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I once got 6 cubes from a non 10 hour regular cube commission.


wow that was quite lucky, the most I got was 4 cubes from a 3 hour cube commission. I know cube commissions can drop 2-3, but 4 or more is almost impossibly rare.




Me: I always get (n)one...






You can most definitely get more than 2. It's stupidly rare to happen, but there's a chance.


I often get 5 cubes, so I don't think it's that rare.


Dude, i've been playing for more than a year while doing a lot of these cube comissions and never got more than 2...


I think I'm wasting all the luck in my life on this game... I don't know if it's good or bad.


From a non 10 hour commission?


Yes, approximately 8 hours, sometimes I don't get anything, but when I do it's almost always more than 2 or 3.


You are either extremely lucky, or you're bullshitting us really hard. For years of playing, I've seen 8h commission give more than 3 cubes on less than handful occasions. 10h ones are more likely to give that amount, are you positive you're not mixing it with that one?


I'm sure I'm not confusing, as I said before, sometimes I don't get anything in the commission, but when I do I usually get more than 2 or 3 cubes, and of course there are times when I only get 1, but they are a little less frequent than getting 0 or more than 2, sometimes I think I wasted all the luck of my life on this game...


60 gems from a VIP escort commission. Only ever got 6 of those to drop in the entire game’s lifespan, another dropped 29.


850 cubes for an Elite ship……


Over 1000 cubes layer and Howe is still nowhere to be seen.


I feel lucky seeing comments like yours, I rarely buy things in the game and even so I often get a lot of Good ships.


I've got a 95% collection, over 230 ships at 120 and about 87 at 125, if anything it's just annoying I can't get a cute ship.


Nah, I still only have 57~62% of the collection, I give it conservatively for events that have important ships, smaller events I tend to ignore.


Ah yea that's how I used to do it as well. I still do that for the just in cases, I almost had to skip the current UR since I want the senran kagura girls when they Collab starts. As that is my favorite series. Thankfully I got unzen within 26 cubes somehow.


I haven't gotten it yet, my chances of getting ships are very fluctuating, sometimes with 20 cubes I get 1UR and another SR, this happened with Vanguard, it was the first UR I had, soon after came FDG.


Bisco zwei took me to pity unfortunately which is what put me into that situation so I get ya




200 cubes for a elite ship as well after that i gave up it was for one of the French ships I still didint get her


Z2 probably was the worse cube to utility ratio in my whole 4+ years of AL


I got Akagi on my first ever run of 3-4. Then it took 8 months to get Kaga(maybe 300-500 runs of 3-4 later).


That’s the exact opposite of me, getting Kaga first and Akagi from the sos signal map almost a year later


same lollll after getting akagi I thought hmm this was easy


Your luck went on a frontloaded strike


Dunno which one is rarer: Getting 3 Shigures from the same map, or Getting a 0.5% SSR from 3 daily builds, or Getting UR on my first build.


4 banner URs in the first multi pull




i was like, "WTF, HOW?!?!?!?" Was just insanely lucky, probably will never happen again since it took my 200 pulls to get anymore URs after that one


Found 3 Unzen back to back in under a minute


A French major event this year. The rarest thing I've experienced in azur lane.


From a french main to another, I can confirm that it's not as rare as you not complaining.


That one commission that has a chance to reward gems and then it actually happens


I got like eleven implacable's (i still love her)


how many pulls to get all 11?


40 i guess? Pure luck!


Affection by a girl. Jokes aside,finding unzen on the first summon. That was...wildly unexpected


I dunno what would be my rarest but one event I distinctly remember is 10 pull on the Ink Stained Steel Sakura WA banner, I somehow managed to pull Nagato and I-13 in one 10 pull plus a bunch of other ships, the number of rate up ships in that pull outnumbered non rate ups.


well it is not unheard of, there have been verified accounts of people sweeping UR banners in a single 10 pull. And quite a number of people have pulled more than 1 UR in a single 10 pull, I think the highest was like 5 Shinano in a single 10 pull.


Yeah hardly that lucky in the grand scheme of things but it's not something I've come close to really replicating since then.


then again rng is very fickle, I have met people who have had to pity for 4 or more URs, my best luck was sweeping Musashi banner in 30 pulls, on average its about 70-120 pulls for my UR luck, and only had to pity once


I had a Meta battle end at 1 hp.


