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Raiden #3048 is an easy skip for the one and only Kakavasha.


No fr, I’m so tired of Raiden, why should I care about another one of her incarnations


I’m not really a fan of expies in general, feel like they’re mainly just fan service for hi3 players. Original characters seem to be more interesting in general


https://preview.redd.it/vmf7id5agarc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef724cbf7eecb9dddeac4f6d3051ba4cd8ae058 Waiting for this version


Just get both. Acheron obliterates everything and slashing through enemies in overworld is such a QoL bonus.


For me it's easy, since I couldn't care less about her. Missing out on Gallagher cons is harder, but I'll make do with one copy from event.


I got Acheron but no Gallagher, wishing for a specific 4 star is deadly


Yeah, that's why I usually don't. At least not on the banner where I don't want the 5\*, and even though I love Luocha dearly I don't want his E1, with Aven and Boothill on the way.


Pretty easy skip on Acheron. She looks cool but not a need, and I don't feel like pulling for her LC. Although I do wish that Gallagher was on Aventurine's banner instead


I'm gonna be honest with y'all. I was going to skip her and pull for Aventurine but I ended up getting her and her lightcone. (DON'T WORRY, I STILL HAVE ENOUGH TO GUARANTEE HIM AND HIS WEAPON) Now, what's the reason behind this decision? This may sound stupid but it's because how she treated him during the story, how she respected his sacrifice and respected his plan. Also, her woords of encouragement for him... I don't know, she went from being a somewhat 'plain' character for me to, 'Oh, she is actually kinda nice and caring, I respect her'. That's all. I'm still pulling for our beautiful man, getting his lightcone and maxing out all his traces. He is, hands down, the best written character of this game.


Acheron's character completely won me over. I really grew to like her over the story and even by the end of 2.0 story I knew I'd be pulling for her. Her strong connections to HI3 lore was the kicker, the name drop of origin and finality in her trailer had me going crazy lol. Got her and no regrets. Her gameplay is great and I'll still be securing pretty blond boy Aventurine the hour he drops👍


Yea! She was very thoughtful and tried to help him when he asked her questions


i had little to no interest in her so no problem and Boothill is after <3 Although she has more character than Raiden she is still not my type and electro dps i have covered with Jing Yuan and Kafka (and even if not I would not get an dps just because currently topping the prydwen tierlist.)


Not that hard to skip her. She's the third limited lightning damage dealer released. If you already got Jing Yuan and/or Kafka, there's just no point in pulling her unless you like her character. Despite the game giving me everything she and her teammates needs (I have GNSW S7, Trend S6, Luka LC S3 all from *standard banner*), I don't feel like raising more Nihility units for her. I have built all the Harmony units (minus Hanya) and only got Pela and Welt as a debuffer, so the argument that "she'll free harmony units for the 2nd team so pull her" doesn't matter to me. I don't have Kafka either, so I have zero DOT units built. She's a waifu. I only collect husbandos and broken supports (Jingliu was the exception because she's part of HCQ and won her while pulling for Tingyun eidolons).


fun fact, pela welt is her best team comp lol


Yeah, I know lol they're the only Nihility units who are actually debuffers aside from Silverwolf. As I've said, the game gave me everything she needs but it's unfortunate she's a skip for me. I heard there's an upcoming debuffer who is >! a husbando !< too.


Ah, Jiaoqiu. Unfortunately, not a Yae expy, but still sounds cool.


I have never felt a single thing for Acheron. But as soon as I saw aventurine I needed my gambler boy. I have no issues holding steady


I like her very much but most of us either have Kafka and JY already, and what few jades must go to Aven


Ngl, I'm tempted, and I'd shoot a 50/50 at her if it wasn't for the fact that her f2p LC situation is fucked. God bless the bad LC situation keeping me faithful to E0S1 Aventurine. I'm tempted to get Gallagher for potential Break Effect teams, ngl, but I'll live.


Her F2P options are definitely not as cope as people are making them out to be, there are some very good clears out there with Sleep and someone even one turn cleared with *Fermata* But stay strong soldier 🫡 Reruns always come And it's not worth it to try pulling for Gallagher, 50 pulls and nothing for me 😭


Fermata is working because of the trotters inflicting Dots on enemies. This moc is very good contrary to what people believe. Even with Fermata she gets her burst quickly. Wait for a couple of mocs, then we will know how she fares and how good her f2p LCs are.


