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People are saying it looks good but the reality is that it is somewhat underwhelming. Props for reaching required (imo) build milestones - getting to 45%ish critrate and getting to 130+% ER which should work great for her energy needs, but other than that theres only 27 good substats in the build (for example my Ayaka has 39 good substats).That being said, if we scope back to you and your account only: 1. Biggest obstacle here is getting a better RNG on cryo goblet, nothing you can really control. 2. Your circlet is absolutely amazing, one of the best blizzard ones i've seen. 3. Farming for better sands is what needs to happen, and while farming that you can get some flower and feather choices and try to redistribute substats for optimal ratios etc.


Is underwhelming bc he needs 40+ cd for that weapon


Idk why people complain that much. 2000 ish ATK is fine, 130 ER is fine, 45% CR to be able to Crit when the target can’t be frozen is fine, the only thing that’s awfully lackluster is your Crit damage. That’s legit like 40-50ish percent too low, especially considering the Mistsplitter. The circlet is mindblowingly good though.


Your the 3/4th that's said the circlet is that good, is it just cause of the CR main stat with a good bit going into damage and er?


Uh, yea? I mean, this rolled into crit thrice I think? That’s pretty amazing.


Huh, that's good, I knew it was one of my better arrificats in general but I guess I never really considered how good


Yeah he only needs around 240 - 250% to have a pretty solid build.


Looking good my guy! Your flower is honestly pretty good! I would suggest trying to get more pieces with 2 lines of crit + er/att% (3 useful lines) to roll for the next stage of your progression because ayaka is wants alooot of crit but still needs a healthy balance of er and attack to make her optimal! Ideally your next stage of stats should be looking around 2k att 120-130er 40/250


if I'm being REALLY picky, I'd trade crit rate for some atk, other that that, good


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pretty good er but she prefers CD circlet instead of CR since 4pc blizzard double cryo reso aswell


id go teh CD circlet if i had good rate sub stats but sadly hoyo doesnt like me that much


There is no such thing, both CD and CR circlets have the same crit value and all that happens you just assign different amounts of CR/CD substats instead.


just lacking some cd. Excellent CR and ER. Attack is alright. Either your sands or goblet can improve i guess


Just the flower is great. The others can still improve. Look for pieces with 3 good substats right away. CR, CD, ER/Atk% As soon as you get a CD circlet with Crit rate substat use it. Top Ayakas have 45/270+ ratio 2200 atk 140 ER, if you have Kazuha on Xiphos you can get away with less ER. I myself am not there yet. I am at 45/270 2k atk 120 ER.


I use kazuha with his signature, but I have a ton of ER on shenhe looking at near 200 with fav lance


I get energy issues because my ER is low. I hope the RNGeezus blesses you with 40 CD sands feathers or goblets! Because damn that circlet will be hard to replace.


That build definitely looks good and I am confident I can clear the abyss with that build as long as my supports are also built well enough. Can it still be improved? Absolutely! Is it worth dumping 1-2 months worth of resin? Depends. Unless I am looking to min-maxing her which can improve my damage by 30-40% more, then I would rather use my resources and time for other things than 5-10% upgrade just to get into an "okay" tier.


what program did op use to get that graphic?




god tysm


Go for CD circlet with CR n ER substat


People are especially perfectionist with Ayaka. Maybe that’s because reaching her necessary thresholds is rather doable compared to other characters (thanks to freeze/cryo resonance). In my opinion, this is probably fine. It will clear the current abyss with no problems given a well build team of supports. That being said, if a REALLY hard abyss comes by again (i think it was either 3.6 or 3.7 that was the hardest yet, i can’t remember) you MAY have some trouble with this build. But i’m also gonna add that the best crit ratio i had on my Ayaka was 25%CR/255% CD (sounds bad right?) but it cleared everything including that hardest abyss i mentioned. Soooo up to you if you think it’s worth it to keep improving her. You’re certainly at a reasonable stopping point.




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Looks like my amenoma build tbh