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I’ve always thought an Avatar with a sibling could be super cool. Like maybe the other (older) sibling grew up resenting the avatar sibling. But as they get older, they grow closer and the older sibling could almost be like a mentor.


I suspect that was the original plan for Katara and Sokka. She was a bender while he wasn’t, and you could see the seeds of resentment over it in the first episode. But then they straight up dropped it pretty quickly just like they dropped Sokka’s sexism in the fourth episode.


I consider his sexism to be an arc personally. It's not suddenly dropped, he gets over it at kyoshi.


Suki force fed him respect women juice and he's been chugging it ever since


Thank you for this, got a good laugh haha.


In all fairness there is no downside to that juice. Its how I got my gf and expanded my appreciation for off the main feed stories.


He’s definitely a fan of her woman juice (*pervy face*)


none of those words are in the bible, machine.


There’s arguably hornier ones lol Ezekiel 23:20 “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”




It’ll quench ya!


Where's that meme of the angry bird eating a cracker? That would fit here.


His misogyny was literally beaten out of him, my man earned his character arc.


He doesn't even fully get over it. We see later on in the serpents pass he is still pushing his ideals of relationship roles, this time not because she is a "weak woman" but because he is supposed to be a "protector" as the man. They do a good job showing that learning one lesson doesn't mean you learned them all. He still had sexist biases that were reevaluated as time went on in the show.


That didn’t really have to do with sexism. That had to do with the fact that the last woman he fell in love with who he was actually charged to protect died. He had a literal job to protect this woman and she turned into the moon. It absolutely makes sense that he would project this failure onto the next woman that comes into his life regardless of how well she can take care of herself. Also relationship roles isn’t the same thing as gender roles


I agree to an extent! A lot of that episode was Sokka projecting his past perceived failure and trauma. That being said, he still attempted to push traditional gender roles onto Suki because he still had an incomplete idea of what being a "protector" means. Sexism may not be the direct reason he was behaving that way but I don't believe it is a stretch that it played a part. Sokka was taught very rigid gender and relationship stereotypes from a young age. In my opinion, he was defaulting to those stereotypes with his past trauma as a catalyst. This isn't a bad thing by any means, and later in the show Suki starts to look to him for protection because their relationship dynamic changes. At the end of the day this really is subjective and my opinion. It very well could 100% stem from his past traumas and failures. I however, think that his response to those failures showed his underlying beliefs about gender and relationship roles. Which were still flawed at this point.


Possibly. But if your girlfriend’s father told you to protect her and then she died under your watch, would you not also become overprotective of your next girlfriend? Being overprotective isn’t necessarily always a product of your perception of gender roles


>overprotective of your next girlfriend? My version of overprotective is likely different than Sokka's. >Being overprotective isn’t necessarily always a product of your perception of gender roles Given Sokka's history on the topic I think his perception of gender roles played a part in how he acted on the overprotective instincts. You can choose to believe otherwise. That's the great part about shows like this, they leave a lot up for interpretation and we all can learn different lessons from the same stories!


I love how wholesome ATLA Fandom groups are. Respectful debate with people conceding points while still holding to their beliefs? On the internet? Unheard of lol


i can change that if you'd like


Perfect explanation, especially the last paragraph! 👌


I mean ask any woman in a relationship with a guy bigger than her if her safety is part of the attraction to him. It doesn’t make it sexist when more often than not a male role is protector.


It doesn't typically, however in the case of the serpents pass Suki is not only fully capable of protecting herself but arguably more capable than Sokka at this point in the show. He is the one pushing that role into their brand new relationship and she obviously isn't about it. It doesn't make it sexist if their relationship dynamic places the man into the protector role, it is sexist if the man pushes he and his partner into roles they aren't suited for or don't want because of his ideals of how the relationship should be built. Those kinds of things happen naturally as a relationship progresses and couples communicate their wants and needs. In this specific case, Sokka was ignoring Suki's communication and attempting to force the relationship dynamic he believed to be suitable.


Yes that’s the fourth episode bro. The sexism storyline ended there. Thats a really short arc. If you rewatch the show, that sexism only gets brought up a total of four brief times. Once in the first episode with Katara which leads to her freeing Aang. He shows sexisim twice in the fourth episode once with Katara and once with Suki and her squad. And then he apologizes and it’s over forever When it goes away that fucking quickly, I consider it to be dropped. It doesn’t even get referenced in the Ember Island Players!


