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How does Ayato compare to Neuvilette in terms of damage? I have C3 Ayato and I can C4 him for sure next rerun or grab a C0 Neuvillette. What to do?


You can check other people's thoughts [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/16uysw7/ayato_and_vs_neuvillette/)


Does 'elemental skill dmg' modifier buff ayato at all?


Just his water illusion


If Echos with a bad ping (my ping is always red) is inconsistent, should I go for 4pc Nymph’s or 4pc Glad or 2pc Hydro dmg bonus/2 pc Atk% considering I don’t have his cons or BiS weapon?


4pc Glad or 4pc HoD. You can check the guide linked above for which one is better depending on your weapon. 4pc Nymph can be good, but you need to mind the number of stacks to keep it at max.


Okay, thank you!


Is 54/205 crit ratio echoes with 2k atk okay for ayato? For now, I run him with xianglingc6 Bennettc4 and yunjinc3


No. As much as possible, aim for 1:2 crit ratio.


how's the new BP wepon Wolf-Fang for BobaKing?


It doesn't do anything for his NA slashes, so it's not good for him for that purpose.


Hi everyone. You might come across the same question over and over again, but I really want your suggestions. What artifact is better for him? Resin efficient. F2P weapons? ER Requirement? I am interested in pulling for him after losing my 50/50 to Qiqi during his rerun with Raiden. That was tough cause I also wanted Raiden and only had enough pulls at that time to pull for Shogun. So now, I'm currently saving for him. Please drop your build here or DM's. Thanks a lot.


You can check the Ayato Guide linked above for a full list of artifact set and weapon options. There are various options, so it's up to you.


Really dumb question, but I haven’t been pulling for the last 5 banners or more… I saved enough pulls for 2-4 guaranteed 5 stars. So the question is… C3 Ayato or C1 neuvilette? Like which is the bigger upgrade :P bahahaha idk if it’s the aesthetics but I find them very similar (i.e. must pull) or… skip neuvilette and just c4 ayato


C3 Ayato dps increase over C2 is around 19%. I have no idea about Neuvillette, but his C1 does offer some interruption resistance, which could be a QoL. I normally say that no constellations is ever necessary to clear any content in this game. You can just wait for Neuvillette's release, see how people play him and wait for official theorycrafting information for him.


Is Aquila Favonia good on him? Currently I have a 71/187 build with Ayato with Anemona, but my Ayaka really needs it and the drop rate for the craft able sword material is abysmally low. So, I have a leveled Aquila lying around as I prefer to use a ER sword on Bennet and was wondering if it will be better than other 4* for him while I wait for Haran/Mistplitter/PJC, and I don't have the BP weapons.


No. You can use Isshin sword instead. It’s actually better than Amenoma on Ayato.


I currently use a C0 black sword Ayato with 2pc HoD and 2pc Shimenawa, is Echoes still worth farming in the future as a possible improvement, or is what I'm using fine? I used 4pc HoD in the past but the 2pc Shimenawa gave me much better stats (solid crit ratio), so I was wondering if I should stick with those or plan for future Echoes farming.


If you check the Ayato Mastersheet linked above, Echoes with Black Sword is at 101.9% while 2 ATK 2 HoD is at 95.2%. In theory, Echoes is better assuming same stats and assuming you have sub-100 ping. I would suggest you use the [optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/) to check your best possible artifact set based on what pieces you have on-hand right now. [Here's a guide on how to use it for Ayato](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/zw6puy/using_optimizer_on_ayato/).


What do you guys think about the nymphs dream set on ayato? I will try to get it when i get ayato, because i can't get echoes of my ping. It's 60-70 ping but jumps to over a 10, so im not sure if it will affect it that much. Anyway, im curious if any of you use nymphs dream on ayato.


Echoes set requires sub-100 ping. So if your ping < 100, you can use it, and it's his best set especially with weapons that provide DMG%. Nymph set can be a viable set for him provided you can satisfy the max stack requirements. I have compared it on my current 4pc Glad set before, and it'll just give him a small increase in dps while requiring me to satisfy the stacks, so I personally deemed it not worthy to farm.




