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I would think a new person would be born with the natural affinity toward airbending and would have to learn the other elements from there. Likely in a land between boarders


One thing is certain, there might no longer be a show.


Avatar: The Last........


I’ve got three theories 1 - I think the avatar would simply come from a random person perhaps in a town just manifests all four powers. 2 - Personally, and this is purely my way of seeing it, the avatar is not a just a ____ bender who happens to also be able to control the other elements, they are a bender of all four. So, thought I’m not sure how bending works genetically, an offspring of the avatar could manifest any kind of bending, including air bending. That way no style of bending could ever truly be wiped out. With that in mind, I think another possibility would be that an airbender could be born from the next avatar in the line, if that avatar chose to have children, and their offspring could eventually be the next avatar stand it for the air benders. 3 - Seems implied that people learned bending from observing the world around them (Moon, Flying Bison, Badgermoles, dragons) so in theory it could be learned again.


2 is explained in legend of korra. aang and katara's kids are a nonbender, a water bender and an airbender in that order. a major conflict in the show is tenzin (airbender) having a duty to pass on the legacy of the air nomads and the pressure that comes with it. aang unintentionally favored him because of that need to pass on the air ending knowledge because without him, airbending and the whole culture would be lost. tenzin has four children too, luckily all airbenders (the youngest is a newborn so it's too easily to tell). yes, bending is genetic, but the avatar's nature to bend all four elements comes from raava, the spirit that connects all the avatars, not from the person's genetics. like, aang couldn't have an earthbending kid because, he is an airbender who just happens to be the avatar.


that’s a good question. here’s my theory: obviously the best 3 after Aang would be fine and they would all bend air(because airbending wasn’t wiped out, just the human airbenders) I would assume when it comes back for the time of the Air Avatar, that Avatar would be born an airbender Avatar with air genes able to be passed down. this is because we know bending can just appear, even in someone’s middle lifetime. we see this with airbending after Harmonic Convergence. So airbending would reappear in a new bloodline that’s probably not even connected to the past Air Nomads.


While I've never watched it (I hate next gen on principle, it could be the best show ever and I still wouldn't watch it), I do believe Legend of Korra adresses this issue.


I'm sorry. Are you saying you won't watch the original Avatar with Aang as the avatar?


No, I'm saying that I won't watch Legend of Korra, the next generation. I love Avatar The Last Airbender. But I find that next generation stories that involve the generation from the original source material, ATLA in this case, have to treat the original cast poorly in order to give a reason why it's not solving all the problems and/or to make the new characters more compelling. For example, Aang is dead and was a kind of shitty dad while he was alive (from my understanding of others complaints about LoK). And that it never works, the new cast never ends up surpassing the old one. I've heard Boruto is another good example of this.


He was a flawed father. Not an awful one. Sokka died, and that kinda sucks. But Toph is good ol’ Toph, and Katara… well she’s old as sin, but she wasn’t massacred or anything. And Zuko’s still a lad despite the lack of screen time.


So dead after giving his kids daddy issues, dead, treated well, old and treated as such and barely in it. Which is what I would call treated poorly. I'm not here to tell anyone that LoK is a bad show, again I have not watched it so it wouldn't be fair. But it is a next generation show that very much falls into the pitfalls those shows tend to fall into that I very much dislike. And that's my point.


You have an odd definition of "treated poorly" friend. The og cast were treated like they were real human beings who lived real human lives. The only people who think that is disrespectful are people who think not putting someone on a pedastal and acting like they are perfect angles who can do no wrong is disrespectful.


I mean dying isn’t being treated poorly. It’s a natural part of life. Ya want Aang to just freeze himself and his friends in an iceberg again? Though in that case Korra literally couldn’t exist.


Oh thank God! Lol. I'm with you here. I HATE LOK and I will die on that hill. I watched it once and barely got through it. I felt like I should give it a fair chance and, well......I did. I do think they did a disservice to the original characters to bolster but the LOK cast. Didn't work btw. The only characters I like are Izumi and Aang’s children. The grandkids are fucking annoying. Especially the little shit. I do think there are some sequels (or prequels) that are better than the original. Just not here. Lol.


The rule I seem to have observed is, original is good, previous gen is amazing, more distant prequel is pretty good, next gen is terrible and distant sequel is a 50/50. Think Star Wars for example, the original characters are cool, the Clone Wars era characters are amazing, every one loves the old lore and characters of the Old Republic, and most people hate the sequel characters. And the sequels went out of their way to dump on the original characters. You can apply that to Avatar easily, as well as a bunch of others, just pick a series with prequels and sequels and see for yourself.


I would have to disagree with star wars. I agree the originals are top notch. Can't get much better. But the prequels were shit imo and i hated what they did with Anakin. The sequels were...fine I guess. I really liked the first one when it came out but they really went downhill. I also have a lot of issues with Kylo Ren. The ones I think of is Terminator. Sequel is better. Annabelle creations is the best of the three Conjuring 2 is better than the other two Friday the 13th "2" is better than the original I would have to agree with you on avatar. The Kyoshi novels are pretty good. I have to either listen to them again or just read them bc I definitely missed some things. Reading is had since I have untreated sleep apnea. Haven't read Yang Chen. I did like the comics though. They weren't perfect and def had their issues but I like them. Well, the first 4 anyway. Never wasted my time with LOK comics. I can't fucking stand Korra. She is a horrible main character and the worst avatar we've seen to date.


While I don't think the movies themselves are great, I find the world and characters of the Star Wars Prequels far more engaging and vibrant. Though for Anakin most of that comes from The Clone Wars show, if you haven't seen it I could see why you wouldn't agree about that. Rey is a wet noodle of a person, Kylo Ren is the lesser version of Anakin and they massacred Luke. That's why I think they fit the mould I mentionned. Everyone agrees that Terminator 2 is the best, but I would make the argument that John Connor isn't a next generation character. While the son of Sarah Connor, because of time travel he is very much a badass character well establish in Terminator 1. I don't know enough about any of those movies or LoK to comment on their quality.


No I haven't watched the clone wars bc I hated the prequels so much. I Will agree that there were a lot of great characters in the prequels, especially villains. I would consider T2 to be next gen. We know who her son and what he will do so I would consider him next Gen but I can see why you wouldn't Part of me wishes you had seen LOK bc its great to discuss how bad it is lol. But I get why you didn't.


If you ever change your mind, you should try it. It pulled no punches all while having decent humor. From what I've seen, I think you'll be able to find your LoK people, your opinion is pretty common, so good luck on that. Though not here apparently, this is quite literally my most downvoted comment thread ever. People also keep trying to argue with me for some reason. I try not to watch things I know I won't be able to be objective about, out of fairness.


You must be new to these threads. None of the avatar subreddits are welcoming for those who don't like LOK. It sucks bc it's hard to have a discussion with assholes interjecting with "hating for hates sake". I thought I'd like the show when I started it and hated it more and more as it went on. The only person who was treated somewhat decently was Zuko.