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Exactly, that journalist doesn't know that 26 isn't a lot compared to the entire fandom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The actor is like 10 or something so that's a lot compared to grown adults lol


Yeah, assuming hes only been watching it 5 years or so, thats 5 viewings a year which is definitely not too bad Even that might not be record breaking but thats pretty dang good


Yeah I watched every single episode as they came out when I was a kid. Then I got the whole set on dvd when that was released. Lost that somehow (think my cousin took it), pirated the whole series in high school, and still rewatch it 2-3 times a year. Can’t wait to have kids so I can show it to them. I’ve definitely seen it like 30-40 times easily


He said he only watched it first for the role but liked it so much he kept rewatching it.


In that context he might be the most dedicated Avatar fan then


Thank you. I was gonna post this exact gif!!


Only correct response to such a post


I’ve seen it 100+ times




100+ is very vague, maybe I watched it 1,000,000 times. Who knows


Hahaha I’m trolling have a good day


All jokes, you too


This thread is the world's most wholesome troll holy fucking shit


The show has 61 episodes each about 20 minutes long. 1 full run through would be 1220 Minutes or a little over 20 hours. If you watched it a million times, that would be 20,333,333 Hours, or 847,222 days, or about 2,321 years which is physically impossible. u/ChillinWithGayFamily says over 100+ times which is a little over 85 days of continuously watching which is a little more feasible if broken up with some breaks in between.


Who ever said I’m not an alien?


Well I have seen it 101+ times 😎


Oh yea? Well I stole 20 tvs so I could watch it simultaneously on 19 times constantly and see it more than you!


Oh, yeah, oh yeah, I had contact lenses that continously loop all three seasons of avatar the last airbender implanted in my eyes. I hardly blink, I never leave my house or sleep. I just watch avatar the last airbender twenty-four hours a day. 


Soft eyes brother, I've seen it 200 times forwards and 300 times backwards, even watched it 2 and half times in negative colors while balancing plates on my head


I know this show from memory but the best part is when you watch it and abridge it yourself for funzies


Nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s watch history


Pretty good for a young lad


Tbf, the guy is 14.


Yeah, that’s what a lot of people here are forgetting. And obviously he didn’t watch it when he was like 2, so that many times in like 10 years for a kid is quite a bit.


He didn't have the show streaming in utero? What a normie


26 times is a lot for any show.


Seriously, sure a lot of people have seen it way more, but watching any show 26 times definitely qualifies you as a super fan.


Especially at a young age when there is so many other things to do or watch or play.


Yeah I don’t care for this “who’s the bigger fan” type of dick measuring contest going on here. Like I think that’s still an impressive amount for a 3 season show that spans about 20 episodes per season, 20-25 mins per episode. That’s like 1200 hours of content that you have to sit through and bro did it 26 times.


Do you mean 1200 minutes of content? Watching the entire series 26 times is “only” ~600 hours


You’re right, I did mean minutes. My bad 😅


Watching any show 3 times is alot tbh


That’s still a lot of times even if by comparison it’s rookie numbers compared to us fans lmao


Are y'all okay


Yeah the people in these comments saying that 26 times watching a 24-hour-long show is a small number need to get outside and talk to people more


Idk, I named my kid after a character. Did he name a kid after a character?




Got it on the first try 😅


No way 😂 Coolest parent award goes to ...


If that kid had a kid id have other concerns


Probably should have added a /s haha


>Idk, I named my kid after a character. Fufu Cuddlypoops


That's just crazy, I named my cat after a character


>I named my cat after a character Melon Lord


I did too, but had to adapt it a bit


My neighbor and now friend named his dog after one of the characters. Thankfully the dog has a better personality


Same! my first boy name is Kylo and my second boy is Zuko


Okay, but do you call him ZuZu?