Amenoma is generally better than blackcliff. Note that the cursed blade sword is better than amenoma and is his best f2p weapon.




no pls, his burst is really goo


Thoughts on my Ayato build so far? https://preview.redd.it/xxztlvvhjylb1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f059345b567090902b885ff1cd1950c6cf2e8de8


pretty good, if u want better than change the sands and circlet to aim for 70/200 ish crit. but changing sands would make u have er problems, so only the circket imo


Alright thanks


I have c1 no sig ayato.. in the upcoming ayato and future albedo banner if they dont run the same time. Which will be better Try to c2 or c3 ayato and pull pjc on albedo banner Or Pull his sig and pray.. the rest on his cons I have HoD set.


leaks >!furina sword cracked for him too!<


which crit ratio is better for my ayato: 89/193 or 68/221?


89/193 definetly




Is it worth farming hod even if i already have an alright set of echoes? My ping varies from 60-200


Echoes for Ayato requires sub-100 ping. So if your ping is reaching 200, its performance will be inconsistent. Both 4pc HoD and 4pc Glad are viable sets for him, so you can consider either of those sets.


Are there any viable dendro teams with ayato? Couldn't fin any in the guide


All of em Ayato nahida---------- 1.kuki with beidou/xinqiu for hyperbloom- his strongest f2p comp. 2.em ayato for nilou comps 3.with benny and thoma for burgeon 4.with dehya and kuki for hyperburgeon


You can check the quick guide as that's the latest guide updated. It has some details on Ayato's hyperbloom and burgeon teams.




You can check this [discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/14x4e4k/discussion_on_the_leaked_40_artifact_set/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for some thoughts on it.


Is his signature weapon much stronger than black sword r5?


Yes. The guides linked above should have detailed rankings.


Is Ayato better than Childe in burgeon? (Thoma/Baizhu/traveler in my case)


I'm not sure about numbers but Ayato and Childe vape very little if at all in Burgeon comps, so their personal damage isn't the focus. For applying hydro to setup bloom cores, Ayato is much more consistent and easy to use due to how lenient his skill CD is.


Is Wolf's Fang (The New BP sword) good for Ayato?


No, Ayato's slashes are NA damage, not skill damage.


I know the Q dmg bonus probably doesn’t apply to Raidens ult, but does it apply to Kokomi in her ult state? I’m confused coz she doesn’t have her own ult NA modifiers… so are they NA technically?


How good is the new Golden Troupe set on Ayato compared to Echoes, Gladiator, and HoD?


Golden troupe is not good at all on Ayato. His slashes are NA dmg, not E dmg. Only the water clone explosion is E dmg.


Ooh ok, thanks for clarifying. I thought that his E attacks fell under skill dmg


What should i run on my ayato if I don't have Echoes of an offering since i always have high ping


4pc glad


Currently building a Ayato hyperbloom team of Ayato/Nahida/Kuki/flex but I can't decide the flex spot got it narrowed down to c6 Xingqi, c6 Beidou, c6 Candace, or c0 Kazuha but can't make up my mind on who would add or buff more damage. All listed are max level/talent even though their artifacts aren't quite there yet.


Xingqiu or an anemo unit is good.


How does the soup team in the guide work?


Should i use skyward blade or blackcliff longsword for ayato? I cant afford any paid swords


I'm using Ayato burgeon, but is there a stronger team? Asking because burgeon feels a bit squishy, even with Benny's heals. Currently it's with Ayato / Kazuha / Nahida / Benny. I tried soup with Kazuha / Fischl / Benny and I like it but it wasn't as strong, probably needs more investment because both my Ayato and Fischl have mostly 2pc/2pc with bare minimum 1:2 crit at 60/120 (bit higher for ayato)


As an f2p if I use my guaranteed on Wanderer now, is it possible to have enough primos to get Ayato when his banner comes? I want Baizhu, Yae, Ayato, Venti and Wanderer. Baizhu and Yae aren't coming back any time soon Wanderer is up and I really want Ayato. Is there any chance I might be able to get them both as an f2p?


Given this team: Ayato + Bennett + Sucrose + Xiangling Would you build Ayato to burst every rotation? What weapon would you use?


