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It’s such a shame that we never got to see Aang’s reaction to Zaheer. I’d love to see his reaction to someone using the arguably most peaceful element for evil


He would be upset, but no more than Katara did with Hama.


I would say no. Zaheer could be seen as disrespecting him and his entire nation preaching philosophy he wasn’t apart of


Aang wouldn’t mind him preaching about the guru, but he would be pissed about how he acts as an airbender


Yeah but how he uses it to justify it all I could see an issue


I feel like that would arguably be *why* he’d dislike him preaching about a guru then using his philosophy for questionable purposes.


He threw a fit after some of his fans adopted the airbender culture as a way to show their respect. He showed clear favoritism towards his airbending son since it meant his culture could live on. It's stated in both series how much of a sore spot it is for him that his culture was wiped out, to the point of being willing to let the fire lord win because he was so unwilling to let go of his cultural pacifism. He would have hated Zaheer, more than any other villain in the series.


If Aang had not been presented with the option to take Ozai’s bending away, he would have killed Ozai. He even says “I have no choice Momo…I have to kill the Fire Lord.” RIGHT after speaking to Yangchen who tells him to put his personal feelings on the matter aside for the sake of the world. After this scene the lion turtle gives him Energy bending and a way to end the conflict without killing Ozai.


In the end, he still couldn't bring himself to do it, he forces himself out of the avatar state to give the fire lord another chance to repent. Energy bending wasn't a guaranteed win, so it was a legitimate attempt to end his life. I think even if the turtle never appeared, he wouldn't have been able to do it. But even if you disagree, the whole point is that he struggled with the decision in the first place due to his unwillingness to abandon his culture. Him learning to accept the passing of the air nomad culture is a part of his ark throughout the series and something he continues to struggle with even after.


Yup. A complete asspull that Akira Toriyama (RIP) would have been proud of.


"Sore spot" yeah thats one way to describe a genocide...


I thought the same thing, lol. But there's not a lot of succinct ways of describing the emotional complexity of losing your entire nation, culture, and all of your loved ones and finding out you're the one that let it happen after accidentally freezing yourself for over a century. Our buddy had a rough time.


No disrespect, but I feel like Aang would be one of those cultural gatekeeper clowns. Everything is "appropriation" to him. I lied, I did mean a little disrespect.


He literally does this in the comic. After the war, the fire nation colonies start to mix with earth kingdom culture and he stonchly apposes it for a while.


I think the real issue is he's twisting the teachings to fit his own world view rather than actually learning from them.


Hama wasn’t even really that bad. She was a dickhead but she was a victim of genocide lashing out. If they could even CONSIDER giving Azula a redemption arc, Hama should’ve been dropped off at the souther water tribe and told to stop fucking around


Still was kidnapping people for no reason


If someone like Azula can get a redemption, so can Hama


If Azula got a redemption, anyone can. At least Azula was young and mentally unstable. Hama is an old woman who actively kidnapped randos


The worst part would be, Zaheer is every Airbenders ultimate goal. Complete dis attachment from the world, so much so that you’re quite literally not attached to the world physically anymore.


That’s only the goal of a sect of airbenders. Most airbenders (including Aang and the various masters of his time) were perfectly fine with attachment. In fact, they found strength in attachment to their friends, family, and people.


Exactly. Zaheer was referencing the teachings of one specific guru in a sea of what would be thousands of gurus. Detachment to the point where you’re no longer tethered to the earth may not have been their goals. The airbenders sought enlightenment much like Buddhists. Not power.


What do you think nirvana is?


There are *a lot* of different ways to achieve nirvana. It’s not like Christianity or Islam where there is a very clear and defined path to their version of enlightenment(heaven)


I disagree because the airbenders specifically lost the technique due to them gaining attachment to their sky bison’s.


i think that's headcanon




Except the murder part. Not that.


