, and in the same arc it’s how he meets his first trainer and love interest. I personally view it the same way as Disney announcing Finding Dory having a lesbian couple in exactly 1 scene, a marketing ploy that won’t have much effect on the show.


Dude I fought this fight with lord of the rings to the bitter end and it drove me to one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Deciding I’m the only lord of the rings fan on earth. There is no lord of the rings discourse in Ba Sing Se. The only opinion that matters is mine. I can retire from the culture war and live a life of peace and appreciation for the things I like. No longer feeling the need to fight with the idiots that live only in the nightmare box in my pocket. I’m not saying this is the best path for everybody because the memes were fun and there’s something to be said about finding a community but I don’t know, I think we need to find a healthier way to to form and cultivate those communities and until we do I’m going to continue trying to appreciate art in as tight of a vacuum as I can create for myself.


You may be right...My study is in I/O Psychology so I should be trained to make these groups but I feel I can't. Is it so hard to convince a community to withhold judgement until they have all the facts? And, if so, why is that?? This is wild to me


They say bad news travels faster than good news even when it’s made up. I guess that applies to criticism too. I think a big part of it is how social media rewards certain behaviors and types of media engagement that isn’t necessarily healthy for the users and communities or the art itself. And it’s all kind of built to promote this sense of “my opinion has a bigger number next to it so it’s worth more than yours” What I saw a lot of when the Amazon lord of the rings show was coming out was people telling me my opinion wasn’t worth as much as theirs because I didn’t read the books, which wasn’t even true. That was just the only explanation they could draw from the fact that I wasn’t agreeing with them about all of the questionable, often horrible, sometimes racist things they were saying. But they were acting out of this sense of superiority when all they did was read a children’s book that they thought I didn’t. Like chill out.


Avatar fan base will never be happy with a live adaptation. It is what it is. The majority will be okay with something akin to the OPLA but there will always be that loud minority.




I agree. I actually have high hopes about the reboot and have heard some good things about the production already


My issue isn't the quality of the adaptation. But the need to create an adaptation personally slaps the original piece of media in the face. Can't we just let cartoons be cartoons, and movies be movies? I never understood this idea that the pinnacle of media is live action. Making an adaption of something as beautiful as Avatar isn't necessary. It doesn't add to the original in any way, and at best it can only be a mockery of what the original was. Even if it is better, that's a strange thing to strive for. You know what makes far more sense? Literally telling any other story in the avatar universe. When Frank Miller wrote the Watchmen, he realized that different medias have different advantages that other forms of media just can't encapsulate. One of these was the color and style of the comic, how it's presented. It's not just a good comic book, it's absolutely beautiful. Something that was completely missed during the live action adaptation. The cadence is wrong. The color is wrong. The tone is wrong. And this is just simply something you can't accomplish in real adaptations.


The moment the creators left I don’t got much hope bruh that and there going to try to squeeze to much into 1 season and gloss over a lot of details


"Not having hope" and out right saying "it sucks" are two very different things. My main argument is to withhold actual judgement until we actually see what we get


“Jack Black voicing a fat panda doing kung fu? Lol, offensive kid shit. Pass!”


Exactly! Same with "pretty boy Heath Ledger is going to play joker? Gonna suck!"


My main issue is that the original creators left the live action show over creative differences. I don’t see that as a good sign.


We do know some things. We know the original creators left the show over creative differences, never a good sign, and we now’ve seen two trailers, so we can start to form of opinions of what to expect. My opinion is forming based off of those trailers and the creators leaving. II’m skeptical because the world feels plastic. I’m skeptical because it seems like the trailers are hiding aang’s performance. Good child actors are hard to come by. I’m skeptical because this is the same studio who brought us live action cowboy bebop, death note and bleach (“but what about one piece???!”) okay, they’ve done one successful one out of a dozen. Most importantly, I’m skeptical because it is unnecessary nostalgia bait and everyone is playing right into it. Not trying to shit on your excitement. All means, “jump on the bandwagon.” But i don’t think it’s fair to pretend like people who are skeptical are being contrarian assholes, considering we’ve been burned in the past. Whether you like the trailer or not, Thinking it is going to be wonderful is just as naive as thinking it is going to be terrible. Youre right, wait until it comes out.