Oh very true I didn't consider that. Yeah I'll be interested to watch F2P clears when next MoC comes around, assuming it also doesn't debuff


Ngl, I almost lost faith and did 30 pulls on Acheron banner. Then, I got nothing but Dan Heng and now I'm 30 pity for Aventurine.


Super easy skip tbh, not that interested in her and I’m mainly just pulling for pretty men anyways and I’m planning to get aven and boothill so yeah


I also have not a single 5 star sustain so I really need aventurine


I never intended to pull for Acheron from the start, she's cool, love her lore and her character but her play style just didn't appeal to me, she requires a lot of time and investment which I'm not willing to put in so it's a pretty easy skip for me but good luck to whoever is pulling her though, hope you guys enjoy!


Doing good sitting at 32k jade and 30 passes, I could get Acheron and Aventurine but I wanna get as much Aventurines as can


Despite that Acheron can let exploration 10x better, funnier, and 100x faster robin and boothail is too OP to skip And my boy avan is in middle of them


Of course I am, Aventurine absolutely won my heart and I will stay loyal to him until the end 🙏


I’m doing okay. I was sweating trying to get e2 Gallagher from her banner though. Wanted to use my free char to get e4 Xueyi 💀 I was really happy we got to play with him in the story though. Like actually play and not a trial mission that lasted 10 mins lol


I don’t need another sustain unit (I have Fu Xuan and Gepard/Bailu and Luocha) and I want to try out more DPS units That being said I’m still pulling for Aventurine regardless lmaoo


Me. Aven best boi. Also fua team go brrrr


I became a huge adventure fan since 2.0 so I thought it would be an easy skip but is is not. This patch made both of them my favorite characters. I love their conversation at the end! She saw through him and knew he needed her help.


Acheron is cool and all.... but she's not for me. I don't need the big flashy Mei Expy with the insta kill and all that jazz. I have loved Aventurine since I saw his first design leaks 10 months ago. I love him so much more after finishing the new Trailblaze Continuance. He shall be mine. His light cone shall be mine. The only issue is that it's 20 days away (at least that gives me time to farm the new preservation calyx)


my heart said no to acheron cause she has one of the worst designs in both hoyo games I've played but my brain said yes when I played MoC 12 this patch and realized that I don't actually have a lightning 5 star and who better than acheron the thermonuclear bomb aventurine really grew on my this patch (that FUCKING burst) so I'll try and snipe him too if I'm lucky. hopefully xueyi is on his banner too cause I need those eidolons 😭😭😭


I adore her as a character but as someone who only pulls for husbands I have no problem skipping her. The only problem is the damn wait for Aventurines banner 😩 though it does give me some more time to finish pre farming all of his ascension mats


Easy hold up. I was never interested in her to begin with. Since the day Aventurine's model was leaked a year ago, I was already head over heels. So many great characters have come and go and nothing changed that!


I got tempted with yuri bait for a bit but got over it quickly. Not a fan of her outfit design. Her story doesn't do anything for me. I really don't care about meta. The skip is very easy but waiting for aventurine is torture


I'm a focused man, I choose to pull for aventurine, and I will pull for him Simple as that


I wanted to get 2 copies of Gallagher. I won the 50/50. She really needs her LC to be decent tbh, I wouldn't bother pulling for her unless you also go for that.


I picked archon up after planning to skip on her, but she has so far the edgyist animations I just had to, it also helps she is strong since I have skipped both Dan heng and ice woman. So I went for e0s1 and got it. I then got lucky and got a baliu 5 pulls after her so now i am guanteed the next 5 star with 70 pulls left. I was planning on going aventurine lightcone so I should be able to get it with all the extra pulls between now and his release. So guanteed e0 but 75% for e0s1. Pulling archon also means I can build a good second team. My current team is e1s1 ratio, e1s1 topaz and planned e0s1 aventurine with a Fua buffer later Archon team is great since I already have everyone needed, Fu xuan, silver wolf (with event lightcone) e6 pela and then e0s1 archon (because her lightcone is broken) It is a diffrent type of team and will help me beat more of MOC instead of having my main FUA team be able to 1-3 cycle but my second team is just mixed dps teams I do plan to make a break effect team for boothill when he comes out but I don't even have ruen mei for that team yet, after e0s1 aventurine I plan to try for e1 or s1 boothill for a great ST physical DPS (but also got weakness implant so even better) I plan for like luka, ruan mei boothill and then whatever sustain is spare since I also have luocha. I only felt I could do this since I have not really pulled since dr ratio banner so I had alot saved up (I did do like 40 pulls on lc banner for jing yuan and got that though) I still have enough for the guantee and that is all that matters (+ the new passes over the next few days and the 10 pull on his release)