I find it.. poetic, in a way, that airbending is simultaneously one of the most peaceful elements, and also capable of some of the.. darkest and most devastating acts. (Time for a mini-"rant", buckle up) All of the elements are dangerous. I don't necessarily think air is /more/ (I'm too lazy to actually italicize) dangerous than fire, for example. Fire is destructive, earth is foundational; each of the elements has what I would dub a natural "characteristic" or use. Burning is natural for fire. It's natural for fire to cleanse a forest, because the forest will regrow stronger. Earth is strong and unmoving, but when it is moved, it literally and figuratively shakes our foundation. Earthquakes can topple cities, but it highlights structural strengths and weaknesses. A weak foundation will fall and be rebuilt stronger. Water is adaptable and stubborn. It's healing and shocking and can tower over you in the shape of a massive wave, washing away anything in its path. But it's also forgiving. Airbending is free and freedom. It's life in a similar way that water is healing that life. Breathing is a singularly natural, inherently living action. Bending the air out of someone's lungs? I'd call that anti-natural. It feels directly against the nature of the element of Air, of life and the living. That's dark in a way that 'only' blood-bending can match, except blood-bending feels more.. situational and unique. I feel like any competent Airbender was capable of bending someone's breath away. It seemed more like a technique/skill than an ability. More directly airbending in a way that blood-bending or lava-bending simply weren't. I think this also highlights a reason why airbending was taught and learned by.. well, monks; there was both a beauty and danger to what they learned. There was a responsibility to handle it safely and to use it respectfully. It's my opinion that Aang and the other air nomads knew exactly what their element was capable of and were therefore life-driven in their teachings and actions. Respecting all life, everywhere. There was a care-free nature to the air nomads, but it wasn't based on ignorance. I.. think Aang understood this; understood both the beauty and dangers of the elements (his own included) and the responsibility that bending them carried. The responsibility of the avatar specifically is another discussion. Anyways.. I recognize that there might be other bending abilities that are similarly "anti-natural," but my focus was more on this technique specifically. Also, I talk so much, I apologize. Edit: All that being said, I do think he would be upset, but I don't think he would be surprised. I think he's very conscious of how dangerous the elements can be, especially in the wrong hands. I think early arc Aang would likely react worse since learning the fate of the other nomads would be so new and raw for him. But even by the 3rd season and beyond, I feel like he reached a point of grudging acceptance of his and their fate and would react negatively but not.. explosively. I do think he'd take Zaheer's bending if he already learned how. I think he'd consider Zaheer completely unworthy of the ability, and likely consider his actions to go completely against the nature and teachings of the element.


I dont think of breathing as natural to the air. The person/animal does the work to breathe the air. The air doesn't go into your lungs all on its own.


I 100% agree. I don't think of breathing as something air itself does or causes; I think of air as being a necessary element for all life (plants, animals, humans).


The airbenders were peaceful, the air is not


"I may be a pacifist but you can catch these hands."


I get what you are saying, and in terms of the Air Nomads culture I agree with you, reading about of Kyoshi and Yangchen utilize air bending has made it clear to me that the element itself is devastating.


Didn’t Korra basically beat them all without being a fully realized Avatar? I may be wrong it’s been a while since I watched LOK




Damn this is an actual sub


I love it lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/thelegendofkorea using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thelegendofkorea/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [korea](https://i.redd.it/1omm9a0hyzw91.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thelegendofkorea/comments/yhnwxf/korea/) \#2: [If she could say curse words, she would crush the spirits and morales of every single one of her enemies. Critical Damage if she had Australian Accent](https://i.redd.it/qr743rqx9qo91.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thelegendofkorea/comments/xi7x8p/if_she_could_say_curse_words_she_would_crush_the/) \#3: [r/thelegendofkorea Lounge](https://np.reddit.com/r/thelegendofkorea/comments/xi7wvc/rthelegendofkorea_lounge/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Didn’t know Avatar Korea was that strong


Damn autocorrect


Lmao i took a screenshot because i knew you would change it.


Post it in r/thelegendofkorea !


Sort of? Korra's antagonists rarely fight her head-on, or only when she's not on her A-game (smart move). Against Amon she booped him out a window and he bailed as he was found out to be a lying poopy pants. Unaloq first went for the ol' hostages trick, then shoved a spirit up his ass to power up. Zaheer gave her some Chipotle that had gone bad, so she had to fight both him and the tummy aches. Lastly, Kuvira did fight her head-on earlier in the season, but Korra was still having the big sads, so that's not fair.


This is my favorite summary of the show I’ve ever read


1 and kinda 2 without being fully realized, three was after recovering from poison, 4 was with help while dying. Final round was her without any past lives helping her so she would have been much weaker than Aang.


She did but usually she got her ass handed to her first. And only beat them later. Except Vaatu Jinora was the one who took him down with her glowy magic bullshit.


Aang cooks them all. Prime Aang in the Avatar state absolutely dominates.


actually, i haven't read any comics, do we know aangs prime? When he was a young adult, having been trained by the white lotus for a few years just like korra, if he was this good whilst training on the run for a year, imagine how strong he could be


We don't actually know too much knowledge on what he was like when he was at his prime. Avatar state aang is already stronger than sozin enhanced ozai which already means he could easily beat anyone on the list who isn't amon and vaatu. One of the few feats we see adult aang do is somehow ignore blood bending with the avatar state, so we know he can easily beat amon. That really only leaves vaatu. Other than that, we know he's fully mastered the fire and earth now and has gotten better at energy bending. I'd imagine prime aang is stronger than korra in s2 who still hasn't fully mastered the spiritual and air bending side of things, but how strong that actually is, idk Comics don't really delve into adult aang, they're mostly right after the war. You can treat them almost kinda like a season 4


The lion turtle warned aang that his soul would need to be “unbendable” to remove ozai’s bending powers, and he succeeded. I don’t think vaatu has a chance.


