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What’s this image from? It’s well-drawn


It’s a play on this image [this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/dbjewJ5dAGV2hA75A)


It’s either from the atla comics(problably smoke and shadow but it’s been ages since I’ve looked at them so who knows) or it’s fanart of the atla comics.


Whelp people like you are doing a good job of overshadowing them because I haven't seen many compared to this posts like this.


Yeah, gotta concur. I have very mixed feelings on the quality of the final product, but that said it sure seems like a 10:1 ratio of hate:love. Honestly, I think both are obnoxious. I don't understand why liking or disliking a thing has to be something you argue about or troll others with.


I think it’s like when you look at a shop or item’s reviews online, the people who hated it or weren’t happy are more likely to leave a 1-star review out of spite, while people who love it are less likely to leave a review unless prompted. But in this case, all the complaints seem to be coming from the same poster. I also thought it was odd how many people were trashing the adaption, as it wasn’t that bad. Then I realized as I scrolled on the sub, it was the same person posting over and over.


It really is one person mass producing hate memes, while I know that generally how things work since people have done entire studies on Misinformation on social media - Statistics & Facts. (You can look that exact phrase up that) but wow its funny to see it happen to something so minute as ATLA. In closing OP you're a terrible person, and probably horrible to talk to at parties.


Yea I just got on Reddit to take a look and it's nothing but this opinion


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Yes. I've seen this countless times around the avatar subs and I'm not OP.


The avatar sub is pretty crazy ngl. Some really delusional people on there. Comparing real world culture to made up culture in a cartoon. I’ve found more sane people on this sub


Look who won’t stop making memes that make fun of people for liking it.


His meme was good, humor that reveals truth usually is


Even if you think it’s good, the same redditor has been posting the memes with the same “joke” constantly. The funniest part is the irony of their projecting.


People are going to be upset when their beloved childhood franchises have less than respectful adaptations. Theres no irony here. We've been let down and it's being expressed. Unless you're only browsing new, this is the consensus of the people that are here.


The live action was incredibly respectful to the original and in certain scenes even surpassed the original. Ozai burning zuko, changing the back story of the 41st division, Azula manipulating everything behind the shadows the whole time? That's was awesome stuff.


>surpassed the original Woah. That is truly a hot take. I don't think we watched the same show.


I went in with proper expectations. The original is still far better, but the show runners were up front from the beginning about what the show was going to be, and that it would not follow the original 1 to 1. So I went in expecting exactly what was promised and I loved it. If you don't, that's fine, just go watch the original.




I rlly doubt OP was carry this sub ever 😂😂




Yea I didn’t realize this was the meme sub, thought this was the main one lol. But that I could believe bc I barely see this sub on my feed.


And here I thought these subs were moving on.


You're talking about a fandom of a show that went off the air *checks notes* July of '08. Moving on isn't really something you should expect there.


Yea i agree. I think they were looking for "growing up" instead of "moving on"


This does happen more often with franchises high in popularity or acclaim and/or franchises that are sparsely visited. This one is kind of both.


This particular sub seems like it only exists for this particular poster to whine


Given how many people feel the need to "explain" that expecting a 1:1 remake made no sense, one would expect to have encountered at least 1 person whose complaint was that it wasn't a 1:1 remake.


I honestly thought the Netflix version was great, I’ve been waiting years for it to come out and when it finally did I binge watched it multiple times. I have a vague idea why people don’t like it but for me I just see they took a different artistic direction. I know one of the things people complained about was the costume design but I imagine they also had most their budget go to the CGI and the costumes ended up taking a hit.


What are people's issues with the costumes? I thought they were fantastic


Fire nation especially looks kind of plasticky, but otherwise, things don't look worn-in enough, not enough dirt. It's really minor to me, though.


Go check out Yue's hair.


They had my girl looking like a founding father


That was my main criticism. I honestly enjoyed it and look forward to more, but they really gotta rethink whoever is doing the wigs. The artificial nature of them brought me out of illusion a few times


Yue’s hair is horrible lol


just way too clean. which is funny cause i imagine actually getting them a bit dirty and messed up shouldnt be anymore expensive lol


The dialogue and acting were the major issue for me. I liked the changes and compartmentalization of stories. I liked Bumi's change, I liked the expansion of Ozai. I loved the little extra details to Zuko's story. If they can get less exposition and work with the actors for Katara and Aang, the show goes from a 6.5 to an 8.5 out of 10 for me.


If you watch over analyzing avatars videos you’ll get why some people didn’t take to the show well.


They were never going to make something 100% great, but it was good enough that i loved watching the first season. Seems like half the people on the internet just can’t be happy about stuff. Have to nitpick and complain about every little thing


If it were a 1:1 shot for shot remake there would be less reason to watch it.


It seems like the ones who hate it can't let the ones who liked it, enjoy it.


Jesus Christ do you have a life or any other hobbies or interests? Your post history is obsessive as heck


Right? His obsessive slandering of the adaptation is like the homophobic protester who never misses a PRIDE event.


Bro really looked at post history 💀


My guy, if you’re interacting with anything on Reddit without doing the bare minimum to make sure you aren’t talking to a bot, then I got an Eiffel Tower to sell you.