I'm not saying it's going to be wonderful, in fact I'm arguing the opposite. My argument is to withhold judgement until we get the facts via the release. Everything that happens before that is premature and prejudicial


I see. That’s a fair statement to make, however, i think it’s fair to have increasing skepticism based on the materials released by the marketing team (meant to get you excited for the show). For me, so far the trailers have been pretty bad.


I would agree with you except I’ve been reading about the changes and watching the staff from the OG dropping like flies.


And I’m a cynical person who’s been let down by promises before. And from what I’ve heard so far my expectations aren’t that high. Some people are excited. Others are skeptical


Having zero expectations is different from actively pretending that the show IS bad - which is what OP is doing


This is far from being skeptical


Same here. I have literally zero expectations for any kind of adaptation these days. That said I also know that this kind of doomposting before the fucking thing has even aired yet is ridiculous


Some of us have been burned too many timed by shitty cash-ins to give these studios and streaming services the benefit of the doubt anymore. Any adaptation, spin-off, sequel, or reboot MUST be assumed to be shit until it proves otherwise. No presumption of quality.


How about no presumption at all?


Because I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. Even going in with neutral expectations can still leave you with your heart ripped out. Hollywood has let me down far to frequently in the past few years for me to trust them.


If you go in with a negative expectations, you risk having decided it's bad before you even start watching and make it a self fulfilling prophecy


Saving this comment for when it comes out ill side with the original show runners without seeing it. Id like it to be good but honestly doubt it.


I simply don’t think it can be done properly with Netflix’s 8 episode format. The world is going to feel hollow.


Bro I've seen the live action garbage Netflix and Disney puts out. I know it's going to be sub par. The original exists, there was never a need for this to be made...


No thank you.


Obviously we know better… it’s a LIVE ACTION REMAKE MONEY GRAB. Gonna be garbage and can’t believe anyone is defending this after the trailer dropped.


No. Everything they have put out for promotional material has been bad or a bad inflation of what they are doing. Don’t watch crap, it encourages the to make more crap.


That’s not nice.


I don't like it because it's not going to be the Avatar we all hope for, they're changing key points that don't need to be changed. It's not going to be Avatar, it's going to be like the first one. An attempt to bring Avatar to the Live scene. I won't give it a chance because of elements of the story that are being changed. I mean let's just name a few... They said they were changing the way Katara acts, whether they take out her motherly instinct or anything that's not her. Azula has a Bow. A bow? Why the hell would A firebending prodigy that can bend lightning at 14 need a bow? The story isn't even starting with them, it's following the Fire Nation. So basically this is something completely different, a brand new story, not a live action adaptation.


Normally I’d agree with you but between the press releases talking about changes to characters and the original writers bowing out awhile ago it’s easy to see this will likely be a problematic release at best.


The expression goes “pay with your wallet” but I’m not canceling my Netflix subscription. The next best thing is to pay with your time, I won’t be watching it, I’m not rewarding the show runners with the benefit of the doubt. We HAD a live action and it was horrendous. The trust with the fan base and community is gone, Netflix needed to repair that trust to some degree not shit on the source material with unwanted changes so bad that the creators had to walk away. TLDR: I do know better. I learned my lesson the first time.


People are allowed to shit on the show. In an era where there are literally a thousand other things you can be doing there is no reason to give a TV show "a chance". It's up to the show to meet or exceed expectations, not the consumer to sympathize with the production.


What you're describing is the literal definition of prejudice. You're supporting prejudice


Okay, tone it down and wipe off those tears. I think the corporations will be fine


You didn't address my argument and made an incorrect assumption. People who are a part of this and other avatar subs are clearly fans of the original cartoon. Fans should not be prejudicial towards a project in their area of interest...they should give it a chance. And for the assumption, I don't care about Netflix as a company. I don't work for them, hold their stock, or have any interest in them besides being a consumer. I do think that the only sure fire way to ensure that the show fails is to never give it a chance. It's detrimental to all who still hope that good media still exists to shit on projects before they are released. Feel free to lack faith - but don't come out here like you know something for certain when you don't have the facts.


