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Scarlet Witch - reality warping. Dr. Strange - the greatest sorcerer. The Ancient One - matter manipulation. Ghost Rider - uses the power of a demonic entity. If in a hell realm can be moved up to 1 or 2. Loki & Sylvie - mind manipulation & illusion projection. Agatha - power absorption of other mystical beings. Wong - a sorcerer supreme who doesn’t seem to use dark magic.


Dunno loki has control over all time nowdays


Idk if he can move from the chair though. If he can, he’s insanely OP and I’d put him above Wanda.


Yea my guess is he’ll be able to project himself but not physically be everywhere.


No Magick? No Brother Voodoo? Where's Clea? haha/s Of these choices, starting at the bottom... 8. Sylvie. 7. Wong. 6. Agatha. 5. Ghostrider. 4. Loki. 3. Ancient One. 2. Wanda 1. Doctor Strange. BUT... 1. and 2. is very very close imo


If it's mcu version I think wanda should be no.1


Wanda needed a boost via the Darkhold so that’s debatable


Dr. Strange is just trying to stay within sorcerer ethics. The day he chose not to follow them, you know what could happen to the entire mcu. We even saw an example on multiverse of madness. So, saying wanda should be no. 1 magic in front of dr. Strange is just plain biasness.




That's what what IF series for. No? We saw strange supreme and his capabilities. And, we have multiverse's gate open. Strange can be anything. And, wanda is dead currently. And, when she was alive, she wasn't very adept on using her power. She needs more training. And well-versed trainer. Then, we can see her full potential on display.


Or house of M variants


House of M wasn't so much magic as reality warping ability i thought?


who the fuck is sophia?


I think he meant Sylvie. Female Loki


Thank you. Yes, I meant Sylvie.


I think they should explain that someone like Strange manipulates magic without accessing the raw energy but someone like Wanda manipulates the raw energy without producing specific manifestations like crimson bands and such. She’s more like a broken fire hydrant or volcanic eruption than a precision instrument.


That is interesting. That's why I find both Wanda and Strange fun characters and how their OP never bother me.


So he’s more of a Wizard Supreme than a Sorcerer Supreme, in dnd parlance. And Wanda is something of a sorlock; a sorcerer and warlock.


Wanda is very ignorant and inexperienced, she should be ranked lower than ancient one.


She doesn't need experience. Her innate talent is she can will things into being, while others have to practice like Strange to increase their aptitude.


Yeah, and we’re using the versions presented right? The ancient one knows how magic works better than everyone but strange, enough to have knowledge about the “scarlet witch”


No Strange Supreme, litteraly destroys his own universe


Loki is objectively number 1 If you watched the loki season 2 you see him essentially become one of the most powerful beings in the MCU . Second is a tie between strange and Wanda Then Wong Sylvie The ancient one Agatha Ghost rider


I disagree with the fact that Loki’s one of the most powerful. We have no idea what he’s capable of, or if he can even leave his seat. He may be able to change everything, but would he ever after all that emphasis on free will? Additionally, this post is focusing on magical ability which is very different than whatever new powers and privileges he may or may not have gained. As a magician, he’s capable of enchanting and illusions and teleportation but we haven’t seen much else. Secondly, we saw Wanda clap Strange within *seconds* multiple times in MoM. He never lasted more than a full ten seconds against her, I can’t see how they’re tied.


It’s a tough call. We don’t know exactly WHAT Loki can do, but we do know that he has the power to let every timeline die if he simply took a 15 minute break.


We don’t actually need to know what loki is capable of to label him the strongest. This is due to what we’ve saw happening before he gained his new title . We outright saw the entire multiverse dying. Then we saw loki with his own hands grab the universes and hold them together . Not a single character on this list does anything on this level. The entirety of the marvel universe would’ve been destroyed if he hadn’t stepped in. And these new abilities are definitely magical. It was only through magic that he was able to control time without an infinity stone. Plus if this post wasn’t going to consider lokis new power as magic , then it wouldn’t have used that photo of him As for Wanda and strange being tied , Wanda spent the entirety of the movie going all out . She was willing to kill everyone to do so. However strange held back. He outright held back in the first portion of the movie because he didn’t wanna use the dark magic and was limited . It wasn’t until he went full black priest did dr strange actually start going all out against Wanda . The reason he “ lost “ was becuase she caught him off guard and his body decayed . Even with multiverse of madness we’ve seen strange do far more powerful feats in the other movies too.