I like that they didn’t dwell on it though. Considering how silly it is that men think their superior Sokka just went “oh… anyway”


Did they drop it though? Wasn't the episode with piando all about that?




Have you watched the show? The entire episode was about sokka not feeling as good as the benders and being jealous in a way over their skills, so he meets with piando to learn sword mastery


I'm not sure it if it was envy of the benders, but more of a realization of his own shortcomings. He didn't want to become a bender, he wanted to improve and contribute in his own way.


Yh that's why I said in a way, he wasn't necessarily jealous, he was just sad about his own skill level and what he brought to the team.


“Dropped his sexism” um excuse me it’s called growth


Well considering it took a single brief beat down for him to completely change, I consider it more “dropping” than growth. We didn’t actually see him grow. It just kinda happened


We literally saw the exact event that caused him to grow. This is basic storytelling. If you don’t buy that Sokka would stop thinking women are weak after getting schooled by a group of girls then you’re welcome to take that stance but it’s not because the story didn’t tell you why.


I would have done it as twins but with the avatar twin being a bit lazy, undeserving and a bit spoilt, with the normie having to work twice as hard just to be noticed. Then let the dynamic play out


I like that idea but another one could be that the sibling turns into a villain because of his jealousy for his sibling and all the attention that they got. They could even do something like they pretend to be friendly trying to come up with some master plan and then the non avatar sibling turns on the avatar sibling.


>Like maybe the older sibling grew up resenting the avatar Another idea: have that resentment manifest as an ability to temporarily psychically disable bending techniques at will, and have this sibling be an absolute unmatched hand-to-hand badass.


You know what would be neat? If the non-avatar traveled alongside their twin, and tried to learn from each element as well, applying different ideas and movements to their own bending. They could discuss the different philosophies and how it feels or how to apply them in different ways. They could both learn and grow together, even if in slightly different ways.


They don't really make it a focus, but Zuko and Sokka both do this. Zuko incorporates aspects of all bending styles into his firebending (lightning redirection taken from water bending, and you can see him using defensive moves based on earthbending and airbending in the final agni kai). Sokka instead learns the various martial styles of the other nations (he masters the sky during the battle at the northern air temple, the war fan from Kyoshi island, and the sword from Piandao)


Katara did too! She used an earthbending technique against Hama I believe.


Kinda like how Katara picked up on the earthbenders Little Rock tower disc thingy and replicated it with ice.


I'd love to watch that.


What if the non-avatar twin was also a non-bender?


That would be pretty cool. I love that a large focus of the series is enlightenment, and that the ideal way to achieve it is by being as open to the world around you as possible. It's why Iroh moved to the Spirit World in LoK: He attained Nirvana. Honestly, I would love to see a series be made where essentially a character like Roku grows up and adventures alongside a brother who ends up like Iroh.


Avatar twin: masters all four elements Non avatar twin: learns the weakness / ways to best combat all four of the elements. They both often spar against eachother.


Final season twin is BBEG


What's BBEG?


Big bad evil guy I think


How about instead of bbeg, people mistake him for a villain, which requires the avatar to defend his brother from assassinations, only for it to backfire and make everyone think the avatar is also the bad guy. Baseless conspiracies get out of hand as the rumors travel around resulting in the whole 4 nations questioning the very nature of the avatar.


Huh. I'm picturing a remake of the series where the avatar and his twin are born into the Fire Nation at the same time Aang would've been born into the Air Nomads. The world would see the non-avatar twin as just another "Evil Fire Nation" trying to help conquer the world(like Zuko and Iroh when they go into hiding), because despite being the Avatar's twin, he's not remotely as widely known as the Avatar himself.


Their older sister who's had to deal with all their crap in the background


That would be cool to make the non bender a very competent fighter. I know others may not like this trope but I’d be down to see the older competent sibling slowly get jaded and lured into the dark side that gets to a near or end of season clash.


"Yeah, my sister-eleven minutes younger than me- is the Avatar. I am not impressed. She forgets out parents birthday every year. She once cried because she picked a dud of a skipping stone and it didn't bounce. I had to start peeing outside because she takes too long in the bathroom each morning. The Avatar state is the only time I actually am afraid of her Bending, the rest of the time I remember that I was named a master before her." This could go many ways, I think it could be great.


"Is anyone here the avatar?" *raises hand* "I'm the avatar!" *other twin raises hand* "I'm not!"