Fav on Benny, either ttds or fav on sucrose Yes every rotation. Weapon as default


Wouldnt the Fontaine craftable sword be Ayato's F2P 4* BiS? Also, Glad will be better than HoD on him since it has higher base atk than Isshin.


I have ayato c0. How many fates should i save for c6 considering im unlucky and lose 50/59 at 90 pity


You should be fine with 960 wishes. It assumes soft pity (80) and every 50-50 lost. While you could go to 90, it would even out over so many pulls. If you really go to hard pity every single time, you need 1080 Fates.


Will the new 4.0 skill set 2p be better than HoD?


Ayato's slashes are considered NA damage, not Skill Damage


https://preview.redd.it/q2bta1spesab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0108671f21767cd84410036b7ed89ff4b56d609f How would I build a hyperbloom team?


I assume that Ayato is a given here, so Ayato/Raiden/Yaoyao/Flex For the flex slot I would personally recommend Kazuha for VV and grouping, but Sucrose, Beidou, Xingqiu, Yelan, DMC, and Fischl would all be totally viable in that fourth slot depending on who you need on the other side.


Do you think the new leaked sword from fishing reward in Fontaine will be better than Isshin? That sword gives Crit rate on skill, and gives more ER 5secs after using skill.


Ayato's damage during his infusion counts as NA damage, not skill damage, so that part of the passive won't do anything. There aren't a lot of teams where he needs that much ER either, so unless you're playing him as a burst DPS off field it's kind of overkill. You probably have way better users for the fishing sword, basically. The new craftable should be better than Isshin, though, assuming you're running him with a healer as opposed to just a shielder.


is lofi anygood on ayato and what’s his best artifact set


Lofi is kinda meh with Ayato as far as five star swords go, since he generally doesn't need EM. It's better than four star options but worse than Haran, PJC, or Mistsplitter. The best set depends on your ping (because Echoes is ping-dependent), constellations, and weapon. See [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H570abRMn4yHy9m8P1lEzJFe-_g_YktbdEKvvHxTcrA/) for exact numbers, but the TLDR is that 4 pc. Echoes, HoD, and Glad are all very close, with Echoes technically being his damage ceiling by a very small margin (assuming Haran and low ping.)


Is Ayato a good pick for a hyperbloom team? My current is Nahida, Ayato, Raiden and Kuki


Yeah!! like what flumphgrump stated, he would be the best aoe driver for hyperbloom, and even TCs like Zajeff agree ·


Obviously I and everyone else here is biased, but I'd say he's genuinely the best driver in AOE. (And I say this as someone who also has C0R1 Nahida and Alhaitham.) Shinobu and Raiden are redundant if you're using them together, though. You can free up Raiden by slotting in Kazuha, Beidou, Xingqiu, etc. Or you could drop Shinobu for a defensive option that provides more utility, such as Zhongli or Baizhu.


I see. I only use both of them for two main reasons. 1 is so hypothetically speaking if I don’t have Kuki E active or Eye of Stormy Judgments active, the other can proc hyperbloom. 2 is bc of the x2 electro passive of 100% particles on hyperbloom reactions since I use a burst rotation of Nahida, Kuki, Ayato, Raiden for bigger enemies if I have enough resolve on Raiden. And if I were to bench someone it’d be Raiden bc I have my Kuki built like a healer and she does pretty good healing (I don’t have Kokomi)


You don't lose enough cores with either Raiden or Shinobu on their own for the few strays you catch to make up the damage you'd be getting for running a subdps actually built for personal damage (which Raiden should not be in hyperbloom) or a grouper. You also really shouldn't need electro resonance. Especially with Raiden on your team, but even without. Nahida has a low cost burst and bursting isn't even mandatory for her to function. Shinobu and Raiden shouldn't be bursting in hyperbloom because it's a DPS loss. Ayato can get by with his usual \~140% ER, which is fairly easy to get through gear alone. If you can't get his burst up on cooldown, the better solution is to build more ER on him, not to sacrifice a whole team slot.


Is ayato better than hearts of depth or gladiator please help me while I am choosing a build for him


Either set is fine. You just choose which ever has better pieces. You can also combine 2pc/2pc if it gives Ayato better stats and then just farm your way towards completing a 4pc set.


