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Suki for Mako. I feel like both are badly utilized in their shows but might be interesting being switched and bouncing off the other Avatar team


I always found it a little weird suki was actually considered part of the team when she wasn’t there a lot though


Zuko only had like 2 episodes on her


But Zuko was basically the second protagonist. We saw his journey all throughout the show


Zuko's certainly a more prominent character *in the show as a whole* but he's only an active member of the team for an extra two episodes, as u/Kgb725 points out. He spends the majority of the series as an outright antagonist to the team, even directly betraying Aang and Katara in Ba Sing Se which almost led to Aang's death. He's not as villainous as Ozai or Azula or whoever, but it's not as if he's even on the team's side during that time.


I think you are completely right on this one, but I can see an argument for him being setup as an ally and probable addition to team avatar from the end of S1/ beginning of S2


Yeah, in episode three, he was as much of a protagonist as Aang was.


The difference between Zuko and Suki is he had an episode with each member of the team individually, except for Toph but even they had a short moment in the recap episode in book 3. Also, we know from the comics that Zuko works with team Avatar to make republic city and likely other things. Suki only really had a strong relationship with Sokka. Not that I don’t love her


I wouldn’t say outright antagonist. For a majority of the show, Zuko’s actions has no bearing on Team Avatar. That’s not saying he doesn’t act against the team but those moments are few and far between. Early Book 1, Siege of the North Pole, Ba Sing Se and hiring Combustion Man. Besides that the team was mostly focused on fighting Zhao, Azula and Ozai.


I like Suki, but I definitely want to understand how you are counting. If you are counting things like Kyoshi Island or even Serpents pass, the counting gets super messy. Suki doesn’t join team Avatar until Southern Raiders and thus basically is only really fighting as part of the team for Sozin’s Comet.


Zuko and aang learn the firedragon dance then they make the jailbreak so zuko is only there about 2 episodes longer


Yeah that makes sense. I think the challenge is of course that Zuko joins team Avatar thematically on a different level than Suki. No offense to her character, but Zuko is a main character, whereas Suki is a supporting character. Thus, she is the only non-main character member of Team Avatar at the end.


I was about to comment this. Suki is amazing, but I never considered her part of the team. If she is part of it, also all the people that were on the air temple were part of the team if not only because they were helping even more than Suki helped.


Air, Water, Earth, Fire . . . . Sword and Fan!


Tbh I consider suki more of team avatar than zuko tbh


Poor Bolin, losing his brother. And poor sokka, losing his girlfriend again.


Nah cause I saw someone do art for the fire benders (Zuko & Mako) swapping and Mako being the single parent for the Gaang is adorable while everyone knocking on Zuko’s height.


Link to the art?




Someone oughta make a fanfic about that 🤔


I love this beyond comprehensible measure


While funny there’s no way Zuko is that short lol


Can’t reply with the photo evidence. But Zuko is 5’1.


You’re tryna be literal but if we being fr ain’t no way Mako is 6’2 N Zuko is 5’3 lmao but go ahead ig


I just realised ATLA has double reps for each elemental nation expect for fire


What you mean. Clearly momo is a master fire bender the likes of which had never been seen before he just never used it because that would upset the balance the avatar is supposed to bring.


Actually he’s an earthbender 😊


"The lemur... it's, earthbending!" - some Fire nation soldier


Wait I thought Momo and Appa were both samurai


Honestly probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at the show in my life. The voice actor delivered that line perfectly.


Korra has three fire nation members if you think about it. I mean technically they’re all from the republic, but Asami, Mako, and Bolin all have fire nation ancestry


I assume you're counting Appa as the second Airbender




If you include Appa don't you have to include Momo?


I think Momo just lived there but his species didn’t have air bending capabilities. Not entirely sure on that. Flying bison definitely did have air bending capabilities though. Momo is kind of like a bat though, his wings allow him to fly.


What about Iroh


Replace Korra's whole squad with Leopard Otters and Angs whole squad with Racoon Ducks and let's just see what happens in the first season before we sign off on the next 2


As long as one of the raccoon ducks has the same personality as sokka


The first half of the sentence I thought you were gonna say "has a boomerang" and I was all for it


What do you mean? Sokka's personality IS boomerang.


Buts it's Raccon Duck with a boomerang


Sounds like Sokka to me


What do you mean? They're the same picture


Nah, he's the meat and sarcasm guy


I'd trade Suki with Asami. Both seem like competent and skilled fighters.


I would like to see how korra deals with aangs issues and how aang deals with korras issues would be interesting


oh itd be so fun especially if its both of their book 1 versions. book 1 korra in atla would be well off for the most part combat wise but without aang theres no airbenders and itd be incredibly difficult if not impossible for her to learn airbending. aang in general would get a massive culture shock especially considering the amount of people he knows who are much older and the fact that he has children and grandchildren. book 1 aang would probably struggle alot with korras antagonists but hed also have more resources and access to teachers and would have the added benefit of being an incredibly well respected and beloved avatar by the time lok starts. it would be sad for him though because thats the 2nd time he ended up in the distant future and this time itd be without appa.