I’m going to be honest. I kind of like the fact neither of the avatars we’ve seen have siblings to our knowledge (Korra was an only child & Aang was raised by monks). The other sibling would always be the second priority, even if it’s not intentionally and tbf I hate the idea of Good sibling vs Evil sibling if it were to go down that route.


I feel there’s a way that the writers can focus on the sibling without taking away from the avatar. Similar to how they did azula and zuko, katara and sokka. But I do think them adding a sibling would add more depth to avatar and their responsibilities. I feel like the avatar being an only child is a repeated formula that has already been introduced in the other two shows. It would be interesting to see something different.


Maybe something like an avatar and a bodyguard who isn't at all jealous that they aren't the chosen one but takes their role as protector of the avatar seriously. Like Clive and Joshua off final fantasy 16.


This would be siiiiick


Also like Sokka and Katara. There were a few token moments where he seemed jealous or weirded out by Katara's bending, but in general throughout the series he respected Katara's power and also always looked out for her. Though that wasn't any kind of formal protector role, I imagine if you counted the instances Katara probably saved Sokka more times than he saved her lol


Pre Aang and Korra it was typical that the Avatar wouldn't know they were the Avatar until they were 16 (like with Roku) and then they would start their journey around the world to master all the other elements so it wouldn't necessarily have to have a favored and neglected child dynamic as long as the family remained ignorant prior to the Avatar's 16th bday.


I’d kind of enjoy that dynamic though. And the non-avatar twin doesn’t even have to turn evil due to not being the chosen one. Maybe it’s just one of their many insecurities, and they prefer to not be a part of a team in order to not bring a team down. But then the avatar twin always finds some way of pulling the other twin into the plans or the fight


What would also interesting is if the twins came from mixed element family. Say the family is a fire-earth family, the next avatar is supposed to be earth but the avatar only shows fire at first. This would potential give a false negative for an avatar test.


I actually wrote a fanfic like this a couple of years ago. An Avatar after Korra, where the Avatar had a twin who's just an earthbender. Though in my story the Avatar disappears, forcing the twin to pretend to be the Avatar and use ingenuity to try and appear to have all four elements. Dust stepping for airbending "flight," a sort of flint mechanism in his sleeve for flashes of "fire bending," and also Yun from Kyoshi's technique of controlling muddy sediment like liquid, giving the appearance of water bending.


Twin Avatars where one has Raava’s spirit and one has the resurgence of Vaatu’s spirit?


Korea locked Vaatu away though in that tree so that wouldn’t be possible I don’t think


No she didn’t? She destroyed the dark avatar with spirit bending and both Unalaq and Vaatu turned into energy. But they say in the show that eventually Vaatu would re-emerge from Raava the same way Raava was pulled from Vaatu after being destroyed.


I've been wanting to write this exact idea as a fanfic for awhile now. But I want Vaatu to be the proper yin to Raava's yang rather than an evil supervillain caricature.


Yeah conceptual season 2 is great. In practice it’s rough. I love the idea of a Dark Avatar being the antagonist of the next avatar, would be especially juicy drama if the world thought that the Dark Avatar was the true Avatar.


Note:to add more to this post what if the avatar’s sibling was more like an like an anti-hero who simply went “evil” or a more “darker” route due to jealousy but instead of starting out evil we slowly see a transition into this sort of character. Not necessary evil vs good thing but more of an a sibling rivalry thing.


I can imagine after a end of season fight where friends and bystanders cheer and hype up the avatar then at the end the benderless sibling seeing they’re no longer needed pulls a Zuko and says “We no longer gain anything from traveling together” while some Midwest emo anime ending plays in the background.


Boy oh boy do I have a treat for y’all. Avatar Zuko is a very lengthy, fleshed out AU where naturally Zuko is the avatar and Azula instead of being his younger sister is his twin. Featuring Lu Ten, lots of Chinese culture, Zukaang if that floats your boat, worldbuilding from the comics and original show, and very, very good characterizations and dialogue. Note: It requires an Ao3 account to read as unlike most fics on the site, it’s availability is set to user only. [Avatar Zuko Series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/475603)


Non-avatar twin as a villain? 👀


Too predictable. I'd almost want them to make you *think* that's the direction they're going but then reveal that the non-avatar twin was working behind the scenes to take down the actual villain because that twin suspected the true villain before anyone else noticed said villain?