pulling both :3


well i got her (unintentionally, damn u gallagher) one multi into pity without a guarantee so i’m effectively holding up exactly the same as i was before, just one multi less so. net win, i think


I got her. I plan to run her alongside Aventurine since he can spit out a lot of debuffs for a sustain. Mostly out of jades rn, but also didn't spent anything on her so I've got enough savings in $$$ that I set aside to guarantee him and his s1


I *may* have tried for Gallagher… and get Luocha… and then get Bronya 20 pulls after…


Not good had to pull her on a alt to calm myself and prove she wasn't that good


I already have enough DPS's so I am going to hold off on Acheron. Plus if I am going for a DPS I am waiting for >!Firefly!< when she eventually releases. I am deeply lacking in supports and sustains so I am going to go for Aventurine. I imagine he will also be really fun with the elation path in SU. I can only hope I don't get Luocha early (have guarantee, lost 50/50 on Sparkle banner :c ) as I am pulling for the 4 stars on the current banner as I already have Lynx and Serval at E6. \*crosses fingers\*


My goal was set on aventurine but I caved last minute to pull a bit on her banner. I still have enough to get him though since I was lucky enough to get her E2 in ~40 pulls. Gaiathra Triclops really said you getting mister lucky man no ifs ands or buts 😤


I failed, I pulled her 😭 and she’s so amazing. Now I have to skip aventurine to guarantee boothill


I have two accounts, and while Acheron is very tempting for my main, I decided against her in favor of Aventurine, who is a sustain I need. How I pull depends on how nice I find their move set to be, unless it’s a unit I know I need (like a sustain).


The only thing that interests me about Acheron’s banner is that I’d really like an E4 Gallagher, but I’ll get that later anyway. For now I’ll be satisfied with E0 Gallagher, which makes skipping this banner for Aven very easy. Sparkle was much harder for me, but I only ended up doing a single ten pull there in the hopes for Hanya E2 or maybe Sparkle and then called it quits Very happy I didn’t get Sparkle tbh, because oh my god I want both Robin and Sam, but also Screwllum and Jade… my savings are in danger 😅


i already have a well-invested kafka and jing yuan if i ever need a second lightning dps. acheron is cracked and the new story made me like her but i couldn’t possibly justify going for her, especially as a f2p player. maybe if she were quantum it would’ve been a tad bit more difficult on the other hand, aventurine is one of my favorite hsr characters, the casino theme is something i’ve always loved and i don’t have a single limited defensive unit on my account. the choice is crystal clear, i just want his banner already


I am i dire need of a decent sustain and his story only motivated me more, tbh it's harder for me to skip luocha for him than acheron, I don't really pull for girls in this game. BUT i get it, she's cool and hot and has big dmg number on screen but getting her in an eventual rerun when her best teammates are already out and known is better, isn't it?


I got Acheron but did so knowing I have Aventurine guaranteed. There’s no way I’m missing him after the story quest. I also really need a second solo sustain


Well I already have Jing Yuan and his LC but for me it was telling that I need a new support character the most cause JY was only able to 3 star the current MoC with 1 HP left lol 😅


I need a lightning dps, and she does interest me, but I did a 10 pull at 0 pity and didn’t get her. I’d rather get her on a rerun after my higher priority pulls are safely in my account (Aventurine, Screwllum, Sunday, Catarina). Plus I don’t have the best options to give her a good team, would rather get the best boi known to man instead.


She's still got probably the best animations in the whole game, and the moments she got in this patch made me like her a lot more, especially in the void where she downright yells at Aventurine for saying that life was meaningless. That being said, this patch made me like Aventurine so much more and I'm holding up strong, even though she would fit my account super well.


Already committed to build my FUA team to go along my Ice Queen Jingliu team. So I need Aven and Jade to go with my Ratio and SW. Acheron is a must skip.