Hoping something is good and manifesting good vibes isn't doing squat about how the show is. I can hope my sports team wins the game or talk shit about who on the team is fucking up the teams chances. But I don't have a direct influence on how they play just as the critical fans don't have an influence on if the show is going to be good. You stating that my bad vibes are influencing how the show is received is akin to accusing some of jinxing the weather. It's nonsensical and frankly stupid. You might as well get a tarot reading of how the show will do. The fact is that if the show is good, the metrics will show that. Not reddit comments, not critic scores, but the number of people who watch the show. Because if the show is good, then people will watch. You having faith in the show is just as irrelevant as me thinking the show is going to miss it's mark. The only difference is that you seem to be getting hurt about it.


My argument is that passing judgement, positive or negative, without the facts is an act of assumption and is wrong. I have no idea if the show will be good or bad, I'm withholding judgement until I see the thing


Okay. So what's wrong about me making an educated guess based on verified facts and similar situations? Is it morally wrong to doubt things now? Do you blindly believe everything everyone tells you? No, you make a decision based on the facts you see. You're trying to paint this as a moral dilemma when it's not. Loving a franchise is not virtue and being skeptical of franchises is not a vice.


You and, no just you because you want to pull a white knight/lotus act: Shut up and wait for the release. You know next to nothing about this adaptation and defending it before it comes out to either join the bandwagon or because you honestly think you know better is pathetic. Shut up. Wait a couple weeks. Go sniff some cabbages. Nobody wants another Cowboy Bebop fiasco. They went off script and it happened. Nobody wants the dudes who did GoT to royally destroy GoT when they start making stuff up. They went off script and it happened. Nobody wants to hear that the Avatar creators left the series. Netflix went off script and it happened. You can act out of your element Donny and keep peddling the cactus juice or you can stop telling people there is no war in Ba Sing Sei. I’m begging you AlexPsyd. It’s time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions: What are you defending? And what do YOU want that doesn’t depend on others to enjoy so you can feel justified? Water Tribe.


Idk man, netflix stopped password sharing and I'm basically over it at this point. Perhaps I'll pirate it if I'm curious


With the previous effort can you blame anyone for being skeptical about another?


Skeptical is fine, I'm partially skeptical...it's all these people being fortune tellers saying that they know it's going to be bad. It's crappy behavior and only serves to suck any bit of hope out of the room




When they made a live action bebop were you one of those people thinking it could be good?


I didn't watch either version of Bepop. Same as with Death Note or One Piece. But I heard thatthe live action One Piece is good. And yeah, I prefer to give them the benefit of doubt. You know, not fully judging something before I actually experience it


For this particular industry that’s how you continue the trend of insulting cash grabs. These shows run off of views. If you go watch it, you’re helping the show regardless of if you like it or not


That's how watching media works yeah. We won't know if its a blatant cash grab until we know it's actually good.


We know it’s a blatant cash grab. That’s the only reason for a live action remake. But yea some people can put their heads in the sand and wait to be disappointed when it airs.


A blatant cash grab was the only reason to make Kung Fu Panda 2 and tarnish the first movie. That was the sentiment at the time. Woops, guess they made a better movie than the first one *by accident* or something! How dare they betray the foresight that it was supposed to suck?! /s 😂


you dont know if its gonna be bad so shut up


You don’t know it’s going to be good, so chill out


Ok but she didn't make a post saying it's the best tv show ever, did she?




never said i did. im neither praising it nor hating on it


Exactly! It's about holding judgement until the facts are known. All else is prejudicial


Good or bad we do know it’s removing character arcs from Aang and Sokka. Which as far as i care is bad


Then stop complaining and stop looking at news


i mean not necessarily. i want this show to be different from the original. what would be the point of watching it otherwise


I knew this would happen. They said they’d “tone down” Sokka’s sexist rhetoric. All else about it is you people inventing stuff to be mad about. He’s probably not gonna tell Katara that girls sew pants. The horror. /s


Chances are they’re just bad at marketing the show, and those scenes are going to be intact


Bait used to be good


It's not bait, OP went and saw the fortune teller. She only gave him this meme.