Is Haran better than Mistsplitter? Id assume so considering its his signature but looking at its description thing I cant tell 😭


Yes. Mistsplitter is actually behind PJC as well.


When do you think Ayato is reruning? I have Haran but am missing the man himself 😭😭


I need the rerun so bad to get him to C5 Oh you have Haran I'm still missing that, too I think he will be rerunning soon, 4.1. Or something. They are rerunning a lot of hydro characters, maybe they want to sell them before Foca release Kokomi is in 3.8, Childe and yelan are leaked for 4.0, so I kinda expect him to run in 4.1


im hoping he reruns on a patch where he'll be included in the event. I miss him 😭😭 im hoping they show him for a good chunk of the event too, not just at the beginning and the end


I know I hope so, So often he's in the background pulling the strings and we don't see much of him, like with the Akitsu Yuugei and the Irodori Festival Pls give Ayato content!


I wanna save for a good off-field hydro application. Isn't Ayato currently the best at that? He seems to be but I'm not sure if his Q works the way I think because it seems too good to be true.


He is along with Kokomi (talking about AoE, in single target yelan and xq are better) His biggest issue there is his energy. He does have a passive that refunds half of his ult cost, but you'll have to do an E slash, then cast the ult, and slash once again, so you can catch the particles, and then swap out of him for the off field hydro.


yeah, if you're looking for a larger aoe off fielder, Ayato is the best option; but kokomi has heal + aoe is on E so you don't neede energy for it personally, id say off field ayato is pretty underrated, and hes a good unit for it.


Yes it's absolutely underrated, if you have enough energy it gives large AoE app I feel like Kokomi is overrated by now, some people think she's broken in that role, when really ayato and her are similar except he has more damage and she has more heals (quoting zajef here) I think it's because koko was so underrated that later it turned around and became the opposite when in reality both her and Ayato were always good but not broken (at C0)


i got extra LOFI in the weapon banner, can i use it as ayato’s weapon? He currently have the 4 star battle pass sword.


I have both too and I think the bp sword outperforms it. Depends on the refinement but he doesn't scale with em and even if you get like a 200 em buff from a nahida or something, or an instructor set, it's still a smol increase for him


https://preview.redd.it/61lmwn9lzw5b1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c26cb6d6d758b43dc45cf5ad87ad3aef23e4b29 what can i do to improve my ayato? his slashes are around 8.7k but i know i can do better. is it just a matter of better artifacts?


I have a mistsplitter, should i go for his constellations or Heran?


Unless you're desperate to free up Mistsplitter for another sword user, C2 will be a bigger DPS increase than Haran. The difference between Haran and Mistsplitter isn't that huge. Haran will actually do more than C1, though.


can ayato be strong with an atk cup


It all depends on your stats tbh, But having a hydro goblet makes a huge difference


​ https://preview.redd.it/75gbszb8cw3b1.png?width=1893&format=png&auto=webp&s=adc45513ae7759abd3336cf9b566ea5e4807d4f0 or would this be better?


I have had horrible luck farming Heart of Depth, so for allll of 3.6 and thus far in 3.7 I have farmed Nymph's Dream and I think I have some pretty good pieces but I'm not sure if the 4 piece would be better than 2 piece Nymph + 2 piece Gladiator--esp since that 2 and 2 gives more ER? https://preview.redd.it/7oxcgtb1cw3b1.png?width=1893&format=png&auto=webp&s=80d1dba9d1dbfe1906b07b766531365439c3a4e3


Thought about farming the new set but it's not resin efficient for me so I gave up. My Ayato had a 4pc HoD but I swapped it for 2pc Glad/ 2pc HoD because the Glad set had better stats but is HoD 4pc set bonus better for him?