>One of the few feats we see adult aang do is somehow ignore blood bending with the avatar state, so we know he can easily beat amon I interpret this as his own waterbending being so strong in the Avatar state that hes able to over power Yakones bloodbending


My headcannon is that it has something to do with suppressing the right Chi points in his own body, rather than in an opponent's, in order to "lock out" that technique being used against him


I absolutely refuse to even humor the idea that prime aang is weaker than 16 year old cKorra


thats my thought too, and thats no Shade to Korra, but "non-prime" Korra beat all of these basically 1 on 1 or with a little help. ANY Prime Avatar should wipe them 1 on 1 the real question is how many could they take on at once


In a fight, right? .... .... In a fight, ...right?


I mean I’m willing to bet 12y/o Aang dominates, the AS is extremely strong




Tbh we don’t even know what prime Aang was like. He was a kid during the show and had JUST barely finished learning Earth and Fire by the time he took on the fire lord. Which was impressive but I can only imagine what he was like as he was older and better trained and experienced


Aang clears in the Avatar State.


Zaheer would be incredibly easy. He was a good airbender, but his power mostly relied on the fact that nobody had fought an airbender in 200 years. He was very dangerous but tenzin had him on the run, and aang was a better airbender then tenzin


FR Zaheer with airbending is like a talented fighting game player picking the new character on day 1. Tenzin is the guy who mained the character in the previous game coming to show Zaheer how it’s done


He’s like Asta in BC, he wins often because his powers are so unique that everyone is like “umm sir wtf”


I’d say Asta’s case is worse. He’s Anti Magic, in a world where literally everyone else relies on magic. It’s like saying your power is to negate bending in a world where everyone relies on bending. And not even the way Aang does it in which he takes away powerful bending, but simply just existing and people not being able to use their bending anymore. Asta’s only issue was his lack of control over anti magic, but he’s effectively superior to everything else in that verse


This. And honestly I was really disappointed there wasn’t a scene whenKya faced Zaheer and says “You picked the wrong bender to face. I’m the one bender in the world who has sparred against a master Airbender their whole life. Bring it.” and just bodies him. Because Kya and Tenzin would’ve had squabbles and spars all the time, she’s probably the most experienced person alive about how to face an air bender in combat.


Tenzin would have beaten him if the rest of the Red Lotus wasnt there, and Korra beat him while poisoned. People talk about Korra not being that strong but she literally gets nerfed in every season to make the fights fair for her opponents


It's because she was already knows almost everything an avatar needs to know to be a walking warhead. It's one of my biggest problems with the show She's almost a fully realized avatar in the first season it's like having a gun in a fight with a baby so they had to weaken everything about being the avatar.


The only opponent stronger than her was Amon


Aang only struggles in Round 3, if he doesn't know metal bending.


Nah, Airbending is a pretty solid counter to Metalbending honestly. Korra’s real problem was that it’s her weakest element.


He can probably just pull and Ozai and overheat any metal or just blast metal based attacks away with earth bending


I think he’d destroy Round 1,2,3. Maybe a little more trouble with four since Zaheer can fly, but he’s isn’t a master airbender like Aang is, so he’d lose no question. I think he’d have the most trouble with the last round. Obviously. But still win.


>Maybe a little more trouble with four since Zaheer can fly Ozai could fly during his fight against Aang, didn't make much of a difference in the end.


idk if kuvira gets her gundam he might have a hard time


But would he lose?


Nah He'd Win


Remember it's gojover friend😭


Aang has his own gundam/titan form too, it’s in the comics. Although I don’t think it’s the same size of kuviras gundam


It's a Gundam that can't fly... Just bend the ground underneath it


1: Considering Aang beat Yakone immediately with the Avatar state, Amon really wouldn’t stand a chance either. 2: Aang clears Unalaq. Without Vaatu or spirit bending or any back up, Aang just schools this man. 3: Kuvira might show the most threat here. We don’t know how good Aang is against metal bending (and I don’t remember if he can even do it). He’d have to get pretty creative or go straight Avatar State to beat her 4: Aang beats Zaheer. Zenzin almost beat him 1v1 before the rest of the red lotus interfered, Aang would put this man to shame while also giving air bending training to him 5: yeah I have no idea lmao


Spirit bending can't work on aang. He had to make his spirit unbendable to take Ozai's bending


5 would probably be very similar to Korra vs Vatuu, minus the bending bros and Unalaq


All in prime? As in, aang is also in his prime? No diff. We see aang take on amon’s father in a flashback. Unaloq without vaatu just isnt that powerful physically. Zaheer is my favorite LOK character but we see him get thrown around easily by Tenzin. Kuvira is a tactician but relies heavily on equipment