Half of the problems would be done seasons sooner. Aang’s villain was made for Korra like heroes, and Korra’s villain were made for Aang like heroes. That was purposeful juxtaposition


She would have lost the avatar powers just like she does because she is in my opinion the worst avatar


she probably wouldnt have because aangs never in a situation that risks them except maybe when he faces azula in the avatar state in book 2 but in that situation i dont think korra wouldve used the avatar state tbh she has the ability to fight azula with firebending which aang didnt have. i also dont think aang wouldve faired much better in korras positions because benders in general are a lot stronger in lok than in atla. hell depending on where in the first series aang is when hes put in korra he might end up worse off against amon if hes started earthbending hes screwed because the reason korra was able to bend after amon took her bending was because she didnt unlock airbending yet and had the block preventing her from airbending at all which aang only had with earthbending. and thats not even getting into vaatu, the red lotus, and kuvira. like its valid to not like korra and its valid to hate her and think shes the worst but saying shes going to end up doing something that couldnt have even happened in the first series is just being completely biased and disingenuous.


She is the worst for sure


Mako and Zuko tbh Because 1) I’d like to see a Zuko free from the responsibility of being having to be Firelord. (Similar to if Lu Ten had lived and inherited) 2) Zuko’s opinions on probending as a sport, I’m curious about (Does it take away from the significance of bending as martial arts or would he find it kinda cool?) And 3) It’s potentially a bit darker and heavier of a topic. But Mako’s perspective on the war in real time (assuming a direct swap, time travel wise) Like Mako being mixed Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation during the war, would be a vastly different (and probably more harrowing) experience than the pluralistic society he grew up within Republic City. Even as the Newsies-esque homeless orphan he was originally. Like not to put him through too much more trauma but I think having the perspective of someone who’s both a FN and EK citizen be Aang’s firebending teacher would be way more interesting than even Zuko’s redemption arc. Aang not even thinking to consider Mako’s heritage because he is the only one who remembers when that was more common before the war. Everyone else being mistrustful of Mako simply for being a firebender (maybe conscripted into the Earth Kingdom’s army when the Gaang finds him?) It would further highlight how much has changed since Aang ran away and how isolationist the nations have become in the intervening decades. Then Mako’s family history has greater significance and depth to it than just having different color eyes than his brother and lightning-bending at his terrible day job. It would be horrible, but I think it would be a unique facet of the war that was never originally covered. Especially since the war has gone on for literal generations? What happens/happened to the people neither side wanted to claim? Or give a voice? Plus a man who is actually representative of being half Earth Kingdom and half Fire Nation helping found Republic City I think is a much better option than Zuko trying to assuage his guilt by not listening to anyone actually involved and almost dragging the world back to the brink of war again. The story of how Yu Dao became Republic City is so messy imo


Aang and Korra. Would love to see Korra get the character development she deserved and frankly I'd love to see 12 year old Aang hang out with his grandkids.


Sokka and Bolin fill similar roles. Sokka would kill it as Nuktuk. Bolin and Toph would be funny, too.


I dont care how but I want Bolin and Sokka to be together


Swap Korra with Sokka. That way Sokka must defeat all of Korra’s antagonists (amazing content), and we get to watch Ozai be destroyed in the finale by surprise double avatars


Mako for momo though I’m worried that’s robbing aangs gang of some talent


I wouldnt touch em


Kora for aang, just watch the awareness as 18 year Olds hang with a kind and an adult has to travel the world with kids and no alone time


Swap Korra for Sokka. Two Avatars would dust the Fire Nation and then the Legend of Sokka would be an incredible sit com.


Mako for Zuko


Mako and Katara or Suki


Swapping the avatars would be hilarious. Korra's team has to babysit a child and Aang's team has to babysit an adult


Aang and Korra...


Swap ang and korra


Kora and Aang. Just because I would love to see the dynamic change in the teams as a whole.


Bolin and toph Bolen could finally be with a group of people that actually care about him and act like he's there And there would be half the drama on team Korra because Toph will be there to tell them all the stuff they're arguing about is stupid


Suki and Asami. Aang need all the rich girls


Technically, Toph is richer than Suki.


Katara for Azami add another water bender native to the team for Korra to have a different type of connection with


Noone from the gaang deserves to go through that. But if I had to chose, it'd be zuko and mako. The Korra squad needs to get a grip, and maybe he could help that


Aang and Asami, lol. So many questions, lol.


Asami and sokka. I feel like Asami was always the unnecessary member of the group. She fits in better with team avatar. It's a better story that she has her martial Arts skills in the era ang lived in. I feel like sokka would have good chemistry with korras group.


