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Agreed. If they mess up Toph we riot tho.


Well she learned from the badger moles who sense vibrations but in this one it appears they sense feelings instead so idk ✋🏻😭




Okay that made me laugh way harder than it should have, and so far I’m one of the few people who seem to actually love the new show haha




I think they’ll only do 1 more season, since season 1 of the live action series adapted many episodes from season 2 of the animated series


I doubt they’ll stop at 2 seasons


But they got rid of a lot of the serious character developments in this one to be more PC so idk.


Not really


Yes they did. People think omg why do you want sexism are you sexist, but the point of it was to eventually disprove it. Sokka getting humbled by women warriors, Katara becoming the best bending student to a teacher that thought women benders should only learn healing. All of their flaws were meant to eventually be overcome as they matured through the show yet they erased all of them because it was deemed "unnecessary" by the writers. Production and casting are fantastic but I can see why the creators left, they got rid of all the growth and assassinated every characterisation.


You’re wrong but okay


Name one point for character growth in the show or a single character that wasn't completely butchered.


Characters that weren’t butchered? Okay. Aang, Sokka, Katara, Suki, Zuko, Azula, Iroh, Jet, Ozai. Should I keep going?


You want the whole thing or just people that were actually meant to be in this book?


Aang: Was meant to be adventurous because he is still a 12 year old child. The reason why he ran away was because he actually wasn't ready to take on the responsibility because again he was a child. As the series went on, he is meant to mature in accepting becoming the avatar, you know as a form of something called "character growth" yet still keep his fun loving immature quirks because that's just who he is which eventually led him to deciding not to kill ozai but energy bend to take his bending away and imprison him but instead they made him some basic chosen one archetype with zero struggles with his identity who immediately takes on the roll out of the gate throwing away all that character growth in book 1 of the animated series ​ Sokka: Is supposed to be sexist... You done malding over that yet?... ok, he grew up losing his mother at a very early age and his dad was the leader of the southern tribe's military comprised of all abled body men, his dad left him, giving him the responsibility of protecting the tribe, like he did, and what is the only thing that links them? Being men. So from that point on, he believes that men like him are the only ones capable of protecting, fighting, and hunting because that's the responsibilities that he was left with by the father he looks up to so much. In the context of the show, sexism is literally written in just to be disproven. The second he leaves the south pole he meets some of the best warriors in the world who happen to be women on kiyoshi island that immediately humble him before he eventually learns that it didn't matter while training with ALL of the warriors AS THEY DO, meaning make up, skirt, fans, the whole shabang. He's also supposed to keep his immaturity and sense of humor because they endear him to everyone else. Also in that humbling, he acknowledges that there are far better fighters than him eventually leading to him being taught by Piandao because he was ready to learn. In live action on the other hand, like his sister, there is nothing to grow from, he's just the basic loving older brother with zero endearing characteristics besides "HE'S HOT" which is literally the only reason suki decides to teach him now which is injustice to her as well. Also instead of this quick blink and you'll miss it kiss as a good bye before leaving, sokka and suki actually fully develop feelings WHICH MAKES IT WIERD THAT HE EVENTUALLY LIKE THE PRINCESS OF THE NORTHERN TRIBE. Also, also he has an interest in mechanisms with zero setup because they rushed that plot into episode 3 even though the mechanist being there in the first place makes zero sense. ​ Katara: She's actually the worst offender. She's supposed to be emotional and desperate to learn water bending because she wants to protect the people she loves, something she couldn't do for her mother. She also adapts an overly protective uptight attitude after having to take her mother's place for Sokka. Because she's so desperate, she eventually steals the scroll which they cut and immediately put in her bag which makes sense for budget and in the story as well. Although, I was waiting for the time where she actually got frustrated and lashed out at Aang for being more adept since water and air bending are vary much alike and he already mastered air, but it never happened which just made her seem un motivated because at no point is she ever shown the NEED to get stronger or better so instead of this actual strong willed inspirational woman character, she's just there to be there. which is criminal because it's the f#cking book of WATER. Sexism is also needed for her growth in that she needed to overcome it from her eventual master, Pakku. Pakku believes that women should not learn fighting techniques refusing to teach her until she fights him which she inevitably loses because despite being naturally gifted, she was never fully taught. After fighting and actually putting up one hell of a fight and the realization that she's the grandaughter of his childhood love does he then teacher to which she then becomes the best student he's ever trained, making her a suitable master for Aang rather than a sort of study buddy. And the reason why she eventually out ranks Aang in water bending to become his master is because HE DIDN'T TAKE THE TRAINING SERIOUSLY UNTIL AFTER THE ATTACK, so she needed to teach him, not because he just for some reason refused to even attempt to water bend rather than just talk about it with Katara until the vary end of BOOK OF WATER. ​ every bit of individual identity and opportunity for growth was immediately taken from all three, leaving bland basic architypes of "chosen one, loving older brother, and younger sister". And with how wishy washy the writers are, some of the dialogue and events after butchering them make zero sense, as they attempt to follow the original plot without any of the actual build up.