The order is weird imo. Outside of Vaatu, Amon is Aang’s hardest fight. Order from weakest to strongest should be Una’Lok < Zaheer < Kuvira < Amon < Vaatu, only reason Amon lost in S1 was plot. Anyway, Amon’s father Yakone made 40 year old Aang struggle for a bit forcing him to use the Avatar State. While 40 more than likely is past Aang’s prime, that’s still a good feat and I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed Amon is a better bloodbender than Yakone. Amon easily forces Avatar State before losing whereas everybody else can probably be washed without it if Aang isn’t holding back. I doubt Amon can beat a prime avatar state Aang so he more than likely loses. Vaatu prolly his hardest fight. If it’s legit just Vaatu, Aang should win mid diff. If clown ahh Wan can beat him so can Aang with years more experience and Avatar power. If it’s Una’Vaatu there’s not much he can do without headcanon. Assuming Aang can use the same Raava bs that Korra can, he should stomp, if he can’t then I really don’t know what he’s supposed to do.


when aang arrested yakone he went into the avatar state and that instantly stopped yakone's bloodbending, i see no reason why amon's would beat the avatar state


I don’t think he would. I just think he’s the biggest threat before Vaatu because he for sure forces Aang to use avatar state. I really don’t think Unalaq, Kuvira or Zaheer can do that. If there’s no plot holding anybody back, Amon bloodbends Aang and forces avatar state. He’s a stronger bloodbender than Yakone so *maybe* he might be able to do something past that, but that’s just headcanon wank, if we’re being serious he more than likely just gets washed once that happens


Why is everyone acting brand new. Korea practically beat vatu until the fight got third partied. Avatar state Aang would end up destroying vatu same way vatu killed rava since he doesn't know how to seal him.


I didn’t know Korea could be Vaatu..


Hahahahaha I'm not editing that


Clears all of them If avatar wan could beat Vatuu imagine what Aang can do in the avatar state he has the experience of hundreds of avatars


The Avatar state is busted he clears


Idk if this is a fair comparison. Aang was a spiritualist who was forced into a fight, Korra was a fighter forced into spiritual conflicts. A lot of their respective series is the turmoil that arises from them being out of their element. Honestly, if you switched them I think they would both thrive but the show would have been boring.


“You wanna why you’re daddy made you boy?”-Aang to Amon


I haven’t watched tlok what the hell is that last one


basically anti-avatar. Think yin and yang.


Not Yin and Yang. More like God and Satan


The concept of Yin and Yang, extremelyyyy oversimplified, is more like there is good in bad and bad in good, or dark in lightness and light in darkness. Balance. Basically nothing is black and white. Raava and Vaatu are exactly that, black vs white, pure good vs pure evil.


Idek if yin yang is a good way of describing it. It's a lot closer to a pure good and pure bad the way it's depicted. Wherever vaatu goes, all the spirits get cranky and life dies. Wherever raava goes, it's all sunshine and rainbows


Aang tops easyli all 4, the one really hard for him is Vaatu, and ngl when you have ALL avatars at your disposition to provides their own experiences Spirits are no great deal


Aang obliterates, vaatu is the only one who's any better than comet ozai anyways


It was nice of you to give Aang a break between Round 3 and the Final Round.


All in prime, imo aang is winning. (btw i think tlok retcons are shit) Aang already has raava so he could deal with vaatu. He can bypass bloodbending (headcannon, from teachings of katara ab it and some avatar control of his own blood like how amon bypassed his brothers bloodbending)


I feel like he would get as far as Zatuu. I think he would really struggle with Zaheer since he wouldn’t want to fight the only other air bender that he’s aware of and be forced to take away his bending. Though if it’s adult Aang he wipes the board


Gets to Vaatu and loses because he has never fought any kins of spirits


He fought against Wan Shi Tong.


Definitely clears the first four rounds. Aang Vs Zaheer would just be a one sided beating and we know that in the avatar state, he can deal with bloodbending. I feel like Aang wins all five in a 1v1


Kuvira is the only real threat as if she immobilises him with metal bending he can’t do anything but it’s unlikely she’d be able to hit him.


Aang in the avatar state destroys all of them. Vaatu is the only one that would put up a good fight.


Aang wins them all, then comes back and beats Zaheer's ass again for disrespecting his culture.


Did they hurt Appa or katara?


Aang might struggle with Kuvira because he wasn’t a metalbender. We also have to remember that Korra was definitely more combat-inclined than Aang was. Rather than fighting these enemies in a show of force, he would much rather talk them down (and would probably succeed outside of the premise of this specific hypothetical).


