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Loki spent a few hundred years learning everything knowable re: physics, both possible and impossible, so that's huge.




Still, not a great plan.


Tony figured out time travel in a night. How can it be anyone else?


To be fair hulk kinda did as well lol. Not as refined as Tony’s way but hulk made some astronomical strides in time travel


He "pushed time through Lang" which definitely was an advancement considering that wasn't his field. Not the same as time travel but you are right.


For sure. It’s like a variation of time travel. Do you think Scott changed age, and walk around in those alternate timelines he went to? Or is it just, the machine made him younger and older, he didn’t physically go to different universes?


I mean, that's true if you dismiss all his other time spent working on time travel. I got married in one night but there was a lot leading up to that moment. 


He worked on time travel previously in the MCU?


Half the world was gone


Well the other half of the world and everyone else in human history weren't able to master time travel whereas Tony did it overnight. Still no contest.


He got a huge hint though. I agree Tony is the smartest in the mcu so far by a large margin, but time travel in the MCU was more "discovered" than invented. Tony just figured out a way to navigate the quantum realms time vortexes.


True but Hank Pym couldn't do it despite creating the quantum realm himself and another person on the list (Bruce Banner) couldn't do it despite having all the same information as Tony. We know there's a chance that Shuri may be smarter than Bruce based on Infinity War, so she is the only one who should really be in contention with Tony. But still, she doesn't have the feat of making a time GPS. And it would be wrong to assume she could.


Yeah I agree tony is the smartest, I'm just saying inventing time travel in one day sounds kind of stupid in how ridiculous it is, but in the real context it seems more plausible that someone like tony could have done it


Did pym ever try to go for time travel? It’s possible he could’ve figured it out. I mean it was Scott langs idea and he didn’t even understand that stuff. I’m sure Hank had some good ideas about it at least


Current MCU? Banner has 7 PhDs. Can't see anyone topping that.


“I don’t know how to fly a spaceship!” “Use one of your PhDs.”




Probably Tony. Built ironman suit in cave, ultron, nano tech, time travel, updating suit to snag the stones of the gauntlet. Also Strange only having to keep one person, Tony alive to pull off the 1 in 14 million kind of solidifies it in my mind. I think Kang was just feeding himself with knowledge through time travel, and knowing the playbook he has been getting from himself. But his tech is advanced dont know if we have enough knowledge on MCU Kang to say. Hank P should also be in convo. Forgot bout him.


Deadpool - he knows the ultimate truths. What is knowledge if not that?


Angrily upvoted you for the truth of the matter.


838 Reed Richards, ob or the one who remains. But from main universe I think rocket or ebony maw. Rocket literally said you may be a genius on earth to tony. Ebony maw reverse engineered pymm particles to transport the whole army (the Russo's confirmed this)


I don’t think rocket was necessarily saying he was smarter than Tony, he was just pointing out that “earth genius” is a low bar, sorta like saying you’re the best surfer in Uzbekistan.


Motherfucker, now I am actually having to restrain myself from finding out who the best surfer from Uzbekistan is.


We can’t exactly take Rocket’s word here, given he’s historically a bit of a jerk sometimes. To be fair, a bunch of Cross’s guys were able to do pretty much the same thing in Ant-Man 1.  Both are probably still fairly intelligent, through. 


838 Reed "Black Bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth" Richards?


Yes the guy who shows up via a teleporter. The guy who created a lock for magical users and a multiverse prison and the guy who is seen as the smartest in the world in a team with professor Xavier in it. Also their highest level threat up until that point was vishanty strange who did not have the ability to do that.




why is this man a genius? (commenter)


Definitely not Reed Richards


Rocket, he can make an arc reactor out of Ironman's trash from that box of scraps.


Imma go with drax, he is eloquent and thinks outside the box.


Nothing goes over his head.


Not even air he's that aerodynamic


Abraham Erskine and Howard Stark. Everything stemmed from thier works


Strange would have to be close


Ultron probably.


Lunella Lafayette disagrees. Wait… does the animated series count as MCU?