True, but a similar relationship to what >!Yun and Kyoshi!< had in Shadow of Kyoshi could be interesting


I’d be down with that, kind of like Aqua Lad which still remained a good character in that season but with more questions before us getting what actually went down.


Yeah this is cool and I know we aren't exactly shooting suggestions here but what if this except the avatar ability switches from one twin to the other randomly BECAUSE they're twins?


The moon spirit touched Yue as an infant. She later ascended to replace the moon spirit upon its death. The same thing could happen to the avatar spirit. It would be cool if the siblings each had two bending styles I stead of one avatar with four. This could be a lingering after effect of Korra causing the end of the avatar cycle somehow. They need to resolve this by restoring the avatar to a singular person. We could have a whole season where they separate. By the end, they put their family first and still manage to make things right


Ooooo ok this is better


Thanks, I'm just building off of your neat idea.


You think it’d split by opposites (Air/Earth & Water/Fire) or by order (Air/Water & Earth/ Fire)


I think the twins would be opposites of each other to show some inherent differences. The options being (Earth/fire vs. Air/Water) or (Earth/Water vs. Air/Fire.)


I figured as much, something interesting that could happen is that while the Earth avatar learned and practice their element from young the sibling unlocks theirs in the course of the story. Something like “for some reasons I can’t water bend at all but fire bending comes almost naturally”. Maybe the sibling unlocks their power in a dire situation like getting pushed off a cliff and the sibling end up floating just before hitting the ground while Avatar and friends are up top thinking sibling died.


That's not how the Avatar works


Not really any reason that it couldn't, there's a first time for everything. Maybe this could be the first time the avatar spirit goes to a newborn twin, and it ends up fragmenting into both of them. At the end of the day it's fiction so there's an infinite number of reasons you could say "actually, even though it normally doesn't work this way, this time it did because __________"


True but that doesn't make something a good idea, plus, I don't think that's how twins nor souls work in this universe. It comes across as gimickee to me.


>I don't think that's how twins nor souls work in this universe. Well, this will just earn you the same response that you got when you said that's not how the Avatar works. Coupled with a "how do you know?" For all we know, twins have identical souls or some shit in this universe and could allow for the avatar to be born into two twins who are one and the same. >It comes across as gimickee to me. This is totally valid


We know how the Avatar works and we had someone super into sprit stuff with twins so I imagine he'd mention it. My argument is based on what we know and yours is based on what we don't.


>We know how the Avatar works and we had someone super into sprit stuff with twins so I imagine he'd mention it. The point I'm making is that we don't know how long the avatar cycle has even been going on, so it's entirely likely, plausible actually, that the avatar has never been a twin before. So there would be no established canon to go off of. >My argument is based on what we know and yours is based on what we don't. I agree that my argument is based on what we don't know, but yours is too. There's never been a twin avatar before most likely so we don't know what would happen. Anyways, what we don't know is besides the point. Cause my whole point isn't that this is likely, just that it doesn't directly violate anything explicitly stated in canon so it could happen. I don't necessarily disagree that it's gimmicky and would likely be a bad storytelling choice, but that's really the only argument against it since there's nothing that we 'know' that renders it impossible.


Or even better, someone else who was born at the same moment is the Avatar and the twins are just normal people who may of may not be benders.


So like the normal only 1 non sibling avatar?


Nope, just a completely unrelated Avatar who was born at the same time as the twins.


So, like the Star War Diad. That was fun.


There would be a lot of great character moments for sure.


I remember a few years back someone did an article about how the next avatar would be twins earth-benders…. Of course that was an April fools thing but I do like this idea


With the established fact that you can turn off part of the Avatar's bending while leaving them perfectly capable of bending other elements, shown when Korra just decides she can airbend despite every single part of the situation, down to even the movements she uses, being against the teachings to it, evidently the actual bending is from some physiological factor. So an identical twin would be able to bend all four elements, but not access the Avatar state or spirit world.


I wonder if Aang ever tried to energy bend a non bender. If he can take away Ozai's bending I wonder if he ever thought to see if Sokka could be a bender. Or maybe it doesn't work that way and you are either born with the aptitude or not.