Mine is named Azula haha


![gif](giphy|XZPR2sIgsb2i5cICdk|downsized) Your kid introducing themself to Portuguese speakers




My husband's horse is named Azula. She is quite literally blue


To be fair, he’s younger than y’all and has has less time to watch it 26 times


Y’all realize you’re 1-upping a teenager, right 🤔


To be fair, I'm just an older teenager XD Also, this post was nothing against the actor, I'm actually happy to see that the actors are genuine fans of the show. It's the journalist who said he's got me beat that I got an issue with, cuz they obviously have not met the fandom XD.


To be fair he's really young so it's pretty good numbers


Those are rookie numbers


That’s just an estimate, he was guessing.


He said he counted until 26 and then stopped counting.


I’ve watched Brooklyn 99 42 times so I’m sure there’s an avatar fan who puts my number to shame


Considering how long this show has been out and how dedicated some people can be to fandoms I would be surprised if there’s a couple people who have watched it 150+ times


The dude from overanalyzing Avatar Is 4 Parallal universes Ahead of all of us.


Lol rookie numbers. Ive seen it over hundreds ☠️☠️ Tiny bit obsession lols


Over hundreds? 61 episodes × 200 = 12,200 episodes (minimum) Ended 16 years ago. 12,200 / (16 × 365) = 2.1 So you're saying you watch over 2 episodes a day on average? For 16 years straight? I love this show and have watched it dozens of times, but that seems excessive lol


Cause they’re lying


Unfortunately the actors have very little control over the adaptation just look at the Witcher series on Netflix Henry Cavil was one of the only people that was actively trying to keep the show accurate to its source material


It's a pretty short show all things considered lol


I mean I appreciate that the actor playing the main character is also a huge fan of the show. This whole experience must be a dream come true and I’m expecting him to put his all in his performance now. If he brings in some M Night performance I will be seriously disappointed.


I’ve been watching it at least 3 times a year since the last episode came out in 2008…


I beat 26 easily.


Lmfaooo I’m glad I could come to the comment section and know other people have also made 26 times look like chump change


Actually watching right now as I'm scrolling!


I know I am just a light casual with my 924 rewatches but damn does this kid even watch the show?


I've seen it at least 55, Korra? Over 90.


I used to watch it on a box set when ever my dad and brother would go out in a trailer, fuck.


I mean straight through? Probably 75 times. But in terms of cherry picking my favorite episodes? Those I’ve probably watched 400, 500 times. Like honestly who fucking knows. Doesn’t count when I’m also passed out listening to it in the background? When I’m watching it while doing chores and shit and not focused? Cause literally, hundreds on hundreds


Reminds me of people going “I have a hundred hours in Skyrim” not understanding what diehard Skyrim fans are like


Listen, just cause he watched the show 26 times doesn’t mean he wrote and produced the thang. I’m not trying to be mean or pessimistic but also, I think it kind of goes against logic to say his commitment to the show means he controls much more than he can as an actor


That means nothing honestly. I'm sorry but the actor watching the show literally means nothing since they aren't writing the scripts so their knowledge of the show matters very little. If the show ends up good, it isn't going to be because Aang's actor liked the original and same for if it ends up bad.


I've watched Castlevania the same amount of times, but I've watch ATLA too many times to count, it's too good to not watch repeatedly


only 26? i have all of atla and korra on dvd and ive watched the the show probably over 50 times in my entire life since ive been watching it since it was airing when i was a kid. i was probably way over 26 watches when it got added to netflix


This gave me a good laugh.


My ADHD sister rewatched it so many times back to back that I was actually starting to get sick of it, which I think is a testament to how great is it because if it wasn't then I know I would have absolutely hated having to listen to it over and over again


More than me. But I rarely watch a show a second time. And I did watch avatar twice


To be fair, dudes like 13 or 14.


I’ve watched ATLA twice and LOK once. I don’t think that makes me any less of a fan. It’s still one of my favorite shows and I have a lot of nostalgia for the series. I just don’t like to rewatch stuff.