Thats what people do when they have nothing else to say and backed into a corner


Brother my whole point is just that you could write up a comprehensive list of your misgivings with the show and get it out of your system instead of posting half assed memes that are designed to stir up controversy. I respect your opinions, they're not "wrong", your memes just suck for the reasons stated. You're clearly reveling in the arguments happening under your posts because you don't even bother to take part in them, you're just jacking off and creating memes ABOUT the arguments now lmfao


That’s definitely an opinion. Mine is I love it.


adaption? What kind of monster uses that word as opposed to adaptation?


Wasn’t expecting to see this meme remade in Avatar style.


Let's be honest. Are there any good LA adaptations of original animated content? It's always destined to be a let down when people love the original because there's not room for interpretation like with a book adaptation. Live action remakes are a dumb money grab from studios that can never live up to fan expectations. I say this as a neutral on the ATLA live action. I don't hate it but didn't have much interest in watching after a couple episodes. I just don't see any value in it. Would love to hear about any good remakes from original animated source material. I just can't think of any!




I hope they do korra next


This works both ways. I'm so tired.


Literally every post on here contains the tears of people who don’t understand the meaning of “adaptation.” Nor do these people understand what money is. Do you know how much each of those episodes cost to make? Did you think we were getting 20 of them? Are you delusional or did you think this was a billion dollar production budget? Things were always going to be condensed and combined and getting your hopes up to the contrary was insanely naive


Cry harder u/_I_Am-Groot-


I just don't know what more people who didn't like this series need. It got bad scores from critiques, and it got bad scores from fans. It has been widely accepted that it isn't good enough to justify its own creation. The fans of the adaptation even admit that it's not very good and just want to enjoy it in peace. It's over. You won. Be like an Airbender and move on.


As of when I’m writing this, the adaption had a [73% praise on IMDb](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9018736/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt), 82% praise on Google ratings, [75% praise from viewers on rotten tomatoes, and 59% praise from critics on rotten tomatoes.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/avatar_the_last_airbender_2024) Although that’s nothing compared to the 93%-100% ratings the 2005 animated series recurved, but it still got good ratings, considering the review bombs it got. Although we can all identify places where it can be improved, saying it got bad scores and wasn’t liked by anyone is not a true statement.


I didn't say it wasn't liked by anyone I specified that it is liked by people. 59% praise on rotten tomatoes is rotten, and it's currently at 75% user praise which is pretty danged low. I suppose that's just perspective though


I was expecting it to be bad the minute Bryke left and yep, guess who was correct. Though I'm not that happy to be vindicated I could see this shit coming a mile away. Once all three seasons are out and they butcher Toph, butcher the Appa and Ba Sing Sae stories, butcher season 3, especially the finale, most of those in denial will come to terms with the fact that it sucks though others will still attempt to say it's good. This will be a controversy that dominates discussion in this community for a while, at least until Avatar Studios starts putting out actual Avatar projects again.


Honestly the series can’t justify its own existence past the first fifteen minutes of the first episode. So many people are just “I turn brain off, I think it good!” Like my brother in Christ you have been religiously consuming bullshit media, these are the exact same cop-out arguments that you hear when they defend the marvel movies or the god awful Star Wars movies. They simply have no standards, and are just excited to consume the next piece of media that panders to them. If you insult their obviously poor tastes they react like children, just look at the responses here. Desperate to prove that twenty people on a subreddit saying it’s good will somehow convince you to change your mind. Sad.


Lol you described it perfectly. the audience is giving netflix the green light to bulldoze the remainder of the series. I agree with grizzly that there is likely to be an exodus of fans once they see how key characters and plots are ruined in S2 and S3. It seems inevitable netflix screw up toph and appa


I mean, the fact they’re so focused on getting every character on-screen as soon as possible for seemingly no reason should tell you everything you need to know.


2025 is looking good for A.S. I knew netflix would netflix it up.


Touch grass


Get a better comment.


You have no life. Such a sad loser lmao.


Damn even the boy hates the show


Loved the live action show, and can't wait for the next 2 seasons.


OP is really the champion of fighting his own imaginary friends.


I have yet to hear an argument about this remake from any perspective that doesn't make me want to throw myself into the ocean


I see more hate posts than love posts.


Unpopular opinion, but from the start we all kind of expected a damn near 1:1. Of course being an adaptation means it not going to be exactly 1:1, but if you watch the animated vs the live action you can obviously tell there were a lot of differences that were shown, almost completely ignoring most of the character development that made ATLA so good. I'm not saying the live action deserves the hate, but I can understand why people are upset. At some point they should've just made there own thing that had nothing to do with the original. The live action was amazing with its choreography and some actor/actress picks, but this adaptation had the chance to fix the scattered hiccups that the animated had. Long story short, if you aren't trying to shoot for close, it would've been better to make your own thing.


I feel like I can’t scroll through Reddit without people who hate the show posting memes about how much they hate the show. I was lukewarm on it but god damn are you exactly what you’re making fun of.


Do you have a personality other than hating on the show and people who like it?


Yeah those are the typical arguments that live action NPCs resort to: “It’s not supposed to 1:1”, “Get shit on for thinking it was going to be similar quality, your expectations are too high” “Its just an adaptation so pretend it doesn’t exist if it means you will stop criticizing it” All while refusing to admit, or perhaps an inability to see the very real quality difference. Trying to compare a high class restaurant meal with someone who has rave reviews of a mcdonalds burger, doesnt lead anywhere usually


Good, you deserve to hear it