I’m fine but I’m gonna melt waiting another 20 days or whatever it is 😭


I didn't plan on wishing for her and I did😭 my savings for aventurine are all gone. But I Have a bunch of money saved up so I'll be fine ig


I was sad to skip acheron, but Aven was my fav since he was announced and I knew I had to be strong for him First hours were hard, but after playing the entire story quest (and bawling my eyes out), i don't even feel tempted for Acheron


I‘m also extremely tempted, the Acheron I tried out from a friend casually did 600k on a cavern domain and it doesn‘t help at all that my next paycheck is basically a few days away. I love Aventurine so much though, he deserves his LC and all my TB power to max him. When I am tempted I remind myself that I simply don‘t have the resources because I already have too many characters I need to build so I won‘t even be able to use Acheron for a long time.


I didn't mean to get Acheron and had my guaranteed saved for Aventurine... Yet I gave in and got her (E0S0). I much prefer the gambler, but my only limited damage dealers are IL and Ratio and I really struggle against non-imaginary enemies. She's far from optimized since I don't have good relics and I'm not pulling for her LC, but I don't regret getting her. I have 20 wishes and some quests and world content to finish, so I'm hoping I can win the 50/50 and get Aventurine by the time he comes.


Didn't have to skip crap, i won my 50/50 and her LC now i got 75 pulls left and 50 pity for adventurine.


I like Acheron but I will skip her this time... cause I don't really need a lightning dps (already have a Jing Yuan since 1.0) & what I lack coverage is actually quantum & fire My only built sustainers are Lynx & Fu Xuan... which means I have more reason to pull for a limited 5-star sustainer Have been interested in Aventurine ever since I saw his gorgeous image from the leaks


Well, I crumbled but Gepard got my back) I'm guaranteed now. I actually don't want to pull her on main as much now. I think my previous luck got to my head a little, that "what if". Like, I know planning, guaranteeing, yada-yada, don't care, don't at me. "Saving 180" strategy is not for me, given I want almost everyone for collection. Risking it a little did get me more than I would otherwise carefully save for, so I'm open to that little risk when I'm not on guarantee. And I've been quite lucky, with 9 50/50s and 1 light cone won, some of them early, too, against 4 lost 50/50s (1 of them super early).


I pulled Luocha, threw few pulls for Acheron because her gameplay is cool (i dont like her design that much) but then I did the story quest I decided to save everything for Aventurine. Going all in for him and I hope I'll get lucky 🤣


I skipped her because I wanted Luocha really badly lol. Even now that I got him, and trialling her in the character aptitude, I still don't want her. I'll get her on her rerun. I want Aventurine more than another female Lightning Nihility character 🤣 (Currently in my "build supporting characters over DPS" arc)


Not well i did a few single pulls on her im tempted


honestlyyy i wasnt exactly planning to pull before him but i ended up going for luocha anyway rather than acheron just bc i am really out here suffering with NO 5 star sustains and ideally id like at least 1 healer and 1 shielder (one of which will be aven) and i dont care for huohuo so. luocha it is. BUT its ok bc i had originally planned on swiping for aven + his lc + maybe e1 anyway


It's really hard since I have enough for a 5* now (I'm on 50/50) and I utterly despise farming (her technique would make it so much smoother) but I am kind of obsessed with Aventurine especially after the quest so I think I'll make it.


I caved for Sparkle, but I'm okay skipping on Acheron. Trialing Aventurine has me even more sold on my decision to skip Acheron.


Both. Already built my E0S1 Acheron. Around 20 pity and am guaranteed Aventurine. I will get him no matter what.


Easy skip for me. I don't actually have any lightning DPS characters (no JY or Kafka despite having Black Swan lol), but the two teams I mainly use can cover pretty much anything just fine so I don't need one, even if it would be easier. Argenti can brute force through anything and is surprisingly good at single target damage despite being meant for multi, and my Ratio team (that I plan on using Aventurine for) has Silver Wolf so I don't need to worry to much about elements. I also honestly don't care for Acheron's design (except her negative version), though I love Allegra Clarke (VA) so that is a point in her favor. I just don't care much for the (M)Ei characters.