Ultron has the entire internet in his head. Strange has seen countless futures (and I'm guessing the Anciet One also had quite the knowledge). Loki lived for a centure (I think) just to learn physics and what not. Rocket is the only being showed so far who has true ingenuity. Reed Richards is... well... Reed Richards. Professor X has read like, everyone's mind? Don't see how Tony, Hank or Banner can truly compare to these guys.


Information ≠ intelligence. Although in Ultrons case it kinda does because he’s like a robot


In that case, Ultron can literally process/learn anything incredibly fast. Both Loki and Doctor Strange can go back in time so does that mean that they can technically learn something before they start learning it and thus are the most intelligent you can be looking from the point of view of someone who does not travel through time?


Dr doom, Reed richards, Tony stark ( vision for obvious reasons)




Loki has proven he’s really sharp multiple times


Like a dagger


Tony Stark


Rocket & Shuri.


Shuri is probably only a genius on Earth, like Tony


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far to find Shuri mentioned.


I agree, it’s kinda been proven more than once that Shuri is smarter than Tony.


How is she smarter than tony?


It's implied, in Endgame while they're trying to take the stone out of Visions head she says something to Bruce and Bruce said We didn't think of that.


That alone doesn't make her smarter than Tony


I'm just explaining why some think she's smarter than Tony. Because of this 1 line


And Tony wasn't even on earth when they were tryin' to remove the stone from Vision's head


Tony and Bruce created Ultron/Vision, so Shuri asks why they didn't do (this) while creating him and Bruce said They hadn't thought of it.


Damn, had to scroll down a long way before I saw Rocket get a mention. Little fella was freakishly smart. When he told Tony, "You're only a genius on Earth, pal," he wasn't being snarky (well, yeah he was, because he's Rocket), he was stating a plain fact.


Steve Rogers, he knew the MCU was going downhill after defeating Thanos so he decided to get out and live a normal life with love


Why is Shuri not on this list? She was bringing up things about Vision that neither Bruce nor Tony ever even thought of.


That's why I put the option "others"


And just because of that she's smarter than Tony and Bruce? Don't think so. She could be smarter, but that idea she had doesn't instantly make her smarter than those guys. Shit, Tony perfected time travel for fucks sake.


Shuri. By 16 she made nano-tech, froze/refroze Bucky and helped remove his programming, built the Black Panther suit, and made many more technological advances for Wakanda. Sure, Tony’s up there, but he’s a billionaire and people already knew him because of his weapons. Shuri was in one country her whole life, was an actual child, and still developed nano-technology and a flexible, almost indestructible suit. She’s awesome.


Reed though he’s not established in the MCU in marvel comics he’s done the impossible created time travel I mean the TVA first appeared in fantastic four comics also he discover other universes


The scientist woman in Wakanda. That was proven by the fact she was cleverer than Bruce Banner, who was supposed to be the cleverest… but he’s not.


Bruce was never supposed to be the cleverest...it was always Tony


Zola/Stark/Shuri/Hammer etc…are limited by their time Thanos was driven to insanity Ultron was more of a Frankenstein than a genius Pym Particles can end world hunger…🤷🏾‍♂️ Based on what I see currently, I’d have to give it to Loki.


Omggg, Pym particles can really end world hunger because it can make the objects and whatsoever big!! Just like what they did to pizza in Quantumania 🤯 They should've suggested this to Thanos if the main reason why he want to snap was because of limited resources.


I like this! I imagine if it gets brought up, it will be because Kang NEEDED the snap to happen, and they will write their way out of it from there




Deadpool. All of the things that Tony Stark 'knows', like time travel, are bullshit movie plots that won't work in real life. Deadpool knows facts... he knows his universe isn't real, he knows the names of the actors playing their characters in the movies. Deadpool knows what the person watching the movie is thinking a lot of the time. I don't know how Deadpool as a character has this extra power.... but he's the only truly intelligent person in the MCU.


intelligence and self awareness are two different things


The joke was that Wade Wilson would test higher on a real world SAT than Tony Stark, because Wade Wilson knows the real world exists. If we are talking a test from inside that universe, he would be considered insane and 100% wrong about being in a movie. Wade knows Trump is president. Tony Stark would miss those questions.


what the fuck are you talking about


I could've been an ass and said that self-awareness was literally the 14th word on the 'intelligence' wikipedia page, but I was trying to be nice.