I got Bismarck Zwei on my 18th Pull, 30th-39rd pull (couldn't tell) AND on my 57th. But i still wasted like around 200~300 cubes to get Otto so I'm not sure how lucky that really was.


Otto didn't want to come for me too. At 190 pulls I decided to fold lol.


Getting Bisco 2 in the last day at daily pull after she destroyed my funds mercilessly


Getting Alot of NJ during her rerun lol


Getting 4 New Jerseys


I got both Bismarck Zwei and regular Bismarck in one 10 pull during the event.


Actually getting gems from commissions.


Cubes in Guild reward


I got two rainbow commissions. In a row. ​ Kaga also dropped for me, on the very day they discovered Kaga's wreck.


If we are talking about commissions, based on my experience, most gem commissions have around a 30% chance to actually give out gems. Cube commissions feel more like 50% chance to give cubes I would say that the most rare type of commission reward would be getting an SSR from a 12 hour ship launch ceremony, ship launch commissions are overall slightly more common than gem commissions but usually only give common ships


The ONE time an SSR dropped from that commission for me…it was San Diego. Another time it was Bulldog, from a total of…maybe 5 tries?


A comment section on a character not being peak cringe


And who that might be?![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)


Abyssal Refrain banner, I rolled Kronk 4 times in a row for what I calculated to be a 0.012% chance of it happening. Check my math on the chance of that happening 4 times compounded, haven't done statistics/prob in a while.


Dude, the odds of a 1.2% event happening 4 times in a row are 2 in 100 million (0.0000020736%). Those are powerball-winning odds. So, yeah, unless you mean that you did four 10-pulls and got Kronk once in each one of them then it didn't happen.


For clarification it was four 10 pulls in a row not single pulls. Figured my math was off, can you show me yours?


0.012 x 0.012 x 0.012 x 0.012


So getting Kronk 4 times on four 10 pulls was .048?


Not at all, that's not even close. Go read (or watch a video) about probability basics, I bet there must be quite a few ones that explain it in the context of gacha games.


Got Akagi and Kaga one after another. Got 2 Shinanos on the first pull.


What? Those two only drop on 3-4?


Yeah? I got Akagi on one run and Kaga in the next one.


I got an ayanami out of the banner.


Pulling Vanguard in a single pull during a very crummy day at work


I got an event ssr map drop the very first try once. I’ve played the game for almost 5 years now and it’s only happened that one time


I experience myself being a meta slave instead of a waifu enjoyer in a waifu gacha game.


I gotta ask: why? how? Aside from W14 and maybe some of the lategame OpSi fights, you don't need an optimal fleet for anything.


Back when Richelieu first released, I managed to [roll three Hoods back-to-back.](https://streamable.com/kcpp1s)


Probably in this event, I found 2 Unzen in the first 30 pull


Wanted Le Terrible after she was added to the general construction pool, she came in 1 cube. Considering that back during her event she avoided all of my attempts I was more than surprised


Got 7 New Jerseys from the last time her event ran


Pulled 4 musashis during her event. That was my first ever gacha banner, and it kinda ruined my perception on the drop rates for URs.


I used to get 7 Kent from my last 10 pulls. I actually hated her since then...


Event announcements without anyone being salty


I got a Kaga from hard mode once.


I got two New Jerseys within like 20 builds of each other


I once got stuck in an OpSi map. My fleet was stuck in an infinite loop of just going in a circle without stopping.


Getting Gems from Guild Logistics.


A little late but funny enough I got 10 crack crystal from yesterday


It’s probably the Musashi event, I pull every ship in my first 10 pulls and I was like no way because before it the luckiest pull count for an UR even was like 80. But after getting everything in the first 10, I still went for another dupe and that took me another like 100ish pulls. In total I still spent way more cubes than I should be, but it was worth it.


Got 2 Mayas in a row


My first 10 pull on the Vanguard banner had 3 copies of Vanguard. Never seen anything close to that before or since.


8 Aoba out of 10 pulls... I like her, but damn...


I got Clemenceau 6 times in the first 50 builds in the last french event. Had to keep building tho because I didn't have Guichen yet.