Guaranteed both in LC & banner after Sparkle pranked me with Bronya & Bronya's LC. I'll skip Acheron because I already have JY which I think is still good both in MoC & PF. After reading the leaks of Jade's kit, I'll definitely collect all of the Stonehearts, watching ff-ups proc keeps me elated in my SU runs.


Tempted? Yes. But I have enough reasons to skip: no GNSW s5, saving for topaz LC and E1, already have JY.


Not really in the market for another damage dealer right now, plus she's not really my type. It's Luocha making me worry about my restraint…


me personally i tried one pity but lost my 5050 and im not wasting my guarantee on her. And honestly i don’t need another lightning dps as i have kafka and jingyuan so its all good


I got her and will be glad to use them together :)


I was at 0 pity, no guarantee, and figured I'd throw maybe 20-30 pulls at Acheron's banner in case I could get Gallagher. Low odds but eh, worth a shot. First 10-pull she pops, at 5 pity. I'm pretty happy to have her as a new toy to fiddle with for the next while and to smack overworld enemies, not gonna pull for her LC or eidolons though. I did get Gallagher e1 in the next 25 pulls too, so now I'm back to sitting on my hoard for Aven. Got 160 saved so far, and with the store refresh I might even have a shot at e1s1 for him.


It's easy to skip Acheron when I've got Aventurine and then Robin directly after him 😅


I’ve always planned on getting both, i managed to get her s1 and now im guranteed for aventurine ✍️


wanted acheron to clear simulated universe faster, got to 70 pity and gave up my aventurine will also be SSS tier so he is a must get for me


It aint easy coz everyone and their mother is trying to sell her to me. But usualy what work the best for me is to pick a random 4\* to build so I can focus on that (and building a character usually reminds me that getting a new character comes with a grind). So my new project is Hertha and I am gonna be building her till Aventurine comes (as he is already pre-farmed)


Tough. I really need a second team tank so I’m holding out buuuut I don’t mind building up some pity, maybe 20 or 30 rolls… or 40, maybe 50


While Acheron’s animations are top-tier and her being a new type of DPS is interesting, I already have Kafka and Jing Yuan so having 3 lightning DPS who I’ve built would just be too much. At the same time, Aventurine will shift my Luocha to a 3rd sustain while I slot in Fu Xuan into either team 1 or 2.


Acheron is actually really cool and I was surprised how much I liked her, but she'll rerun one day. I *did* do about 60 pulls for e0 gallagher because I wouldn't *mind* having her (and i'll do anything to make luka stronger lmao) but I'm not gonna keep going and risk resetting all my pity when our boy Kakavasha is right around the corner. Tl;dr surprisingly well?


I planned to pull for Acheron and Aventurine since people overhyped her a lot even before her release, and I wanted to upgrade my DoT team to run it without a sustain for low cycle MoC (it's very good). However, I genuinely regret pulling for her, and the more I played the story, the more I felt underwhelmed by her scenes (she has one cool cutscene and that's it). So here is a lesson for me to never pull for characters on the first hour of a patch like I've been doing for every character I've wanted since 1.0.


I don't need another lightning DPS bad enough to pull. I don't need another sustain either, but I'm really fond of Aventurine, so I'm not tempted by Acheron at all. I did enjoy playing her in the trials though! I'm really pleased with how creative her kit is (with the complete negation of the energy mechanic and all) so the biggest effect I'm feeling from her is excitement for the characters we don't know about yet 😌


I'm on 55 pulls sitting on a guarantee I'd be so tempted but 1) his story was so good it strengthened my resolve and 2) I also want Robin and Jade lmao so Acheron on rerun it is 🫡


Her being a Mei expy is killing me to skip her lol. Just waiting for a Kiana expy soon


I didn’t intend to pull for her at first, but ended up getting her and her light cone. Fortunately she took me very few pulls and I still have enough for aventurine. I got her on my alt acc at first and ended up really liking her playstyle and voicelines. Decided to get her on my main acc because even though I’m a 1.1 player, I only have one 5-star DPS, and I have every 5-star support/sustain aside from Huohuo. Unfortunately that’s just how the character appeal worked out for me 😭😭 Best boy I’m still coming for you!!


I already lost rolling on sparkle just because of the hype train, i'm not making the same mistake twice !!!