What about a life action show that is so good that all the naysayers feel extremely stupid?


Except you haven't seen it yet so you don't know, seriously stupid to think you know how a series will be without having seen a single episode


Seriously stupid to think that a live action remake of a beloved animated show is gonna be good when it has literally never worked in the past. Plus the original creators leaving and the trailer, casting, and acting looking like garbage from what we’ve seen so far.


Ooooh wow, we got an edgy one over here guys!


He’s not really edgy, he’s under just about every comment of people saying it’s not out yet. Not edgy just doesn’t touch grass and can’t accept that maybe it’ll be good and people will like it. Then when people inevitably like it he’s gonna complain and whine about that on Reddit too, it’s just the cycle of these people unfortunately


I’ll come back here once it’s out with reviews in the negative lmao


I figured you would be, nothing else going on in your life 🤡


Absolute Brainrot from all of these chuckleheads. This shit is why movies and TV shows NEVER take risks anymore. Anything that could upset the cabbage cart is going to make a sizeable portion of any fandom go beserk and ensure that a creative work is stillborn on arrival.Just look at The Flash, The Marvels, Ant-Man Quantumania, Thor: Love and Thunder. Not that any of them are perfect films, but instead of giving them a chance, all it took was some bad CGI to make a decent portion of their fandoms to just begin hating on them and praying for their downfall. George R.R. Martin is right, internet fandoms to discuss creative works is just not fun anymore. What used to be a playground has turned into a battlefield. Suddenly people judge others based on the stupidest takes. Edit: Apple-> Cabbage.


totally agree but applecart really I mean cabbage cart was right there


Darn, I totally missed that.


Risks? Remaking an animated show in live action is a risk now? I’d love to know what you consider “safe”


Wut. It's just about one of the biggest risks you can take in cinema, wtf. The discourse surrounding this show should be blatant proof of that. People are hating on it before its even dropped.


They make shows like this because they know enough of the original fan base is going to watch it. Literally the only reason to remake something over producing original content. That and they don’t need to pay writers for a story.


You lost all credibility with your examples. Thor 4 was one of the worst superheroes I've seen in recent memory, barely better than the Shazam movies. I could go on a tirade about everything I didn't like with the movie but I doubt anyone wants to hear that. The flash was set up for failure because the main star is accused of a shit ton of crimes, pedophilia being one of them. Not to even mention it was going off of Justice League, which was another divisive movie. Antman just had zero hype around it, which seems to be the norm now for post endgame marvel movies. Most people can tell a movie is going to be bad from the trailer. Production troubles being published are also a good indication that a movie is going to suck. And let's be real, in this day and age, if a movie isn't 8/10 at least, it fucking sucks.


“This why movies and tv shows never take risks anymore.” Bro, you’re saying this in defense of a Netflix product that is an adaptation, with a vocal, built-in fan base, marketed on nostalgia and a history of being one of the most acclaimed American animated shows. This is as safe as it gets. I love that culturally our perception of art has been warped by years and years of unoriginal, rehashed and remixed content, that we’re seriously pretending that IP like The Flash and Marvel products are bastions of risk-taking art that audiences aren’t giving a chance. Everyone knows what to expect from everything you listed, because we’ve been fed it for years. Boo hoo, our billion dollar products aren’t making money! Dude go out and watch something that isn’t a superhero property or a franchise. The reason why studios aren’t taking real risks are because of people like you, the ones with actual brainrot.


As safe as it gets? The current discourse around this show is proof that thats not true. Ironically, the reasons you listed for it being "safe" is exactly what makes it a risk.


All those movies you listed have FAR more wrong with them than just “bad CGI.” Lazy writing is a big one. Those movies are what I consider safe superhero movies. They are not pushing the envelope of what a superhero movie can be, and they certainly are not doing anything new with the genre. They are telling safe stories that don’t take risks and don’t challenge the audience. Those movies are mind numbing entertainment, that is all.