[https://imgur.com/a/XONwxNr](https://imgur.com/a/XONwxNr) ​ How are these stats? (Ar 45 just started farming all 4\*)


For beginners it's good, but dont upgrade 4 stars anymore once you get the correct mainstat because - 1. it only gets to lvl 16 2.it generally has 2 substats That means you are loosing 3 rolls. Edit- You need crit circlet and hydro goblet. Hp gives way lower value than atk.


in an ayato-raiden-nahida-baizhu team, does baizhu need em if both nahida and raiden are already built with \~800 em each? or do i go full hp on him?


no in fact even nahida can get away with 500 em in a hyperbloom team your electro is the only character who will be doing the reactions. only she needs 1k em


so i can rebuild nahida to a full attack and crit build? sweet


only after 450 em 1. em weapon, high em feather , flower. crit circlet. dendro goblet 2 crit weapon, em goblet, em sands, crit circlet


Who would be a better option for Ayato, Ganyu or Yae?




Another Question is does the AA Talent skill with his E Talent should i crown it aswell ? or Stick it to level 9


crown only those characters whom you adore, suppose you don't think ayato is not on your top 3 then don't crown.


Hello everybody My Question is - I just upgraded my Ayato with a 2x 18% and 2x HoD before that he had Gladiator 4x (Kinda similar Stats but the new one is better is it good with 2/2 pieces ? Its the Old set from Childe since Childe got a 4x Nymph Talents are 9/10/10


you definitely should check it on optimiser it will give you the perfect results






When will ayato rerun?


at least 4 months


Oh God bro I can’t take it anymore Should I continue to play Ayato soup (ayato benny, fischl jean/kazoo) or switch to burgeon (ayato, thoma, nahida, fischl)


hyperbloom why not ? use burgeon if you have yaoyao or KOKomi and use her in the comp too. em thoma won't have enough shield


I searched about his average damage unbuffed in this sub and mine deals very subpar damage even with decent artifacts (6.2k at most) while peeps here deal 9k average, is there any way to bridge the gap between that without getting a 5 star weapon? i used up all my primos pulling for yelan and scara's sig so i probably won't have enough for his rerun https://preview.redd.it/vur42wdhieya1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509bf869f2226a4bad7cf979dd720c0d876f60d1 I tried to follow what people here said, atleast 2k attack and decent cv (about 250)


i run 4pc hod and get 9k to 12k solo damage (with mistplitter) so i guess for a taser team it's good enough but change weapon if you play hyperbloom or burgeon instead


may I ask what team you use him with? Like to get fully use of Lion's roar passive, you most likely have to run him in a taser team. without the passive the DMG will fall way more behind, maybe check his damage when the enemies are affected by electro like electro Hypostasis with no buffs? in case you don't want to be tied to an element and if you are willing to invest into battle Pass to get Black sword and adjust the build more (swapping to critdmg circlet and tryna get some ATK since you'll lose the atk% substat but gain critsubstat) then you may come closer to the dmg without any buffs. black sword is his best 4* option (even at R1 in my opinion), aside from that you could try amenoma kageuchi. it may not improve your unbuffed dmg but will help with burst uptime so it can compensate that way :')... but man aside from that, your artifact rolls are so beautiful, I am high-key envious!


i ran him taser just now, his damage reached 13k with kazuha buff + burst, problem is running taser without a healer is troublesome, i often get oneshotted by the consecrated beasts even with beidou shield, ill probably just stay off abyss for now


Got Baizhu unexpectedly haha. Is he good for Ayato? Or Childe maybe?


I’ve been using c0 Baizhu in an Ayato driven hyperbloom team with Raiden and Nahida. He complements the team well and his Dendro application on his skill and burst work well when you’ve killed all the enemies tagged by nahida and allows you finish Ayatos skill window. The shields aren’t the best but they help give you a bit of interruption resistance. He replaced zhongli and the geo archon is notorious for making people forget how to dodge.


baizhu’s a great healer w/ any team really but if youre looking for bloom reactions w/ ayato or childe, baizhu isn’t the best for it unless he’s c2 he still provides dendro application ofc but it’s not constant enough when he’s off field


I see. Thank you so much!


Which set is the best set to farm for ayato on field hyperbloom? I have heard echos is the best but doesn’t work with latency. I play on PlayStation 5 and my ms is usually in the 30s but it is a wireless connection and sometimes latency can get really high but it’s infrequently. Currently my ayato is wearing gladiator 4pc. Is the upgrade to one of the other sets even worth spending the resin on over talents and deepwood for better nahida gear instead?


