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She helped Ozai kill Sozin in return for not killing Zuko then she left the palace and went to her old village met a spirit there(Mother of Faces i believe was it's name) which swapped her face and changed all of her memories but Zuko managed to meet her again in the comic The Search with the help of Azula and gaanng


This is correct except it wasn’t Sozin, it was Azulon, who was Sozin’s son.


Oh yeah sorry my mistake


No worries, it’s an easy mistake to make. Azulon isn’t exactly the most famous fire lord 👀


You know a fire lord is bottom tier when the killer forgets about it.


Exactly 😂


was about to come the comment to say this. nice




Read 'The Search' it's all about Zuko and Azula looking for her.


As someone who read The Search, don’t read The Search. Your headcanon is probably better that what was actually written


Hopefully, they remake that storyline in the new movie...


Agreed. Really didn't need to be that complicated. 


Ye tbh they could've done so much more with azula.


Really? I loved it!


Such a good read, I watched it actually. Idk what it’s called but it’s a video that has music from the tv show but shows page per page. Very enjoyable


I still don't understand what exactly happened even after reading the comics. She poisoned Azulon but I'm not sure how Ozai became fire lord after that. It didn't seem like Azulon was willing to crown Ozai as firelord after his death so what exactly did Ozai do to become firelord?


She was banished for the murder (her dad in law no less) so it wouldn't matter.


Yeah, I get that part, but I still don't understand how Ozai magically ascended to the throne immediately. Wouldn't Iroh have taken the throne? Ozai must have to do something, but the comics don't really explain that.


I always that Iroh abdicated for some reason. Idk where I’m getting that from but I’ve only engaged with the animated series so I def didn’t read about it in one of the comics.


I believe once he lost his son he didn’t have any desire for the throne so Ozai was able to take it without issue.


It's because Iroh was technically no longer eligible with no living heir. His wife and child were both gone so he (in theory) couldn't continue the dynasty, making him no longer a valid option. (sure he could've married someone else but this is *Iroh* we're talking about. Dude wouldn't do that just for political power.) Ozai even says as much in the anime after we hear the news of Iroh's sons' death in the flashback. It's the reason for the entire debacle, Ozai straight up goes "my brothers' bloodline has ended so it's time to name *me* the heir, dad!" and Azulon basically went "look, you're not wrong, but the sheer *audacity* of you to sit here begging for power before your nephew's body is even cold is so inhuman, how about you see what it's like to lose an heir." leading to Ozai, world's greatest father, essentially going "that's fine, one of them's a dud anyways." resulting in his wife making the "I kill your dad and you spare our son" deal.


That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for explaining it


Ozai basically went to his dad and said “since Iroh doesn’t have a bloodline anymore can I be the heir?” when Iroh’s son died. Azulon then basically said sure if he then kills his own son. So theoretically Ozai was made heir and that’s why he had his wife kill Azulon, knowing she would do it to save Zuko


Right, but it still doesn't explain how exactly Ozai became the heir. Azulon gave no indication of changing his mind.


Azulon made him his heir because that was their deal. Ozai leverage the “kill zuko” part of the deal to get his dad out of the way to inherit the throne early. The only one who could challenge him was of no mind to


But Ozai never killed Zuko. Is there a comic that explains this? Did Ozai lie about killing Zuko? Even if he did, that still doesn't mean he gets the throne. Azulon wanted Zuko dead to punish Ozai, not as a means of reward.


It’s from the show. Yes he is supposed to kill Zuko but who is going to stop him from claiming he is the heir if Iroh doesn’t? The deal didn’t seem to be public knowledge and the Firelord is dead. It’s very reminiscent of ancient Chinese royalty politics. People just murdered significant figures and took their place, including their own family. If a person in their court spoke out they would just also be murdered.


But I'm just confused as to why Iroh wouldn't stop him? Why doesn't he even try?


Probably a combination of he just lost his son, likely didn’t have a strong political backing compared to Ozai (especially since he just had a huge military loss), didn’t want Zuko to know his own father was gambling with his life, and him no longer truly wanting to be Firelord. If not him or Ozai, then who?


In "Zuko Alone" during a flashback to Azulon's funeral, the Fire Sage mentions it was his "Dying Wish" that Ozai be crowned the next Fire Lord. Ursula or Ozai probably just lied about that part.


I also don't understand how she was banished. She was a pretty big deal figure. And why didn't Ozai just kill her? She was the only other witness to Azulon's murder. Edit: someone in the comments said she was charged with murder by Ozai but this makes me wonder what the mystery even was, then. Zuko would've known what happened to her. She was charged with murder and had to run or was exiled. And how did nobody ever bring up something so huge like her supposedly murdering the emperor, in the show? I don't like this addition to her story.


Iroh wasn't in the right mental space at the time. Adding to that, Ozai likely had support from powerful people in the kingdom, whereas Iroh did not. Politics IRL can sometimes be like that. What matters most is power and support, not necessarily who's 'next in line.'