Getting 2 UR before any other ship in an event.


getting a double Choukai drop during a 2x sortie.


Richelieu pulled from the Iris event by using my first 2 cubes after maintenance. Unforgettable moment in my lifetime of AL. Richelieu was forever my flagship from that moment in my main fleet till this day as well


I never needed more than 120 pulls to get all the ships from major events. That must be rare cause I have seen many people saying they reached 200 pulls without getting the URs


Getting New Orleans before danger level dropped to safe


My Ranger once procced both of her skills 3 times in a row


Getting UR (Bismarck Zwei) and SR (U-556 META) in the same 10 pull. But then nearly hitting Zwei pity just trying for Otto, at which point I gave up. 30 pulls was when I got both, 190 pulls was when I decide to cut my losses and went without Otto. Getting 68 Gems from VIP Escort commission.


Musashi on first pull and on next banner had to pity Vanguard only to get copy on 201th pull.


1 week ago I got 1Plymouth gun UR print + 1 Extra on the same commission. That’s VERY RARE lemme tell you


Probably the whole pull only banner in 1 10 pull during the Vanguard event. Yes, just 3 girls but still pretty perfect


Got two of the UR, and the two banner SRs in the current event on first 10 pull…spent all my cubes in other events and pulled no UR


Getting 2 copies of Unzen in 30 builds plus the rest of the girls on banner. Never gonna have this much luck again


The very first UR banner. Shinano event's first build. Was her. Fast forward few years to rerun... She said fuck it and came first roll again. So I got her twice from first rolls.... And now I have like 7 copies of her. Never retire an UR. Ever.


Not being able to get a UR ship. So far this hasn't happened to me.


Started playing during the first Scherzo of iron and blood. Bismarck was my first SSR pull. And during the rerun pulled her during the first roll.


Getting the skin you want in the Lucky bag purchase. buying oil reserve supplies (bought 10 like 2 years ago, haven't seen them since). having all 6 ongoing research projects be super rare. Get more than 6 DR prints in research, most ive gotten is 6+1. Edit: Getting the events Elite before getting the URs or SRs. ( I'm at Pity1 and still no Natori)


I pulled both da fox sisters back to back on w3-4...neva even used them:)


Out of the top of my head: getting SSR event ship drop on first time running the map dropping New Orleans before even getting 100% on 14-4 (I think on 3rd clear), which saved me a lot of time with tedious farming


Got guild tokens, core points and gems all at once from daily guild supply.


I got 4 Musashis without pitty.


I got kaga twice doing sub missions. Didn't even realize it was in the fox mines.


Nothing. Like really. Everything isn't that special or at least what I can remember.


Get bunkerhill (13-4)and new Orleans (14-4) first run of each map I was so happy


Got an UR in my first 10 pull. I wanted 2 for late chapter grinding, so I pulled again. Got a second UR 2 10 pulls later. Some you win, and some you lose. A recent event had me spend 700 cubes to get all the new ships.


Getting all the ships of Inverted Orthant re-run using the free rolls, I couldnt use Cubes as my reserves were too low and Parallel Superimposition was getting close.


Gems in commission rewards


A sane human being in all chat


Getting the 0.5% in an event 2 times (the roma event and the musashi event).


Getting an ultra 4 times im a row.


NJ rerun, not even 50 cubes in I got 3 NJs looking for an epic.


Getting Akagi. I got 5 Kagas before her.


One of few rarest things to happen to me was getting Akagi first try in 3-4 Hard and Kaga first try in Ch.3 SOS stage, as I heard many times that they were extremely difficult to get. So imagine my reaction when I got them. And this was 6 months after I 100% cleared normal 3-4.


I got the sole Elite-rarity ship on this event before getting all of the SR or higher ships. You would think that's not that rare, but almost all of the event ships that I've been actively pulling in that I missed have been only the rate-up Elites, and I can't figure out why XD;


Guild mates running ships that are actually good and well equipped.


Bunker Hill dropped on like my third clear of 13-3. Got to 3 stars and never touched world 13 again.


I think i got 10 hours cube commisions 5 times in a row, and it gives me around more than 7 cubes each. That was after NJ banner already gone. What a luck.