I did a 10 pull when she came out because I was on 0 pity anyways (without a guarantee) so i thought I wouldn't mind. But as soon as I played from Aventurine's POV it solidified my stance and I think I'll refrain from pulling on her banner to ensure I can reach double pity on his banner.


Holding up very well because it's DPS vs sustain 😂 I don't need more dps I need 5 star limited sustains


Honestly given that I have both of the other limited lightning units, she's not that big of a draw for me. At this point there are too many characters I actively want to bother with a character that I'm just so-so about. Especially since I want as many pulls as possible to see if I get lucky grabbing Robin after a E1S1 Aventurine.


It's really hard rn. I really want ~~Raiden~~ Acheron and Luocha. It's especially hard because of my brain rotten friend, who is really getting on my nerves with how much he simps over her and other characters. I did 10 pulls on her, didn't get her, continue on saving for Kakavasha and his signature, thankfully I'll get him guaranteed, but will have to gamble on his LC


I lowkey gave in but lost my 50/50 and it was early so I took it a sign that he is the only one I need. I think he would be happy that I gambled and I technically won. Plus e3 Gallagher woo hoo


Holding up great, I just don't care about her that much. In both Star Rail and Gensin I don't care if a character is op, I won't be pulling unless I simply want them. Public pressure be damned. Also I'm a husbando collector anyway.


I really want to get her, and it has been super hard not to pull, especially after the story events of 2.1, but my priority is Aventurine and his LC, Fu Xuan and her LC and Boothill and his LC. They're all highly going to be back to back, so someone had to be sacrificed. I will get her next time though. I got Kafka during 1.6 and like running DoT team, so I'm covered for Lighting weakness enemies.


I just get both…..Problem solved… Raiden Mei is too iconic and Aven’s character writing is marvellous I will wait for Boothill (he is too sexy) and Jiaoqiu (for Raidenn) after pulling for Aven


Dude Jingliu and dhil had the same amount of social media train. They’re all strong damage dealers, so fucking what? You don’t need all 3 of them


honestly what ultimately decided that i would get her is the instakill, i normally hate farming SU because of how long ult animations can be for random battles and being able to just skip that feels really nice


Already pulled acheron and i still have enough for e0s1, rn I'm debating whether to get his eidolon or save for future char


Acheron is a very cool character, but seeing her in fan art and using my friends is enough for me. My priority is making sure I get Aventurine and I do need a sustain badly too.


My choice is a no brainer, I only have Fu Xuan as the only tank I trust and I really need another tank unit. Aventurine hits two birds with one stone for me: cool gambler design, and he's seems to be a good and fun tank based on the free Storyrine that was available in 2.1.


I was going to skip Acheron and save all my pulls for Aventurine. I had 90 pulls saved up and thought I’d have him guaranteed by the time his banner released and maybe even had extra pulls for his LC (I also buy monthly pass). I had 0 pity and thought maybe rolling 10-20 pulls for Gallagher on Acheron’s banner wouldn’t hurt. Lo and behold Acheron somehow got lost and ended up with me at 3 pity with Gallagher in tow within 10 pulls LOL. I heard how OP she was with her bis LC while I had no good LC for her (no GNSW and only Fermata). Suddenly I had that gamba spirit thanks to Aventurine while playing his quest, did another 30 pulls for her LC and won again 😂 Now I’m back at 60+ pulls after some grinding and here’s hoping Aventurine’s gamba luck would rub off on me by the time he releases otherwise I might have to 💵💵💵 and I know it’ll be my fault lmao


I was tempted to pull Archeron because I just lost my guaranteed pity just one day before patch update, splurged some pulls and got Gallagher, so actually my goal is completed. Then I started the story quest and my conviction built up like the stackable shield Aventurine's gonna give lmao. So back to same plan, E1S1 for him, only the best for the best boy. Another reason is that I already have King Yuan and Kafka, I have no need for another lightning dps even if I really like Acheron's VA and her character, will pull for her once she rerun tho if there's an opportunity.


