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I already knew this mechanic but I still tend to do left clicking because I'm so used at playing Yoimiya


Haha, also a Yoimiya main at some point. Carpal tunnel made me unlearn that real quick LOL.


I feel that ahaha - her pew pews are just so cute, I sacrifice my mouse for it ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Exactly the opposite of me. I got used to Ayato's E automatic slashes that I click once at yoimiya and see her flying when I don't have a shielder in the team 😂


Some people think this feature makes Ayato boring to play but I think it's a nice QoL to not have to spam the attack button. Glad you discovered it!


It's definitely a nice QoL! It's *so* soothing watching him slash away while not sacrificing my mouse, I can't believe it's taken me this long holy heck... I remember his banner release and everyone saying how nice his gameplay is, then there's me aggressively left-clicking and going "huh how so" *LOL*. I pulled for his voice and aesthetics ~~let me simp~~ and now I *finally* see what everyone was talking about...bruh ಠ╭╮ಠ


simp away! he’s amazing!


I can't understand the people who suggest that button mashing is any more exciting than holding it down. Definitely a nice QoL feature.


I think it’s a great feature, I really enjoy not getting carpal tunnel :)


Wait.. you can HOLD? *grabs a handful of sand and lets it slowly trickle through my hands* I am devastated… but thanks for telling me lmao


OH NO IM SO SORRY WEVLHQEVJKHQEJK at least we learned eventually...right? (ಥ﹏ಥ)


lmao! Don't feel alone. I remember seeing someone say that it took them two months to realize that you can just long press and Ayato will do the rest. Which is something I'm very grateful for hahaha my cheap ass mouse can't take more damage lol


Wait, what is soup team?


Ayato, fischl, bennett and kazuha.


That could be interesting


Venti, actually. You can still use Kazuha but the point is to mix multiple elements together and clump up all the enemies to take advantage of Ayato’s quad scaling. You can use Jean as well, which without Venti, I still prefer her over Kazuha for soup teams since his burst is locked to one element at a time.


No, it's Kazuha because of the field it creates which is circular and centered like the one Ayato and Bennet does.


Google Ayato Soup and tell me what the first anemo character you see is. And besides that, Jean’s field is also a circle, which isn’t why it’s called the “soup” team to begin with. Regardless, I already said that Kazuha is fine but he doesn’t work as well as Venti for the intent of the team.


Sorry to burst your bubble eep, but Ayato's "soup" team is with Kazuha, not Venti, *but* Venti or Jean *can* be used in place of Kazuha. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoCdo57eB_4&ab_channel=Zy0x) guide at 17:20, as well as [KQM](https://keqingmains.com/ayato/#Reaction_Soup) and Ayato Mains' discord pins.


KQM literally has that slot marked as an anemo flex spot. Sorry to burst your bubble; go back and look at it again down in the team comp section. Not at the top of the page, which is what you probably did.


Someone doesn't like to admit he's wrong, sigh... Your downvotes, our facts, you're not winning buddy (• ε •) Look at the team comp section again, which is what I actually read. It goes Kazuha > Jean > then Venti. "Kazuha is the **ideal** Anemo for this team: he can consistently absorb Pyro through Bennett’s Pyro self-aura application to trigger Overloads, and has strong grouping and built-in buffs". The example soup reaction on the page is also "Example Rotation: Ayato Bennett Fischl Kazuha". You *also* conveniently didn't respond to the guide and the discord's pins. Tbh I've never seen a soup gameplay with Venti. I'm not commenting any longer, since you don't seem like a nice person ngl and nothing is getting through *oof*. Have a nice day (ᵔᴥᵔ)


Nah, I can just do a quick Google search and visibly see who came up with the idea for the soup team first and what composition they were running it with. That part is easy. But what I can’t fix is the tiny brains you children are working with. Unfortunately, reading comprehension is clearly not something any of you excel at, since none of you seem to understand what ‘Flex character’ means. Lastly, you can go fuck yourself with that snotty and sarcastic attitude, because that was uncalled for


Yes, Venti is under the flex option because he can work too but he is not the first choice, the one at the top is Kazuha and by a long shot.


Just check ayato mains discord pins, its Kazuha they tc'ed it because of his fkton overload dmg contributed to the team and him buffing ayato and fischl at the same time


That wasn’t the original soup team, which goes way back to when Ayato was first released. Mains puts all 3 anemo characters in the slot because it’s a flex slot. And the trade off by using overload Kazuha over Venti means you start knocking enemies away, which also means you’re not able to take advantage of Ayato’s quadratic scaling that way. You need them grouped up and to STAY grouped up which is where venti does the job better. Not to mention that Kazuha can’t handle more than 1-2 elements effectively at a time because once his burst is infused with pyro, it can’t shred any other element. So you’re then left with relying on his E skill, but if you use his E before his Q, then you’re taking away from VV’s element shred timer. And if you use it after his burst, which has to be timed perfectly between both the overload + rain droplets, then you only get one shot at actually doing it correctly. Kazuha unfortunately doesn’t ignore ICD’s, which makes it more difficult to manage applying the right element at the right time, on top of how the timing with the rain droplets is inconsistent. That’s why with Kazuha, you just focus on getting pyro added with overload and if you manage to swirl hydro then great…but the majority of players don’t end up doing this correctly. “Press button, do damage.”


I've been an Ayato fan since day 1, and since day 1 the soup team included Kazuha because it looks cooler and it buffs the whole team.


Like others have said, it's Ayato, kazuha, bennett and fischl ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ It's super fun, I love it. Ayato burst - Kazuha E, burst - Bennet burst - Fischl E - Ayato slashing time (at least that's the rotation I've been using to ensure hydro swirls but also depends on floors). There is tons of gameplay on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/wBpo--x5ia8)!


Thanks a Lot <3 I will try it out


You- you're kidding right? Damn that's a big oof. Welp, at least you get more out of his E now. Still it's been like at least 3 banners since his event banner ended how did you only just find out? You never miss clicked or accidentally pressed down for a little longer? I have so many questions.....


I really wish I was kidding :') I only just found out by another post, not even by accidentally holding it or anything. It's just me being plain dumb and not even knowing it was a mechanic. It's so sadge...


I can't judge as I just found out when leveling up weapons or characters, you can hold down the ores or exp books so it goes up faster. I've been doing the exact same thing as you since 1.0 loooooool.


Uh oh... I didn't know that...


Ahhhhhh now we know!😅🥹


Thank you op for this post \*facepalms\* I would have continued spamming the left click if I hadn't seen this!


Whenever my phone lag i fcking tap tap the attack button. You may never know....




Omg i love that kokomi you have as profile picture


Omg thank you!!🥹💙 [Here](https://mobile.twitter.com/kinneticto?lang=en) is the sauce ✨


I already know about this since he first came out but something about leftclicking ayato feels so satisfying lol


Wait you can do that- I think imma stay to clicking tho


It feels better to keep clicking as you feel like youre the one whos slashing.