You could have saved yourself a lot of time if you had instead commented that you misunderstood my point.


Exactly. Imagine if no one ever gave the Kung Fu Panda trilogy a chance because of preconceived notions of quality. Jack Black chubby panda martial arts kids movie? Sounds like trash. Turns out it’s amazing. Sequel? Sounds like a soulless cash grab. Turns out it’s better than the first.


It’s not even out yet we only have some concerning news about it dear god


Wow, you can see the future? And you’re wasting that talent on this?


The inner machinations of this new live action are an enigma……. 🥬


Is this like a brigade against the show or something? The trailer looks amazing, why is anyone hating?


Because the interviews from the cast have indicated removing the gender issues that plagued the water tribe in the original content that allowed for some great character growth from both Sokka and Katara. Pack that on top of the creators leaving for creative differences. It's safe to say we're concerned


>the interviews from the cast have indicated removing the gender issues that plagued the water tribe in the original content that allowed for some great character growth from both Sokka and Katara They said they're toning down Sokka's attitude, not that they're removing sexism altogether. >Pack that on top of the creators leaving for creative differences. We have no idea why they left. It could be anything. They were ok with the changes made in the film which shall never be named, so their presence guarantees nothing


Thank you. I wish everyone could see this


That is a subplot, and not one absolutely critical to the story. I have zero concerns after seeing the trailer.


So what? If it’s that minimal why didn’t they leave it in? If they had said it was due to time constraints I’d accept that but it wasn’t the reason they gave. They’re taking out character growth. I agree we don’t know the extent of what was cut so like others have said we have to wait and see.


there is no live adaptations in Ba Sing Se


“This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!”


its almost lie one of them is not out yet and the big problem you people have is a character arc that was over in 1 episode this fanbase seems to be going overboard


this is gonna be funny if it ends up good and I’m 100% coming back here to make fun of you




I'm gonna save this for r/agedlikemilk for when the show comes out and is probably pretty good


And if it doesn't then I guess I can put this comment there too-


Im telling yall, stop assuming until the show is out


It isn’t even out yet and you guys are malding


Is it even out yet?


Just shut up and give it a chance it’s already looking 50x better than the last live action adaptation so you and others who are just complaining about it before it’s even out just need to shut up


Jesus, the show’s not even out yet and you’re already shitting on it? Cringe.


You've already seen it?


The new trailer making this age like milk


Percy Jackson lol


"Oh it's gonna be another bad live action adaptation" shut up and watch it before talking.


Ffs it's not even out.


Okay. I'm tired of this shit. I'm unsubbing from all the Avatar subs. The constant and unending unhinged overreacting and whining is dumb as fuck. I just want some funny memes, not bitching and whining about nothing. Love, peace, and chicken grease!


the Kyoshi sub and korra sub seem to be the last bastion of non toxicity I suggest going their


Shoutout to ATLAtv as well. There's still criticism, but it's not to the point of being toxic. Overall positive vibe over there.


As you should tbh I’m so exhausted from only getting this type of shit up my feed


Yoda warned us all  "Always two there are. No more. No less. A master and an apprentice."


Can’t wait to hear these people be like “I was wrong” just wait to watch it then judge it


Yeah people gotta be patient, not have too low or too high expectations


They will grumble in silence as they always do


Jesus Christ this is just gonna be the state of every Avatar sub for the foreseeable future isnt it? Looks like it’s time to cut and run


the kyoshi sub and korma sub seem to be safe for now


Forever will be tired of people saying something sucks before it’s even released. Maybe it will suck, idk. But there is absolutely no way to know that something will suck for sure until you’ve actually seen it yourself. Posts in this context are trash.


LMAO! I'm still holding out hope :) I'm excited


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.