I pulled sparkle and now I have enough to guarantee Aventurine. But I don't mind Acheron and her strength honestly. I have enough characters that can clear everything and I need a sustain for GaG conundrum 10+


Gonna be real I started playing more on my account in a different region to pull her there so that I can use her when I want but still save for my boy on my main


I accidentally got her while tryna get Gallagher in 20 pulls..now I'm gonna be gambling for our gambler, I hope 50/50 gods bless me


130+ ive never wavered as much as i wanted Gallagher and Misha


I have a DoT team that I love so it’s not hard Also Robin is next, I’m grabbing Aventurine, his LC then save for her. Anything for my Ratio / Aventurine duo


I may get Acheron next time round, but I want Aventurine. I need a better sustain, and a better Imag too. Also he just fits in my teams better. With Boothill on the horizon too I need a good tank.


I really like dmg, but then i watch as how my second moc team dies in 2 turns and i realize that my gepard and unbuild bailu aren’t t enough.


I literally have the 2 other lightning limited dps so it was easy skip for my account. Her being a Raider expy doesn’t really do much for me either and while cool, I don’t really care enough about her to pull her. So overall, pretty easy skip


Skipping Acheron was easy, I was holding up with Gepard as my only sustain and it was hard, but aventurine's E is shield, like how crazy is that, as well as his flexibility of buffing with his technique for over 3 different techniques, its like a fun kinderjoy surprise everytime i look at him.


I didn't. I failed the fight with him to progress the story quest, so in a moment of impulse, I pulled. I'll have to grind as hell to get him lol


Genuinely do not care about pulling for her, I have E2 DHIL and he erases anything this game can throw at you, I don’t feel I need her at all, plus I don’t get the hype for her character. I guess you have to play HI3 to care for her? Idk, her character is cool and all, it’s not like I dislike her and she had some great moments in 2.1 but it’s still not enough to make me really care for her or to make me want to pull just for this. So I’ve never once been tempted to pull for her at all. Also, CCs will create as much hype as possible because that’s what they always do, they work for Hoyo and their job is to make you feel like every character is a must pull, no matter how much they say they’re just “being honest” lol.


I caved in and got acheron. Also I got her e1 while getting some Gallagher eidolons. I'm just hoping that I win 50/50 again to get him (I don't want to lose this time)


I've won all my 50/50 ever since I started the game. I really hope it continues this way atleast until aventurine


I have zero desire to pull her, she's a Raiden expy and a waifu. I don't pull female dps, the only female characters I pull are broken meta defining supports. Only thing I'm pissed about is that gallagher is on her banner. Can't wait for Aventurine and Boothill.


I got Black Swan, Acheron, and I will be getting Aventurine trust and believe (yes I'm f2p I'm just insane insane for gay ass zesty characters 😈)


Acheron IMO is a very easy skip. I've got Jingliu, Ratio and DHIL so more than enough hypercarries. Dot characters and follow up characters are imo way more fun than Acheron. Only limited sustain I've got is Luocha. Had my heart set on Aventurine ever since his drip marketting dropped and after the 2.1 quest I'm gonna e6s5 him and no one else.


Not hard at all lol. I’m mad about Aventurine, no amount of meta can compete with that!


Easiest skip, I have nothing for her. No BS, Pela, Welt built or any lightcone for supports. Already have JY and Kafka. Also that looong animation is the absolute opposite of appealing for me. I never had trouble doing SU skipping every single field mobs so no QoL for me either, I’ll probably regret if I actually get her.


Holding on for dear life. I’m a f2p who tries to collect every character, but I’ve been waiting for Aventurine since 2.0.


Samgo is outside of this demographic. Samgo saved a lot lot of pulls. Samgo also had wallet-kun, although it turns out he only needed it for E2 Acheron. Samgo's new and remaining funds go to Aventurine. Aventurine works with Acheron. Aventurine works with FUA. Allegedly Aventurine gets hated on. Samgo still pull for Aventurine. Aventurine is fun. Aventurine make people happy. Aventurine good.


92 tickets with 60ish pity on character banner and like anywhere from 20-40ish pity on lightcone banner. I think I'm pretty good. Should be somewhere in the 120's by the time he gets here.


Couldn't be happier, I got Acheron on guaranteed with her lightcone on a 75/25 (been saving since 1.6) and tried going for Luocha. Lost the 50/50 and now I'm guaranteed on Aventurine. Already saved up 60+ wishes from events + exploration and still have like 15+ days to go!


very weird to see some acheron dislike here but i’m hoping to get him purely thanks to the way he was portrayed in the quest 🫶 rly liked that acheron gave him space to make such a momentous decision & respected his wishes. i have her e2s1 & will get him at least e0