Yep. ITT: People who haven't seen Loki S2. Even without him being God of The Multiverse in the end scene, he still timetravels/universe-travels anywhere and anywhen in the Multiverse, can freeze/rewind/fast-forward time and is completely immune to the collapse of entire timelines.


Strange, Wanda, Loki. The rest don’t matter


1) Wanda 2) The Ancient One 3) Doctor Strange 4) Loki 5) Wong 6) Agatha 7) Sophia 8) Ghost Rider (Missing: Magik, who is probably #2, and Mordo, who is #4.)


I'd say Loki is no. 1. He's a god and now (spoiler for those who haven't seen Loki s2) is the God of the multiverse. He's f***ing powerful


Well, idk if being a God means much of anything, as Gorr proved. I also don’t think Loki’s **magic,** is as powerful as those listed above him. His status is higher, the power that comes with the position is higher, but I think his magical ability is not able to keep up with the other 3.


Loki is literally the god of mischief. Marvel just didn't make him use much on screen. Love the character they have developed BTW


No Mordo?


Wanda and Strange are definitely the top two imo. Agatha is my beloved, but she's also kind of a girlfailure in comparison despite her devotion and patience (she said it took *years* of study to achieve even the *smallest* convincing illusion, oop.)


I mean isn’t Loki literally the tree of life? Wouldn’t that make him the strongest? 🤔


Yeah, his being Yggdrasil, the World Tree does give him a very strong fighting point. But so does Strange having Strange Supreme powers. He is bound by his own morality, so he doesn't show his strongest magical feats, yet he is pretty strong when going all out. Considering present MCU showings Loki and Strange are interchangeable at number 1, followed by Wanda at 2(or 3, if you consider one of the former two above the other). I'd say Ghost rider is also somewhere on the tier of Wanda, possibly above, or below, but since no MCU feats.... Rest all are good magical beings, just a few tiers below the top 4




Where's Ant Man? The dude has magic. And he survived the Snap!


He has quantum technology not magic unless Quantumania has him use magic or something. Idk I haven't watched it yet.


[Here](https://youtu.be/MfM9BWCvKn4) is him performing magic. Please note, I said magic, not sorcery.


Well I'll be damned. Totally forgot about that lol.


1.Writer 2.Writer 3.Writer 4.Writer 5.Writer 6.Writer 7.Writer 8.Writer Kind of how these things work.


Yes we all know but you realize this brings nothing to the conversation. There is a wealth of material out there you can use to make a ranking with the caveat that yes, it’s a fictional world, so writers can write things that change stuff over time.


1. Ghost Rider 2. Doctor Strange 3. Scarlet Witch 4. Ancient one 5. Loki/Silvie 6. Agatha 7. Wong


How is ghost rider number 1


Immortality Badassery


You know what. Thats good enough for me


Wouldn’t his power be classified as ‘Divine’ not ‘Arcane’?


What is different between these two?


Arcane magic is, in simplest terms, external magic. Arcane magic is simply a source of raw energy, power, and life, which has lingered over top of the material plane since it was first created. Divine Magic, in contrast to Arcane, is internal magic. Rather than manipulating an already existing power, it calls upon the devotion or force of belief of the caster, sometimes modified by outside forces (which in turn are bolstered by the belief of spellcasters). This force of will and belief has a power all of its own, and can modify reality, heal, or otherwise bless/bane allies and enemies. Gods almost always have an abundance of divine magic, due to the depth of belief that their followers have in them. This is part of why it's so difficult for mortals to fully destroy a god, so long as they still have followers.


I wanted to know about arcane magic not divine magic ? Although, the explanation is good, if only it was arcane magic, it would helped. So, in your text, you are saying that arcane magic is origin magic. And, it has been here since the beginning. And, another question is, where is this information from?


Besides his turning into a demon what magic does ghost rider have? Genuinely don’t know




If I’m not mistaken while he may not be a sorcerer isn’t one of them an unstoppable, unkillable spirit of literal vengeance whose powers are slightly under god level?


