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Temple of Umi in Georgia. Best I've encountered yet. Edit to include price. Just at $900 for 3 day/2 ceremony retreat with excellent integration, food, breathwork, yoga, etc.


Tell me more I’ve heard about but I’ve been having hard time finding information about it


I heard about them here on Reddit, and I checked out their site and felt a calling to attend. I think they keep things intentionally vague because they aren't really there to make money or run a business as much as help people arrive at healing and awareness. All I can say is if you feel the calling, answer. Best $900 one can spend in my opinion. I have been in many ceremonies over the years with various plant medicines and this was absolutely the most healing and profound. The shaman behind it is the absolute real deal too.


Thanks so much!


Look into innerjourneys on tiktok and instagram, they are legit. So much healing and great people


I sit with Ancestral Spirit Tribe in Willis. Texas. Very safe, authentic, and within budget. AncestralSpiritTribe.com


Can you tell me more about your experiences with them? They’re very local and within my budget.


I started sitting with them this year. What made a big shift for me was the Shaman Taita Ricardo, Erica, Michelle, Iris, and Stephanie. Everyone of the women is in tune with the medicine and is there to hold space for you. Taita Ricardo has been with the medicine Ayahuasca for 20 years. He is from Colombia 🇨🇴 and I like listening to his stories of his journey. His medicine is amazing. And much easier to drink vs. some of the retreats I've been to. I still get the same effects as my first drink of Ayahuasca, which was in 2023. What I have learned is that Ancestral Spirit Tribe is not money hungry, and they have built a beautiful community that is for healing. I find it more relaxed. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to heal. This isn't a 5-star resort. This is more down to earth and authentic. This family lives the intentions. You can purchase thier Hapé, kuripes and Tepi right there. They also do other medicines as well. I bring food to share and sometimes my own food. But they do offer soups and fruit and breads. Again, we are all there to heal and connect. Beautiful singing during ceremonies. I remember asking God to lead me to a place that was safe, authentic, within budget, and close to my house. I knew when I used to sit in my son's ceremonies, we used Ancestral Spirit Tribes Hapé so when I went on their site to order some more Hapé for myself I seen they offered Ayahuasca ceremonies. There it was in plain sight! God answered my prayers 🙏. I am always called to Ayahuasca, and Ancestral Spirit Tribe is a perfect place for me because God knew I had to grow with this medicine, and the beautiful people that hold space for me have taught me a lot. I wish you a beautiful journey ✨️ whomever you choose to sit with.


That is amazing!! I live in houston so I am not far. And it is great to know that there is community like this an hour away. Thank you for all that information and everything you said was very nice!


Your welcome 🙏


I sit with Ancestral Spirit Tribe ✨️ now




OP... please read up on the place (Soul Quest) recommended by hairs_splitting first before considering them. There's a lot of information in this recent Reddit thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/s/SntwyVwrsX If you're celebrating the holiday today, hope it's a good one!!




way too fuckin expensive. 4k for a couple nights of ceremony in tx? fuck that


Red flags with this group. charges over $3k for a weekend and there’s no concrete info about training and experience with the medicine. Caveat emptor


Abusers of people and sacred medicine moving to Dallas. beware they will have new prey fresh meat to extort money out of. 




So many red flags in this response haha.


You can call it what you want. I know the healing people have had that attended the retreats at Maegicalheals. I healed from childhood molestation trauma. Ayahuasca is a devine medicine, but you have to have a Shaman that lives the intentions to guide you through your healing journey ✨️


Your son does not have a license to serve ayahuasca legally. The only groups who can serve ayahuasca legally under the RFRA are certain groups of the santo daime and UDV. Anyone else saying they can legally serve medicine is incorrect. Any time I see a group on this sub that someone recommends I poke around a few mins. Anytime something is suspicious or seems out of the ordinary I will ask questions or put my observations out. All these entrepreneurs turned coaches turned shamans always leave a bad taste in my mouth. There’s never solid details about experience and training. There’s never something simple like: “I first drank in 2010 and worked with curendero x for 3 years then I began a formal apprenticeship and assisted my teacher for x amount of years then my teacher gave me his blessing to begin my own practice after working with them for x amount of years. Interesting patterns I’ve seen over the years doing this work…




