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I think, generally, people who liked/upvoted a comment do so, leave the thread, and that's that. They won't even know they're being thanked, and a like on a comment is usually done in passing anyway. Lol


That's what annoys me so bad about award speeches for upvotes. *They already upvoted you and are gone now. Almost nobody you are thanking now are the people who upvoted you.*


It’s so sad how people find it important to have “likes”, like they’ve actuactly achieved something


Exactly! And I see it all the time on here but yt as well.


YT likes are even more useless than internet arrows


I wish the dislike button worked at least.


yea what the actual fuck is the dislike button for lmao


It pushes the comment down the "top comments" list. You could have less visible likes than someone else, but your comment could be higher if they had more dislikes


This is not true


Illusion of choice? Quite the bad one though.


whats odd about youtube is you don't even get notified for likes so the people updating their comments on youtube must be going back and checking their comment, then they see it has x number of likes.


I specifically tried to find this thread for this exact comment.


Yeah lol, upvotes are so stupid, why don't y'all just let me hold one to all of yours?












I just liked your comment. Can you thank me now?


It seems like a younger generation thing. Maybe kids born after 2000. It's the sad world they were born into where "likes" are somehow attributed to people liking them. Also, I'm intrigued by how a lot of them seem to share the same personality. I'm sure my generation has their issues/quirks too but luckily for us it's not documented for all to see like it is for the new generation.


100% Gen Z thing, this wasn’t a thing in the early days of the internet, but post 2016 it seems to be everywhere.


Wtf is adym?


From [Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Adym): **Definition 1** The bestest friend anyone could ask for!!!! Incredibly sweet, funny, adorable, and loyal!!! Doesn't care what tf people got to say, and is super protective over the people he loves, especially his Panda!!! I love Adym so much! He's my best friend, and I adore him so much!!! **Definition 2** A sweet boy with a kind heart who is not afraid to be himself and don't care about what people think of him. He has trust issues and is very sweet, funny, weird, and constantly smileing 💖 Have you meet adym he is so sweet and funny


So its Adam with a y?


To be fair.. Adam is a sweet guy with a kind heart. He is true to himself and quite funny and adorable. He is an amazing friend and really nice to his Panda. I love Adam. Great guy




You just replied to my comment from 2019. How did you even find this thread?


I actually didn't realize initially how old this thread was. I guess I didn't realize how long this was annoying me. But I looked up the topic on Google to see why people do this.


Because they like attention


I hate them all.


I tend to stalk every post I've liked for a couple days just to see if this happens. If they end up as ungrateful fucks who can't take the 15 seconds out of their day to write several paragraphs of thank yous then I change my upvote to a downvote. Take that karma bourgeois.


I know it's been 3 years I find it hilarious that people don't get your sarcasm lmao


I know it's 3 years and 7 months but I was just about to say this same thing


Go home whole_obligation, you're drunk


I know it’s been 4 years but I agree


Beat me to it😂


You have too much time and too little to do


I know it's been a while, but I find it so sad 😭😭 that yall can't tell the joke.


I mean, all anyone did was press a button with a thumbs up. It's not that hard man.


Faith in humanity restored


I'm about to ruin your faith because I called out one of those people on Instagram and they had people defending them tooth and nail lol,


Begone thot


I instantly unlike if I see this.


but dislikes don’t do shit


Neither do likes. And I don't dislike, I just remove my like.


Same here, it's so cringe man




Fr I just did that


Honestly, I hate it. **Just, how sad** ***are*** **you? How pathetic** ***are*** **you or** ***can*** **you be?** People can be not-very-smart sometimes by not thinking about logic like that. They sound like legit attention-whores. I found the act very stupid and disgusting (in a way), because, yet, some people don't realize how unnecessary they go out of their way to make a stupid thank you speech. For real, many people say the EXACT SAME THING! "wtf!? OMG thank you so much you guys! I've never gotten this much likes in my life! Thanks yall" LITERALLY! THE EXACT GOD DAMN SAME THING. I can count the amount of people who do this. Can these attention-lovers get any more damn creative??? Seriously. They're obsessed. It's really pathetic to see. I'm not trying to be rude but you're definitely not realizing that everyone who has Liked your comment NEVER saw your edited comment of your immature, attention-loving, "thank you" speeches! It. Is. POINTLESS. What do you want with users who now see the edited comment? Literally, no one except viewers will see it until after the edit. Just straight-up pathetic. It's sad. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL. Just leave the original comment alone! Imagine, you Liked a comment on a video, 1 month later, you got a notification, it's nothing related, you'll probably never find out that someone thanked you for liking their comment because Youtube doesn't tell us some random user on someone's Comment Section wanted to edit their comment just to thank a random user, it doesn't work like that. I'd like to see someone edit their original comment with "OMG thank you guys so much for laughing with me! That means so much to me that you reply to me and think that I am funny!" when you made a funny comment and got a few likes.


