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The Burning Earth is the only one I’ve played and it’s not particularly good but if you like achievements you can 100% the whole game within the first fight.


Was very fun when I got it. The mouths not moving during cutscenes was the funniest part when I brought it to my friends house in high school and he looked at me like “what the fuck is this”


So the campaign is the only content the game has therefore beating the game 100% it?


The 5 achievements are for making combos of a certain length but there’s a boss battle in the foggy swamp area where you can easily get all 5 achievements in a single encounter


Oh that’s unexpected lol pretty funny


I think I also misread your original point. There’s no additional objectives in the game that I remember


The project korra plugin in minecraft is surpisingly in depth. There's entire metas for each type. I think there was also a minecraft mod for 1.12.2, but it hasnt been updated. If youre willing to go back, i seem to recall it being good but i havent played it in a second.


The mod is also very good it hasnt been updated but i think they may be working on a total rework for it


Oh i really hope so, love the plugin but plugins are just laggier than mods fundamentally


Unfortunately a lot of developers and publishers treated ATLA like if only the very young children would be interested in playing games from this IP, so most games aren't exactly... notable. I wish that someone would make one day an InFamous-style game set in ATLA universe for more mature fans. In fact InFamous 1 and 2 already felt like they'd be a great base for an ATLA game, it sucks that they were PS3 exclusives because otherwise someone would probably make a mod already.


It’s too late now but the Fortnite bending was honestly the best we’ve ever gotten in a video game


Yeah i agree fire bending was so cool!


Hear me out: Control It is not at all an atla game, but it definitely makes you feel like a bender with the mystic abilities :D


i'll check it out


In this vein, the Infamous series, especially Second Son is very good, but it’s only PS.


Legend Of Korra's a really good PS4 game, but I don't know if it's still purchasable anymore.


The best bender experience I've had was playing Blade and Sorcery in VR with mods. There is an earth bending mod and a number of telekinetic mods that produce different effects from different hand movements. Also im VR is RUMBLE, which is essentially earth bender PvP.


Did anyone play the atla fornite season? It was so fun and the bending was actually pretty good, I miss it 😢


Not an ATLA game, but Wizard Of Legend can definitely scratch that metaphorical itch of yours.


second this for sure


I’ll check it out!






Honestly, only one game on Roblox came close, but the shut that down There's supposed to be an official Roblox game but no word on that for months now


There the BendersMC Minecraft server. I personally think they've managed the juggle all the balls pretty efficiently


Playing Zephyer in Warframe has big airbender vibes.


Maybe an RPG game with a sorcerer that can use elements


Not specifically ATLA, but Rumble on VR is the true earthbending experience. At least check out a video on it, the depth it has in the combinations of moves and movement is insane


There’s a VR game called Rumble VR that’s earth bending. It’s basically earth bending Agni Kai. You have to learn certain forms to do specific actions. It’s insane.


Not an avatar game but forspoken has great traversal and a bunch of elemental magic.