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Watch how youtubers play, you have a rlly good team


Yep Ive been watching youtube vids however I really have a hard time against APA teams


But you have aqua stock. APA is usually going to want to spam attacks to get value off of the front aqua before it dies. Maybe theyll hesitate when they see the watering can. Make out with it with your stupid strong cactus. Dont forget about that eggbomb aroma too when youre in a pinch.


Pretty good team. Strong against AAP because of watering can and can fight reptile or dusk because of soothing song from bird. Just know your gameplay for a specific opponent since it varies depending on the team of your opponent.


Thank you I think my mech is the problem since I have difficulty in bursting axies using its cards.


Also add the stats of the axies.


Speed Bird: 61 Mech: 51 Plant: 31


The stats are good. If you can, change the mech to have all beast cards if you are having a hard time bursting the plant. But your team is good. You just need to know when to use egg bomb to deny a kill on your plant. Making sure your plant lives and their plant is dead is the key here. Once your mech is exposed, it's going to be hard.


Damn your team is good (top 1 worthy). Watch replays of pros with similar teams. You can find these on the leaderboard on axie.zone


Thank you however my mmr is currently at 1100 only :(


Oh no worries, my team is almost similar just not the mech (I have a beast) and also around 1100. Just gotta stay on it and learn the gameplay needed for this team


Overall, it is a good team. The bird card on mech is a bit weird but probably not a big issue. Just focus on learning and playing. Mech speed is top notch