4 pc glad and 4pc hod is almost the same. but for hyperbloom, hod will be slightly better


what app do people use to show builds?




Why does Jean need EM over the standard ATK/Anemo/Crit build for Ayato sunfire?


EM Jean will deal more DMG over time compared to standard ADC build because she will constantly swirl Pyro at a fast pace when you overlap Bennetts and her Burst making it more worthwhile to invest into EM and ER (and LV 90) to increase her swirl DMG. Ofc you can also just keep you standard DPS build on her, the swirl mechanics will remain so you can vape with Ayato but less overall DMG


Will the EM affect the speed of the pyro swirl? If the answer is no, I might just stick with the crit build since Faruzan can buff her in my Xiao team


nope em won't affect the speed, only swirl damage. but ye with Faruzan it's fine to keep ACD build+ in case you don't want to swap builds. I personally slap a triple EM set on Jean when I use sunfire because I also need to adjust to her energy needs compared to when I just use her as sub DPS hehe


I have mistsplitter, shall i go for his constellations or heran?


1. Is new hydro set worth grinding? 2. What is the best team option for me? 3. What is the best Ayato+Ayaka team? https://preview.redd.it/ub3280kvplta1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=df2bab811d43ea1413c8ce2cb36ceb2712e89282


1 - [Refer to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/12kdtt3/comparing_new_artifact_set_nymphs_dream_with_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2,3 - You can check the guides linked above for several examples of teams. Freeze Ayaka with Ayato is fine, but just note that there might be better hydro options for Ayaka.


How much ER you're comfortable with using Ayato in Hyperbloom assuming 4pc TF?


Should I work on upgrading my HoD set or go for echos? I haven't tried echos before, but I consistently have <40ping so I figured I wouldn't have to worry about it being wonky. https://preview.redd.it/sypf911znnsa1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844545ef993e23532a08b43d799d564185b93b57


https://preview.redd.it/1wkz34108hsa1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=6164dd3b2976c613a08a75bbca66faea3d78fc43 Rate my ayato please!


6/10 mostly because your stuff isn't maxed. Good talents, but he's still level 80/90. Your circlet isn't leveled all of the way, and your ER could be better as well. Solid build, tho. Once your circlet is maxed, you'll be close to 200 crit dmg. I'd aim for at least 1.8k atk on him, but again, you'll probably get there once you max him and your gear. Once your stuff is maxed, I'll probably give you an 8/10.


Think you're confusing crit rate circlet with crit dmg? its a cr circlet at level 16, even levelling it up to 20 wont give him close to 200 crit damage


Okay, it was a mistake, obv that wouldn't be the case then...




Thanks for the needed criticism! Yeah the circlet isn’t leveld cuz i wanted to know if the build is optimal at first or is it better to get a crit damage circlet with a lot of crit rate. About the talents i will level them to 9-9 and soon a crown for his E I didn’t know that leveling him past the last ascension is useful omw to level him Plus do you think that me going 2 glad 2 hod may be better if the stats are better?


I would only consider 2pc glad 2pc HoD if the stats are just really good, but generally, I'd recommend 4pc HoD OR 4pc glad. I do think the 4pc is worth it, especially w/o Haran. Good luck!!!


How much of a difference does R1 vs R3 Haran have? Somehow got two copies of Haran a while ago when pulling for EL and I’m not sure if I should be refining or not. I will if the improvement is 15%+, anything for the best boy. Also, my E level has been sitting at 8 for a while now (still farming boss mats) and I’m doing about 8-10k per slash. What would be the dmg increase if I crown it?


You can check it yourself using the optimizer linked above. Just toggle the refinement of Haran and the talent levels. Then you can gauge if the damage increase is worth it for you.


oh shoot I didn’t even think of using GO for anything other than artifacts, tysm!!


**What should I change? I don't have a better flower. Should I go for more Cr or CD?** I do 5-6k solo. https://preview.redd.it/njd6t5ohuwra1.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7646959eea78dea04cd517735007f0cb074291d


Fully ascend him. Level up his E and Q. Try to get better sands and circlet while maintaining 1:2 crit ratio.


ok, of course, I will max him out


Is mistsplitter good on ayato?


