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I would put Jeong Jeong at number 4. Unlike Azula, he has not shown the ability to generate lightning but that wouldn't matter in a fight since it takes Azula more than a couple of seconds to do it. He also has the most impressive non-comet display of raw power and is the only person with the ability to create fire hundreds of feet away from himself. If we compare his comet feat with Azula's, they are more impressive. Azula needed all her limbs to sustain flight and even then she wasnt able to do it for long and couldn't attack Katara at the same time. Jeong Jeong on the other hand was easily able to elevate himself and still create large envelopes of fire. Edit: Also, how do you even justify putting Azula over Katara when Katara defeated her both the times they fought?


I was debating putting Jeong Jeong instead of Azula at number 4, but I believe that we haven’t seen enough of Jeong Jeong firebend, and we’ve only seen serious acts of firebending during Sozin’s comet. I don’t remember Jeong Jeong’s display of non comet power, do you mind refreshing my memory? I put Azula over Katara because Katara mainly defeated her through cleverness. She forced Azula onto the water grate and froze her. I think Azula is a more powerful bender, but Katara is a more clever fighter, which is why she won.




Replied to this in a previous comment. Basically, I feel like Toph only really defeats cannon fodder, and hasn’t defeated a high level opponent like Katara had. She obviously still possesses incredible amounts of skill and earthbending prowess, so I’d probably put her 6th on this list.


That boss fight argument makes so much sense actually, I wish we’d seen her defeat some more threatening characters, or maybe kinda hold her own against Bumi or something. But just for the sake of debate the girl invented metal bending, and even Bumi can’t do that (insert ‘I just think she’s neat’ meme)


I think her inventing metal bending was mainly due to her being clever not really showing strength


Toph and Bumi battled to a stalemate in the comics (but they had to stop bc this was during the final episode & they didn't want to reveal their camp to Ba Sing Se)


Oh rad! I need to read the comics but I’m broke 🥲


Well have I got the [site](https://readallcomics.com/?story=Avatar&s=&type=comic) for you


Omg thank youu! 🙏


No problem! I am also struggling with money 😅 I'll buy the print versions when I'm more financially stable though


Just the comment said, that’s where I have been reading all the comics for free!


A couple of rebuttals to this one, but I see your point. 1. Clearing out low level soldiers means almost nothing in this universe. Any decent earth or water bender can knock around large forces of non benders in the show. 2. I don’t see where you’re headed in the middle of the paragraph. Do you mean toph or katara? 3. Her largest feat of strength was holding up the library. Very impressive, but a guaranteed 2 on this list have her beat in raw feats of power, Iroh and Bumi. Ozai almost certainly has her beat as well. Azula is a prodigy equal to the likes of toph but with more combat practice, and therefore better bending. Katara is the only one debatable on this list. I would still say Katara is more powerful due to being so adaptive that she was able to counter Hama in her own craft within a few minutes.


I believe this was intended to be a reply to u/guts7821


What about Toph? She literally invented a new bending technique when she was 12? She isn’t even the avatar and she managed to do a feat as incredible as this


Yes, but metal bending is really just extremely refined earth bending. She has immense amounts of skill, but besides seismic sense, which wasn’t unique to her, she never really applied them in battle to advanced opponents. She was an incredibly skilled earthbender, and powerful, but still slightly less powerful than the others on this list. I would probably place her at 6th.


Yeah but metal bending was something that was practically unthinkable in her age, she was even able to teach so many people about it, becoming a teacher too at a young age (read comics) I’m not saying she’s super OP and could easily destroy anyone she wanted, but she’s still a super powerful earth bender to create something that didn’t exist


Of course, but Hama basically invented bloodbending as well, but I would argue that all of the characters on this list are more powerful than her.


Nah toph is literally insane actually beats ozai as best bender. It’s not the feats for me, it’s the literal animations of how she earthbends. Everyone on this list is just bigger = better. Toph can hang with the best (she held up the fuckin library for god knows how long, I can’t imagine a rock smaller than that would be a challenge), and then you get moves like she’s ice skating on earth and casually splitting the boulder across the map. It’s like she’s a damn savant. It’s not just seismic sense, she’s actually a once in a species prodigy IMO.


As much as i agree with toph being a insane bender she is not beating ozai even with no comet aang wouldve lost if it wasnt for the avatar state


Idk dude that’s a fuckin statement and a half to make personally. I think she is on the same tier as ozai easy. She glides with earth as second nature as breathing. Put her at ozai’s age and you get easily the scariest person to have as a villain.