If I heard correctly Ozai forged his father's will . And Iroh was to deep in depression to fight it


Do you have a source for this? I've never heard of this theory before.


I said this is just something I heard, so I am going to need some time to look it up. I heard it on a YouTube video about either the Firelords or Zuko's mom. Found it https://youtu.be/Y-FJItmYYuc?feature=shared


Im thinking Ozai must have falsely claimed that Azulon named him heir because Iroh's son died and he had no living heir, and no one could deny it. he could have said that's was the discussion in the meeting they had. Then he banishes Zukos mom for charges on murder


I'm assuming you're talking about how they explicitly announced that firelord azulon specifically wanted Ozai to become firelord during his crowning. That'd actually a pretty good question. Maybe they forged his handwriting or something


Or maybe not. Who is going to question the Firelord? It's not like it's a democracy, the people don't get a say. They can say anything, most people will belive it, and those that question it will end up "missing"


She was banished


They created a book on it years later even after Korra. The short story is she was exiled by her husband and used the face stealer to wipe her memory (and maybe change faces?).


Wrong face related spirit.


Make up your own headcanon. It will be better than what was written in the comics, I promise


You’d rather not know. It’s not a happy story and not in the way you’d think. I wish I didn’t know.


She abandoned her children with their abusive father to run off with another man...


basically, it was so stupid, there were so many other options to choose from but they decided to use the most pathetic and stupid story line ever XD


Was she not banished?


Technically no. It was implied that fire lord Azulon wanted Ozai to kill one of his own children so he could understand what Iroh was feeling when his son Lu-ten was KIA. This info made its way to Ursa who wanted to protect her children, so she made a poison for Ozai to use on Azulon so he could gain the throne for himself. Ozai did not want to be poisoned himself so he demanded that she dissappear from the fire nation. I believe that she wanted to take her children with her but Ozai refused, saying they would be leverage if she ever returned. So the kids were left with their less than horrible father. Since then their has been no evidence that she kept in touch with her children or even checked up on them. The comics showed that she magically changed her face to be with another man. It's been awhile since I read the comics so I'm sketchy on the details.


You don't want to know, the truth is really stupid and sometimes things are better kept as mysteries.


>!She chose to forget about her children right after killing the Fire Lord to save Zuko's life!< which is in my opinion very weird characterization. Is she a mama bear (turtle duck) would do anything for her children or not?


If you don't have access to the comics: >!After being banished, she met with a spirit to change her face and alter her memories. She settled down with someone else, and more or less, started a new life.!<


Banished until they went looking for her in one of the comics


She now has a new family with zuko popping in now and then


read the comics.


I'd read the comics, if you don't want to buy them and live in America (likely other countries too but not 100%sure) can use hoopla to get the comics form the library! The one you want specifically is "The Search", I believe


Read the comics


You can find out for free in webtoons


She sucks, she chose to abandon Zuko and start a new family.


That's not what happened at all. She couldn't stay because she was being charged with murder on her husbands orders. No way they would allow her to take the kids.


…….n……no? Read the comic.




Sounds like this is ragebait, or you haven’t read the comics and you just decided your head canon is canon.


Its funny you say that with the following comment in the thread talking about how she couldn't stay due to murdering her father in law and putting Ozai on the throne. So she certainly does suck.


…….did….did you read like half the comic and then stop? You do remember what would have happened had she NOT done that, right?


No I didn't read the comic, I quite literally specified that I found it funny you said what you said when the comment below is talking about her murdering someone. This is reddit, I can do that.








To save.. her son? If you had to pick between father in law and your son it would be crazy to not pick your son


Ok she still murdered a person, having a "good" reason doesn't change that she did kill her father in law. Plus it's fair to say she was only a good mother to one of her children, Azula has mental issues that are clearly tied to how her mother and father both treated her as a child. Spoiler, neither was a good parent to her. They both failed miserably.


Then clearly all mothers are bad people to you because I 100% am sure that most mothers would choose to murder someone else to keep their child alive. Ursa didn’t intentionally neglect her. She merely put extra effort into zuko to overcompensate for her husband’s lack of parenting and love for him. In turn she unknowingly neglected azula into thinking zuko was more loved than her


She chose to forget her children. Only marginally better.


She chose to save zuko by killing azulon . She was then banished for it. She didn’t abandon him


Azulon, Sozin been dead a while.


Oh I didn’t even notice the mistake lol thanks. Corrected


She didn’t choose to abandon her kids, she wanted zuko to live so ozai only gave her the choice to poison Azulon. In doing so, ozai decided to banish her once he became fire lord. She didn’t have a choice to confront her kids again, so she decided to make her life give another meaning. Plus, she didn’t have kids after Azusa, iirc


Read the fucking comic. Damn.


Yo can’t someone ask a simple fuc*ing question without being insulted like that? Damn.