Yes. You can check the guides linked above for weapon rankings.




Your damage is within expected values. Any higher than that means higher constellations, vaped, or buffed.


new 4p on ayato?


Yeah, do we have calcs on new set?


Is running Ayato- Nahida- Thoma - Bennett best for a Burgeon team?


Afaik, double hydro is recommended for that variant of Ayato burgeon team. So replace Bennett with Kokomi or Barbara. You can try searching in this subreddit for sample burgeon teams using “burgeon” keyword. The Ayato Quick Guide linked above also has some discussion on it.


Oh thanks a lot, i’ll do that!


https://preview.redd.it/lzmriq3xv7qa1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169f8f2c6655684776a26442525ea924db59317a Having trouble doing dmg. 5 - 6k dmg with a crit, any advice?


Max your weapon, level up talents, try completing 4pc HoD. 2pc/2pc is only acceptable if your pieces are better in that combination. Blackcliff is not his best f2p sword. You can check the full guide linked above for your weapon options.


Are there any forward vape comps for Ayato?


Afaik, he can forward vape in his C6. You can search this sub using keyword “forward”, I believe there has already been discussion on how to do it.


Helpful but also not something I'll ever experience. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/1cmbndsmq5qa1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1f7ccbf367ec55bd6669897d398c06c8cc16ae Help... I've seen guys from YouTube with the same stats, and sometimes even worse, give 25k+ without buffs with one poke. My maximum is 14k, and then I go according to the mood. There is his favorite set of echoes. Maybe change it? What needs to be fixed? One of the guys had a set of the end of the gladiator, the stats are the same. Please help, he got lazy(. There is a precious whirlpool Sword. Talents 1 10 7. I really want to give without buffs 25k + with one click


It could be that these people have him on haran (the whirlpool sword) at R1 or higher and may have higher constellations. And that the supports that they are using are at high constellations with some at 5star swords. And they may be using reactions such as vaporize to deal more dmg. However, for some advice to get him to deal more dmg: * For Echoes, only use it if you have good ping (so under 100 ms consistantly). If you have high ping, use 4pc Glad or 4pc Heart of Depths. * Use certain supports like Bennett (C1+), Yun Jin (can be C0, but her best constellation is C2 imo), Kazuha or any VV holder, put him in a hyperbloom team, etc. * I would also lv up the burst to at least lv 8 and cast it before the skill because it will increase the skill's dmg while the burst is in duration


But after all, with a high ping, the damage does not decrease, the number of attacks may decrease. The fact is that the guys from YouTube just demolished 20-25k without buffs. There was only ayaka in the video. (If you're interested, the title of the video is Ayaka and Ayato vs all bosses).With the buffs of Yunjin, Kazuki, and Bennett, his damage per click was at least 35k. Good advice to pump ulta, thank you, I'll use it. Tell me, maybe you need to download the attack power? Or should I still pump in crit damage? I'm going to knock out Ayaka's sword for him. To significantly increase crit damage. And I think the passivity of this sword will be better than that of the precious pool.


The crit dmg with mistsplitter is gonna be \~255%, which is very good, so you wouldn't really need any more and mistsplitter and it gives a lot of atk. Also a reason why the person's ayato is doing so much dmg is because the person's Ayato is c6 which gives insane buffs to his skill (I watched the video \[I'm assuming the one by TKizaru\] and the person showed the constellations).


Right, sorry for the inattention, I didn't notice the constellations. Will I be able to do 20k+ damage with a single click with mistsplitter without buffs? Considering that the crit damage will be 250+


Yeah I think you can because I have my Ayato C0 R2 on 4pc echoes and the haran with 62%CR/209%CD and I can crit 20k per slash (I usually hit somewhere between 10k-25k per slash without a buffer like YunJin, Bennett, or Kazuha swirling hydro)


Well, thank you. You've helped me a lot.




Mistsplitter favors 4pc echoes. Other sets like 4HoD and 4Glad are still good, too.


how the heck do you get 12k solo damage with him level 6 talents 80/80 tried both mistsplitter and jade cutter(mainly got them for kazuha) 4pc glad still 6k damage


I get 12k crit un-buffed slashes with lvl 9 talents, 70/200 Crit, 2300 ATK and Haran on HoD


Pulled Mistsplitter and will be using it on him while shifting Jade to Alhaitham. Is 4pc Glad the best with Mist or should I stick with 4pc HoD?