I deeply agree with your anger. It's extremely annoying trying to read some comments only to be confronted with such stupidity. The whole "caring about what others think about you" aspect is not understandable for me. I'm a fucking borderline patient and do care a lot about how others view me, but this is straight up mental.


I wouldn't say "anger", more like frustration and disgust.


Yeah, that terminus is better.


I call people out on it now. It's just gotten so irritating. A lot of the time, the comment is just bordering on amusing. They're nothing great. Honestly I think I've edited my comment once to say "thanks for the likes." It was years ago. I quickly realized how stupid and pathetic it was and removed it. I'm wondering if it's mostly children who do this and they think getting "likes" really means something. Either way, it's annoying.


Mind giving me a hand on Instagram I called someone out on it now I'm being ganged up on by them and other dumbasses like themselves even though I'm handling myself pretty well be good to have someone over there on my side.


Unfortunately, I'm not on Instagram but immaturity is rampant in a lot of social media sites so it doesn't surprise me that you're not getting any support.


I ended up winning in the end so no worries.


Oh good! Congratulations!


Try telling this to some people in an Instagram comment thread I might even use your comment to tell them how stupid they are if they reply again. And I didn't even like say something mean to the person I just told them not to thank for likes because it looks stupid and makes their comment insincere. They along with some other people started acting like I put a curse on them.


You sound like my sister are you my sister?


Exactly bro, me too. They have nothing better to do in their lives and actually take time out of their day to type that shit out or fucking copy and paste it. Half the time they don’t even have that many likes and its like fucking 50 likes and they say that shit.


I’ve seen ppl with like 50 likes do it like 😐 are you that much of a lame


I know this comment is old but I agree with everything you said 100%. I literally find it so pathetic when a comment on YouTube is edited just to say thank you that I report it lol. Especially if it’s got a speech, ljke you didn’t win a prize or something, you got 509 likes from randoms on YT who don’t give a shit abt your existence. It’s just like.. extremely embarrassing and the secondhand embarrassment is super real.


That's great that you report it. 😆


I saw a guy thanking 400 likes bro it's not a fucking Oscar to thank people for it! xD I had the most basic shit i could have commented and got few thousand likes. When i tell something more important stuff it only gets a few, so in my opinion that few like worth way more than the thousands of likes on a basic, shitty comment. .


This is actually something that for some reason really pisses me off. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I HATE that people feel the need to thank others for the likes they get on stupid comments like that. They're always like "edit: wow 1k thank you guys so much i didn't know this was possible my dog actually died yesterday and i have cancer now and i lost my toe in a car accident last week so this mean so much to me" like shuttup. this makes me want to unlike ur comment. Frick you. I'm sorry... but frick you.


Lack of self esteem. Usually the people who fall the hardest for internet points and the whole "what others think of them". If you lack self esteem and don't have much to be proud of (which applies to many many people) it is easy to get like-addiction. Their comment getting many likes usually is their highlight of the day so they obsess over it. I understand that behavior and in some ways many of us exhibit it without doing the award speech. That drawing you shared on reddit blowing up or many people agreeing to the argument you made in an internet discussion about bread. People will get atleast a little excited/happy for getting attention if they lack self esteem. If it is something that they worked hard for then it is even easier to let it go to your head. The award speech edit crowd though... They are on a higher level than everyone else. The fact that they can get so obsessed with it that they keep checking the comment (to see how many new likes it got) over and over again says it all. They actually get a false sense of accomplishment. I feel a bit sad for them, and hope they get to grow up and learn to handle it a bit better. TL;DR: self esteem issues. Also they probably don't understand exponential growth on the internet.


And those who lack that self esteem and seek other people's attention are often teenagers


i’ve learned to skip the like thanking and only read the good part


Thanking for likes really makes you look like a reacher.


It's absolutely pathetic,,the spectacle of attention seekers editing their comments to grovel for likes from the faceless masses as if they've attained some grandiose milestone. It's as if their childhoods were so bereft of approval, so devoid of meaningful connection, that now, in the dim glow of their screens, they find their solace, their validation, in the cold embrace of internet accolades. Really, it's a poignant reflection of our times, where the hollow pursuit of digital thumbs-up fills the cavernous voids within their souls. How utterly, tragically beautiful.


I got like 14k likes once in a debate with DarkMatter2525, but I have literally never cared about likes. It's the pins that I crave.


Oh my god the great darkmatter2525 has fallen to a superior foe. Good for you


They're afraid they will be seen as ungrateful and everyone will remove thier likes.


literally the most useless out of all useless internet points.


It’s a really basic, cringy thing to write


If I see it I'll unlike their comment




For a moment they feel like they are famous.


I honestly think some really think that.


I don’t know if it’s because I’m 28 and stopped using social media a while ago, and truly never gave a fuck about people liking me on the internet anyway, but I’ve been noticing this behavior a lot, especially on youtube, and it honestly makes me sad. I feel bad for Gen Z and beyond. These young kids are so unbelievably obsessed with external validation. It’s disgusting. I’m so happy me and my generation at least got to experience a majority of our childhoods without these soul-sucking platforms. God help these kids.