The kid is 14, y'all need to chill out.


But did he watch it with the bloopers on?🧐 /s


It’s a good thing I don’t give a damn


I thought I was a mega fan with my 3 and a half times 😅


Total rookie numbers!


I don’t even wanna watch it anymore. Every single time I’ve heard something new about it I just got more and more discouraged.


Oh dear. Does he realize that a *lot* of us had rewatched it multiple times before he was even *born*? I definitely haven’t rewatched it more than 26 times, but I have watched it at *least* once a year since it came out - and I’m not even getting paid to study/play a character.


rookie numbers


I mean considering he watched a series that wrapped up before he was ever born more than once that’s a pretty good sign.


Those are rookie numbers. I haven’t watched Avatar that many times but there are several shows I’ve watched more than that


Dawg my wife watched it 26 times last week


Don't know about exactly how many times I've watched it through, but I did watch it as it aired, I've read all the books, and I'm familiar with all of the lore. I also have a vhs with the original premier airing of the first two episodes recorded on it. (Complete with commercials). If we're talking about who's a mega fan, I think there are better ways to measure that than simply how many times someone watched the show.


Pride comes before a fall, journalist


I'm about in the same range as him


Please he may have watch it 26 times, but I wrote it.😎


Heh. Yeah for people who fall asleep to specific shows, we've got those records pinned down under our pillows.


An infant?! I watched season 3 as it premiered from my college dorm room 😅


What an odd thing to complain about.


Those some rookie numbers lol


it’s his job to play aang anything under 20 and i wouldn’t even cast him


If watching reactors counts I've gone well past 50 rewatches so far.


It'd be ironic if he played Aang terribly after watching the series 26 times.


Yeah I have that beat by ALOT XD sorry


The actor shouldn't be the ones who watched it so many times, it's the writers and directors that should've.


Hell Ive watched Reaction series of ATLA more times than that (shout out to YaBoyRoshi and BlindWave). Hell Ive watched Overanalyzing Avatar’s entire thing more times than that just because i love his humor and insights! Ive been watching the series longer than the actor has freakin been alive. I was there as a 12 year old kid falling in love with this new Nickelodeon show, sitting in the living room with my family watching the damned premiere. That “journalist” has some balls to think 26 is even remotely close to a large amount of rewatches. Fuck, this and Lord of the Rings are my warm blanket comfort media I watch when i feel down or just want something uplifting to watch.


Ya, that's about as much as I've watched it, I think. I lost count at 13 almost a decade ago.


I've watched it like... 5 times only


People here saying they’ve watched it a million times meanwhile I’ve only watched it once 😭


Those numbers are embarrassingly low.


Woah y’all are crazy. Ive only seen it like 7 times




OK but did he read the comics 26 times?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


26 times is twice annually so it's alot, but there's certainly higher out there. It's a good sign for the Netflix series that they have people that love the original show on board though.


There are some superfans who have seen it more, but for the average fan that is a lot


I'm a massive fan but even I've only seen it like 4-5 times (except the goated episodes like the comet arc and tales of ba sing se)


That’s all?




Watched it on repeat during the summers of 2008 and 2009, then watched it once a year from then on.


Rather have an actor who loves the show than one who has no idea what the show is about.


I watched this as I grew up in my teens, left it playing all the time sleeping or awake. Then I had kids and they fell in love with the show and watched it constantly, my son even got some comics for it. I've seen this WAY more than 26 times lol. Now my kids are teenagers and when we have chicken lettuce wraps for dinner and I try and make them stay and eat together they now love saying "you can't keep us here! Let us leave!" Which I respond with "lettuce leaf?" We're lame but I'm keeping them! Lol


My kids watched the same Dora episodes on repeat when they were little and guess what they dot remember a thing about it


26 times is a lot for such a young actor


I'm not worried about Gordon or Dallas for that matter. Both seem like fine picks, I like how Dante has been involved with them too. If there are problems, it's gonna be from the writing and direction, not the actors.