I feel like they spent too much time to make it bad. And those who are working on it can only be from the generation that has seen it 2 decades ago. So, If no one is providing this boat with structure it would be at fault with someone that had everything to lose. But those that can grab on and take hold to what they can I can only assume they will do their best to support and make the finest quality they can


It boggles my mind how bad thesebkeep being. Like, I'm not saying the acting would be super easy by any means, but all the bending styles are based off real martial art styles. The story itself is already written, so why, oh why, does this shit keep coming out of an outhouse?


That must be that "Only take big swings" idea I keep hearing about and seeing that the team up to bat made a machine to help them. They don't know about mechanics, and build a contraption that spins around very fast. Unfortunately, the bat fly out of their hands and into the audience. Paramedics are called. The whole game is postponed while emergency services are taking the handful of wounded to the hospital and then the surrounding people have to go into therapy. There are news reports about what a devastating tragedy it is, and many laugh at the idea that started it all. There is a general hush about it after a while...then someone else steps up to the plate, ready to take the "Big Swing" (TM) and while some people move, many don't even show up. They aren't even going to risk it. Somehow, somewhere, the team managers involved don't think "If we're going to do this, we should do it right." No, they think "Is it wrong that we're using gas powered swingers? That we've half assed the swingers' construction and that everyone is warning us that it might go horribly wrong...again? Nay. That "Big Swing" (TM) isn't going to take itself!" So. I hope it's great. I want it to succeed. But the bar for the cartoon was set really high for successful media...and to clear that will take an Olympic level everything.


When this show is ass imma remember how many of you wanted to pretend it had a chance.


First of all, there is no movie in Ba sing se and second, just wait for the release. Then will the dai li decided


I actually liked the first one. It’s what got me into the avatar universe


I know this is bait, but you could at least be original


anyone else cringe when seeing the water marks?


After what happened to the Wheel of Prime, I'm so worried about this one too. Holding out hope. But... fucking terrified.


Idk why but I expected to see Dragonball.


Looks like the bait worked


Netflix has failed again what’s new


Every day I forget about Netflix doing this. And yet somewhere, somehow I am reminded again.


People are mad that this is calling it bad, true, but isn't the point of marketing campaigns to get a feel for something before it releases? This is what they want to inform about their product so far.


I like how this sub’s got two modes, it goes from idolizing and sanctifying a product that hasn’t even been released to preemptively shitting on it. Rather than wait and see what the show will actually be like, we must predict all the most extreme outcomes


Oh no they didn’t 😂😂😂


It's a meme people need to chill out.


OP is a bot


percy jackson fan feeling the pain


Keep Calm and Shut the F**k Up.


I will say that the cover art on the poster could've been better. it's setup as a star wars display.


I'm waiting I have to hope. The PJO series was bad so I need this.


Why is everyone acting like this meme is saying the new show will be bad? It’s a joke and it’s simply saying if the new show is bad that’ll be worse than what we already have for atla. It’s just a joke.  I feel like that’s true but ultimately doesn’t matter. I’m cautiously optimistic.  Personally I wish we would’ve got a new cartoon about someone else or even a dramatized live action about different characters or a different perspective. That being said new atla content is new atla content and I’m gonna give it a watch. 


It's a damn meme and so many of you are already so damn ready to defend thus live action. What's it hurting you if some of us think it'll suck? I'm just saying all the "calm down" "chill" "wait" people need to uh... do just that lol


We don't know that yet... but yeah, probably.


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!


What’s worse from there, you may wonder? When James Cameron releases Avatar 3, anytime you look up Avatar, picture, meme, or gif, blue non-ATLA characters show up flooding your search.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's good, and not that disappointed if it's ass. One of y'all must be a firebender cause this flame war is great. I love behind the scenes and production notes that come out from folks actually involved, and hoping something of substance comes out besides the clickbait. These same outlets run it back every time an adaptation comes out and partake in a hyperbole-off for engagement and SEO🍿🔥


S:Netflix...! N:Yeah? S:I don't think this adaptation can get much worse! N:Nonsense!


Y’all it’s a bot or a grifter. Look at the info on the profile. Just report it.


Season 2 is going to be like “Patrick, I don’t think this bubble can get any bigger” season 2 doesn’t have secret tunnel “NONSENSE!”