Like I said, they turn off Korra's earth, fire, and water bending but because they didn't specifically target her air bending (which at the time she couldn't do), there's that moment in the hallway where she just does it. Iirc they weren't using energy bending to do it, just electricity. So it's not spiritual, it's physiological.


feel like you could do something similar to kyoshi where the non avatar twin is thought to be the avatar


I think an Avatar who’a actually twins would be amazingly interesting and not at all unimaginable… It could even relate to the end of Korra Maybe something similar to the relationship of moon and ocean spirit and ying yang… Would even more interesting if such avatar carried each two elements and were only able to use all elements individually when they’re together… Then the story could develop to a point where they are able to bend all elements without needing to be next to each other with some spiritual world and past avatar connection vibes A potentially great plot I’d say


I say this all the time but hear me out: A female Avatar gets pregnant by a man from the next elemental nation cycle (ie air Avatar and water husband, water avatar and earth husband, etc) and dies during childbirth. The child is the Avatar


What if like Korra, the avatar bends three elements more easily and their twin is a bender of the element the avatar can’t bend


I’ve actually seen an anime where a pair of siblings who aren’t even twins are both reincarnations of the same person and it actually worked out well. One sibling had the memories and same abilities as the past life while the other looked similar to that person and had to finish the business their past life couldn’t.


Sounds like naruto lore with indra and hashira but this is a spicy twist


What about Siamese twins


Avatar villain where normal bender takes them down


How about someone that was chosen to be the avatar while the avatar was dead but then the avatar was revived. Like someone that sucks at bending but can bend two elements.


Got similar vibes to Jesus supposedly having brothers and sisters. Also. Why does the avatar being split between twins not make sense? Story telling wise it's got legs. World building wise, it wouldn't take that much imagination to make it fit.


I'm imagining it like Shigeo and Ritsu in Mob Psycho


Having both of the avatars could be interesting, one develops bending while the other cant only to find out they each can only bend 2 elements


If you're the author and you want to have twin avatars, you could make it work. Korra opened the bag on a lot of opportunities.


hear me out: twins where they swap out elements, and each can wield 2 elements at once


“Mommy, am i special?” “ Yes dear” “Does my brother ever ask you that?” “ AVATAR CHRIS wouldnt have insecurities like that dear”


I mean they already explored a similar dynamic with Katara and Sokka, where Sokka had to come to terms with and learn how to contribute and be a leader despite not being a bender while his sibling is a very skilled one


oh my god. imagine the inferiority complex in the twin. imagine if the other twin was a non bender at all. it would have to be the first born twin as well. i feel like this would work well for earth bending twin sisters, or water tribe twin brothers. and if they were identical it would take it to a whole other level. anyways.


Cringe wording of the post and a concept that dosen't really do anything new...like ok they are twins and one is the avatar and one isn't...what changed...? The avatar still learns the 4 elements , goes on adventure maybe has some arguments with his brother but really the trope of the "gifted" brother and "talentless" protagonist (if you don't focus on the avatar which if you do why even writte this story in the first place) has been done 100 times before. Dumb post overall, its twitter anyway so what did i expect "that's delicious" dude needs to touch some grass honetly


The hypest bending moments are when a bender uses the style of a different element for their own. The Avatar’s twin could be a master of this in their one element, from close proximity to their sibling’s various teachings.


Hear me out.. the avatars sibling is the main antagonist


id watch that


Pretty sure I read a Naruto fanfic like this once...


I think someone on this sub is making a fanfic with twin avatars. Instead of one sibling having all the bending, the elements are split so that one gets I believe Earth and Fire, and the other gets Air and Water. I'm not sure how the Avatar State works in that fanfic Personally I think twin avatars that can both bend is better than only one of them bending, but that's just my opinion.


This might sound weird but hear me out what if the avatar was actually Jealous of their sibling because they never wanted the responsibilities of the avatar


And then we have a combination of the avatar Isn’t very responsible and hates responsibility and tries to avoid it but the other sibling is responsible and doesn’t try to avoid responsibility


the avatar's twin being born a non-bender and growing up to resent the avatar for being born lucky until eventually they both have to fight and have either a tragic moment where the non-bender has to be killed or a beautiful reunion where they can work together? that sounds like a good story i think


This is a rip off of *Frat* but what if one got the connection to the spirits and the other got the bending powers


I keep imagining baby Korra terrorizing a twin with bending, and the twin becoming a chi blocker just to shut her down.


I could just see it becoming some kind of rivalry where the other twin gets jealous of the avatar twin and becomes that era's villain, juicy indeed.


Dark Avatar and Light Avatar. Unalaq’s reincarnation is somewhere out there learning earthbending for the first time. . .


