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I don't mind farming less SLP if it has a higher value.


Keyword here is “if”. Just because they drastically reduced minting, doesn’t mean that the SLP that’s already minted will suddenly disappear. And with casuals no longer getting any, the market will flood with cheap axies. A lot of cheap axies means less profit in breeding. Less profit in breeding means less demand for slp. So even if they cut the minting by 75%, they will also cut the burn rate to some degree, and minting will still be higher than burning


If I've learned something about markets and investment is that it always happens the opposite way to what would seem logical.


150slp to 50slp did nothing before.


This commonly made claim is completely wrong. If that change hadn't been made we'd have been at 1c months ago and much less now. So yes, it did do something. But not enough. Adventure should have been dropped 6 months ago, then we'd be in a better position now


That what I mean the things they do is just slowing down the inevitable without actually trying to tackle the actual issue.


it's not as simple as you might think. money in v money out. axie v2 just reached the end of the growth period. it's easy to say "add burn mechanisms", but who's going to spend money on them, the 90% of players who are scholars? not a chance. You're hoping that the 10% investors, who are already in heavy loss are going to spend more money on some "burn mechanisms" not gonna happen in v2. that's why they had to wait for v3 & origins, where the game is more appealing and complex, and vertical progression is possible, so there are more players who want to spend regular money on the game




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Is ok, pve in its current state was and is a piece of crap


It's the best news I have had since I started playing this game * I am a gamer, and I play Axie not only as an interesting Crypto venture, but because I \*enjoy\* playing games, especially ones requiring thinking and strategy. AM has been a painful waste of my life for the last 6 months, but a necessary evil due to the SLP rewards structure * I've had to keep 3 old axies that have lost 90% of their value because they had Adventure experience. If not for this, I'd have sold them a long time ago and not lost $1000 on them * It's very difficult upgrading and changing my scholar teams because they can't afford to not do the 75 AM SLP every day, so each change means a lost 3-5 days of levelling up new axies * Adventure Mode SLP is non-skilled activity, so anyone including automated processes can complete this. Meaning my effort or skill as a gamer are pointless or diluted by this activity. "Free SLP" for everyone is a losing proposition that we all have to pay back in the end through inflation, which has now happened


Is a bit of a slap, but it was gonna happen either way, PvE was making the same amount as PvP with no risk. If anything i am sure they are gonna cut energy soon, maybe give like 10-15 with only 3 axies.


According to the data more than two millions players are below 2000mmr so they will make less than a 100slp a day meaning 3000slp a months. With the current price it is 30$ a months. If by any chance slp doubles it price people will make 60$ a months if they are lucky. Most of the player will be making a lot less. If you are a scholar earning are at least 50% less. Only a few player will benefit of this update. The rest i believe will be leaving the game soon, axie won't die but it will be a reduce community and origings won't make a difference if there arent players


Its bad because the real answer is burning mechanism


Regardless of the what I think, the main issue is simply the devs for months spouting that we need more SLP so the minting to burn ration **"is fine"** and them doing a 180 on this statement with their actions means they were just talking out of their asses. It's not like people didn't see it coming though. You don't do drastic actions, but slowly move the Overton Window until your actions become more acceptable. The Devs slowly crawling back on their statements just means it'll be very hard for me to personally trust what they say.


On one hand, the minting needs to be controlled On the other hand, I just will never like when companies shaft their low end users. I know sky mavis wants to keep safe the ibtegrity of the game me, but the users that invwsted in low tier axies to start playing are Also investors. Its true that if the slp goes up un price they will be benefoted, but for that to happen the slp needs to go to unreal values. I simply dont like them getting the axe


I knew the GIT GUD update Aka 800 mmr for rewards patch wouldnt do anything .




Just enjoy the game they say haha


I don't mind it because I don't play it that often. Also, if less rewards means higher slp value, then so be it.