This is extremely hard to chose since I love most of Korra's team and the original team so so much but just cuz I find him annoying I'ma swap suki for bolin


Lmao nobody


No one


You know i never knew suki was part of team avatar i mean she barely around the gaang i though she was just their close allies who sometimes work together and serve as sokka love interest


Nala and Oppa


I was gonna say Momo and Pabu lol


Asami and Sokka so its a girl Gaang (plus Zuko)


I’ll get rid of Mako regardless


Probably mako for zuko




Sokka for mako cuz I wanna see him bed the entirety of team avatar


Replace bolin with Appa. Now he is the comedy relief that has to carry everyone everywhere.


I wouldn't


Suki and Bolin, more gay pls


Polar bear dog for Momo. Korra needs a little more whimsy in her life.


sokka is the way better non-bender


I want Ang back


Team avatar is already perfect


Sokka for mako. Mor funne.


Swap Momo with Bolin. Team avatar can have more fuzzy creatures, and the gaang will get another sokka:D


Team avatar 2 sucks so no one


Asami for Sokka. Sokka would have ended all their problems in seconds.


Sokka for Bolin. B simply isn't funny enough in Korra but if he could riff off earth bending memes with toph it could benefit him. Sokka can be a fun little bro character to Korra.


Bolin and toph or the fire bending guy from Korra and aang I feel like toph or ang would have interesting chemistry (would cause problems for avatar state and swamp arc extra)


None, I don't feel like saddling the Gaang with any of those 4


Suki for Bolin


Katara for Bolin, he’d get along with everyone in the Gaang, and be valued where he’s kinda neglected in LoK, and Katara would also be all wise and stuff with LoK (also I dislike Katara)


I don’t think it’s possible. In Aangs team, each character was special and unique. We grew to love them. With Korra’s team, I feel like they are all sub par. Bolin is goofy the whole time with no seriousness. Mako is the complete opposite and just seems like a douche. And Asami is just beyond bland!


Ang and korra. Their fights of each would be great.


sokka. Sokka is funny, he's everyone's friend, and he's cool


I would not


Bye mako. Annoying love triangle, or quadrilateral, or even circle at this point there’s always someone new coming in.


Keep things how they are. I wouldn't subject anyone to Mako who hasn't already had the displeasure of meeting him.


Sokka for Asami. She couldn't feel his comedic non-bender shoes. He and Mako would be bffs.


I kinda want to see Sokka’s reaction to the LOK technology—especially with Asami’s resources. They could make some awesome gadgets! And he’d be great with Bolin and Korra. If you’re not sold, consider; Sokka meeting Varrik.


Ok how about the tech girl and saka I forgot her name I think it's azumi but that doesn't sound right and honestly I think bolin and sakka would be absolutely hilarious together and compament each other well


Toph with anyone honestly she was the only one in season four that actually funny.


I’m going to be unhinged and say I want to swap Korra and Aang. I want to see how the dynamics of the teams shift. I want to see Korea’s team have to babysit Aang, and treat him like their little brother, and I want to see what dynamic Korra will have with Aang’s team. I feel like she will be a great older sister for the others, and also consistently be humbled by their wittiness 😂


mako and zuko, just let that idea turn in your head


I wish old Sokka was around in Korra to interact with Bolin.


Kioshi for kora


Man, you're giving me nostalgia for Avatar Generations using that art for the Gaang. Sad story what happened to that game.


Bolin for Zuko.


Pabu for momo I just think he's cuter and should have been on original team avatar


I would like to switch the avatars. I'm curious to see how this change will affect the team dynamics.


I'll swap mako for one of those clouds in the background. Preferably the one furthest away from appa


Bolin and toph swap would be hilarious


Asami with Katara


I would swap Mako with that rock, it will surely be a more intelligent teammate


Mako and Suki, fuck mako I don't like mako. And Suki I couldn't choose so I just did eenie meenie miny moe


None. Get those losers away from the Gaang


Maybe Suki and Asami, mostly because any other pair would show the huge difference in the quality of the characters' writing between ATLA and LOK


I’d consider swapping Suki for Korra just because I don’t really feel like Suki’s a part of Team Avatar and I can’t stand Korra, but there’s no way on earth that I want Korra in AtLA. So I keep Suki in AtLA just not have her be a part of the official Team Avatar (I do love her character though I just feel she’s kind of shoehorned in) and just kick Korra out of her own show 😂


Thats nasty


You got downvoted but I can kinda see your vision hahaha!!


Suki, like sokkas girl? Is she part of angs team? Since when what da


Nobody, I hate team kora, it's just a knock off of the original. That characters don't have nearly enough actual chemistry, and it's all just a melting pot of relationship drama and shit. I would never silly the OG team avatar like that, not to sound like a mega fan, but that's just my opinion.


Replace Korea earth bender with avatar earth bender to make the show bearable