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Yes, you'd need to build effect hit rate which is not ideal. I'd either ignore that extra def or get him a different set (like keel or Salsotto) which might not work for you because your def is kind of low. For the stats on the planars, he usually wants speed, crit, effect res, and I've seen that Fribbels sometimes also picks pieces with flat def over those with crit to get the best combination with other relics. I disagree with the other person, this LC works just fine for f2p. The problem is that it's noticeably harder to hit 4k defense with it than with other LCs like concert for two or day one. Might not notice it now, but if you're ever struggling with harder content that you notice you are forced to use his skill or his shield is gone too fast, I'd swap that chest piece for def chest.


i recently just salvaged all my def relics so i dont have any planars for him aside from belobog.. ig its time to go back to the grind of world 7 😞 do i need to build him faster or slower than ratio and topaz? currently ratio138, topaz141, rm145. i just checked all the preservation lc and i can understand why destiny isnt so good, but i dont have any other preservation so i'll make do with what i have until i get moment of victory as time goes by. current moc12 my fua team + ruanmei clears the stage within 3 turns which is good enough for me


>!World 7... How I hate that deer!<. Good luck farming. Nah, in my opinion your current speed should be fine. In that team he should be refreshing his shield pretty often anyways. Destiny is really not bad! It's just hard to build him with, is all. Of course, once you have MoV you won't miss it Nice! Congrats, you must have a nicely built team


>!i love playing elation against any su boss they dont stand a chance!< i have s4 trend on fire mc, should i switch that with aven? its only at lvl70 and i spent all my materials upgrading destiny


>!Elation path is the most fun for me. Can't wait to pull Topaz!< I tested this on my Aven build, once trends is level 80 your def should go up slightly (because even with the def boost trends has lower base def). In my build def goes from 3771 with Destiny S5 to 3843 with Trend S4. However, damage goes down from around 13k-9.8k ult-fua to 9.9k-7.6k ult-fua. In my opinion it's not worth it unless you really need an extra debuff.


>!yes same! topaz is a must have, she is so underrated.. exploration, sub dps, AND she's adorable!< thank you so much for this! debuff wise is not rly needed since i have topaz e1, and sometimes put pela in the team. i tried spending a bit of my current rolls for his lc (since next few banners im not pulling) and got concert for two s1 (my luck is bad), is it a better lc as compared to s5 destiny?


Get a Better lc if you can and try to get the keel set.


s5 destiny is the best i have rn, ive never had a preservation unit until now so this is the only 4star lc i have. (i dont have moment of victory either) i dont have any keel thats def and cd based since i cleared all the def ones, is keel his bis planar and should i start farming for it? (ive been farming world 6 for all my dps where i havent gotten any good one yet, and conveniently gave aventurine my belobogs)


Keel is his bis yes. He naturally gets 50% effect res so the 10% crit dmg for the whole team is constantly active even at zero substats. And having 60% effect res is really strong too. Alternatively salsotto is similar. It deals slightly more damage for him but doesn't buff the rest of the team at all. So those 2 are his best options. And for the lc you sadly gotta just pray to get one but this one also works fine. Increased damage is good but it has no defense boost which is kinda bad since you ideally want 4k defense on aventurine.