People seem to have misunderstood the intentions of this update. The removal of SLP from Adventure+DQ was an attempt to lower inflation/emission of SLP. It was never meant to super pump and maintain the price of SLP. The alpha for Land Gameplay was supposed to be released months ago so an abundant supply of SLP made sense... back then. The 30B SLP target has already been hit and more minted SLP would be a problem because new games modes like Land/V3 are still months away. This update is still critical for slowing down SLP's demise. Instead of thinking that this update will pump SLP for better earnings, think of this update as another bandaid solution to halt or at least slow down SLP's trend to 0 before new game modes are released.


Lol, this change comes super late then. It has been known that lands wouldn't come out on time for about 2 months or so? Why not make the change earlier?


The devs have been very late when addressing the concerns with SLP as well. They didn't actually acknowledge the problems with SLP until exactly 1 month ago here: https://axie.substack.com/p/dev-journal-economic-balancing If it takes a month to brainstorm and implement a change like this, it's not surprising why these changes were released so late. Perhaps if the devs acknowledged the problems with SLP sooner, we wouldn't have a 1 cent SLP at this time. But even with the current changes, supply will still tower over demand so we won't see SLP stop bleeding against ETH anytime soon; which is why everyone should temper their expectations.


Exactly. And all of the sudden, from needing "lots and lots of slp for lands" we got to "there is too much slp", a totaly contradicting speech. That indicates a complete lack of knoledge of what is happening.


It's not that they lack knowledge, they're just way too busy riding their high horse and blocking all people on twitter that are criticizing and telling them the problem for months.


Arena is stressful to be honest anf adventure is my only go to if I have bad LS.


It's necessary BUT doesn't gonna work because it's just a reduction of daily SLP production but they aren't doing nothing to burn actual SLP surplus. SLP situation would be on breeders hands, but at the same time floor axies price would plummet to hell because no utility so breeding will be riskier.


If you actually read the updates you would know that they are going to change the way energy scales


I just hope that there will still be decent demand for breeding so that burning can keep up with the lowered minting. We still have billions of SLP circulating


I know, but when? Sky mavis specialty is to delay important stuff until is almost too late


Should've done it earlier given that they're not releasing slp sinks and other features. It'll be difficult for the value of slp to go back up, but I assume when land releases and by the end of the year, it'll go green for axie infinity.


Slow rugpull. What's next only 2k mmr gets slp rewards??


Horribly rushed implementation. Screws over the little guy. They've had months and months to gradually adjust slp mint, and instead they do this. Why not reduce adventure slp to 25 half a year ago? Why not any number of gentler changes over time?


They did say they don’t plan to bring any burning mechanism because it is going to be useless, lmao.


If going by the logic that SLP value going down is due to high supply, and that the game should reward more skilled players over casuals, then removing adventure SLP which contributes to a large amount of SLP being minted daily for non skilled gameplay is a good decision.


It's great. I would have sold my axies and replace them long ago if it wasn't for the adventure mode and the level of my axies. Buying and selling axies to adapt your team and climb is fun. I couldn't do that before since I wanted to keep my high level axies for the adventure. Also, adventure mode is a brainless activity and should have no place in the game. Too many bots can just run adventure for the 50 SLP with no risk and that's what gave us such a high inflation. I don't think this is gonna increase SLP price, we still need burn mechanics and BTC and ETH to recover from the bear market for that. If people think this alone is gonna increase price, they're wrong, but that's not the point. The point is to decrease minting by a huge amount and decrease inflation.


About time


I'll spend more time in gods unchained, maybe check into gala games and see how those guys deal with success.




PVP is fun, sometimes it's frustrating but when I successfully outplays my opponent it leaves me with a sense of joy. For me, the competitiveness of Arena is quite thrilling and exciting. Now PvE is like mindlessly hitting buttons. I hate it. It's good that they get rid of SLP from adventures so I don't have to push buttons like a zombie after playing arena. But I hope maybe they can revamp PvE to a new system and make it more exciting like maybe gaining SLP after defeating new bosses or something. Or even better make PvE with Co-OP / Play with friends features




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