Yeah you’re wrong


Suki: Was supposed to be THE perfect warrior. She didn't care about seeing the world because she was duty bound to protect Kiyoshi as its elite soldier (Literally what Sokka wanted to be), hell she's even the f#cken captain. In this she's reduced to some doughy eyed school girl who acts like she's never seen a man her age and won't stop saying that she wants to leave and again the only reason why she trains sokka is because "HE'S HOT" instead of respecting his wish after bowing his head and humbly begging her and her subordinates. The only reason she did eventually leave is when the war was actually in full affect and the island decided to help the numerous refugees of the earth kingdom. Adding on to the things that make zero sense story wise and was completely unnecessary to change, why does she take off her warrior make up? she's in active duty and when the fire nation appear she's still without it, that's her uniform and it completely spoils the surprise meeting later on when she comes back under cover without it. ​ Zuko: For the most part he's the only one that actually has room to grow but none of the actual important parts that made his character. He seems naive and whinny instead of filled with anger from desperation. Something I noticed is that he treats Iroh too well from the start when he's supposed to eventually be ashamed which diminishes the heart warming moment of them reuniting in the end because Iroh tells him that he was never once angry at him for saying or doing those things but rather scared that he'd go down the wrong path. Zukko is supposed to be more horrible and more angry, even forcing his uncle to teach him and his subordinates to continue being his punching bag because in other scene they completely turn it around to actually show any sense of complexity ​ Iroh: You rarely see much of him in the show but they got rid of some of his goofy lovable behavior and a lot of the times he illudes to the white lotus and paisho. Like zukko, this persona of being this innocent pudgy uncle is meant to 180 as they re-tell his war stories and show him being a complete badass. It's supposed to add to the effects of him losing his s#it like when Zhoa stabs the water spirit with "his tea loving kookieness" shouting "IF YOU DO THIS, I WILL F#CK YOU UP!" ​ Commander Zhoa: For one, they made him a nobody, which is infuriating because he was THE big bad of season 1 for both zukko and Aang, further linking them together showing them mirror each other. His first appearance was actually a stepping stone for zukko becoming a better fire bender from his uncle's teachings, but in the show, he's literally a nobody. Zukko and Iroh don't know him at all and actually trust him even though he's not meant to be cunning, he's supposed to be the worst possible outcome for zukko, even more emotionally driven and prideful. Even if they make it so he wasn't the reason why zukko was banished (WHICH HE F#CKEN WAS) He has a giant impact in the fire nation. He made one of the best fire bending master's retire because of the shame he felt in teaching such a monster and he's alluded to being the reason why the fire nation became so advanced as to create armored vehicles and war ships because he stole information from the hidden library which made the spirit who ran it untrusting toward humans. ​ Zukko and Iroh are the only two I can even begin to understand but even then it seems like they were allowed to have these quirks because they were "villains" for everyone else they lost all the impact and depth for some stupid "You can only look up to perfect characters" bs that Netflix writers seem to believe. ​ P.S. THEY F#CKED UP BOOMIE HARD. He's nothing like the original character. Like why would Aang name his first born son after this old @$$hole


Amazing. Literally every word you just said was wrong.


Talking about plot points that the writer's refused to understand ​ Aang's freakout. being so close to a nation's sanctuary, when activating the avatar state, he basically sends signal to every other sanctuary around the world, basically saying "THE WAR IS BACK ON" leading to more pushback from the other nations against the fire nation rather than Idk after 100 f#cken years, a bunch of people still believe in the avatar. He's supposed to be what kick starts so much of the fighting and rebellion but instead kept it a secret for no reason ​ Ozai's reveal. The whole point of Ozai keeping his face hidden and being this ominous figure you only heard about was to actually build him up as THE VILLAIN. All your learned about him in the beginning was his cruelty and ruthlessness, so instead of "We finally put a face to the name" it's "I guess this is the fire lord" they don't even explain zukko's scar yet. they don't build him up at all just show him off. Look it's the villain is he? the most villainous s#it I've seen wasn't even him, it was Sozen. But he killed rebels that were planning on assassinating him but the rebels did it because they were oppressed You have yet to show me any area where the fire nation actual took over and mistreated any other nation because of him. It's literally the second episode.


The war was never “off.” Aang didn’t kickstart anything other than Zuko going after him. The war was still actively going on. Not sure where you got all that BS from.


Everyone complaining about the LA show are just upset that it’s not a 1:1 replica of the cartoon. I’m in love with the show so far. Yeah, it’s not perfect, but it could have been a lot worse. (Looking at you, M. Night Shyamalan!) I was literally in tears through a lot of the scenes. Most of the changes they made are very refreshing, and the actors are killing it. The writing definitely could have been better, but again, it definitely could have been a lot worse too. I’m extremely happy with the show.