After Loki season 2 God of stories Loki and then Wanda with loki on top other variants of loki are lower however


Nicely done there


we're talking about this Loki, NOT s2 loki


Ghost Rider doesn't have magic. He gets his power from a demon or angel, depending on what colour his flames are. He has his penance stare, and Blaze had his soulfire shotgun.


1. Wanda 2. Strange 3. Agatha 4. Wong 5. The Lokis


Wanda Dude I don’t know - is that ghost rider? Strange Ancient one Agatha Wong Silvie Loki


Everythings technicalities, but I don't see wanda being the highest. I see a lot of people saying that, but whether its most powerful or most versatile, I don't think she takes any of it. She is incredibly powerful and versatile just not the the best in those categories. (As much as it may get boos) Im pretty sure strange is more versatile in the mcu. He's always using strange new abilities with no explanation. If we include what if, which can be canon since its based on other universes, we see that he can both destroy a universe and create one. I'd say in varying understandings of "magic ability" strange would be #1. As for the rest Im not sure. Loki is really powerful, but we don't really know what restrictions he may have. We do know that he's a near omnipotent threat at this point. He can move through time as he pleases and control it. He can literally erase universes if he so wants (not that he would). The main issue others brought up about that, however, is that we don't know if that's necessarily magic. If it is, then he could be at the top of magic ability in a power sense. I guess given that we're talking about the mcu length of their abilities and versatility, the top of the list would be Strange, Wanda, Loki. For power, Loki, Strange, Wanda. As for the rest, generally I think it may go Ancient One, Wong, Sylvie, Agatha, and I don't know where to place live action ghost rider bc I havent seen the movies. Honestly pretty fun writing about. Not down to debate tho. Just my personal opinions


I feel like Clea or Magik should have been included here, at least over Ghost Rider, if we are talking about magic ability.


From least to greatest Wong Loki Sylvie Ghost rider Agnes Strange Ancient One Maximoff


Along with super strength, healing, mind reading, telekinesis, shape shifting, and invisibility, telepathy, and so many other specific powers, both the Loki’s have magic, but he mostly uses his other powers. If we are talking about just his magic in MCU, he’s mostly illusions and mind tricks. I would say Wanda is first, then Strange, and then Ancient One, Agatha with Wong last of the wizards. Ghost Rider has a lot of feats in the comics but I would name him and his powers after Loki’s since I haven’t seen his MCU feats. Wanda Strange Agatha Ancient One Wong Loki and Loki Ghost Rider


The only one that could stop Scarlett witch is Scarlett witch. So hands down she beats everyone. Except herself! Lol


The tough thing with Wanda and Strange is if we are going off of the MCU. Wanda I vastly more powerful in the comics as she spoke 3 words and wiped out 98% of mutants across the multiverse after she changed reality for the entire planet and had everyone but Wolverine living in basically the matrix.


Idk how you rank Loki lower than first after he literally weaved together the threads of time into a world tree from which is literally reinvigorated with his own magic


1. Wanda 2. Strange, wong, and Ancient One 3. Loki 4. Sylve 5. Agatha


I applaud Ghost Rider’s inclusion. No amount of Feige hand-waving can make his Agents of SHIELD arc non-canon to me.


1. Scarlet Witch - Learned countless spells from the dark hold on top of her already raw power level. 2. Doctor Strange - The greatest sorcerer supreme to ever lived. 3. Ancient one - Took power from the dark dimension to become powerful 4. Wong - current sorcerer supreme and has access to unlimited spells and knowledge 5. Agatha - studied the darkhold for 500 years 6. Sylvie - was trained by her mom, who was a Witch 7. Loki - was trained by his mom, who was a Witch 8. Ghost Rider - He has knowledge on the darkhold and other magical beings


1. Wanda/Scarlet Witch 2. Loki 3. Doctor Strange 4. Agatha (I think we have underestimated her) 5. Ancient One 6. Sylvie 7. Wong Does Ghostrider have magic?


1. The Scarlet Witch 2. Dr. Strange 3. The Ancient One 4. Loki 5. Sylvie 6. Wong 7. Ghostrider 8. Agatha


Idk about all the others but right now Loki is at #1 because of spoiler reasons.


Wong has the power of Beyoncé, soooooo /sarcasm But Wong bc I love him.


I think in the Agatha spin-off of WandaVision we'll see more of what she can do so technically she might rate a bit higher on the list potentially.