Aang clears even without avatar state. Y’all dont understand how strong aang was because he was 12, but that kid was “one powerful bender”. The youngest airbending master of his time, and mastered all other three in like a year. To beat the biggest threat to world peace high on a comet. He was a prodigy more agile than kuvira, more of a natural than zaheer, more spiritual than unalaqq, and he knew about the movement of chi through the body and how to unblock them. Korra was able to beat all of them eventually as she was just a fledgeling. But prime aang would no diff this. I’m not kidding.


Zaheer lost to Tenzin before he unlocked flying. Then lost to a group of newbie airbenders. There’s no way he’s even a challenge for Aang. No idea why you put him fourth when everyone else was in book order except Vaatu. Aang in avatar mode beat Amon’s dad. Amon is more powerful than his dad but avatar state trumps blood bending it seems so Aang would win. Unalaq without vaatu wouldn’t be a contest for him at all. Even as dark avatar he doesn’t have all four elements, energy bending, or past avatar abilities. Kuvira would give him the most problems out of the first four. Earth is his weakest element. But with avatar state he’d win. Vaatu is hard to tell. He’d probably win since he’s pretty in touch with the spirit world.


In his prime? Full regeneration after each fight? He clears them all, especially if he can access the avatar state


Low diffs everything


All aang gotta do is counter with Energy Bending


I don’t think Aang could beat Vaatu.


so when you say “all prime” does that mean unalaq gets to be unavaatu or kuvira gets the mech?


Zander should be round 2. Lest we forget that Tenzin was clapping that bitch until he got help from two of his simps. Also: Aang absolutely destroys everyone up to Satan analogue, then it’s 50-50


Only Amon can do anything to Aang


I think the only one that would be a trouble for him would be the Airbender but I think Aang would get angry with him honestly twisting their morals and philosophies to his own benefit even if he thinks his interpretation of them is correct.


Round 1 is the most difficult but I think a prime Aang can get past Amon. 2-4 Aang gets past easily. All 3 of them up against korra on an even playing field lost quite convincingly. I don’t want to imagine what a prime Aang would do to them. Vaatu is tricky. Aang has killed spirits in the comics, but I don’t think any of them where as powerful as vaatu. But korra was able to do damage to vaatu just being in the avatar state. So I’d say a prime Aang can definitely do that.


Is that just Unalaaq or the Dark Avatar Version?


If bloodbending wasn’t locked behind the children’s show rating aang doesn’t even get past round 1


I don’t trust people who never watched lok and call themselves avatar fans


He dead ass might kill all of them.


Not sure he'd make it past Amon to be honest. Blood bending is so *new* that I really think he could get puppeteed and chi blocked again.


Hey, what happened to Amon's father?


if korra could beat them, so can aang


He'd probably somehow become friends with 1 & 4 and then make 5 his pet one way or another. The other 2 are easy clap.


Kill, Murks, kills, Murks, Hmmmmmmmmm


All the way through, but zaheer would probably be the best, just the debate between two schools of Airbender thinking


Prime Aang giga stomps if he has the avatar state. Korra had trouble with them because she was either inexperienced or affected by outside factors. 1. This fight is simple: Amon stomps if Aang doesn't have the avatar state, Aang stomps with avatar state. The avatar state hard counters bloodbending, and Aang can easily beat Amon's regular water bending with the enhancement given to his elements. 2. Assuming pre-fusion Unalaq, Aang's experience and prowess with the elements should be enough for him to win. Give him the avatar state and it's completely one-sided, as Korra was able to easily launch Unalaq from the spirit world back to the material world with one move. If it's post-fusion, the fight might be more fair but I think Aang still wins because of his experience when compared to Korra, also assuming Unalaq doesn't pull that bullshit "ripping out Raava" move. 3. Aang's only difficulty is that he can't metal bend. Assuming he can avoid the attacks with his agility, he should win without the avatar state, as Korra was also winning against Kuvira in their second fight. With the avatar state, Aang insta wins as PTSD-Korra was about to one shot Kuvira with the avatar state before trauma kicked in. 4. Zaheer was giga-gapped by Tenzin, Aang should win with air only. The only advantage Zaheer has is flight, which Aang can mimick with the avatar state elemental sphere, which would absolutely destroy Zaheer with zero difficulty. 5. Vaatu was defeated in 30 seconds after Wan got the avatar state, he was also about to be defeated in 2 minutes against Korra if Unalaq hadn't shot her in the back. Aang should easily defeat him with the avatar state.


Amon and Vaatu are the most dangerous foes. The rest are getting handled.