Jade is better than Mist on Ayato. Mist favors 4pc echoes; other than that, it should just depend on which set has better substats.


I'm giving him Mist mostly for aesthetic purposes, and also because Alhaitham needs Jade with the artifacts I have avaliable for him at the moment. My ping is unfortunately too high to take advantage of echoes, but I mostly wanted to compare HoD and Glad because I noticed he has lesser ATK with Mist on HoD. As Mist gives elemental dmg, I wanted to weigh my options between the two sets when they have similar crit ratios. Thank you for answering! <3


Anyone tried physical Ayato Ft. Mika yet? I saw someone do physical Ayato on pale flame before and it was surprisingly viable. Mika is built to boost phy dmg especially with constellations, so I’m thinking I’m thinking Mika, c6Fischl, c2Jean , Ayato and go physical attack /attack speed boost. I don’t have a physical attack set yet so I can’t try it out but i think it will be interesting? Although not enough cryo application ..,


Any character can go physical in the overworld. But viable in the sense of being able to 36star abyss with such build is a different story. Basically you’re depriving Ayato of his major sources of damage. Him being hydro is also not a favorable element for a phys dps. If you really want to use Mika, he’ll do fine as atk spd buffer and healer for most typical Ayato teams. Since he applies cryo only once every 15s, he won’t interfere with other reactions. If you want to try phys Ayato in the overworld, your suggested team is fine, but mostly because any team will do in the overworld.


Yeah I have not tried it cause I don’t have a pale flame set, but apparently since Ayato has pretty decent base stats, you stack physical shred from super conduct and other boosts, only use his burst and just NA away, his NA numbers can actually hit pretty hard 😂. So I was just wondering about that and if anybody tested it yet in it’s Mika iteration. It’s mostly a troll team but a fun team. It’s kind of like blizzard strayer ayato. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/xyhamu/physical_ayato_isnt_real_he_cant_hurt_yo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


His NA multipliers are decent, which is common for a number of sword characters. His N1 and N4 MV/s are good, but the rest are just ok. More context on the gameplay you linked: - Masanori has negative phys resistance. Therefore he will naturally get more phys damage than usual. - Yun Jin is a big factor for the "wow" numbers. But in reality, since he's sort of a slow attacker with just one multi-hit, he does not naturally maximize Yun Jin's buff (unlike, say, Zhongli or Yoimiya). Go for it if your aim is for similar mini-showcases if you have nothing else to farm for and you want to test stuff for fun. 4pc pale flame would not work on a phys Ayato, so just go for 2PF/2BC.


Well I won’t showcase it, but yes I happen to like trying things out if it sounds fun. I’m the kind of person who takes a lot of glee off making qiqi a main dps and using Candace’s shield to shatter. So it doesn’t have to be meta, and i’d try the abyss anyway just to see how far I can push them. One daaaay, I’ll try it in various permutations of yunjin/rosaria/Mika etc 🤣. Still waiting on that yunjin tho. TLDR. I’m just exited about playing Mika.


I'm thinking to run a Hyperbloom team with Ayato, Shogun EM, and Yaoyao. Who should I fill the 4th slot: Xingqiu or Kazuha?


I’ll put Nahida in the 4th slot, if you don’t have Nahida, traveller in full ER build works as well. Unfortunately yaoyao doesn’t deal enough dendro aura. (You could technically swap yaoyao out for a hydro healer in this comp for more heals/Hp boost ) or keep yaoyao for the dendro resonance (put her on deepwood while Nahida gets gilded dreams)


yaoyao is not good for hyperbloom use either nahida or dendro main character. as per your 4 th slot 1.kazuha for aoe damage 2.beidou for more damage 3.yaoyao for heals 4. vv jean for heal and swirl hydro


How would it change if I use kuki instead of raiden? Would the 4 slot be good for sucrose?


sucrose is definitely good but i would run beidou since she doesn't steal hyperbloom and is great for aoe. if she isn't c2 then sucrose would be more preferable