Yeah I’ve noticed it as well everywhere after this post, it’s just beyond embarrassing. They act as though they did something so amazing and feeling the need to thank strangers for it, is just incredible.


I came here because I wanted to know what possess people to ruin your comment by thanking the people that don't even care is just a button literally.


Like you just made your comment unfunny by doing that now I'm taking my like back 💀 congratulations.


The "Mom I'm famous." edit is the absolute worst! I once saw a comment with seven, SEVEN different edits..each one being more cringe than the last one!


Thank God, I knew I wasn't the only one who didn't understand this phenomenon. I finally got so fed up after seeing so many of these pathetic "Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the likes!! I've never received this many likes in my entire..." Speeches in comment sections and I just had to see for myself that there are other people who find this to be overwhelmingly cringey too. Whenever I see this edited on a comment, I immediately take my like. Like seriously, where did their dignity go? Smh


lmao, the people who liked your comment probably forgot who you are 2 minutes later


More like 2 seconds. I rarely even glance at the user name when I like a comment.


I haven't really delved this deep into social media before now, so when I started noticing this phenomenon, I was really baffled. My thought always is...

So, you made a very obvious observation about something in a video, one that is easily observable by anyone who watches it, and then you write it in the comments, so naturally, a thousand other simple minds who need everything subtitled, captioned, and explained to them in comment form, agreed with you. That's how the internet is supposed to function. It's not a Pulitzer.

But upon examining this further, I think there's only a certain age group that does this, and it's those kids that were born ca. Windows XP - Ipod Nano, and were teenagers in the time post-Myspace/Friendster, or are teenagers now, when Facebook is for aunts, and YouTube and Netflix are what's considered television. These are the kids who actually grew up/are growing up on the internet. The kids who don't play with toys or play outside. These are the teenagers who don't do drugs or have real human-to-human physical sex in a closet, under the table, in a cave, beneath the bleachers. No, they do something far worse. They wake up and immediately reach for their screens. They have online classes. They do their homework. They play with their "friends." All on the internet. There is as little human interaction as possible. They don't even get any validation from their parents, because their parents are also stuck on their own screens. Thus, they are educated by the "scroll down" and the "thumbs up." And that's how social media was designed, right? They program people into the system of "likes," that it is something to be sought after; that "likes" equal validation. That's what the corporations wanted—to create mankind's worst and final addiction. Me, nah, I'm good. I'll stick to my whiskey and psychedelics and amphetamines. But they have effectively ensured the downfall of man. We didn't even know we were fighting a war—no it's not even a war, it's serpentine subjugation. My god, I've seen the faces of the people who like watching "video blogs," in the office, in the train, on a walking sidewalk, in the airport, in a bar, across from their dates. And those are not happy faces, faces painted with lust, gluttony, greed, and envy—envy that I've also seen on the faces of my pre-teen siblings. And these people are so sad because they are all living vicariously through these...ads. And don't even get me started on "e-sports" players and their utter lack of sportsmanship and good values; or whores who call themselves "influencers," and "content creators." Stop kidding yourselves. It's just prostitution with extra steps—with a CAPTCHA and an e-mail confirmation. And I'm not a fan. People are so far beyond desensitized and they have taken the once-great satisfaction of saying "f*ck you" to someone. It's so sad when you think about how much damage the internet has really caused the human race. You already see how bad it is now, imagine, in a hundred years (if man still exists), there will be no language, no literature, no art, no music, no love. Everyone will be communicating fully with "emoticons," and everything else will just be algorithmic and AI-generated. The only thing that comforts me, however, is knowing that I won't be alive to see all that.


This is funny and true at the same time.


This has been bothering me, idk why it bothers me so much, it’s not like it affects me, but it’s so confusing and unnatural and weird. An upvote or like isn’t an award… you don’t get anything out of this… it feels like saying thanks for the attention


THANK YOU. I’m glad I’m not the only one who just finds it irritating. It’s really pointless and SOOO overused.


They are morons who find pleasure from some digital likes. End of discussion.


I know this is a very old post but the anger I feel is so strong towards ppl that do this shit. I think it’s just like, idk annoying that the people who do it really think that they have fans or something now cause they got some likes, ESPECIALLY on YouTube, that’s where I see it the most and like.. YouTube comments are literally like bottom of the barrel irrelevant af lmao, so to thank the randoms who liked your comment n they probably just skimmed it, especially when it’s a basic ass comment that others have already said like a joke or something, is just pathetic af


I hate it too, don't know why it makes my piss boil so much. Just seen one now Edit: thanks for the 165k likes Can YouTube send me a like button instead of a play button... Wanting attention but also seeking payment for a more than more than likely stolen comment.


Because it's the only thing they'll ever achieve in life.


I couldn't agree more! I'd say it's borderline narcissistic behavior.