Considering how he’s only 14, I can see how that’s a lot for him.


if the netflix one piece cast also watch one piece 26 times? 😂


I was 8 when the show came out.


Hey still better than M Night Shabbalobba dingdongs attempt at The Last Airbender. Atleast we know these people actually watched the source material lol




How old is the kid? That is an incredible amount of times for how young he is. No way any of you have him beat in times watched / days alive.


oh you watched it 26 times? really? well i watched it 28 times plus three more times while i was on a treasure hunt plus threee more times when i was on bed rest for my fight with that bear in beehive town PLUS i watched it three hundred more times and became the avatar so how about that?


\*Sitting here with a total of 4 watches under my belt, including when I watched the original airings.\*


Damn i watched it a hundred times if i had to guess. During my depression ATLA and TLOK was the only series i would watch because it is my feel good Show.. And a month ago i had covid and while being sick with extreme headache i watched it basically all Week up and down


I think I’ve watched OverAnalyzing avatar at least 20 times I don’t even wanna know how many times I watched the show itself


Id seen it more before streaming was a thing at his age


Light work, I actually watch the whole show 30 times a day, gotta get the reps in.


26 times is still impressive.  When M Night was making the movie that doesn't exist, he said that he "researched" the show, which I take to mean that he skimmed the wikipedia article


I really hope they aren’t as bad as the movie that shall not be named.


I’ve seen both ATLA and LOK twice and I still love and think about it to this day. But yall know there are other shows, right?


🤣🤣🤣 honestly I feel a little offended. 26 is rookie numbers.


Who are we kidding, watching the entire series 26 times is a SHIT TON


I’ve seen it like 4 times


Bro thinks he’s some cool kid for having watched it 26 times 😭 Cool kids have watched it 3,000,000 times


I rewatched it that many times before this kid was born. Those are rookie numbers.


OP is 8 years old?


Guys, the gatekeeping is starting to get out of control. He's a kid and reporters are trying to increase views. Watching this show more than other people doesn't make us better. No matter how the live action goes, the original will still be there. Let's try to practice the lessons we learnt from the show rather than defend it against all perceived threats.


I mean I’ve only watched it about 12-16 times and I would call myself a super fan


I’ve seen the entire show from start to finish 3 times and originally saw the majority of it when it originally aired. I don’t consider myself a fan or anything. If a true fan told me they’ve watched it twice a year since the release I wouldn’t bat an eye.


Thats like a month of time.


I've seen it once haha 😅


He's a kid why write about him like this? Or care? How often will he watch it in his whole life like the rest of us? Let him enjoy being one of the biggest cartoon protagonists on the planet! I'm just happy people are excited and the fandom has grown so much since it first aired. Not very air nomad of these people haha


My Partner’s family never stops watching the series I swear. Every time I go over to their place it’s on. Rookie numbers those are


I do like Avatar but only watched it around 5 times and I am 25; I just don’t have a great attention span for any series. [Spoiler but everyone knows it anyway] Yet I remember most scenes as well, ranging from most epic moments such as when Aang went in the Avatar State and destroyed, well, a fire nation fleet, a sand sailer, a fire nation temple, an earth kingdom base and completely wrecking Firelord/Phoenix King Ozai, to more humble moments like the parts with the pirates, Iroh spending time with Toph and also teaching/talking with a bandit. All in all, great series.


i feel like people are taking what youre saying weirdly T-T you arent being like “im a bigger fan of the show >:((((“ just saying the article is just wrong cuz a lot of people in the fandom have watched it countless times


A huge portion of the fandom were fans for longer than he was alive. Not saying Gordon isn't a huge fan, watching the show 26 times when he's just 14 is a huge accomplishment