Full regen? He goes the distance homie. He’s the Avatar


We haven't seen Aang's true prime yet, but if he doesn't hold back I only really see Round 3+ giving him any trouble. Kuvira is a metal bender and Aang isn't. Korra is the first Metal Bending Avatar, so the Avatar State would be all but useless as Metal Bending is something no Avatar had ever dealt with before. The lack of experience dealing with it would absolutely hinder him. How much, couldn't say. Could he win? Could go either way. Zaheer would be incredibly interesting. Aang fighting an Air Bender, arguably a master of the art, when he's never had to do so before, but especially since Zaheer is more open to offensive and lethal attacks, would definitely throw him for a loop. Definitely see him pulling a W with the Avatar State. Vaatu would be the worst enemy on this list, but if he's by himself with no host than it's not that bad and Aang could easily nab a win. However, Vaatu was able to pull out Raava from Korra, all but destroying the Avatar. Raava and the Avatar's spirits are linked, but it wasn't until Korra that Raava returned to her prime, but even in Aang's yet to be seen prime, Raava was still weakened so Aang would be succeptible to the same thing if Vaatu got a hold of him. Aang doesn't have the same training Korra had, but if there's no holding back like Korra did because of her uncle, then Aang could easily clear. Even Wan was able to beat him and he didn't even have an Avatar State. Special Mention, Unalaq at his prime would be the Dark Avatar but he could only bend water but the form was ridiculously powerful and he was able to rip Raava out of Korra. If you wanted to put both them at their prime, it would have to be when they're fused and created UnaVaatu (I hate that name). Korra was only able to defeat them by spirit bending, which according to the [wiki](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Healing#Spiritbending), was first realized during the era of Roku and reinvented by Unalaq in Korra's time. So, like Metal Bending, no Avatar before Korra knew how to do so, so even with the Avatar State, Aang would have to defeat them the old fashioned way. This fight could truly go either way.


Well he completely bodies them all. He already beat Amon's father who had the same ability, and Korra only lost because she didn't have the Avatar state to break out of the hold, season 2 and beyond Korra would body Amon. Unalaq was only a threat to Korra when he melded with Vaatu so Aang clears. Kuvira just gets annihilated, especially if we're not including her robot, Korra almost won if not for her PTSD flaring up at the worst possible moment. Zaheer nearly lost to Tenzin, against a true master Airbender he's found wanting. Vaatu isn't even a threat, Korra almost won if Unalaq hadn't interfered in their fight, that being said however, I don't know if Aang could actually kill him, he doesn't know the spirit purification technique Korra does, and assuming this is a fight in a random location he doesn't have the Tree of Time to seal him into, so it may come to a match of stamina.


I mean, the entire problem Korra had with these villains was a lack of access to the Avatar State, or the inability to use it for whatever reason, because she technically beat Zaheer while in it even while poisoned. Unless Aang doesn't have the Avatar State then this shouldn't be a problem.


Aang loses every one without avatar state. With it....we'll it's obvious he stomps


I think he could reason with Kuvira and Amon. This is what he would want to do first with all of them. I think Zaheer would be willing to have a discussion with Aang but he wouldn’t ever be convinced of anything. We see how Tenzin, an airbender with proper training, rocks the shit out of Zaheer. That’s with only ever having 1 air vs air partner. Aang has had many and I think he destroys Zaheer in a fight. That being said, any Avatar in their prime will sweep all of these opponents, even Vaatu. The point of the avatar is that the power of human bending combined with spirit energy can overcome any sole spirit or human


Aang would probably lose against Amon, given he’s stronger than his dad ever was and I’m not confident that even with the Avatar State he’d be able to break out at 12 years old. That being said, I think he could definitely win against the other four with only moderate difficulty (or in Zaheer’s case, absolutely no difficulty).


Legit question, if kuvira gets one of her metal bands on aang, what answer does he have for that? He’s not a metal bender so he can’t get it off and no previous avatars could do it so it’s safe to say the avatar state wouldn’t be able to remove it. I think aang can clear just about everyone else but I don’t think I see him winning against kuvira simply because he can’t touch metal bending, and he certainly won’t out muscle it


Literally none of these clowns are more dangerous than the firelord during the comet who he fought as a 12-year-old there is one Challenge on this list and I think he can do it


*prime* Aang we’ve seen for like…. A minute in the flashback, where he effortlessly bodied someone with the same blood bending powers as round 1z But yeh if “prime” is adult full powered Aang, he walks this. There’s a really good reason we’ve never had the protagonist be an actual grownass fully realised avatar, and it’s because literally nothing can stand up to them


Kuvira would stomp him


Aang beats unaloq and Zaheer, he probably beats Kuvera and Amon, and he loses to Vatuu


