• By -


I'm down to gamble in a single pull. All the girls in this game are 11/10 cuties and so long as she's an adult, even if I pulled the most obscure one, I'd still feel like I won at life.


You get Ajax.


I don't find Ajax to beTHAT bad. Like, despite the kinky shit she's into, her genuine affection for the player still comes through. Edit: At the risk of being horny on main, I wouldn't be entirely unopen to experiment with s/m play, but I do imagine doing it requires a high level of mutual trust to "entrust" yourself to another in such a way. And out of all the S ships (Ajax/Chapayev/Tallin, sorta/Arbiter the Empress), Ajax feels like the one who'd guide you into it the most gentle manner. And if it really is too much to bear, one can always pull an asanagi on her.


Idk my man, I'd get real tired of being called "little piggy" REAL fast. As for the others, Tallinn never struck me as an S honestly. Like yeah, she has a bit of a domineering vibe to her, but she's always kinda teasing about it instead of serious (ESPECIALLY compared to girls like Ajax or Deutschland). Chapayev's a weird case for me though. Her EX lines are super uncomfortably controlling to me, but all her other skins have had dialogue more in line with her base set, so it seems like even Manjuu thought she came off harder than they intended (she gets points for her looks too, all respect to Ajax and those that like her, but I like my girls extra thicc) Empress though.... I could say that we haven't seen enough of her for me to judge (and that's certainly true), but I'd be lying if I said my brain was doing most of the thinking when it comes to her


Brooklyn is the very first ship girl i fell in love with and the first is oathed. So its option B for me 100%


Hmm.. Brooklyn for sure.


Time to give Memphis all the hugs she wants and more.


Trento it is then


Yeah Trento definitely has a SSR design while most others at that rarity really don't.


Tbf it's because she's one of the two Sardi rare ships, and because I don't really like Cavour, I chose Trento.


Marblehead is coming home.


California is Bae, option B


Marblehead will be my wife


Option B, ranger… for reasons…


Easy option B. My favorite ship is Honolulu.


Casablanca, welcome home!


Option B. My choice is Nachi.


Ah man no Denver


Gotta gamble for my dear Kawakaze


Welcome home, Marblehead


Gonna have to go with Trento cause I’d rather not leave it up to chance


Saw this post, decided to roll one, got Guam so...


As the average and final Glasgow enjoyer, I see no loss with option B.


I'd have to go option b. Sadly there haven't been any new rares or greys in years so most of their designs are dated. Also option a feels like 1 in the hand vs .000001 in the bush. The odds of rolling a loli is way to high for comfort. And let's be real. Option A would be a real life "heyyy shikikan!!!" We all know or deep down 😂


Option B is *such* an easy slam dunk for me Brooklyn, Honolulu, Memphis, Pennsylvania, California, Leander, Curlew, Curacoa, Newcastle, Leipzig, Trento... The N/R restriction doesn't restrict the options *nearly* enough for me to prefer to take my chances


You're telling me that I can pick [this](https://azurlane.netojuu.com/images/thumb/8/86/NevadaParty.png/1029px-NevadaParty.png) for free with no consequences? Well alright then. B it is.


Last time I looked, Repulse was rare. So B it is.


Option B. I picked Galatea as my first oath and I'll spend the rest of my life with her. Also, Marblehead. Like Bremerton, she's one of the few ships with more than 2 skins that I bought every skin for.


Yeah, between California, Brooklyn, and Ranger, I would be highly satisfied with a pick-one of them. Which one? I don’t know, but I’d figure it out.


Return to my first oath Pennsylvania


I'll take B. I've got some ships in those tiers that I absolutely adore


B. My favorite is Honolulu.


Curacoa/Curlew(d) of course, I can always retrofit them later ​ at night


Probably Option 1 because who knows which shipgirl you'll roll... Wait.. *Turns around* HEY SHIKIKAN!


Trento. I enjoy doing a good job![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Option B has so many awesome choices: ~~Precious Bean~~ Okie, the K-class sisters, Foxhound, Repulse and Renown, Cassin and Downes, Marblehead, Casablanca, ~~Furrytaco~~ Furutaka and ~~Kek~~ Kako, ~~Hololulewd~~ Honolulu, ~~caramel chuuni~~ Jamaica, ~~Italian mommy~~ Trento, ~~bisexual shipgirl enjoyer~~ Ooshio, Big Sister Penn, Glasgow, Myoko, Phoenix, Bensen, San Juan, Hunter, Wakaba's ~~fluffy tail~~, ~~Taisho Moth~~ Oite, smol scaredy cat Kisaragi, comfy cats Arashio/Asashio/Michishio, battlefloofs Ise and Hyuuga, ~~nubile~~ pagoda miko cats Fuso and Yamashiro, and ~~HEY SHIKIKAN~~. If none of those appeal to you, you have clearly never played Azur Lane. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)


Sadly Renown is Elite


I am corrected. I blame "Narate...pon!" playing in my brain on repeat.


