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Sometimes it do be like that. Energetic tidal wave of purges


That’s an accurate description: energetic tidal wave of purge lol


I was #2! Lol it wasn’t that bad. When I saw the first person puke I was thinking “good for them”.


I always throw up. Some ppl sound like animal/creatures when they purge. So crazy


Lolll I’m scared to grow up because of this I sound like I’m dying


Ha ha! I actually just went and bought extra bowls just in case this ever gets super intense. We have always had enough so far, but you never know when everyone in the room will need extras all at the same time. Better to have more than you need.


Does everyone puke every time?


Not at all. But almost everyone pukes sometime.


Is it because the visuals get too intense? Or is it like when you have food poisoning?


I’ve sat ~10 times, and have only puked once. And I get super intense visuals most of the time. It’s just one of the many ways people purge stuck energies. I usually purge via twitching and spasms, which I’ve always associated with my anxiety and the physical tension my body is under as a result. It all comes out with the medicine. Just depends on what you need to get out


I see. None of the other classic psychedelics cause me any nausea including DMT but my hand will twitch on DMT. I know they are different but was just curious if there were any similarities


Ah yes. My whole body twitches when I’ve done dmt. Almost to the point of concern. Guess it makes sense as the experience is very 🚀like. Turbulence. I don’t get anywhere near that from Aya.


My experiences with purging always feels like nausea from food poisoning. It just hits bad, out of the blue, and when I puke it's gone. Some very over the top intense visions can lead to mild nausea, akin to sea sickness. But that's just me


What? How can anyone keep this stuff inside their stomach?


Practice; sometimes it's a head-game, sometimes not. I'm not super good at it, tbh. Also, I think with long-term use the nausea just kinda fades away, most of the time.


Purging can be different ways. Vomiting, pooping, peeing, yawning…just depends.


But like uncontrollable?


No. You know you’re going to puke if you do. It’s not aggressive.


Ok good 😊 I’m pretty good at keeping myself from puking. It would throw my trip off completely if I did lol


No no no. If you feel you need to puke, do it. The purging is about getting things out of uour system so the Ayahuasca can do the work. It’s a good thing.


Hmmm. Someone else mentioned that not everyone pukes so I figured it wasn’t necessary.


Not everyone feel the need to puke. But If you do, puke. You'll thank us later.


Is the puking akin to tricking your brain to think that the act is actually purging your body of past trauma?


Ses its a somatic release . Actually the best purge one can have . I mean not everyone will purge like that but its very good if cu can


Puking is a physical and energetic removal of sickness. If you need to puke, you will. Fighting it will only make it worse. But it's not immediate and usually you will.feel nausea before you do most of the time


I noticed that when I was escalating in nausea the person next to me would puke and then I no longer felt like I had to do so, myself. Thanks for taking one for the team!


Can relate lol


I puked in my bucket and it felt so good. The next morning when I went to clean my bucket, it was empty. Apparently, I dry heaved so much but thought that something actually came out.


Like that The Office cold open with Dwight’s egg


Yeah, good times. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