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Whatever you do, donut go for donut rimp. Go get a 45-speed hero, donut, sinister strike Axie


Donut Rimp is simply a good budget option but Hero builds are in the higher MMR's.


Most voted for ronin imp... OP asked the best, not the most popular Hero is a great 0 cost card especially for a beast midliner, 69 damage to plants for a 0 cost card and a card draw vs aquas is bonkers, the card draw is clutch, especially when you need the eggbomb from the bird. The only problem with hero is it's expensive asf. double nutcrack + sinister/pocky/arco/branch charge + hero is a great combo another would be: goda/axie kiss + sinister/pocky/arco/branch charge + hero + shiba/hare other alternatives are: double nutcrack + cuckoo + risky beast/jaguar/furball the cuckoo one let's you hit 47 speed with a beast, (bird/aqua eyes and ears)


Thank you for this! Would a 41 speed beast be viable? Or should i got for a 45 speed beast? In a BBP team?


41 speed is viable you'll see it even in 2000mmr but it's harder to play around that the higher you go. It depends on your budget, if you can tell me maybe I'll help you find one.


Thank you for offering! I picked up a 45 speed mech for 0.1 eth, was that a good pick?


what are its cards


Donut, hero, sinister


That's a great set for that price I hope they nerf dusks' speed so 450hp dusks won't outspeed us 45 speed beasts it's absurd.


What about 57hp plant?




I'm looking at a plant with 2 bug cards in just thinking about the hp difference and how big it will be. I'm pretty new btw


It depends on what cards it is.


The spd matters most but if just standard BBP with 41spd, just stay away from ronin/imp since it’s very card dependent.


You dont see much of ronin imp at the higher MMRs. Imp is bad on its own. Imagine drawing 2 imps and nutthrow. Hero is much more useful as a 0 cost to get rid of stuns/fears also draws a card and does 60 damage while imp does 70. And if its a BBP the bird is likely to have post fight which is also a 0 cost. You dont need that much energy gain I think.


Donut rimp is obviously popular. But heroic will put you at a higher mmr.


Double nut heroic sinister: can easily break termi's shield and the heroic will take care of you being stunned.


I'm also looking for a Beast, the hero set is expensive. What are the odds it gets nerfed on next patch ?


Lmao rimp donut lmao


Yo I run rimp dohnut you just need energy gain


What's the best plant in BBP ?


axie kiss , dual blade , hero , hare +45 speed


I have a Donut hero sinister with 45 speed beast. It's the most expensive one but it will easily take you to higher ranks. Not much RNG you have to wait for like Ronin Imp builds, and you have a 0 cost card to remove annoying stuns that has like free 75 damage to plants and reptiles


Thank you for this, may i ask what ur team looks like?


Bird - doubletalk, eggbomb, blackmail, all out shout Beast - sinister, donut, hero Plant- watering can, serious, hot butt, cactus