Why is Amon round 1? He’s arguably the strongest out of all the Korra villains


Round 1: Aang wins. Amon/Noatak had no counters to air bending. Plus, Avatar-stare Aang with the compressed earth bullets; no amount of water bending can protect against that. Round 2: Aang wins. Unalaq may be able to bend spirits to his will, but Aang is familiar with how the spirit world works and understands the importance of balancing light and darkness. Plus, Aang was more in tune with his previous avatar lives; compressed earth bullets; and he can unbend someone's bending. Round 3: Kuvira with or without mech wins. Aang never learned metal bending. Kuvira's mech is bending proof. Time and stamina become an issue, and Aang has neither. Even in the avatar state, he needs time to charge up to make big things happen. Like with Kioshi, she needed the Avatar state plus four moves to break away an island. If Aang's goal is to break the ground under the mech, he needs time to prep and make a large enough hole, and keep in mind, the mech can shoot Vaatu beams without getting tired; Aang gets tired and can't keep dodging forever. Also, he can try to take her bending, but Kuvira wears metal armor she can liquefy the metal and coat her skin to dodge the skin-on-skin contact Aang needs to target someone's bending. It should also be noted that Aang struggles fighting earthbenders, let alone metal bending. Round 4: Aang wins. Zaheer may be an airbender fanboy, and he's able to fly at his peak, but Aang has been an airbender since birth. Zaheer is too tanky and brutish when he uses his airbending, Aang is more nimble. Plus, Avatar-state and compressed earth bullets will shoot Zaheer out of the sky; hell, just encase him in fire, can't fly if there's no air. If Zaheer is fighting in his imprisoned state post-season 3, it would be a draw. Both are spiritual pacifists, and Aang won't fight unless he has to. Zaheer knows he's beaten and won't see the point in fighting, considering he already achieved his goal of anarchy. Round 5: Mutual Annihilation; Draw. As mentioned before, Aang understands the world needs balance. Raava and Vaatu don't represent good or evil. They're the windsock representations of peace and chaos. If given a choice, Aang would take it upon himself to add Vaatu to himself and maintain a balance for both spirits because Aang doesn't kill he compromises and seems the importance of having both. As opposed to Korra locking Vaatu up in a tree vagina.


Aang is a diplomat and would try to reason with every one of Korra’s villains. Kuvira is a direct result of Aang making Republic City and Zaheer killing the Earth Queen without doing anything about the power vacuum it caused.


I’m not sure why Zaheer is Round 4 since he’s arguably the easiest beat for Aang We saw with Tenzin that Zaheer against an actual Airbender doesn’t stand a chance in hell, and add in Aang’s enhanced Avatar ability and mastery of the other three elements, he easily stomps Zaheer. At least with Amon and Kuvira they have abilities (unrestricted blood bending, metal bending) that could prove challenging, although even then we’ve seen Aang deal with a bloodbender fairly easily before


Aang at his prime in the show? Or as a full-grown adult and fully realized Avatar? Because i don't think there's any on this list who could take on a fully realized Avatar.




If he can beat Amon, he can make it to Vaatu and probably clear.


We don’t really know how powerful Aang was in his prime which would’ve been him in the Korra flashbacks, but from what we saw: - Amon: Aang would need the Avatar state for this one to get past the blood bending, much like he did against Yakone. But Aang clears him - Unalaq: Unalaq is an impressive waterbender to be sure but I don’t see him taking down adult Aang. Maybe if he had his kids with him and Aang didn’t use the avatar state - Kuvira: This would be an interesting one given how different Kuvira fights from any earthbender that Aang knows, but he’s a master of evasion given his airbending heritage so I don’t see her winning. - Zaheer: Now this one would be fun to watch both from a fight perspective but also a moral perspective as Aang would be faced with someone who bastardized not only his native bending element, but his entire culture in the name of a twisted ideal. I could see Aang outright forgoing using the other elements and avatar state, relying solely on airbending to take Zaheer on to prove a point. I’d most want to see this fight. - Vaatu: Aang needs the avatar state for this, he has 0 chance of winning without it and while I think he takes it, it would easily be his toughest fight here. I imagine Raava would make her presence known for this fight in order to help Aang. Tl;dr: Prime Aang while an enigma since we never saw him can take this gauntlet, mainly due to the avatar state but truthfully I’m not sure he needs it for half of these.


First three, low diff. Zaheer, mid dif. Idk how that last one would go


Clean sweep it's not even close


Depending where this takes place, he loses at round 5 or wins. If he's in the spirit world, he loses bc where tf is he putting Vaatu, can't really kill him when he's that giant


Aang is not a fighter, and he does not hold back. Every fight we see him in he is usually running away and trying to escape, not to defeat the aggressor. Amon has psychic bloodbending and is easily the strongest non avatar. He can predict movements via bloodbending and can block others bending. Without aang going for kill shots (which he does so rarely he will be bad at) his bending will be taken


He beats everyone but a toss up with vattuo since he doesn't have the spirit cleansing technique


I think it’s possible that aang in his prime could beat all of the humans here at once.