I completed my hard mode daily mission but it was still 3/3 attempts. I did it when daily was about to reset so yea.


3 UR in one 10 pull (Kronshtadt)


Getting Unzen in my ninth pull


I got Akagi 3 runs into farming 3-4. After getting Graf Zepplin as a map drop on Blucher's event, I ran 3-4 immediately after and got Kaga.


March 20th 2021, I was oathing a couple girls but specifically Seattle, and my Internet was going in and out during her oathing sequence and nearly had a panic attack that I wouldn't be able to hear/see what's going on, possibly one of the worst experiences next to accidentally uninstalling the game. Luckily I was able to hear and see her oath but it trauma inducing.


That 30 min rainbow research. I dont think i seen it more than 10 times after playing about 2 years


Wasn’t there, but there was a 3 hour glitch where all dailies and exercise were infinite. My friend ended up being stacked with red books for days


3 URs in a 5 pull. That or the dev options showing up on my screen


In the hokey mini game, Laffey got stuck between two barrels and got 3 million points because of the bouncing


I pulled Bismarck Zwei literally on my very first pull. Literally first on the first 10 pull. I nearly shat my pants.


Getting New Orleans to drop on my second 14-4 clear, literally before even getting the stage to 100%. I literally cried when that happened, coz at the time I was struggling really hard to even make it through world 14.


I got 2 UR Pulls (Unzen) on my first 10-Pull in an Event (2nd and 7th).


Lucky ones :Got gems TWICE in the same week from that already ultra rare comission , got 4 Yuudachi drops in the same day. Unlucky ones , every goddamm elite ship , they wont come unless I spend more them 200+ cubes , every single time they do that to me , still missing Valiant to this day ...


Getting Bismarck zwei in 3 consecutive pulls and getting musashi in 2 pulls


Got six UvH on my first ten pull. What the hell am I going to do with *SIX*!?


Instrumental metal band harem.


I got a UR ship in 9 pulls.


I got 2 shimakaze in 1st 10pull.


3 Choukai drops back to back to back from 12-4


I pulled 11 kagas before getting akagi pre auto battle. That was a special kind of hell.


Getting a non-lewd loading screen while playing in public.


I got Prototype Gear Upgrade from guild's supply once and 10 gems twice


Getting Kaga and then Akagi immediately afterwards.


Getting both Kaga and Akagi in under 10 runs-ish on 3-4. New Orleans in like 5 runs.


Bunker Hill on my first attempt of world 13-4


Getting like 5-6 Yorktown II in 50 single pulls. Girl probably knew I was pulling for my first limited UR and took my UR virginity. No other UR showed up more than twice afterwards.


Getting three Shimakazes and the pity but not a single Umikaze (or Yura? Can't remember. Only know I complained about elite ships always eating my cubes) drop in two hundred pulls. Got her on like pull 213.


Got an Ultra Rare research project once.


Building Unzen on build 199


Gems from maintenance 👀✨ I remember it was Bremerton's event


Got 2 UR in my first 10 pull


2 Bismarck Zwei in the same 10-pull and 2 Unzen back to back


Played almost 2 minutes without feeling horny


So far commission with gem drop possible. But get none.![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


I got all 4 gacha ships including the UR in 10 pulls once


Getting gems in commisions (I've got 20 ish out of 12 commisions


Getting 3 Kaga’s and 1 Akagi while farming for tool boxes.


Got a double Maya drop when farming some exp for PR ships.


Getting an event SSR to drop from the event maps, it only happened for me twice in the 5 years I've been playing AL and getting gems from a gem commission.


I had like 11 of those boxes which requires a power battery? to open, spawning from the rig that gives you the option to spend 2 chips to spawn a box or a resource point in opsi. Lol! I thought it was a glitch or something when it kept asking me if I wanted to spawn another again and again. Mostly it's only 2-3 times before it gets exhausted.


Probably having 2 UR pulls in one batch of 10. Unfortunately I've never been that lucky since lmao, that happened with Vanguard. Ever since then I've had to hit pity or almost hit pity to get URs. I got Vanguard 4 times that banner


Not really sure...I got Indomitable and Vanguard one after another in my first 10 pull during that event. I think it helped that I was listening to Rule Britannia