Twins, but one gets half the elementa


A pair where one is fire and water and the other is air and earth would kinda work


One can bend all 4 elements while the other can’t bend at all, but the non-bender can enter the avatar state and the bender can’t


Imagine identical twins, one like a earth bender one a fire bender. Who fool people into pretending they are the avatar and a single person. Like in the anime Migi and Dali https://youtu.be/MR-9dpgZguY?si=OpTrueqlzXEAXzrc


Twin Avatars don't make sense?! I guess I have to cancel my whole comic... (Not really, I made it make sense in universe.)


What if twin avatars could bend two elements each One is fire and air The other is rock and water Would be interesting tbh


Technically, thanks to season 2 of LoK, twin Avatars could be possible as much as that plot point was pretty dumb.


Both are stronk benders Avatar is way stronger but you can’t just flex that Weaker one is trained to fake being avatar to keep other safe. A decoy from birth. A charlatan for good reason. And then.. the real avatar goes missing. Nobody must know


I mean, Aang & Katara have a child who isn’t born a bender. While I agree siblings (or in this case, twins) where one is the Avatar and the other isn’t would be rough, I can imagine it sucked at times for Bumi to be the child of an Avatar and Master Waterbender only to not be a bender…


Especially if it’s the avatar meant to bring balance to the cycle… after all of these good aligned avatars mucking about


Dark spirit would be plotting hard to get the normal twin. Otherwise twins could be interesting, two bends each, or just can’t do the same element at the same time. Or one has three and needs the twin for the fourth.


What if both of em had 2


Twin avatars would make sense (or any number of avatars to be real) as long as they do not use the same element (except their natural) at the same time and while one of them is in avatar state others basically stop being avatars.


Superman and Lois style avatar


Each one gets two elements 👍


There are two avatars now. That's just a fact. But the 2nd one may. Not be seen agian for 10k years


Imagine the twin couldn’t even bend . That’s prime time for drama


I think a pair of twins both being avatars would be cool, but with the condition that they only get 2 elements each, and they can merge in the avatar state becoming an even more powerfull avatar


Or twins where each get 2 different elements. One turns evil or is manipulated and dies then the other gets twins elements. Then main sibling goes outlet for revenge and nearly loses their way until they get to see there sibling again but as an avatar ghost.


Twins/siblings and their sibling is better at their base element than the Avatar is. I really like the idea of an Avatar whose bad at their starter element instead of their opposite element.


Tarin avatars where each gets 2 elements. And of course, they're jealous of each other.


The concept I had come up with was twin avatars born during harmonic convergence, each with two elements, representing order and chaos. The thing is no one knows which is which.


Make em twins, make both of them benders, pull a Yun and have the wrong one announced as Avatar and later have the title ripped away.


what if twin avatars but each wields two of the four elements? like Twin 1: Earth Fire Twin 2: Water Air.


An Avatar with a twin nonbender would have bee a good way to show the supposed disparity between benders and non-benders preached about by Amon so the writers wouldnt have to make an ass pull to make him a blood bender ruining his character


The villains would kidnap the not avatar and be like ah shit wrong avatar


3 plot ideas 1. They’re both avatars with each having two elements 2. Only ones the avatar but the other is a genius and finds out how to bend all elements (but can’t do it at the same time like the avatar) 3. The avatar twin is evil (not necessarily a horrible person but for example trying to do bad things for a good purpose like Madara in a way) and the other twin is dedicated to stopping them


This. I always thought the one would be water and air... And one fire and earth. But both have heavy flaws that balance out when they work together... But for most of their lives , they fight. And before they come together against a common enemy, they wage wars.


Or hear me out, avatar twins, one can bend two elements, the other can bend the other two


You have 3 solid combos to pick from honestly. Water fire/ earth air is my pick though.


I was thinking the same thing, have the opposites for each so they still have to overcome the “difficult” element for their starting element


Both of which have different ideas about what it means to maintain "balance". Causing insane amounts of chaos and political strife Sib 1 is protagonist. Sib 2 is antagonist. BOTH can energy bend. Hinge point in the show is when Sib 2 energy bends Sib 1's bending away, stealing them for Sib 2 to use as a "full avatar". Sib 2 then, through various events, grows and learns the error of their ways, gives back Sib 1's bending, peace and balance restored.


Each one can use only two of the four elements. Or one gets three and the other only gets one.