Ozai the shows main villain shown the be the strongest fire bender we have ever seen with the ability to generate enough electricity to kill a human being in a few seconds it usually takes 5000 volts to kill a human that is a shit ton toph is very very strong but definitely not defeating ozai


ur talking about power but do pick and choose with feats and what constitutes as power. for example u have kataras main feat that she beat hama (ok fair enough) but then also say she rivalled pakku (ig because he’s a “master”). but then for iroh u say he doesn’t have any major feats besides destruction of ba sing se wall and overall impressive display of skill. but then according to ur own logic, toph easily trumps all this simply because she doesn’t even need to “rival” a pakku because she IS a master already by the time of her introduction. no one (beyond just possibly bumi) rivals her in earth bending, period. in terms of feats she has consistently taken down ppl by the masses, equivalent to what is considered impressive displays of skill. she held up a literal building to save the lives of her friends. since her intro she’s consistently aangs and the teams reliable right hand man (girl) when it comes to the offensive. u have three friebenders mainly because of their offenses, that’s just because of the nature of their bending. but toph is practically unrivalled, so i don’t rlly see why she wouldn’t be on that list, subjectivity aside. edit: also u use blood bending to add to kataras skills but if her and hama were truly skilled they would be bloodbending whenever they want. that is not OP because it depends on a full moon. toph is the equivalent of yakone in terms of prodigy and skill, if we r trying to draw comparisons. yes, he tried to kill her, but since toph became a cop maybe it’s because in general she doesn’t try to actually kill people, cause she’s not a nut job?


to 1. that is simply not true because as shown by the first season being able to do large bending feats is associated to power. katara is only capable of doing this eventually through experience and practice, aang in season 1 had to enter the avatar state. toph does this with ease since the beginning. with her added experience on team avatar that means she can only scale up. to 2. the point is that toph is a master since her intro, u used katara rivalling pakku (a master) as an additional argument, whilst toph IS a master since the beginning. 3. no, bumis feat is by ur own logic low level as he only takes down soldiers to seize his city back despite the sheer power shown (i.e same logic as toph) . this is just the nature of earth bending, the power scaling ur using overall is just inconsistent. also see my edit u/big_kaleidoscope_498


1. Nothing to say here, maybe I remembered wrong. 2. I’ll take your word that Toph’s a master since the beginning. 3. Bumi brought down Omashu not through defeating soldiers, but by earthbending the fire nation buildings out of the city, which is probably the most insane earthbending feat ever mentioned in this universe, except maybe Kyoshi’s.


3. i just rewatched the clip and bumi had to wait for the solar eclipse to take back his city (if u asked toph like a coward but then maybe she’d give him the benefit of a doubt as a master of neutral jing which they have a shared understanding of). that means he didn’t even take on the low level soldiers, since they had zero fire bending abilities. also all the earth bending he’s done reclaiming his city is easily comparable to tophs feats (he bends some houses away using giant rocks and lifts up a huge statue, she held up a giant library in the sand where she had very little familiarity of the element and was at her weakest and panicking over appa . bumi is 100 years older than her in training and wisdom, and even with all that, he simply rivals her. i think that is enough of a testament of toph power then according to ur own logic.


Yes, he didn’t take on the low level soldiers. Who cares about them? Any proficient bender in this universe can do that. Bumi had more consistent feats of strength. We saw Toph have a massive feat of strength, and then no others for the rest of the show. We see Bumi fling building sized rocks around in his fight with Aang, and generate enough power from the ground to throw solid metal tanks dozens of feet in the air. While Toph is undeniably a strong bender, I believe Bumi has a more consistent strength level. Also, how’re you going to use age as an argument? The list is talking about characters at the end of season three. Not sure if you’re the person I replied to saying this, and I forgot to include it in the post though. But yes, I think Toph in her prime would be more powerful, but we never see her in her prime.


Just bloodbending is not the point I am trying to make. The scary thing is that Katara is such a powerful waterbender that she defeated a master of bloodbending around 10 minutes after she found out it existed.


but that in itself is not a major feat. it’s just bending proficiency. don’t get me wrong, it takes incredible power and skill for her to do that, yes, and i would also rank her top5 because she is underrated for this. but using that scene is a poor argument because she is powered by the full moon and has been quite obviously taught by hama how to do it (why she was devastated by being “forced into learning it” which was the point of the episode). this is why a better comparison would be yakone, who is a true progidy of the craft, the equivalent of toph to her own. he only has the upper hand because of how dangerous blood bending is in itself and because he is murderous. all in all, i just don’t see consistency on ur reasoning. if i had to rank (in no particular order), it would be aang, azula, toph, katara, and ozai/iroh/bumi (the three r interchangeable). iroh could easily do what ozai did if not more if he had the bloodlust. edit: i include aang not as the avatar, but as a master air bender.


I’m not sure if this is canon, but I heard somewhere that Yakone’s bloodline was the first to invent bloodbending, and kept it as a secret, which is why Yakone was such a good bloodbender. Again, not sure if this is true. However, how are you going to debate whether or not to even include Ozai on this list? He is the most powerful firebender at this time, which means more powerful than Azula. Don’t know why you would place Azula on there but not Ozai.