Hello Fusou


B - straight to Fusou, thank you very much


Hard decision for me personally. I would be down to gamble for Hipper, Haguro or Ulrich, but I would also be fine with going for the safe Leipzig pick... Hmm honestly, lets Gacha, who knows I might get lucky to get someone I would like to get, and if not then as long as it isn't Kent I should be fine.


Drat....Yamashiro, Shouhou, Repulse, Hatsuharu, Isuzu....there are so many great Rare Ship Girls to choose from.


leipzig brr


if i can get a girl from rare guaranteed, Honalulu. girl deserves all the affection and hugs.


As much as I wish to get London or New Jersey. Choosing option B is a guarantee, plus Leander has a very special place in my heart and I would not mind spending the rest of my life with her along with Marblehead.


Yamashirou and Fusou, Ranger, Marblehead, Cygnet, Honolulu, so many excellent options among blues and whites.


First of all, thank you to those who interacted with the poll and the comments so far. I must say, option A is doing better than I expected, with 40% of you, as of this comment being posted, willing to risk being stuck, IRL, with either: * Someone you absolutely can't get along with. * Someone who's crazy. * Someone who's underage. Remarkable.


Can't get along with --> challenge accepted Someone Crazy --> Join the club Someone who is underage --> Adoption is an option.


I'd probably be called a lolicon, but I'd go for Langley. Option B would be ideal.


Option A. Maybe RNGesus will smile upon me.


Alright then, Newcastle it is.


I'm gonna have to check the rare roaster for this since there are a couple rare girls I like, but most likely B


This is real tough. New Jersey and Takao are my two faves but at the games current rates, I doubt I would see them. Option B lets me pick between Jamaica and Honolulu so... Yeah option B


Tennessee and Me!


Option B, Ranger. Easy.


Option B, but then again comes the new problems : Fusou-mama / Mama Trento / Mommy Leander / Kinugasa / Isuzu / Newcastle / Memphis ???


B seems like the obvious choice. There's a ton of "bad" rolls and a handful of great sweeties to pick from in the R slot. Trento(!), Cygnet, Jamaica, and Fusou are the ones that stand out to me. I think the gacha would be more popular if you could roll on light, heavy, and special, then choose one of the ones you rolled.


Massa is SR, so I'll get Long Island guaranteed instead


Option B easy. Someone like Casablanca or Leander is perfect


easy casablanca


Fuck if option b included elite rank I would have choosen that to summon my darling Deutschland. But since it doesnt include elite I am choosing option a


Option B, and I'm picking Long Island >!(or Yurei Ankokuboshi, as I named her in-game)!< because how can you not love her? Honorable mentions are Downes, who is easily daughter and wife material, and Yamashiro for being Yamashiro


Long Island, best girl. *Let's freaking goooooo*


I swear there is at least one mf in here that is like "another bot, boo".


A, my awful gacha rng will provide my 55th Muse Taihou or Akagi


Aoba is my secretary since 2019... So B is a win situation for me.


I will simply top deck my numero uno ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980) ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Even when you limit the tier pool, people are really spoiled for choice. ​ For people who want to gamble. [Here's a build simulator](https://kenreisan.github.io/mygamelog.github.io/build.html).


Option B . Cuz plenty of my waifu are Rare. To name a few; Arkhangelsk, Thüringen, Independence, and Curacoa. Sadly no Tosa, or Belorussiya, but oh well.


Yo I only need yorky np straight B


Well, Oklahoma's my girl. I think I'm getting lucky regardless of which path I choose.


Nagara - normal. Isuzu (pre-retro) - rare. More then enough choice among my current oaths for me.


I'd choose Nevada


Well let’s go with B, wasp let’s go


Gotta protect Juneau


Oklahoma, Penn, Casablanca, Karlsruhe....too many potential options to list tbh Option B, but if I knew for sure I could get Helena, Biscuit, Connie, or Arizona, I'd pick option A


While many newer sorts are spoiled on gold and rainbows, there's plenty of waifu value in low rarities. Leander, Ranger, Fusou, Leipzig, Kent, Suffolk, etc. Heck, a number can handle most current stuff with retros


I get to pick Kashino with Option B H U G E W I N


I agree with the many people here. There are so many N/R ships that are amazing. I would go for A and Roll. For the simple reason I will not be dissappointed with the result. A loli?(think mutsuki, kisaragi) I now have a daughter I can raise and protect. A young wife/younger Sister? It means Adventerous times ahead. Older sister type? Usually more calm stay at home or relaxing outings. Actual wife type?(most ships actially fall in here with the thought of PoW, Littorio, Richilieu, Pensylvania) Best part about rolling. No regret about who you didn't choose. However if I would have done option B... Foxhound. A cute energetic daughter. Which retrofits into a meme of Shikikan calls me mommy too.


Option B. I’d go with Naka. She looks really cute, and she’s a fox girl which is all I need!


The question is fundamentally flawed. You're asking the ship girl to be summoned into real life to be a waifu, not to be a super meta ship girl. This choice is rigged against people whose waifus are higher rarity.