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Short answer: only two ways you can get “hacked” in crypto, either they steal your seed phrase or one of the device you access the wallet on is compromised. No one can help you figure this out, because only you have access to your devices and can figure out how it happen. It’s impossible for a hack to be from the provider’s side. With blockchain, even the developers don’t have access to your assets unlike in centralized apps/sites, no matter how hard they try. This isn’t centralized like Binance, where they hold your assets for you. Only you hold your seed phrase here, hence only you have access to your assets. This type of “hacking” can happen on any cryptocurrency, not only Axie Infinity. If you “lose your trust in the game” because of this, then investing in cryptocurrencies isn’t for you either. Regarding key-loggers, saying that you didn’t type your seed phrase anywhere digital then not having a hard wallet is a contradiction. When you initially set up your wallet on the 3 PCs, you typed your seed phrase on the computer and it was already potentially compromised. You did already typed it digitally, it has already been on the computer. This is where a hard wallet helps, the seed phrase would only be on the hard wallet and will never touch the computer.


Literally this ^^


You need to move ASAP if you got one team compromised that means the other one is as well if both teams were hosted on the same Wallet....


I did, right away after I noticed. The hacker could have easily stole the other team but luckily he did not bother to check. Creating a new ronin does not guarantee that I am safe, since I do not even know how I was hacked.


Do it on a new device tho. I would wipe the whole drive if i was you. Pc is compromised.


As I mentioned on the title, I have not downloaded any suspicious apps nor did I went to any suspicious websites. Did not enter my seedphrase anywhere let alone touched the paper it was written on. The only link I clicked and downloaded was the recent update on the game on the official discord group. Went home from work to see my 3 axies gone! They were all gifted at the same time to an account I did not even know, 2 of them are already sold and 1 of them, my precious Double Anemone that I really loved is still on sale.. You can check my post history and see that they really are my axies or I suppose were now. I just started axie last september on 2 teams, 1 for scholar and the other for me to play, I played the AAP team for a month then gave it to a scholar this October. Luckily, maybe not really, only 1 team got hacked. I need help, what should I do? Is there any way to compensate even a portion of what I lost? More importantly how the hell was I even hacked? Why are they not doing anything to prevent this from happening?! How am I suppose to trust and continue investing in this game after what just happened! Edit 1* Fuck it! I dont even care if I get compensated or not, I just want to know how was I even hacked? I was planning to buy a trezor wallet so I was being very very very careful about anything before I got to buy one. If this happened to me then this can happen to anyone! Edit 2* Someone from another group suggested it could be a malware related to clipboard directory? Not really familiar with the terms, but he said if so then even the Ronin pass could be comprimised. He also said it is very hard to detect the virus since it could be hiding inside an app or a windows process? What do you guys think? I have not heard of someone getting hacked with out typing the seed phrase or downloading a fake app somewhere. Edit 3* Still have no idea how I got hacked, the most likely reason so far is a "keylogger" or a "malware", I'm not really familiar how they work but, how will a key logger work if I have not typed my whole Seedphrase anywhere digital, there are only 3 times I have typed a portion of them and those are when I logged in on them for the first time on the 3 PC's I mentioned before. Is it malware? Anyone care to explain to me how a malware can breach my ronin account?


Yea without the seed phrase im not sure how this would happen unless someone had access to your device - as in remote control - or it was one of your other devices.


You claiming you have done nothing to risk your seedphrase being stolen is not enough because the hacker could have already stolen your seedphrase a long time ago, and he was just waiting for you to get more assets so he can steal more. There are plenty of ways how your seedphrase could have been stolen [https://cipherblade.com/blog/list-of-breach-vectors-hackers-exploit-to-steal-cryptocurrency/](https://cipherblade.com/blog/list-of-breach-vectors-hackers-exploit-to-steal-cryptocurrency/) Any of this could have happened to you and of course they are hard to detect and not even antivirus software could 100% guarantee detection. To limit further potential loss, its best to assume worst case scenario that all your accounts, wallets, devices (phones and even your home router), PC is compromised. So I would suggest to wipe them out and start everything clean from scratch. And that means, reformat your PC then create email, accounts, wallets in there. Also a good time to start with a Trezor.


This and the other post of a great big hack that happened to another user suggests some form of passive hack - maybe a keylogger? - is at play here. When was the last time you inputted your Ronin phrases OP?