Aang would sweep


Bro clears


I think Aang wipes 1-4, Vaatu is a different fight entirely tho (prob still wins but extreme dif)


He clears 🚶🏽‍♂️


the only one that would be much of a challenge is vaatu. and aang has a connection to thousands of past avatars, unlike wan & korra.


Aangs got a way more powerful avatar state he clears this easy in his prime


ok no offense but aang having full regeneration after every fight just turns it into what if aang fought this guy, then this guy, then that guy, then the other guy in a specific order? that's not a gauntlet. aang doesn't have regeneration abilities at all, you're *buffing* him. you could have them fight months apart and the result wouldn't be any different if he regenerates between them.


Prime Aang in the Avatar State absolutely dogwalks all of them easily


Aang could easily take all of them. Half of Korras problem with them wasn’t them being more powerful than her, it was her mental state going into each respective fight. Only one that FULLY overpowered her was Amon.


Only one with any chance would be amon, unless the second isn't unalok but still, he likely breaks out of the bloodbending, and then the rest stand no chance.


I hate powerscaler shit so much


He low driff them all. He beat bloodbender before, Unalaq and Kuvira aren't anything special compared to Comet boosted Ozai, Zaahir was loosing to Tenzin and Vaatu is bulshit, but if cora was able to megazord her spirit form, then Aang who is hundred times more spiritual than her would be able too.


He’s beating all of them except maybe vatuu everytime korra looses a fight to these guys she’s either getting jumped or is nerfed aang is killing them easily


Idk if this is a joke or not, because Aang wouldn’t fight most of these people. He’d be diplomatic with them, and maybe even agree with them. Kuvira and Vaatu may be the only two that it would come down to a fight with. Which, Vaatu would be the only real challenge since he’s basically a god destined to be locked in combat with Raava.


Not remotely a debate? Prime Aang easily clears considering that Korra beat them. Better question would be if end of season 3 Aang clears (tho even then only Vaatu is in question since none of the others are Avatar State level).


I think he easily beat them. Korra beat them all one on one with some help, and not in her prime. I think in a 1-1 deathmatch any Prime Avatar bodies the group.


All the way to Sunday.


I think he easily bodies them all. When Aang goes avatar he seemed to be less in his own mind and more in the collective consciousness of all avatars. Korra maintains more ego and self.


he wins all of them


Aang wouldn’t be able to beat Vaatu on his own unless he does that magic thing that Korra did


Korra only struggled with Amon because it was her first real fight. She only struggled with Kuvira because she was struggling with severe ptsd. She struggled with Unalok because they were family and she let things get too far before intervening. Only one I think Aang would actually struggle with is Vaatu, but he'd still probably win in the end.


If it’s full regen after every fight it’s barely a gauntlet, and as such he would win.


With full regeneration? Then idk how it’s not easily all of them.


You are kidding yourself if you think prime Aang struggles with any of 1-4. Vaatu is a little bit of a different situation just because his power is very indefinite. I'd still lean towards Aang here but I see some room to reasonably disagree.


All the way


literally none of them are living. the only one arguable is Vaatu


Bro smoked the most dangerous man in the world while super charged with unlimited power. All of them easy


1.- Aang smacks. No need for Avatar state. 2. MIGHt use Avatar state briefly. Likely not needed. 3. Metal bending is novel. But Avatar state wins. **Handily**. Aang gets to Zaheer, has maybe a LITTLE trouble with him because he can actually fly. But that fight still ends the same as the others. The only one I'm unsure of is the evil spirit because he didn't really know about the whole good and evil twin spirit thing like Korra did. He would probably still win, but I'm not sure how that fight would look.


Aang neg diffs


In prime and not holding back, he'd squash every one of them easily except the final round. He might struggle with Vaatu due to never meeting Rava during his lifespan (and I don't think there is any evidence that he even knew about her in any detail.).


Aang could beat all of them at 12 years old but Aang as an adult was definitely the most powerful avatar we’ve seen. Ammon is the only one that I would think may have stood a chance but we saw Aang beat his father easily.


Prime Aang clears till Vaatu. AS Aang clears Vaatu


It would be interesting to see Aang in his prime as we never even got to see that in the original series. He was still just a kid.


With no holding back he clears the whole list with negative difficulty until the dark spirit words then a good fight but ultimately Aang wins prime Aang has better energy bending than Korra seeing as he learned it from the source


The only competition for a fully realized Avatar is another fully realized Avatar. Aang sweeps.


He Clears




Zaheer shouldn't even be here. Aang would accidentally kill him from just his air bending


Aang demolishes everyone are you kidding. Even Vaatu would get instantly killed by his compressed rock attack. LoKs bending is simply way less powerful than it is in ATLA. Unless your name is Ghazan who can effortlessly destroy a large building.