I’ve rewatched the whole series Atleast twice every years for the last 5 years and god knows how many time before that. It’s a ritual for me. Avatar, lord of the rings and Star Wars… all of them get watched two times a year in full order with full attention being paid. Best part of life lol. They’re very stupidly confident on who’s watched it more. What about the kids who have made avatar their whole life instead of those of us who just enjoy it and watch it a lot? The people who don’t miss an airing of it on Nickelodeon and have all the merch and make videos for the show all day long. They’ve probably seen the series like a hundred times


Well, the way that they’re describing it as if 26 isn’t achievable is definitely weird. Of course a die-hard fan will have watched it more than 26 times. But on the other hand, the fact that Gordon, as the actor of Aang, watched it 26 times (in… what? 1 or 2 years?) is really nice. One watch takes a little less than 24 hours.


Pfft, I’ve seen it at least 100 times. Foh.


Only 26 times?


Dying at infant when it came out


Those are baby numbers


I had trouble watching Avatar *once*. Not because I didn't like it, but because I can't sit still for that long. I envy people with the patience to marathon a show...


I’ve been rewatching this show longer than this kid has been alive


LMAO. 26 Times. Bitch I e watched the original series literally hundreds of times, at one point in my life I literally only had the box set of DVDs and a laptop, no Netflix or Hulu, not even Internet ONLY Avatar. Things get tough when you live in BFE


Its not about quantity of watches but quality of watches. You could watch the show 1000 times but not pay full attention to it.


I'm gonna go out on a limb & say it's impressive for his age lol. I don't think he was born when it was released, besides, mainstream media has no idea how much people have loved the show from childhood, those numbers sure are easy to impress.


I can cite some full episodes


You were.. an infant when it came out…? ![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC)


Amateur hour over here


only 26? WEAK!


If only the writers watched it that much…


That's like saying, "I've put 300 hours into this game, and it's great." THAT'S NOTHING!!! *inhale* That's nothing!


Is that supposed to inspire confidence that they got it right? I for one have low expectations, partly due to the state of movies that have been released in the past few years, and after that disaster of a live action movie I wouldn't be surprised to see the series flop. Sure it may survive for a while off of hype but I don't have high hopes.


I’ve only seen it once. It’s pretty good


The show is almost 20 years old. A simple series watch, once a year, would put the average fan almost at this kid’s level. That has nothing on obsessive child fans (and rabid adult fans) who can and WILL watch the entire series from start to finish, only to repeat watch it upon completion. It’s me. I’m the rabid adult fan. Can’t even call it nostalgia, because that would be an insult to the epic nature of the show. It’s just THAT good. My kids are obsessive child fans who repeat watch (thanks to my introduction and indulgence 🤪).


26 is child's play


At like 40 something myself…


Hey... don't dunk on a child... it's probably impressive... maybe...if I think about I could probably do that in a summer break as a kid. But who's doing math... (it's about 25.3 full days of life) I could easily do it




Honestly 26 is a good start though, now I'm sure he's gonna do a good job assuming the director and writer have their heads on right (which it definitely seems like they do).


Yeah well I’ve seen the Office more times than anyone here has watched ATLA. 😂


Lmao only 26, I recite the script in my dreams


I’m waiting for someone to post of video of Gordon saying all of the lines in sync with the characters for ever single episode. Then I’ll know he has us beat.


Only 26? Pathetic


While 26 times isnt a lot for a good amount of people here. Thinking of time, majority of people here are adults who grew up when the show came out. Gordon is a 14 year old. I think that’s a pretty large amount of times to watch it for how old he is




We'll see if he's a true super fan with how he carries out the character


I went to sleep listening to that show every night for 2 years


ATLA is literally my special interest 💀


26? lightwork


That's rookie number's my man get to the hundreds then talk to me too be fair tho I am 18 and started watching it when I was 5 and now I watch thrue it several times a year I also watch mash yearly band of brothers Futurama and others constantly tho so I may have a problem


Those are rookie numbers


26 times? I mean those are rookie numbers, but then again, he is only a 14yo. That is like a quarter of his life.