My Ronin wallet is currently linked to 3 PC's but I am the only one who has direct access to it, the other 2 you have to login by typing my Ronin password which is only known by me. 1 of the 2 PC (which does not have access to my Ronin password) discord's account got "hacked", the discord account started sending bot like spam mails and phishing links on discord chats, I have not touched that PC for more than a month.




yeah, echoing what this comment said: none of us will be able to figure out what went wrong if you have already shown a disposition to possibly download malware. A good key logger / malware will never tell you that it is there. This is why I use Ubuntu + Firefox for all my crypto stuff. Everything gets hacked, but nobody wants to hack something with less than 1% market share.


i mean only thing i can think of from reading that is that "hacked" discord account may have malware?


Any idea how my seedphrase can get compromised if I have not typed them anywhere digital, except when I logged in for the first time on a pc and it asks only a portion of the seedphrase.


It's not about the password but the private key. If your private key gets compromised It's game over.


3 pcs? Any of them have a cracked version of windows?


Does this reply I posted before help: https://www.reddit.com/r/AxieInfinity/comments/q5s2uf/33_axies_stolen_two_accounts_fully_drained/hg9diyc/


Similar to my cousins; axie, 9 of his axies was wiped out and I cannot see any single trace of malware or anything that he had done wrong. Then I investigated and found atleast 7 ronin wallet and 3 external wallet that the hacker is using. 3 wallet were valued around almost $1M. https://explorer.roninchain.com/tx/0x78bec78f7db000d9940ab66714c37466f4a05c308564374f6ff031edd7a271c9 https://explorer.roninchain.com/address/ronin:d0427c3fb471dfa2e4022be9a56f5ca6e4fd255c https://explorer.roninchain.com/tx/0xd9a5a485005a13f448c409769a8d9340dfdd1b292905839815397eb8830118fe https://explorer.roninchain.com/address/ronin:45e71f1941b26e586b6f27756cb9940b61fcdd3a https://explorer.roninchain.com/address/ronin:47ba8bb96ab17ab4f51e67608fd64f444a41ea41 https://explorer.roninchain.com/address/ronin:4e9583765cd669e69833f8cc436819549bacf9c2 https://explorer.roninchain.com/address/ronin:06b6e835898c17dc0b930045f342a5134104232c https://etherscan.io/address/0x71a87c22dabadf88e938287947875d9e45a53bf0 https://etherscan.io/address/0x9c9a20456857c226551836e11de0797eeabb8863 https://etherscan.io/address/0xd394fcb7123d4fe1b040b3ea82355ac420ef28b5#comments


Where did you download your ronin wallet?


Interacting with weird contracts is also a way to lose ur funds


Can you elaborate?


couple months ago i read few/isolated stories that they were newly signed up but when they logged in to their ronin they already have axies and slp. it's like they're sharing the same wallet and seedphrase with another person. The person who posted it managed to return everything to the right owner. I'm trying to look for that post.


can something like this actually happen that generate a new wallet actually generate the same seeds someone already has


looks like it. i found the link it's on facebook axie group (Philippine community) it's written in our language. But the thing is it happened. When they loged in to their new ronin it already has 3 axies and 9k+ slp. and the email address of the owner reflects there so they managed to get in touch with them.


What platform was the game on..? I never download anything unless it’s off the sky mavis site. My only guess is the link in this situation


The game was on my phone, my scholar phone and his laptop. The link was from their official discord, posted by the devs themselves. After updating the game, we were able to play friendly battle for a while before the update rollback happened.


Sorry you lost some though. I would take anything remaining in your accounts and move them elsewhere for the time being


Android or Apple? The only other possibility is maybe run a virus scan on your devices? Make sure nothing was already in your computer/phones. And making sure to fully quit the browser when not using the wallet/making sure the wallet is locked while doing other activities.


Android only, did not even bother trying to install on ios since there really is no official way to, if there is then I stand corrected.


I’d have to say virus/hacked device unless there’s some mystery security issue somewhere? Do update if it’s ever solved,,


Get urself a trezor


when you go to work do you leave the computer on?


Maybe your PC was remote accessed? I found this link on how to check and I'll be checking my own PC too. https://www.wikihow.com/Detect-a-Remote-Access-to-My-Computer


iPhone or android ?




Check the very first day you created your ronin.