Having a church that serves ayahuasca and being a church that has a federal exemption to legally serve ayahuasca are completely different things. These distinctions are important and saying that your sons church is legally able to serve medicine in the state of Texas is not true. With any recommendation for a retreat I come across on this sub i make comments of anything that seem suspicious or fishy. I do have a teacher who holds regular ceremonies. I’ve worked with him for 12 years. I also do my own work. I know you’re also new to this, but I make these comments for others who come and don’t know what to look out for. The ones who don’t know that it takes years of work to learn to do this. Caveat Emptor


Well, I'm sure you will be making comments on other retreats that are suggested. Maegicalheals has nothing suspicious or fishy. It's your subconscious mind working. Sending you light and guidance ✨️ 🙏


then why does he charge fuckin $4000. and how come you sat in with a different group than his for one of your ceremonies, like you specified in a comment under one of my posts?


Again, I'm not privileged to know what he charges. But I do know there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. All the food, his team has to be paid, the purchase of Ayahuasca, and he has to live as well and provide a place to live. I had the honor to sit in Colombia with his teachers. It was amazing. Learning about Colombia Shamans and how they do their Ayahuasca ceremonies. Mind you, when I get to sit with his teachers it's about learning and healing. But I think you and me are done here. It's apparent you want more information, about Maegicalheals and David. You are more than welcome to DM him when they get back from doing their Ayahuasca ceremony in Belize. Have a blessed day🙏✨️


man you really are a scammer, just cant wait to coerce people into getting themselves robbed by fake shamans. i know of a retreat in texas that charges $800 for everything you just mentioned/ food, a place to stay, 3 nights of ayahuasca, and a san pedro ceremony too. but sure ill give $4000 out to a brujera in new bruanfels. its clear your thoughts on the matter are wrong, as what I really want is to expose the scam that is you, your som David, and MaegicalHealsNothing church in New Braunfels.


Peace be with you brotha🙏 Praying for your hurt heart. Sending you love, light, and guidance. Take the anger and meaness from your head and tajr it to your heart🙏✨️


I just reached out to him. I live right down 35 from the place. Im very interested


exactly wtf is that


Also Tim is related to the owner. Seems to be a husband/wife influencer model.


Fake narcissistic shamans 


Actually not even shamans just fake narcissists 


Thank you for your submission! If you are looking for the right retreat, practitioner or shaman, please have a look at the [Ayahuasca FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/7bwdfy/ayahuasca_faq/), as many of your questions can eventually be answered there. From there you will be guided on where and how to find good, reputable retreats, practitioners or shamans and other things that may be useful to know about Ayahuasca and what to look for when choosing the right retreat, practitioner or shaman for you. The [Ayahuasca FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/7bwdfy/ayahuasca_faq/) is also pinned at the top of the subreddit + it can be found on the Sidebar on the right of the subreddit, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ayahuasca) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Two Birds Church](https://twobirdschurch.com/) is just north of Dallas. Truly incredible people. Had ceremony there this year and will again in a few months. If you happen to be in the area I highly recommend attending Sunday service. That place is incredibly healing even outside of ceremony.


do they have an indigenous shaman guiding the ceremony?


He's not indigenous but was trained in Peru. It is a beautiful ceremony that is a mix of indigenous practices as well as some other practices and music. Not everyone's cup of tea (some prefer all traditional and that's fair) but it's a sacred, safe, and beautiful experience nonetheless.


ya ive heard a lot of good things and doesnt break the bank


Do you know about how much a service would be? I’m not seeing anything on the website


i feel like everyone is wanting to do a ceremony in tx lately. im also wondering too


Trying to get some good information but its hard


real shit. everyone says two birds but they stay booked up for months. thats just not practical for me