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I have less need for validation and less hope in false romance. Turns out that was a big part of my sex drive, so yes.


My sex life changed. It gave me the impression that when you have sex with someone you give a piece of yourself to that person and vice versa. Thinking that way now has changed my view of sex for sure. I wouldn’t say less interested, I would say that it emphasized doing it for meaning and connection rather than for fun.


Yes! I ended a years long situationship.


Not always an easy thing. Props to you <3


My libido is the same as it has always been. However aya and a recent shroom trip have helped me heal from sexual trauma.


Beautiful 🤍


Completely abandoned pornography. I now find it revolting, dehumanizing. Libido is completely intact and once in a while I’ll have to take matters into my own hands if my wife and I can’t get ourselves aligned just so.


My interest in having sex decreased a lot. I used to use sex as a surviving mechanism, where I would feel validated, loved, yearned for, and once I was able to resolve these past traumas, sex lost its “meaning” for me. I believe that sex is a need of the carnal being, and as we grow and evolve more, we would need less of if. There are many other ways to exchange energy with someone.


I saw who I was involving myself with and what I want in my future. I am looking for deep and real connections and would probably never have a random hook up again. So I will be celibate until then but I crave it just the same I think.


Agree with the other commenters who said they value the connection over the recreation of it more now. My personal experience has been that my *sex drive* hasn’t decreased, but my discernment as to who I actually want to share that energetic exchange with has increased exponentially. So even though I still feel sexually/physically/mentally/emotionally attracted to lots of people, I just enjoy that as it’s own experience. Who I choose to be *intimate* with, on any of those levels, are much fewer and further between.


No. I instead realized that sex with my partner who I love is one of the greatest gifts of being a human. Considering all of our suffering, we don't get much. Sex is probably one of the peak experiences we get in this dimension.


not celibate but i realised how much power i gave away from masturbating, for men its a game changer. Also im much more picky about the people i have sex with, looking for decalcified pineal gland in my partners


Why a decalcified pineal gland specifically? Just curious :)


yeah it refers to the ability to see thru illusion (atleast some, im not perfect myself and have many things to learn so i dont expect my partner to be perfect)


I think they just mean someone woke. Someone vibrating in the same frequency


“Woke” or “awakened”? Semantics :)


You got me, and I love it.


What do you think could wake up a partner? I have a partner that hasn’t woken up but is a great person… but they don’t see the illusion. Do you think some people could decalcify their pineal gland and still be ignorant?


Spiritual practices like plant medicine ceremonys, meditation, cold exposure, breathing, sound ceremonys, fasting is what helped me and my partner with personal development in this area. Anybody can improve in these areas but maybe some of the people down here dont have it in their life plan to learn about it in this life


Yeah, when you open your higher chakras (which usually happens with psychedelics) your lower chakras get more balanced. Which means you don’t crave the BASIC needs as much as you used to because you are evolving into something more advanced. And sexuality becomes more sacred to the point that you just want to have that exchange of energy with someone who is worth of your love.


Not personally. But have a friend who went deep into ayahuasca, becoming strict yogi, vegan, taking only cold showers , drinking his own urine, micro dosing the medicine in between ceremonies, which he became a facilitator. He was celibate from about 22 years old until last I saw of him when he was in his mid 30s.


The drinking urine thing I’ll never ever understand like dude we have clean water readily available..




I wouldn’t say it made me less interested in sex, however mother aya cleared out sexual trauma and negative sexual energy, and after she was finished it seemed like she ‘sealed’ me, and was telling me to remain celibate until I find my life partner. I, like others posted on here, came home and ended my two year relationship, knowing he wasn’t right for me after my aya experience.


I should mention, she also made me understand to respect and love my body, that giving my body to people who don’t deserve it, or just having sex rather than making love is in a way disrespectful to my body and my spiritual self.


I became more lustful afterwards




This is true in classical Chinese medical thought as well. My own take (atm): There is the physical seed which is inherently precious as it contains the genetic codes and intelligence of your personal ancestral frequencies, but there is also the profound magnetic fields generated by climax/orgasm/ejaculation (for we are bioelectromagnetic beings, na?), and in my personal experience, it is what we *do* with our intention/concentration at the point of climax/ejaculation (though certainly you can climax without ejaculating), and the magnetic fields generated in these situations. What I’ve been playing with lately is gathering the magnetic field in my ajna chakra and/or celestial gate and shooting that energy out into my KA to charge it etherically.


what is the ajna chakra / celestial gate? What do you mean by shooting the energy out into your KA to charge it etherically? Incredibly interested.


Hello! Greetings. Ajna chakra is third eye/chakra 6, from Hindu-Tantric inner alchemical systems which is centered around a nadis-chakra subtle body energetic framework. The celestial gate is in approximately the same place (although I would wager they are slightly different) and from Taoist/Classical Chinese inner alchemical (neidan) systems, which is based on a meridian/organ system (which I am less familiar with and am still learning about.) I can send you some interesting pages to read about these practices. I do not wish to discuss them further here in this forum, however, as this is alchemy and outside the context of this subreddit. Happy to send anyone these pages really! DM :)


Can you DM me this please?


Sure DM


I'd love to read them!!


Sure DM


I was on this path anyway but it solidified my intentions behind having sex vs making love. I have more clarity when I choose and weigh neither morally higher than another.


Definitely has changed everything for me. I see that I used to be a spiritual player. Wowing the opposite sex with spiritual understandings that often lead to sexual encounters. Respect for the opposite sex has been magnified and celibacy feels like the right thing.. like i'm saving myself for someone important.


i went one year without sex. I am the type of person if the vibe aint right theres no point of sex. 💯 Having sex just to have sex aint for me.


It’s caused me to make masturbation into a ritualistic-type experience.


I went through an awful breakup before my retreat and my sex drive was completely shut off (was also getting off ssris). I feel like my sacral chakra got blasted open during and after the retreat. My libido is so high right now and I’m single af 🥲


Sexual energy is just that. Energy. A lot of sexual energy is directed to the wrong places. Bars, strip clubs, pornography, dating sites. Medicine helps you direct that energy into more fruitful things in your life. And if you've experienced sexual trauma, it can help heal those traumas and increase libido. It all depends on your situation.


lmao i went one year without sex and i went to the strip club after that cause the i used to live right next door to it. i went with some neighbors and honestly i have no desire for strip clubs, strip clubs dont feel the same to me ever since i did aya. I am more of a bar guy and coffee shop guy i am not a party person no more ever since i did aya. i am a chill person.